Audiovisual Materials Series, 1981-2003 and undated

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43 boxes
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Subject Cross-Reference Index
  1. 141 Communicator, box CL1
  2. 141 Worldwide, box CC66
  3. 1-800-Flowers, box NB6
  4. 53 International, box NB6
  5. 77th St. Streetwear, box CR21
  6. A&E, boxes CL6, NB6
  7. A.T. Cross (Cross pens), box NB8
  8. AAAA: see American Association of Advertising Agencies
  9. AAF: see American Advertising Foundation
  10. Aalborg Extra, box CL6
  11. AAMCO, box NB6
  12. AAR Partners, box NB6
  13. AC & R, boxes CC97, HR2, HR6
  14. ACE (Beckton Dickinson), box CC19
  15. Achenbaum, Alvin A., boxes AVO2, CC99
  16. ACP Gourmet Traveler, box CR10
  17. Activo (Warner-Lambert), box CL134
  18. Acxiom Corporation, box NB6
  19. Ad Club of New York, box CC4
  20. Ad Council, boxes CC4, CC19, CL6, PB75A, PB98
  21. Ad Partner, box CC5
  22. Adams (Body Smarts), box CC19
  23. Adidas, box NB6
  24. Admap, 2001 Oct, box NB1
  25. Advertising Age, boxes CC36, CC37, NB1
  26. Advertising Agency Search Service, box NB6
  27. Advertising Women of New York, box CC5
  28. Adweek, boxes CC38, CC67
  29. Agency, box CC39
  30. AIDS Foundation, box PB93
  31. Airtime/TV3, box CR26
  32. Aksjon 2000/Y2K Problem, box CR15
  33. Albert, Newhoff, and Burr, box CC63
  34. Alcon, boxes PB109, PB119
  35. Alis, box CR36
  36. Allen and Dorward, box CC63
  37. Allied Domecq, boxes CC19, CL6, PB129
  38. Alltel, box NB42
  39. American Advertising Federation (AAF), box AVO38, CC4
  40. American Advertising Hall of Fame Luncheon, box CC55
  41. American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA), boxes CC4, PB75A
  42. American Chemistry Council, box NB6
  43. American Chicle, boxes HR14, PB7, PB19, PB33
  44. American Cyanamid, boxes PB34, PB46, PB58
  45. American Express, boxes CR39, CR45
  46. American Foundation for the Blind, box PB75A
  47. American Plastics, box NB6
  48. American Public Transportation Association, box NB6
  49. American Standard, box NB6
  50. American Suzuki, box NB6
  51. Amgen, box NB6
  52. Aminoff, Susan, box CC99
  53. Amnesty International, boxes CR15, CR47
  54. Amtrak, boxes NB6, NB7
  55. Anheuser Busch, box NB7
  56. Animal Planet, box NB7
  57. Ansett Australia, boxes CR29, CR36
  58. Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, box NB7
  59. AO Safety, boxes CR35, CR48
  60. AOL Time-Warner, box NB7
  61. Apple and Eve Juice Company, box NB7
  62. Araldite, box CR20
  63. ARANESP, box NB7
  64. Arctangent, box NB7
  65. Argosy Casino, box CC19
  66. Arnott's, boxes CR20, CR29, NB7
  67. Aroyan, Edward, box CC99
  68. Arrid (Carter-Wallace), boxes CL6, CL30-CL38, PB93
  69. Art Perform, box CR20
  70. Arthur Andersen and Co., box CC63
  71. Arthur D. Little, Inc., box NB7
  72. Artzet, Edwin L., box CC100
  73. Aruba Tourism, box PB111
  74. Assistencia Medica Internacional, box CR47
  75. Assumma, Frank, boxes AVO24, CC99
  76. ASSY 2000, box CR36
  77. Asta Medica, box CR39
  78. Astoria Federal Savings, box NB8
  79. AT & T Business, box NB8
  80. Audi, boxes CR10, CR20, CR28, CR29, CR34-CR36, CR39, CR48, CR50, NB8
  81. Autotelegraaf, box CR29
  82. Avery, Graham, box CC100
  83. Avis, boxes CC20, CL6, NB8, PB44, PB64, PB77, PB88, PB93, PB120, PB130
  84. Baan Company, box CC21
  85. Backer & Spielvogel, box HR15
  86. Backer Spielvogel Bates, boxes AVO2-AVO21, CL7-CL10, HR6, HR22, HR23, HR45, HR46, PB28, PB75
  87. Backer, William (Bill), boxes AVO3-AVO4, CC100, HR43
  88. Bailey's Irish Cream, box CL118
  89. Baldwin, Joanna, box CC100
  90. Bali Company, box NB8
  91. Ballantine/Sauza, boxes CR20, CR39, CR45, NB8
  92. Bank of America, boxes NB8, NB9
  93. Barnes & Thornburg, boxes CR39, CR45
  94. Barnes and Noble, box NB9
  95. Barnett Bank, box NB9
  96. Basile, Paul, box CC100
  97. Bassell, Gary, box CC100
  98. BAT Romania/Viceroy, box CR13
  99. Bates Buzz, box CC40
  100. Bates Healthcare, box NB1
  101. Bates Latin America, box CR20
  102. Bates Media, box CC36
  103. Bates News, boxes CC40, CR41
  104. Bates North, box CC55
  105. Bates Poland, box CR12
  106. Bates South Africa, box CL6
  107. Bates Ukraine, box CR12
  108. Bates Worldwide, boxes AVO36, AVO37, CL6
  109. Bates, Theodore (Ted), boxes AVO24, CC100, HR15, HR43
  110. Battery, box CR39
  111. Becker, Michael, box HR41
  112. Becker, Robert, box CC63
  113. Beconase (Glaxo), box CL134
  114. Bed, Bath & Beyond, box NB9
  115. Beech-nut, box NB9
  116. Beefeater, box NB9
  117. Belfa, box CR45
  118. Bell South (see also SBC Communications), boxes CC21, CL11, CR39, NB9, NB10, NB42
  119. Benadryl, boxes PB93, PB118, PB125
  120. Bendelac, Stanley, box CC100
  121. Bennett, Steve, box CC100
  122. Benylin, box CR35
  123. Bermuda Department of Tourism, box NB10
  124. Bescoby, Janet, box CC100
  125. Best Buy, box NB10
  126. Best of Bates awards, box CC6
  127. Bestfood's/Entemann's, boxes CC21, NB10, PB86, PB89, PB121
  128. Beta (Sony), box CL4
  129. BGV PCS, box NB10
  130. Bianco, Zel, box AVO24
  131. Bic Corporation, box NB10
  132. BJ Wholesale, box NB10
  133. Bloom Agency, box CC63
  134. Blue Cross Blue Shield, box NB10
  135. Blue Galleon, box NB11
  136., boxes NB10, NB11
  137. BMW, boxes CR39, CR45
  138., box CR29
