J. Walter Thompson Company. Newsletter collection, 1910-2018

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J. Walter Thompson Company
The J. Walter Thompson Company (JWT), founded in 1864, is one of the largest enduring advertising agencies in the U.S. The Newsletter Collection comprises the agency's internally produced newsletters, which date from 1916 through 2005. Newsletters survive from the main office, certain domestic and international offices (particularly from Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, London, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco), and divisions and affiliates (especially Brouillard Communications; Lord, Geller, Federico, Einstein; Dialog; and Thompson Recruitment Advertising) of JWT. Topics contained in the newsletters include staff biographical information; office events; account and client news; featured campaigns; marketing; merchandising; consumer behavior; research and planning; developments and issues in television, radio, and print media; and personal activities of the staff. Most of the newsletters are in English, but German, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese language publications are also present. As the Company continues to publish house organs, the collection will continue to grow.
17 Linear Feet
0.14 Gigabytes
Material in English , Spanish , German , French , Italian , Portuguese
Collection ID:


Scope and content:

The J. Walter Thompson Company (JWT) Newsletter Collection comprises the advertising agency's internally produced newsletters, which date from 1916 through 2005. Included are newsletters from the main office, certain domestic and international offices (particularly from Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, London, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco), and divisions and affiliates of JWT (especially Brouillard Communications; Lord, Geller, Federico, Einstein; and Thompson Recruitment Advertising). The newsletters document JWT's business over the years by providing a forum for JWT staff worldwide to report on their activities and on developments in the advertising industry. Topics include staff biographical information; office events; account and client news; featured campaigns; marketing; merchandising; consumer behavior; research and planning; developments and issues in television, radio, and print media; and personal activities of the staff. In addition, the newsletters reflect many aspects of the corporate culture that set the tone of life in JWT offices. They report events such as blood drives, baseball games, office parties, staff retreats, and more. The sense of civic duty that JWT tried to instill in its personnel by encouraging its staff members to volunteer in their communities runs through many of the newsletters, particularly in the 1950s and 1960s, often concurrent with the agency's Ad Council and public service work.

The physical form of the newsletters evolved from several stapled, typewritten pages in the 1910s and early 1920s, to a (usually) four-page typeset newsletter in the 1950s, to a short newsprint magazine in the 1970s, to a longer glossy magazine in the 1980s. In the 1990s, some newsletters switched to a fully electronic format. The entries for each newsletter in this inventory detail the frequency of publication of the newsletters, the availability of indexes, irregularities in volume numbering and dating, and other pertinent information. Most of the newsletters are in English, but German, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese language publications are also present. Publications will be added to the collection as the archives receives and processes newsletter additions.

The collection is arranged into three series and four indexes: Main Newsletters, Domestic Newsletters, and International Newsletters; and an Alphabetical List of Newsletter Titles, an Alphabetical List By Client of "Campaign of the Week" Articles, News Bulletin Contents by Author, and News Bulletin Contents by Title.

The Main Newsletters Series holds the primary house organ for the company and includes some market research results as well as the opening of many international offices in 1929 and 1930. Newsletter articles includes account news, client lists--or account gains and losses--and biographies and short notes on JWT staff, including professional accomplishments, promotions and transfers, visits to other JWT offices, and personal events (i.e. marriages, births, and deaths).

The Domestic Newsletters Series is divided into three subseries--Offices, Divisions, and Other Newsletters. The Offices Subseries documents activities in the major JWT offices in the U.S.--Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco. The office newsletters reported account gains and losses, campaign updates, and other business news, with substantial coverage of local events such as staff promotions and transfers, wedding and birth announcements, office parties, anniversaries, company-related sports events, personal and social news. They also updated local staff on news from elsewhere in the agency. Many of these publications were issued regularly as supplements to the main company newsletter published in New York; for instance, the "New York News," at some points during the 1960s, was printed on the back page of the J. Walter Thompson Company News. The Divisions Subseries includes newsletters from subsidiaries and corporate divisions such as Brouillard Communications (JWT division for corporate advertising and public relations), Dialog (JWT division for public relations), Lord, Geller, Federico, Einstein (JWT affiliate for premium advertising), and Thompson Recruitment Advertising (previously named World Wide Agency, the JWT division for employee recruitment advertising). The newsletters report client gains and losses of the division and its individual offices, staff transfers and promotions, marriage and birth announcements, and other personal and social news. Some newsletters primarily address issues and developments pertaining to the specific aspect of advertising with which the division/affiliate concerns itself. The Other Newsletters Subseries includes publications that deal with advertising issues beyond a specific office's activities, along with newsletters issued by the Information Centers of the New York and Chicago offices that described their holdings or abstracted articles from newspapers and magazines relating to advertising. The newsletters address a broad range of issues relating to the advertising industry--marketing; merchandising; research; planning; consumer behavior; client news; major staff changes for agency executives from JWT offices worldwide; reports on single accounts or industries; and reports from the television, radio, print, and other media.

