History of Medicine Picture File: People Series

approx. 1851 items
Scope and content:

Series contains images of significant anatomists, chemists, physicians, biologists, and other individuals in the field of medicine, arranged alphabetically by last name. Most depict 19th century men, primarily from European nations, particularly Germany, England, France, and Italy, and from North America, but there are also individuals active as early as the 15th century and as late as the 20th century. In many cases there are multiple images of the same individual in the folder.

The predominant formats are engravings, lithographs, modern black-and-white photographs, and printed images (chiefly clippings on glossy paper), but there are other formats present such as albumen prints and negatives. Oftentimes the image is a modern photographic reproduction of an engraving, painting, sculpture, or other work. Images are also often accompanied by a slide or negative reproduction created as far back as the 1960s by Duke University Medical Center Library staff. Sizes range from small prints ranging from 2x3 to 10x12 inches, housed in manuscript boxes, to oversize items in flat boxes up to 23x30 inches. The sizes of the larger boxes are given in the container inventory.


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