  139. Bob's Stores, box NB11
  140. Boda Nova, box CR20
  141. BodySmarts, box NB11
  142. Boeing, box NB11
  143. Bolla wines, box CL11
  144. Bonjour, box PB30
  145. Boomerang Tracking, box NB11
  146. Borden's, boxes PB8, PB20
  147. Bose, box CR20
  148. Boston Beer Co., box NB11
  149. Bradley, Stephanie, box CC101
  150. Brandwise LLC, box NB11
  151. Brazilian Transplant Association, box CR15
  152. Breck, boxes PB8, PB20
  153. Bridgestone, box CR29
  154., box PB93
  155. Brightline Technologies, box CL11
  156. Bristol Myers, box PB9
  157. British Airways, boxes NB11, PB71, PB78, PB86
  158. British American Tobacco (see also Brown & Williamson), boxes CR10, CR12, CC21
  159. Broadway Association Incorporated, box CC5
  160. Brown & Williamson (see also Lucky Strike), boxes AVO1, CC21, NB11
  161. Browne, Noel, box CC101
  162. Brune, Chris, box AVO24
  163. Bruns, Robert, boxes HR24, HR41
  164. Bryggentoveningen, box CR10
  165. Bryggerigruppen, box CR10
  166. BT, boxes CR35, CR39
  167. Buick, box CR29
  168. Bungey, Michael, boxes AVO5-AVO7, AVO25, CC56, CC60, CC69, CC101-CC105
  169. Burger King, box NB11
  170. Burroughs Wellcome (see also Warner Wellcome), boxes CC21, CL16-CL20, PB76, PB89, PB94
  171. Butt, Richard, box CC106
  172. Cable and Wireless, box PB131
  173. Cabletrom, box PB93
  174. Cabletron Systems, box CL23
  175. Cadbury Adams (Certs), box HR13
  176. Cadbury-Schweppes, box NB11
  177. Caffera, John, box CC106
  178. Caggiano, Tom, box CC106
  179. Caldor, box NB11
  180. Calgary (see also Miller Brewing Company), box PB40
  181. Caltex, boxes CR20, CR23, CR28, CR29
  182. Camel cigarettes (R.J. Reynolds), boxes CR20, CR26, CR29, CR35
  183. Campaign, box CC39
  184. Campbell Soup Company, boxes CC21, CC22, CL3-CL5, CL24, NB11, PB28, PB43, PB76, PB92, PB93, PB112
  185. Campbell-Mithun Esty, box CC63
  186. Campbell-Mithun Inc., boxes CC63, HR2
  187. Cancer Foundation of Western Australia, boxes CR15, CR28
  188. Cannon, box NB11
  189. Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, box NB11
  190. Capital One, box NB11
  191., box NB11
  192., box NB11
  193. Cargill, box NB12
  194. Caribbean Tourism, boxes PB93, PB106, PB111
  195. Caribiner, box HR3
  196. Carlton Ale, box CR40
  197. Carlton Gold, box CR35
  198. Carnival Cruise Lines, boxes NB12, NB44
  199. Carpenter, Tom, box CC106
  200. Carrier Corporation, boxes CR10, NB12
  201. Carter, Arthur, box AVO7
  202. Carter-Horner, box CR20
  203. Carter's New Little Pills (Carter-Wallace), box CL40
  204. Carter-Wallace (see also Arrid, Trojan), boxes AVO1, AVO7, CC22, CL6, CL25-CL29, CL40-CL42, PB10, PB21, PB34, PB46, PB58, PB66, PB89, PB94, PB99, PB107, PB119, PB129,
  205. Cartier, box NB12
  206. Catto's Scotch Whiskey, box CL118
  207. Cause of Results, box NB12
  208. CBS, boxes PB65, PB82, PB109, PB127
  209. CBS Broadcast Group, box CC22
  210. CCG.XM, boxes CC68, CC98
  211. CDW, boxes CL51, NB12, PB93, PB118, PB124
  212. Centenary Institute, box CR20
  213. Center for Communication, box CC5
  214. Century 21, box NB12
  215. Certs (Cadbury Adams), box HR13
  216. Champion Products, box NB12
  217. Champs, boxes PB93, PB108, PB122
  218. Channel One Communication, box NB12
  219. Charter, box NB12
  220. Chase, box PB123
  221. Chase Chemical, box PB116
  222. Chase Manhattan Bank, boxes CL51-CL52, PB10
  223. Chattem, box NB12
  224. Chemical Bank, boxes CL51-CL52
  225. Chemical Geoserve, box PB106
  226. Chevron-Texaco, boxes NB12, NB13
  227. Chiat Day, box HR3
  228. Child Relief and You, box CR10
  229. Children's Health Insurance Program, box NB13
  230. Children's Television Workshop, box NB13
  231. Christensen, Andrea, boxes CL26, CL45
  232. Chrysler Building, box AVO8, CC80
  233. Cincinnati Bell, box NB13
  234. Cinemax, boxes PB46, PB58A, PB67
  235. Cinnaburst (see also Warner-Lambert), box PB93
  236. Circuit City, box NB13
  237. Cisco Systems, boxes CL51, NB13
  238. CIT, box NB13
  239. Citgo, box NB13
  240. Citibank-Direct, box NB13
  241. Citizen Watch, boxes CL52, NB13, NB14
  242. Citizen's Bank, box NB14
  243. Citron, John, box CC106
  244. Cityview Apartment Homes, box CL6
  245. Clairol (see also Procter & Gamble), boxes NB14, PB21
  246. Clark, Chris, box CC106
  247. Classico, box NB14
  248. Clinique, boxes PB93, PB117, PB128, PB132
  249. Clinton (President William), box CC106
  250. Clio awards, box CC6
  251. Clio Awards winners, 2001, box NB1
  252. Clipper beer (see also Miller Brewing Co.), box CL3
  253. Clorets, boxes CR10, cr45
  254. CMGI, Inc., box NB14
  255. CNN (Cable News Network), boxes AVO8, CC22
  256. CNS, Inc., box NB14
  257. Coca-Cola Company (Coke), boxes CC23, nb14
  258. Colgate, boxes PB11, PB20, PB35, PB45
  259. Colgate-Palmolive, box NB14
  260. Comedy Central, box NB14
  261. Comet rice, box CL6
  262. Commodore Computers, box PB44
  263. Common, William, box CC106
  264. Compaq, boxes CC23, NB14, NB15
  265. Compuserve, box NB15
  266. Computer Associates International, box NB15
  267. Conagra, box NB15
  268. Conair, box PB12
  269. Concerta, box NB15
  270. Condado Plaza, box PB111
  271. Conference Board, box CC5
  272. Conoco, box NB15
  273. Consejo Publicitario Argentino, box CR10
  274. Continental Airlines, box NB15
  275. Cooper, Irwin, box AVO9
