Experiments, 1986-2013

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Access note. Some materials are electronic records that require special equipment. Contact Research Services with questions.

Access restricted. Some electronic files in RL11714-SET-0008 contain personally identifiable information (PII) that has not been redacted. Contact Research Services for more information.

Access note. Some materials are fragile audio formats that may need to be reformatted before use. Contact Research Services for access.

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Scope and content:

Material such as correspondence, experiment data (response sheets, tabulated responses, and printouts of data), statistical data analysis of results, participant instructions, and design notes for Battalio and Van Huyck's experiments on economic decision making and interactions. Data analysis was typically done with software, such as SAS, Stata, and Mathematica, and this series features a majority of the electronic records and audiovisual material.

Battalio and Van Huyck coded their experiments to indicate type and vintage (some experiments were conducted multiple times, presumably with extensions and modifications), and these codes are used as file titles when possible. The most frequently used codes are as follows: BB are beauty contest games inspired by Keynes's example of the workings of financial markets; C or CONV followed by a number are experiments on conventions; CR or CRAW followed by a number are coordination games; DEC followed by a letter and/or number or DX followed by a number are on decentralized allocation decisions; and PD followed by a number are peasant-dictator games. Codes appearing in this series also appear in the Articles and Book Chapters subseries, possibly allowing connections to be made between published writings and experiment files.

Organized into eight subseries: Average Opinion, Chaos, Conventions, Coordination, Decentralized Allocation, Peasant-Dictator, Other Experiments and Related Material, and Uncategorized Electronic Records.


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Using These Materials

Collection restrictions:

Access note. Some materials in this collection are fragile audio formats that may need to be reformatted before use. Contact Research Services for access.

Access note. Some materials in this collection are electronic records that require special equipment. Contact Research Services with questions.

Access restricted. Some materials in this collection are personnel records. Records pertaining to employment where individuals are identified are closed for 70 years.

Access restricted. Some electronic files in RL11714-SET-0008 contain personally identifiable information (PII) that has not been redacted. Contact Research Services for more information.

Use & permissions:

The copyright interests in this collection have not been transferred to Duke University. For more information, consult the Rubenstein Library's Citations, Permissions, and Copyright guide.

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