J. Walter Thompson Company. Arnold Grisman papers, 1934-1997 and undated, bulk 1969-1987

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J. Walter Thompson Company
The J. Walter Thompson Company (JWT), founded in 1864, is one of the oldest and largest enduring advertising agencies in the United States. Arnold Grisman joined JWT as a copywriter in 1955. Grisman held a number of positions during his career with JWT, and rose to become Creative Director of the New York Office and an Executive Vice President. A prolific writer, Grisman produced numerous short stories, three published novels, and speeches for other JWT executives. The Arnold Grisman Papers span the years 1934-1997, with the bulk of materials spanning 1969-1987, and includes correspondence, speeches, presentations, memoranda, manuscripts, photographs, videocassettes and publications that document Grisman's work on a number of projects. Materials in collection represent work on a proposed collection of the writings of early JWT executive James Webb Young; research on the JWT London Office; Grisman's consultant work for the 1969 NASA Space Task Force Report; interviews with Dick Lord, Frank Stanton, John Goodyear, Bob Dilenscheider, Ron Kovas, Joe O'Donnell, and Jack Peters, for JWT's 1986 Annual Report; internal executive reports; publications by and about JWT; proceedings from an experimental TV commercial workshop; a 1973 presentation to the Ford Motor Company; a typescript of We aim to bring results by John Philip Jones (later edited and published as Does It Pay To Advertise? by Lexington Books, Lexington, Mass., 1989); and notes and early drafts of a writing project entitled Rush Hour. Other JWT staff represented in the collection include George Black, George Butler, Sidney Bernstein, Steve Darland, Colin Dawkins, Ken Hinks, Marion Howington, Don Johnston, Stephen King, Howard Kohl, Denis Lanigan, Burt Manning, Sam Meek, Donald Marschner, and Nancy Stephenson.
4.2 Linear Feet
3150 Items
Material in English
Collection ID:


Scope and content:

The Arnold Grisman Papers span the years 1934-1997, with the bulk of materials spanning 1969-1987, and includes correspondence, speeches, presentations, memoranda, manuscripts, photographs, videocassettes and publications that document Grisman's work on a number of projects. Materials in collection represent work on a proposed collection of the writings of early JWT executive James Webb Young; research on the JWT London Office; Grisman's consultant work for the 1969 NASA Space Task Force Report; interviews with Dick Lord, Frank Stanton, John Goodyear, Bob Dilenscheider, Ron Kovas, Joe O'Donnell, and Jack Peters, for JWT's 1986 Annual Report; internal executive reports; publications by and about JWT; proceedings from an experimental TV commercial workshop; a 1973 presentation to the Ford Motor Company; a typescript of "We aim to bring results" by John Philip Jones (later edited and published as Does It Pay To Advertise? by Lexington Books, Lexington, Mass., 1989); and notes and early drafts of a writing project entitled Rush Hour. Other JWT staff represented in the collection include George Black, George Butler, Sidney Bernstein, Steve Darland, Colin Dawkins, Ken Hinks, Marion Howington, Don Johnston, Stephen King, Howard Kohl, Denis Lanigan, Burt Manning, Sam Meek, Donald Marschner, and Nancy Stephenson.

The Collection is organized into three series: Printed Materials, Photographs, and Audiovisual Materials. The Printed Materials Series consists primarily of speeches, presentations and memoranda, as well as research materials for a proposed collection of the writings of early JWT executive James Webb Young. The Photographs Series includes transparencies, prints, and negatives of JWT's U.S. and European staff. The Audiovisual Materials Series consists of 5 videotapes that accompanied Mr. Grisman's major presentations.

Biographical / historical:
Date Event
1920 Sept. 5
Born, Arnold Ellis Grisman
B.A. in English, Harvard University
M.A. in English, Columbia University
Left Columbia University without completing Ph.D in English
Joined JWT as copywriter; worked primarily for Ford Thunderbird account
1960 Feb. 15
Leave of Absence to work on Ford Canadian Car "X" account
1960 May 16
Worked on Shell Oil Co. account
Elected vice president of JWT
Named Creative Supervisor
Appointed Creative Director, New York and elected Executive Vice President of JWT
Celebrated 30th anniversary of employment with JWT
2008 Mar. 12
Died, Albany, N.Y.

In addition, Grisman wrote extensively and published three novels: Early to Rise (1958); Bongo (1961); and The Winning Streak (1985).

Acquisition information:
The J. Walter Thompson Company. Arnold Grisman Papers were received by the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book Manuscript Library as a transfer in 1987, with additions in 2001.
Processing information:

Processed by Stacy Lavin, May 2007; additional processing by Richard Collier, March 2008

Encoded by Richard Collier, Ruth E. Bryan, and Stacy Lavin, May 2007 and March 2008

Accessions 870305, 810908, 831209, 2001-0149 were merged into one collection, described in this finding aid.

Physical location:
For current information on the location of these materials, please consult the Library's online catalog.
Rules or conventions:
Describing Archives: A Content Standard


Using These Materials

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Collection is open for research.

However, original audiovisual materials are closed to researchers; Use Copies are available in the collection.

Researchers must register and agree to copyright and privacy laws before using this collection.

All or portions of this collection may be housed off-site in Duke University's Library Service Center. There may be a 48-hour delay in obtaining these materials.

Please contact Research Services staff before visiting the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library to use this collection.

Terms of access:

The copyright interests in this collection have not been transferred to Duke University. For more information, consult the copyright section of the Regulations and Procedures of the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library.

Before you visit:
Please consult our up-to-date information for visitors page, as our services and guidelines periodically change.
Preferred citation:

[Identification of item], J. Walter Thompson Company. Arnold Grisman Papers, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.