  276. Coors Brewing Company, boxes NB15, PB12, PB36
  277. Cordiant Communications Group, boxes AVO37-AVO38, CC84-CC86, HR11, HR49, NB2, CC66
  278. Corona beer, box CR26
  279. Corporacion INCSA, box CR40
  280. Corporate Angel Network (CAN), box CC23
  281. Corrigan, Tim, boxes AVO9, CC106
  282. Court TV, box NB15
  283. Courtemanche, Howard, box CC106
  284. Cousins, Geoffrey, box AVO9
  285. Coyne, Kevin, box CC106
  286. CPC International (see also Bestfoods), box CC23
  287. Cracknell, Andrew, box AVO9, CC107
  288. Crain's, box CC39
  289. Credit Suisse/First Boston, boxes NB15, NB16
  290., boxes CR29, CR35
  291. Croft Original Sherry, box CL118
  292. Crown Lager, box CR20
  293. Cuisinart, box NB16
  294. Cuisine Solutions, box NB16
  295. Cunard Lines, boxes CC23, CL53-CL56, PB93, PB100, PB108, PB122, PB128
  296. Cushman & Wakefield, box NB16
  297. Cutty Sark, boxes CR18, CR40
  298. CVS, boxes CC23, NB17, PB128
  299. Cystic Fibrosis, box CR28
  300. Dane, Max, box CL6
  301. D'Angelo, Art, boxes CC69, CC107
  302. Danish Distillers, box CR20
  303. Danish Rail, box CR20
  304. Dannon, box NB17
  305. Datek Online Brokerage Services, box NB17
  306. Datex, box CR29
  307. Davis and Geck, boxes PB109, PB119
  308. Dawn, box CC63
  309. DeBain, Debbie, box CC60
  310. Debreceni, John, box CC107
  311. Del Monte, box NB17
  312. Delaney, box CC39
  313. Dell Computers, box NB17
  314. Della Femina, Jerry, box HR41
  315. Deloitte, box NB17
  316. Delta Airlines, box NB17
  317. Demi-Tasse, box CL118
  318. Denehy, Micky, box CC107
  319. Dentyne Ice (see also Pfizer), boxes CL123, CL134, PB125
  320. Derivion, boxes CL57, PB93
  321. Desitin (see also Warner-Lambert), box PB118
  322. Deutsche Bank, box CR10
  323. DG Bank, box NB17
  324. DHL, boxes CR10, CR40, PB46A
  325. Dial Corporation, box NB17
  326. Diamond, Healthworld, and Waterloo, box CC67
  327. Dick-Rath, Deborah, box CL26
  328. DiPasca, Rodger, boxes CL27, CL125
  329. Discovery Channel/Animal Planet, boxes CR10, CR18
  330. Discovery Networks, box NB17
  331., box NB17
  332. Disney: see Walt Disney, box NB18
  333. Dolan, Bernie, box CC107
  334. Dole, box PB68
  335. Donaldson, William, box AVO15
  336. Donino, White, and Partners, box CC72
  337. Double Click, box NB18
  338. Dr. Scholl's, boxes PB37, PB47, PB58
  339. DRM, box PB123
  340. DTAC, box CR40
  341. Dudynskay, Michael N., box CC107
  342. Duffy-Mott, box PB33
  343. Dunlop Maxfly Sports Corporation, box NB18
  344. Dupont, box NB18
  345. Duracell, box NB18
  346. E & J Gallo, box NB18
  347. E.D.S. (Electronic Data Systems), box CC23
  348. Earth's Choice, box CR29
  349. Easdon, Don, box CC107
  350. Eastman Kodak, box CL57
  351. Eazor, Joe, box CC107
  352. eBook (RCA), box NB18
  353. Eckerd, box NB18
  354. Eddie Bauer, box NB18
  355. EDS, boxes CR10, PB93, PB123, PB129
  356. Egmont comics, box CR40
  357. Eisnor, box NB18
  358. Electric Art, box CR20
  359. Electrolux, boxes CL6, PB7, PB13, PB34, PB93
  360. EnBW Energy, box CR29
  361. Endless Pain, box CR35
  362. Energizer, box CL6, NB18
  363. Energy Australia, box CR10
  364. Epilady, box CR51
  365. Ericsson Cellular, box CC23
  366. ESPN, boxes CC23, CC24, CR10, CR26, CR40
  367. Estée Lauder, boxes CC24, CL6, PB113, PB118, PB124
  368. ETA barbecue sauce, box CR20
  369. Ethan Allen, box NB18
  370. Europcar, box CR45
  371. Eveready, box CL58
  372. EVineyards, box NB18
  373. Falcon Jet, box PB99
  374. Farmindustria, box CR10
  375. Fawcett, John, boxes AVO26, AVO31, AVO38, CC56, CC107
  376. Federal Voting Assistance Program, box CL6
  377. FedEx, box NB18
  378. Fidelity Investments, box NB18
  379. Fiedler, John, box HR41
  380. Financial Times, box NB18
  381. Finesse (Helene Curtis), boxes CL3, CL4
  382. First Response, box PB93
  383. Fisher Price, boxes PB57, PB93
  384. Florida Prepaid College Board, box NB18
  385. Florsheim, box NB18
  386. Follow the Rabbit, box NB18
  387. Food Network, box NB18
  388. Foot Locker, boxes CC24, CL58-CL62, PB93, PB106, PB107, PB121
  389. Forbes, boxes CR36, CR41
  390. Forest Labs, box NB18
  391. Fortune International, box CC39
  392. Foster, Archie (Archibald McGeorge), box HR41
  393. Foster's, boxes CR29, CR35, NB18
  394. France Telecom, box NB18
  395. Frankfurter Allgemeine, box CR18
  396. Frank's Nursery and Crafts, box NB18
  397. Fresto (Warner-Lambert), box CL134
  398. Friends of the Earth, box CR28
  399. Froelich, Bob, boxes AVO26 CC107
  400. Fruit of the Loom, box NB18
  401. Frutali (Warner-Lambert), box CL134
  402., box NB18
  403. Fuji, box NB18
  404. Future Kids, box CR48
  405. Futures @ Net, box NB18
  406. Gadzooks, box NB18
  407. Gamble, Robert, box CC107
  408. Gateway, box NB18
  409. Gaz Metropolitan, box CR12
  410. GE (General Electric), boxes PB93, PB130
  411. GECC (General Electric Capital Corporation), boxes PB99, PB110
  412. Geiger, Joan, box HR41
  413. General Felt, boxes PB101, PB111
  414. General Foods, boxes PB22, PB38, PB46A, PB54
  415. General Motors, box NB18
  416. Gentleman magazine, box CR10
  417. Gerald Stevens, box NB18
  418. Gilbey Canada, box CL118
  419. Gilette, box NB18
  420. GlaxoSmithKline, box CR41
  421. GNC, box NB18
  422. Go Beyond meeting, box CC56
  423. Goldman Sachs, box NB18
  424. Goldstein, Leonard, box AVO26
