Correspondence, 1920-1966
- Scope and content:
This series contains Chamberlin's personal and professional communications with and about various individuals. Notable correspondents include Marice Allais, William Baumol, Kenneth Boulding, Luigi Einaudi, Dwight Eisenhower, Howard S. Ellis, Milton Friedman, Ragnar Frisch, John Kenneth Galbraith, Gottfried Haberler, Frank Hahn, Roy Harrod, Friedrich A. Hayek, Harold Hotelling, Richard Kahn, Nicholas Kaldor, Frank Knight, Emile Lederer, Wassily Leontief, Abba Lerner, Gertrud Lovasy, Fritz Machlup, Hans Neisser, J. F. Normano, Dennis H. Robertson, Joan Robinson, Paul Samuelson, Thomas Schelling, Robert Schuman, Joseph Schumpeter, Ben Seligman, George Stigler, Frank Taussig, Gerhard Tintner, Jaroslav Vanek, Jacob Viner, among others. Of note is Chamberlin's correspondence with Haberler, Harrod, Kahn, Kaldor, Knight, Robinson, and Stigler about theories of competition and firm behavior; and extensive correspondence with close friend Howard S. Ellis. Files are arranged alphabetically by name.
A researcher, Thibault Guicherd, who had been in contact with Chamberlin's descendants prior to the papers arriving at Duke created an index of Chamberlin's correspondence. Please contact Research Services to access a copy of this index. Note that due to rearrangement of correspondence files during processing and creation of this series, the file list below and Guicherd's index may not fully overlap.
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