Countries Series, 1976-2007 and undated
- Extent:
- 9 boxes
- Scope and content:
Brings together materials relating specifically to a country or geographical area, ranging widely over Derian's career - several decades in most cases - and featuring significant human rights issues of the time. Materials across folders typically consist of correspondence, Derian's trip notes, reports, unclassified documents, news clippings, and other print material, including posters and flyers. Arranged into subseries by country: Argentina, El Salvador, Chile, Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, South Korea, Vietnam, and "Middle Eastern Countries." El Salvador files form the largest group, with Argentina, Nicaragua, and South Korea close behind. Much smaller groups are found for Cuba, Honduras, Venezuela, and Guatemala. A final grouping, Miscellaneous Countries, is made up of folders on sixteen other nations. Arranged alphabetically by country, and within, roughly in alphabetical order by file title, as received.
Various related material on these countries also found in the Department of State Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs Bureau Series, and the Post-Carter Administration Human Rights Work Series.
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