  425. Gore-Tex, box NB18
  426. Granath, box CR45
  427. Grand Bay Hotels, box NB19
  428. Green Mountain, box NB19
  429. Grey Advertising, boxes CL75-CL82
  430. Grignon, Perianne, box CC107
  431. Grolsch, box NB36
  432. Group Telecom, box CR41
  433. Groupom, box CR20
  434. GTE (General Telephone), boxes CC24, PB93
  435. Gury, Jeremy, box HR41
  436. Gymboree Corporation, box NB19
  437. Hackett, Randall, box CC107
  438. Haddad, box PB89
  439. Hahn, Carole, box CC107
  440. Hallmark, box NB19
  441. Hamill, Alex, box CC107
  442. Hamilton Island, boxes CR13, CR46
  443. Hamilton, Rich, box CC108
  444. Hart, Timothy, box CC108
  445. Hasbro Incorporated, box NB19
  446. HBO (Home Box Office), boxes CC24, NB19, PB23, PB39
  447. Health and Hospitals Corporation, box NB19
  448. Health Net, box NB19
  449. Healthmark, box CC63
  450. Healthworld, box CC24
  451. Hearn, Colin, boxes CC60, CC108
  452. Hearn, David, box AVO27
  453. Hefty, boxes PB14, PB35
  454. Heineken, boxes CR19, CR29, CR35, CR37, CR48, NB19
  455. Heinz (H.J. Heinz), boxes CL6, CR12, NB19
  456. Helene Curtis, boxes CL3, PB31
  457. Help USA, box PB118
  458. Herbert, Ike, box AVO11
  459. Hertz Rent-a-Car, boxes CL63-CL64, PB14
  460. Heublein, boxes PB109, PB120, PB130
  461. Hewlett-Packard, box NB19
  462. Hilton, box NB19
  463. Hindustani Lever, box CR20
  464. Hinton, Graham, box CC108
  465., box NB43
  466. History Channel, box NB19
  467. Hoefer, Dieterich, and Brown, box CC63
  468. Hoffman Advertising Group, box CC63
  469. Hoffman-La Roche, box CL69
  470. Hoganas Keramik, box CR10
  471. Holiday Inn, box PB93
  472. Holland House, box PB48
  473. Holloway Sportswear, boxes AVO1, NB19
  474. Holmen, Robert, box HR24
  475. Holten, Morgens, box AVO11
  476. Home Depot, box NB19
  477. Hoosier Lottery, box CC24
  478. Horton, Church, and Goff, box CC64
  479. House of Prince, boxes CR10, CR41
  480. Howard Johnson (HoJo), box PB110
  481. Howard Swink, box CC64
  482. HP: see Hewlett-Packard, box NB19
  483. Humphrey, Browning, and McDougall, box CC64
  484. Hyatt International Corporation, box NB19
  485. Hyundai, boxes AVO1, AVO11, CC24-CC26, CL65-CL68, CR41, CR46, PB51, PB61, PB72, PB79, PB93, PB125
  486. IAA (International Advertising Association), boxes AVO12, CC5
  487. Icon Megastore, box CR35
  488. IKEA, boxes CR13, CR28, CR46, NB20, NB41
  489. Imperial Tobacco, box CL69
  490. Inchape, box CR13
  491. India tourism, box CR20
  492. Indianapolis Colts (football team), box CC27
  493. Industrial National Bank, box PB15
  494. Infogrames Incorporated, box NB20
  495. ING Group, box NB20
  496. Ingalls Association, box CC64
  497. Instant Photo (Sony), box CL4
  498., box NB20
  499. Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia Preventiva, box CR47
  500. Integrated Health (TAP Pharmaceuticals), box NB20
  501. Intel, box NB20
  502. Interactive Edge, box CC27
  503. Interland, box PB93
  504. International Continental Baking (ITT CBC; see also Wonder), boxes PB9, PB45
  505. International Olympic Committee, box NB20
  506. International SOS, box CR29
  507. Internet Security Systems, boxes CL6, PB118
  508. Intuit Incorporated, box NB20
  509. Investor and Analyst presentation, box CC57
  510. IRTS (International Radio and Television Society), box CC5
  511. Israel Ministry of Tourism, box PB111
  512. ISS, box PB124
  513. ISS (Internet Security Systems), box NB20
  514. Ivey School of Business, box CR29
  515. J&B Scotch Whiskey, boxes CL118-CL119
  516. J.I. Case, box NB20
  517. J.P. Morgan, box NB20
  518. Jacoby, Robert, boxes HR24, HR41
  519. Jador, boxes PB16, PB19
  520. Jaguar, box CR10
  521. Jamont, box CC27
  522. JCPenney, box NB20
  523. Jaret International, box NB20
  524. Jenny Craig, box NB20
  525. Jergens, box NB20
  526. JetBlue Airways, box NB20
  527. Jhirmack, box PB79
  528. Jimmi Taco Sauce, box CR41
  529. Jockey, box CR21
  530. Jockey, box NB20
  531. Joint Recruiting Advertising Program (JRAP), boxes CC27, CL6, CL69-82, CR36, NB21, PB92, PB118,
  532. Jones-Lundin Associates, box NB20
  533. Joop!, box PB87
  534. Jose Cuervo, box PB131
  535. Joseph Garneau, boxes HR24, PB24, PB38, PB54
  536. Juice Works (Campbell Soup Co.), box CL3
  537. Just diamond, boxes CR10, CR21, CR29
  538. Just gold, box CR29
  539. Just Having Fun, box NB21
  540. Just My Size, box NB21
  541. Kahlua, boxes CR30, CR31
  542. Kahn, Dominique, box CC108
  543. Kaiser beer, boxes CR22, CR23, CR42
  544. Kal Kan, boxes PB15, PB25, PB35, PB45, PB59, PB68, PB73, PB84, PB101, PB114
  545. Kapsky, Mark, box CC108
  546. Kaszner, Charles, box CC108
  547. Kaufman & Board Home Corporation, box NB21
  548. Kearns, W.H., box HR42
  549. Kellam, Alan, box CC108
  550. Kellogg Company, box NB21
  551. Kennedy, Neil, box CC108
  552. Kenyon & Eckhardt, box HR3
  553. KFC USA (Kentucky Fried Chicken), box NB21
  554. Kinney Shoes (Woolworth Specialty Footwear Division), boxes CC27, CL83-87, NB21, PB87, PB119
  555. Knisley, Patrick, box CC108
  556. Knockando Scotch Whiskey, box CL119
  557. Knoll Pharmaceuticals, box NB21
  558. Kobrand, Alize, box NB21
  559. Kobs & Brady, box CL132
  560. Kobs and Draft, boxes CC64, CC65, CC76
  561. Kool (see also Brown & Williamson), boxes CL11, CL15, PB22, PB118
  562. Kost, Steve, box CC108
