Films, 1936-1980
- Extent:
- 38 items
- Scope and content:
The Films series is arranged in seven roughly chronological subseries, and consists of 38 16mm films. The series has two primary areas of focus, with 12 of the films coming from trips Crawford took to his vacation home in Cat Cay, Bahamas, and 19 of the films produced from a safari Crawford, along with Gordon and Vernon Stouffer, sponsored in 1955, which resulted in the collection of a number of specimens for the Cleveland Zoo. Other Crawford travel represented in the collection includes trips to Europe in 1936 and 1939, a trip around the world in 1959, a cruise from Cleveland to Fiji in 1958, a trip to Russia in 1959, a trip to the Middle East and Greece in 1961, and trips to his other homes in Vermont and Massachusetts.
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Using These Materials
- Collection restrictions:
Collection is open for research.
Original audiovisual materials may require production of listening or viewing copies before use.
Researchers must register and agree to copyright and privacy laws before using this collection.
All or portions of this collection may be housed off-site in Duke University's Library Service Center. The library may require up to 48-hours to retrieve these materials for research use.
Please contact Research Services staff before visiting the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library to use this collection.
- Use & permissions:
The copyright interests in this collection have not been transferred to Duke University. For more information, consult the copyright section of the Regulations and Procedures of the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library.
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- Please consult our up-to-date information for visitors page, as our services and guidelines periodically change.