History of Medicine Picture File: Subjects Series
- Extent:
- approx. 487 items
- Scope and content:
Series contains images, chiefly engravings and lithographs, of various practices, events, and themes related to the history of medicine. Arranged in alphabetical order by subject, and by box number within. The series is arranged by original topical groupings designated by library staff; new groups were also added for additions to the collection. The current divisions are: Advertisements; Anatomy; Apothecary Jars; Baths; Bindings; Bloodletting; Books and Illustrations; Buildings; Cardiology; Caricature; Cartoons; Cemeteries; Chemistry; Childbirth; Circumcision; Embryology; History of Medicine; Hospitals; Infant Care; Leeches; Manikins; Medical Costumes; Medical Devices; Medicine Chests; Military Medicine; Natural Science; Nurses and Nursing; Operating Rooms; Pediatrics; Pharmacies, Pharmaceutical; Physicians; Postcards; Psychology and Morality; Surgery; Surgical Instruments; Tourniquets; Trent Collection; Urine; and X-Rays. The largest series are Anatomy, Caricatures, Physicians, and Surgery.
As with other series, the predominant formats are engravings and other printed items (including postcards, posters, broadsides, and clippings), and 20th century photographic images, often reproductions of printed works. Images are also often accompanied by a slide or negative reproduction created by Medical Library staff as far back as the 1960s. Sizes range from small prints under 10x12 inches, to oversize items of up to 23x30 inches. The dimensions of oversize boxes are given in the container inventory.
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- Collection restrictions:
Collection is open for research.
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The copyright interests in this collection have not been transferred to Duke University. For more information, consult the copyright section of the Regulations and Procedures of the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library.
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