  563. KPMG, boxes CL88, NB21
  564. Krev, Mitch, box CL27
  565. L.L. Bean, box NB22
  566. Labatt USA, box NB21
  567. Lady's Choice (see also Carter-Wallace), box CL39
  568. Lancaster, boxes PB85, PB86, PB93, PB102, PB115
  569. Land Rover, boxes CR21, CR22, CR31, CR49
  570. Land's End, box NB21
  571. Larson and Bateman, box CC65
  572. Latino marketing (Bates South), box NB3
  573. Laxatives, box CL40
  574. Lazard Freres, box CC65
  575. Lazarus, Kara, box CC108
  576. Lazarus, Shelley, box CC108
  577. Le Meridian, boxes CR31, CR35
  578. Lee, Spike, box CC60
  579. Lego Systems, box NB21
  580. Leiner, box NB21
  581. Leisure Planet, box NB21
  582. Lenz, Bob, boxes AVO13-AVO14, HR24
  583. Leung, Matthew, box CL28
  584. Levi Strauss & Co., boxes NB21, NB22
  585. Levine, Paul, box CC108
  586. Levitt, Theodore, box AVO27
  587. Lexis-Nexis, box NB22
  588. Lexmark, box NB22
  589. Light, Larry, box AVO41, HR42
  590. Lighthouse, box NB22
  591. Lighthouse Global Network, Inc., box CC67
  592. Limited Brands, box NB22
  593. Lindt Chocolates, box NB22
  594. Lipitor, box PB87
  595. Lojack, box NB22
  596. Los Angeles Dodgers, box NB22
  597. Loto/Moet, box CR18
  598. Louis Rich, boxes PB46A, PB54
  599. Löwenbräu (see also Miller Brewing Company), boxes CL2-CL4, PB40
  600. Lubriderm (see also Pfizer), box CL6
  601. Lucky Strike (see also Brown & Williamson), boxes CL11-CL15, PB87, PB118, PB125
  602. Luxottica, box NB22
  603. Lycos, box NB22
  604. Lysol, box NB22
  605. M&M/Mars, boxes AVO27, CC27, CL6, PB4, PB17, PB21, PB38, PB46A, PB54, PB58A, PB66, PB73, PB84, PB101, PB114
  606. MacLennan, Ross, box HR42
  607. MacQuarie University, boxes CR35, CR36
  608. Magnavox (North American Philips), boxes PB55, PB76, PB87, PB92
  609. Magnum malt liquor (see also Miller Brewing Company), box CL3
  610. Major League Baseball, box NB22
  611. Malibu, box CL119
  612. Mandarin Oriental Hotels, box CL6
  613. MapQuest, box PB130
  614. Marchese, John, boxes CC56, CC108
  615. Marconi PLC, boxes CL89, NB22-NB24
  616. Marine Midland Bank, box NB24
  617. Marriot, box NB24
  618. Mastercard, box NB24
  619. Mattel Inc., box NB24
  620. Maxell, boxes CL89, PB114, PB123
  621., box CL89
  622. Maybelline, boxes PB13, PB21, PB36, PB58
  623. Mayer, Martin, box HR42
  624. Mazzuchelli, Robert, box CC108
  625. MCA/Universal, box NB24
  626. McBride, Gary, box CC109
  627. McCaffrey & McCall, boxes CC72, CL135
  628. McCann-Erickson, boxes CL108-CL109
  629. McDonalds - Boston Franchise Group, box NB24
  630. McIllhenny-Tabasco, box CR21
  631. McKennan, Jim, box CC109
  632. Meadow Lea Foods, box NB24
  633. Media, box CC54
  634. Mego, boxes PB25, PB34
  635. Meineke, box NB24
  636. Meister Brau (see also Miller Brewing Company), boxes CL4, CL5, PB40
  637. Melanson, Anne, box CC109
  638. Men's Wearhouse, box NB24
  639. Mercedes Benz, boxes CR11, CR21, CR24, CR331, CR424
  640. Met Life (Metropolitan Life Insurance), box NB24
  641. Metropolitan Museum of Art, boxes CL90, PB75A
  642. MG, box CR42
  643. MH20, box NB24
  644. Michelin North America, box NB24
  645. Michelob (Anheuser Busch), box PB45
  646. Midas Inc., box NB24
  647. Midtown Golf, box CL6
  648. Midway Games, box NB24
  649., box NB24
  650. Millennium Foundation, boxes CR16, CR28
  651. Miller Brewing Company, boxes CC27-CC29, CL91-CL112, PB2, PB6, PB40, PB56, PB69, PB83, PB87, PB97, PB112
  652. Miller High Life (see also Miller Brewing Company), boxes CL1-CL5
  653. Mini Cooper, box CR45
  654. Minute Maid, box NB24
  655. Mobil, boxes PB14, PB45
  656. Modell's, box NB24
  657. Mohegan Sun, box NB24
  658. Molson Breweries, box NB24
  659. Monahan, Tom, box CC60
  660. Monarch Pharmaceuticals (Altace), box NB24
  661., boxes AVO1, NB24
  662. Montgelas, Rudolph, box HR42
  663. Montgomery Ward, box NB24
  664. Morgan Anderson & Co., box NB25
  665. Morris, Mark, boxes AVO28, CC56, CC109, CL16, HR42
  666. Motorola, boxes NB25, NB26
  667. Mount Sinai, box CC29
  668. Mova Regional, box CR28
  669. MP Total Care, box NB26
  670. Mr. Hero, box NB26
  671. Murata Electronics, boxes CL6, CL113, CR35, PB118, PB124
  672. Murray, John, box AVO13
  673. Museum of Television and Radio, box CC5
  674. Music Bank, box NB26
  675. Mustang/Joop! Jeans, boxes PB86, PB102, PB115
  676., box NB26
  677. Myanmar Brewery, box CL6
  678. Nabisco, boxes HR14, PB13
  679. Nadler and Larimer, box CC66
  680. Nair, boxes PB87, PB118
  681. Napa Auto Parts, box NB26
  682. National Discount Brokers, box NB26
  683. National Geographic, boxes CL113, CR50
  684. Nationwide Advertising Service, box CC66
  685. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), box CC29
  686. NCR, boxes CL4, CL5, PB49
  687. Needham Harper & Steers, box HR3
  688. Neogenic Pharmaceuticals, box NB26
  689. Neosporin (see also Warner-Lambert), boxes CL6, PB87
  690. Nestlé Purina, box NB26
  691. Net2Phone, box NB26
  692. Neupogen, box NB26
  693. New Moment Design, box CR21
  694. New World Mobility, boxes CR35, CR49
  695. New York Knicks, box NB27
  696. New York Landmarks Preservation Commission, box CC29
  697. New York Lottery, boxes NB26, NB27
  698. New York Public Library, box CC5
  699. New York Racing Association, boxes PB81, PB90, PB103
  700. New York Times, box NB27
  701. Newman, Richard, box CC109
  702. Nextel, box NB27
  703. Nicorette, box HR14
  704. Nike Inc., box NB27
  705. Nikon, boxes NB27, NB45
  706. No Regrets, box CR36
  707. Nokia, boxes CR11, CR18, CR23, CR24, CR28, CR32, CR35, CR49, CR50, NB27, NB43
  708. Norman, Craig, and Kummel, box CC66
  709. North American Philips (Magnavox), boxes CC29, PB55
  710. Northern Telecom (Nortel), boxes NB27, PB72, PB79, PB82
  711. Northwest Airline, box NB27
  712. Novartis, box NB27
  713. Noxell, box PB31
  714. Nutro Products, box NB27
  715. NYSE, box CC69
  716. NZ Cheese, box CR11
  717. Oakley, box NB27
  718. Ocean Spray, boxes NB27, PB7
  719. Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), boxes CC29, NB27, NB28
  720. Old Forester, box CL6
  721. Old Navy, box NB27
  722. Once, boxes CR33, CR35
  723. One Club for Art and Copy, box CC5
  724. Onida, box CR46
  725. Opensite, box CL113
  726. Operation Graduation, box NB28
  727. Opportunity in Diversity presentation, box CC57
  728. Optimum Online, box NB28
  729. Oracle Corporation, box NB28
  730. Organ Donation Center of Thailand, box CR16
  731. Origins, boxes PB110, PB126
  732. Orion Pictures, box CC29
  733. Orion Telecommunications, box NB28
  734. Orkin, box NB28
  735. Orlando/Orange Country Convention & Visitors Bureau, box NB28
  736. Oronite (ChevronTexaco), box CL6
  737. Osborn, Rick, box CC109
  738. Outdoor Life Network, box NB28
  739. Pacific Sunwear (PacSun), boxes CC29, CR33, NB28
  740. Paddington Corporation, boxes CL114-CL119, PB26, PB32, PB42, PB52, PB62
  741. Palm Bay Imports, box NB28
  742. Panasonic, boxes PB4, PB17, PB27, PB41, PB46A. PB47, PB59
  743. Papagiannacopoulos, Yannis, box CC109
  744. Parke-Davis, box NB28
  745. Parker, Osbert, box AVO28
  746. Parliament (Philip Morris), boxes PB53, PB63, PB74
  747. Parmalat, boxes CC29, NB28, NB29
  748. Partnership for a Drug Free America, boxes CC30, PB129
  749. Paster, Harry, box AVO14
  750. Peace Corps, boxes CC30, CL120-CL122, NB38
  751. Pearl & Dean, box CR13
  752. Pearl Drops (Carter-Wallace), box CL43
  753. Pearson, Steve, box AVO28
  754. Pep Boys, boxes AVO14, NB29
  755. Perrier, boxes PB110, PB126
  756. Person, Sarah, box CC109
  757., boxes AVO1, NB29
  758. Petsmart, boxes NB29, NB30
  759. Peugeot, box CR13
  760. Pfizer, boxes CL123-CL124, CR13, PB7, PB38, PB46A, PB54, PB68
  761. Pfizer-Lipitor, box NB30
  762. Pharmacia Upjohn, box CR42
  763. Philips Electronics (see also North American Philips), box NB30
  764. Philips-Van Heusen, box NB30
  765. Photonica, box CR13
  766. Picon, Mindy, box CL114
  767. Pier 1 Imports, box NB30
  768. Piker Geroge, box PB36
  769. Pinkham, Richard, box HR42
  770. Pioneer Electronics, box NB30
  771. Pironen, Maria, box CC109
  772. Playboy Enterprises, Inc., box NB30
  773. Playtex, boxes NB30, PB15, PB25
  774. PMC-Sierra, box NB30
  775. PNC Bank, box NB30
  776. Polenguinho Cheese, box CR43
  777. Pond-Jones, Jay, box CC109
  778. Positano, box PB75A
  779. Potenzano, John, box CC109
  780. Precision Drilling, box CL6
  781. Prempro (Wyeth Ayerst Women's Health), box NB30
  782. Prescriptives, box PB117
  783. Presideo, box CL122
  784. Prevacid (TAP Pharmaceuticals), boxes CC30, NB30, PB87, PB118, PB132
  785., box NB30
  786. Prime Retail, box NB30
  787. Pripp's Breweries, boxes CR11, CR21, CR33
  788. Pró Juréia, box CL6
  789. Proctor & Gamble (see also Clairol), box NB30
  790. Prodigy, box NB30
  791. Progress Software, box NB30
  792. Progressive Insurance, box NB30
  793. Project Hope China, box CR16
  794. Proplayer, box PB117
  795. Pro-Plus, box CR35
  796. Prostate Cancer Research Foundation, box CR47
  797. Provident Financial Services, boxes CR11, CR21
  798. Prudential, box CC30
  799. Prudential, box NB31
  800. Prudential-Bache, boxes PB9, PB24, PB36, PB60, PB70
  801. PSINet, Inc., box NB31
  802. Pulte Corporation, box NB31
  803. Purex, box NB31
  804. Purina: see Ralston Purina
  805. Pusser's Rum, box CL119
  806. Puttner, Gerhard, box CC109
  807. Quaker, box NB31
  808. Quantera, box NB31
  809. Qwest, box NB31
  810. R. J. Reynolds, box PB44
  811. R.R. Donnelley and Sons, box NB32
  812. Radio Corporation of America (RCA) (see also eBook), boxes NB31, PB12, PB25, PB33
  813. Radio Shack, box NB31
  814. Ralston Purina, boxes CL125, NB31
  815. Raw Bar, box CR36
  816. Rayovac Corporation, box NB31
  817. RCI, boxes CR11, NB31
  818. Re/Max, box NB32
  819. Reckitt-Benckiser, box NB31
  820. Red Cross, box NB32
  821. Red Lobster, boxes PB30, PB31
  822. Reebok International/Rockport Company, box NB32
  823. Reeves, Rosser, boxes AVO14, AVO28, AVO29, CC109, CC110, HR15, HR42
  824. Reichel, Walter, box HR42
  825. Relpax, box NB32
  826. Remy Amerique, box NB32
  827. Renaissance Hotels and Resorts, box NB32
  828. Report Card meeting, box CC58
  829. Resort Condominiums, box NB32
  830., box NB32
  831. Revista Negocios, box CR33
  832. Reyburn, David, box CC111
  833. Rezulin (Parke-Davis/Warner-Lambert), boxes NB32, PB87
  834. Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Pharmaceuticals, box NB32
  835. Richards Group, box CC66
  836. Ritz-Carlton, box NB43
  837. RJ Reynolds, box PB33
  838. Robertson, Mike, box CC111
  839. Roche-Rennie, box CR35
  840. Rogers, Ken, box AVO14, AVO29
  841. Roman, Dan, box CC111
  842. Rosenthal, Larry, boxes CL114-CL116
  843. Rover, boxes CR21, CR24, CR26, CR33, CR35, CR42
  844. Rowland, Michael, boxes CL116-CL117
  845. Royal Flying Doctor Service, box CR47
  846. Royal Mail, boxes CR23, CR24, CR28, CR33, CR35. NB32
  847. Royal Olympic Cruises, box NB32
  848. Rubenstein Associates, box NB32
  849. Ruido Group, box NB33
  850. Rutstein, [?], box AVO29
  851. Rumsmiddeldirektoratet, box CR16
  852. Ryder, box NB33
  853. S.B. Thomas Co. (Thomas's English Muffins). box CC30
  854. S.C. Johnson & Sons, box NB34
  855. Saab, box CR43
  856. Saatchi & Saatchi, boxes AVO16, AVO38, CC72-CC74, CC76, CC78, CC86, HR3, HR11, HR49
  857. Safeway, boxes CR21, HR14
  858. Samsonite Corporation, box NB33
  859. Samsung Group, box NB33
  860. Sanders Printup Loomis, box CC66
  861. Sanson-Tricard, Violaine, box CC111
  862., box CR21
  863. Sara Lee Coffees, box NB33
  864. Sara Lee Lingerie, boxes NB33, NB34
  865. Sauza (see also Allied Domecq), boxes NB34, PB118
  866. Save Our Kids, box CR47
  867. Savings & Loan Association, boxes CL3, CL126, PB1, PB3, PB29
  868. SBC Communications, box NB34
  869. Scaros, Dean, box CC111
  870. Scentstrips, box PB86
  871. Scheonfeld, Jay, box CC111
  872. Schering-Plough, box NB34
  873. Schick-Wilkinson Sword, boxes CL127, NB34
  874. Scholastic Entertainment, box NB34
  875. Schoning, Peter, box CC60, CC111
  876. Schwarzkopf, box CR26
  877. Schweitzer, Gary, box CC111
  878. Schweppes, boxes PB14, PB33, PB50
  879. Scunci (L & N Sales and Marketing), box NB34
  880. Seagate Technology, box NB34
  881. Sears Roebuck & Co., boxes AVO15, NB34
  882. Seat, boxes CR11, CR34, CR35, CR43, CR46, CR49
  883. Sempra Energy Solutions, box NB34
  884. Serta, box NB34
  885. Seven-Up, box PB31
  886. Sharp Electronics, box NB34
  887. Shell Oil Company, box CL6
  888. Sheraton, box NB35
  889. Showtime, box NB35
  890. SHR, box NB35
  891. Sidney 2000 Apparel, box CR33
  892. Silberberg, Bob, box CC111
  893. Silver, Jaqueline (Jackie), boxes CC111, HR42
  894. Silver, Jacqueline, box HR42
  895. Silverman, Marylin, box CC111
  896. Simon Project, box CC75
  897. Singer, Claude, box CC111
  898. Sky Television, boxes CR43, CR46, CR49
  899. Slomin's, box NB35
  900. Slosberg, Robert, box CC112
  901. Smith, Ian, box CC112
  902. Smith, Nancy, box CC112
  903. Smith, Steve, boxes CL117-CL118
  904. Smithkline Beecham, box CR11
  905. Solar Inc., box CR35
  906. Sole Technology, box NB35
  907., box CR43
  908. Sonicare, box NB35
  909. Sony, boxes CL3-CL5, CL128-CL129, CR33
  910. Spalding Sports Worldwide, box NB35
  911. Speakers Bureau, box CC5
  912. Spectranet, box CR33
  913. Spectrum United, boxes CR11, NB35
  914. Speedy (Bates Canada), box NB35
  915. Speilvogel, Carl, boxes AVO15-AVO19, CC66, CC112, HR24, HR43
  916. Sprint, box NB35
  917. St. Francis Friends of the Poor, box PB75A
  918. St. Luke's/Texas Heart Institute, box CL6
  919. Stake, Marcus H., box CC112
  920. Standard Brands Company, box PB12
  921. Stanley Steamer, box NB35
  922. Staples, box NB35
  923. Starwood Lodgings, box NB35
  924. Starz!/ Encore (Liberty Media), box NB35
  925. Stavanger Museum, box CR51
  926. Steele, Gary, box CC112
  927. Stern, Les, boxes AVO31, CC60, CC112
  928. Stone, Marcia, box CC112
  929. Stora, box CR11
  930. Stride Rite, box NB35
  931. Stubbings, John, box CC112
  932. Sturtevant and Hildt, box CC66
  933. Stuyvesant Lights (Scholz and Friends), box CL6
  934. Suave (Helene Curtis), boxes CL3, CL4
  935. Sunkist Growers, Inc., boxes NB35, NB36
  936. Suntours, boxes CR11, CR13
  937. Superdrug, box CR21
  938. Susnjara, Gary M., box CC112
  939. Sydney 200 Apparel, box CR35
  940. Symbol Technologies, box NB36
  941. T. Rowe Price, boxes CC30, NB36, PB99, PB118, PB120, PB125, PB131
  942. T.J. Maxx, box NB36
  943. Taco Bell, box CR44
  944. Taj Bengal, box CR44
  945. TAP Pharmaceuticals (Prevacid), boxes CC30, PB118
  946. Target Corporation, box NB36
  947. Tarrytown Conference, box CC58
  948. Tatnell, Art, box CC112
  949. Taylor, Tony, box CC113
  950. TDC Mobil, box CR44
  951. Ted Bates Inc., boxes AVO38, AVO39, AVO41, PB11, PB20, PB33, PB37, PB48, PB59, PB126
  952. Teen Link, boxes CC17, HR21
  953. Teenage market, boxes CL29, CL31, CL33, CL34, CL49, CL50
  954. Telecom Malaysia, box CL6
  955. Tennis Canada, box CR21
  956. Terzis, Jon J., box CC113
  957. Tetra Pak, box NB36
  958. Texaco, boxes CC30, PB108, PB118, PB122
  959. Thames water, boxes CR33, CR44, CR50
  960. The Gap, box NB18
  961. Thomas' English Muffins, box CL6
  962. Thomasville Furnishings, box NB36
  963. Thompson Medical Co. (Slim Fast), box PB12
  964., box NB36
  965. Tiffany & Co., box NB36
  966. Time, boxes CR44, CR46
  967. Timex, box NB36
  968. TMT Conference, box CC72
  969. Today's Press clippings, boxes CC42-CC53, NB1
  970. Toothpaste, boxes CL42-CL43
  971. Torello, Judy, boxes CC9, CC10, CC60, CC113
  972. Toshiba, box NB36
  973. Toyota, boxes CR11, CR33
  974. Tracy-Locke Advertising, box HR3
  975. Transworld Airlines, box NB36
  976. Trojan (see also Carter-Wallace), boxes CL6, CL43-CL50, CR35, PB118
  977. Truserv Corp., box NB36
  978. Tucker Wayne, box CC66
  979. Turner, Ted, box AVO16
  980. TV Cable Magazine, box PB39
  981. TV Guide, box NB36
  982. TWA, boxes PB91, PB95, PB95, PB104, PB105
  983. Tyco International, box NB36
  984., box NB36
  985. Ultram (Ortho-McNeal Pharmaceuticals), box NB36
  986. Uncle Ben's, boxes HR24, PB58A, PB68, PB85
  987. UNICEF, boxes CC30, CR16
  988. Unique Selling Proposition (USP), boxes AVO20, AVO22, AVO27, AVO29-AVO31, CC18, CC41, HR12, HR13, NB3, NB4
  989. Unisys Corporation, box NB36
  990. United Airlines, box NB36
  991. United Jewish Appeal-Federation, box CL6
  992. United Parcel Service (UPS), box NB36
  993. Universal Studios, box NB36
  994. Upton, John K., box CC113
  995. Uptown Nails, box NB36
  996. U.S. Airways, box NB36
  997. U.S. Army, box PB110
  998. U.S. Beverages LLC, box NB36
  999. U.S. Mint, boxes CL130, PB68
  1000. U.S. Navy, boxes CL130-CL132, NB37, PB5, PB18, PB19, PB37, PB48
  1001. U.S. Postal Service (USPS), box NB38
  1002. USM Modular Furniture, box CR21
  1003. UUNet, boxes CL133, CR35, NB38, PB118, PB124
  1004. V-8 Juice (see also Campbell Soup Co.), boxes CL3, CL4
  1005. Vala Shopping Mall, box CR11
  1006. Valtrex (Burroughs Wellcome), box CL21
  1007. Van Brunt and Co., box CC66
  1008. Varma, box CR28
  1009. Verizon, boxes CR35, CR46, PB125
  1010., box NB38
  1011. Villacher, box CR33
  1012. Virgin Atlantic Airways, box NB38
  1013. Virgin Records, box NB38
  1014. Visa USA, box NB38
  1015. Visine (see also Pfizer), boxes CL123, CL124, PB46A
  1016. Vlasic Pickles, box NB38
  1017. Volkswagen, boxes CR22, CR35, CR36, CR44, CR46, CR50
  1018. W Hotels, box NB39
  1019., box CR33
  1020., box NB38
  1021. Walsh, Bernard, box CC113
  1022. Walt Disney Company, box NB38
  1023. Warner-Lambert, boxes CC30, CC31, CL134, CR45, HR14, NB38, PB13, PB19, PB33, PB50, PB99, PB118, PB121, PB128, PB132
  1024. Warner-Lambert India, box CR33
  1025. Warner-Wellcome (see also Burroughs-Wellcome), boxes CL16, PB107
  1026. Waste Management, box NB38
  1027. We Can, box CC6
  1028. WebMD, boxes CC7, NB38, NB39
  1029. Webster, boxes PB79, PB82
  1030. Weider Nutrition International, box NB39
  1031. Weinfeld, Mark, box CC113
  1032. Weissman, George, box AVO21
  1033. Welch Foods, box NB39
  1034. Wella, box CR45
  1035. Wendy's, boxes CC31-CC35, CL6, PB85, PB99, PB118, PB124, PB132
  1036. Wendy's ice cream (Australia), box CR33
  1037. Western Union, box NB39
  1038. Westfall Shopping Centre, box CR33
  1039. Westvaco, boxes AVO34, CC35, CL6, CL135, NB39, PB99, PB116, PB118, PB126
  1040., box NB39
  1041. Whiteford, Robert, box AVO35
  1042. Whitehead, Bill, boxes AVO35, CC56, CC113, CC114
  1043. Whitney Museum of American Art, boxes CC6, CC35, CL6, CR22, PB118, PB125
  1044. William Douglas McAdams Inc., box CC66
  1045. Williams, Dylan, box CC114
  1046. Williams-Sonoma, box NB39
  1047. Winn-Dixie, box NB39
  1048. Wiz, box NB39
  1049. Women's Fund of Central Indiana, box PB118
  1050. Wonder (see also Intercontinental Baking), box PB35
  1051. Woolworth's, box CR36
  1052. Worldwide Management meeting, boxes AVO35, AVO36, CC58-CC60, HR26
  1053., box NB39
  1054. Wycoski, R., box AVO39
  1055. Xerox Corporation, boxes NB39, PB80
  1056. Y&R International, box HR3
  1057., box CL6
  1058., box CR45
  1059. Yellow Pages, box CR46
  1060. Yo-Go, box CL134
  1061. Yturbe, Jean de, boxes CC107, CC114
  1062. Zanussi, box CR21
  1063. Zany Brainy, box NB39
  1064. Zappy Baby, box CR33
  1065. Zenith Electronics Corporation, boxes CC98, CR33, NB39
  1066. Zoo Safari, box CR45
  1067. Zovirax (see also Burroughs Wellcome), boxes CL21, CL22
  1068. Zuckert, David, box HR42

Audio and video tapes in multiple formats that include speeches, video memoranda, historical overviews and testimonials which commemorate company events such as anniversaries, retirements, and office openings, or pay tribute to the work and legacies of key executives. The series is organized into two categories--Audiovisual Materials Pulled from Other Series and Audiovisual Materials Added to Collection. Materials pulled from the other series have been arranged alphabetically according to the series titles in which they were originally housed, and therein alphabetically by topic and item title. Materials added to the collection have been arranged alphabetically according to the corporate identity responsible for the item's production, and therein alphabetically by topic and item title. Each item has been assigned a unique number that will be used to manage the production of any use copies requested by researchers.


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Using These Materials

Collection restrictions:

Access restricted. Access note: Collection contains fragile audiovisual formats that may need to be reformatted before use. Contact Research Services for access.

Access note. Collection contains electronic records that require special equipment. Contact Research Services with questions.

Access note. Collection contains fragile audiovisual formats that may need to be reformatted before use. Contact Research Services for access.

Use & permissions:

The copyright interests in this collection have not been transferred to Duke University. For more information, consult the copyright section of the Regulations and Procedures of the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library.

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