Newsletters from JWT offices in Canada, Latin America, Europe, Asia/Pacific, and Africa are found in the International Series. Most of these newsletters report the business of the offices and of the agency as a whole, noting account gains and losses, campaign results, market surveys, and other developments. News of office parties and anniversaries, employee transfers and promotions, staff birthdays and marriages, visits from JWT executives from other offices, and other social and cultural news are often included in the newsletters; for some newsletters, such lighter news comprises the bulk of the information published. A few newsletters cover much more specific marketing topics, such as Food and Drink News from London and JWT Media Information from Australia.

Acquisition information:
The J. Walter Thompson Company. Newsletter Collection was received by the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book Manuscript Library as a transfer in 1987 and subsequent years.
Processing information:

Processed by Richard Collier, March 2006

Encoded by Richard Collier

Completed March 2006

Rules or conventions:
Describing Archives: A Content Standard

Other Indexes


Alphabetical Listing of Newsletter Titles

40 Something Box RN2 (RESTRICTED)
402 Lex Box OV2
60 Seconds Box DO14
A Régua "T", Box IN2
Advertising Bulletin Box IN5
Advertising Business Box IN5
Alector Box IN4
Apcunoticias Box IN2
Aquí Latinoamerica Box IN2
Australian News Box IN11
Belgian Bulletin Box IN3
Bitácora Box RN2 (RESTRICTED)
Boletim JWT Box IN2
Bolétin del Centro de Informaciones de JWTA, Box IN2
Bolétin J.W.T.A. Box IN2
Book Bulletin Box IN5
Book News Boxes IN5-IN6
Business Communications Box ROV1 (RESTRICTED)
Case for Advertising Box IN6
Change in the Marketplace Box DO14
Client Tell Box DO12
Commodore Box RN2 (RESTRICTED)
Commodore's Log Box IN1
Common Market Newsletter Box IN3
Communications Watch Box DO12
Consumer Affairs Boxes IN6-IN7
Consumer Briefs Box DO14
Consumer Response Box DO2
Contents List Box IN7
Dal mondo del Mezzi/From the World of Media, Box IN4
Detroit Ad-Vocate Box DO5
Detroit Thompson Times Box DO5
Dialog Among Us Box DO12
Earthquaking News Box DO11
Electronic Media Update Box DO14
Entre nosotros: bolétin informativo interno, Box IN2
European Food News Box IN7
European Managers Monthly Digest Box IN3
Extracts Box IN7
Family Square Box IN7
Finger-Tip Facts on File Box DO8
Flagship Box DO8
FOB Detroit Box DO5
Fog Talk Box DO12
Foghorn Box DO12
Food and Drink News Box IN7
Food for Thought Box DO15
Food News Box IN7
Food Service News Box DO15
Ford/Thompson Times Box RN1 (RESTRICTED)
General Interest Box IN7
HTA Today Boxes IN11, RN3 (RESTRICTED)
In the News Box RN2 (RESTRICTED)
Indian File Box IN11
Indonesia Letter Box IN11
Industry News Digest Box DO15
Information Center Flash Box DO2
Information Center Box DO8
Informations JWT Box IN3
Informations JWT Paris Box IN3
Inside News Box DO12
Inside NYO Box DO8
Intercomm Box IN11
International Market News Box IN7
Issue Box IN8
J. Walter Log Box DO15
J. Walter Thompson Co. News Bulletin Box MN9
J. Walter Thompson Company New York News, Box DO8
J. Walter Thompson Company News (Canada), Box IN1
J. Walter Thompson Company News (main newsletter) Boxes MN9-MN15
J. Walter Thompson Company News (Netherlands), Box IN4
J. Walter Thompson Company News (San Francisco) Box DO11
J. Walter Thompson Kid Stuff Box RN2 (RESTRICTED)
J. Walter Thompson News Box MN16
J. Walter Thompson World Box RN2 (RESTRICTED)
J. Walter Thompson Worldwide Update Box DO15
J. Walter Trumpet Box DO7
J. Walter World Box DO15
Junior News Box DO8
JWT (Spain) Box OV3
JWT Aktuell Box IN3
JWT Bulletin Box IN8
JWT Campaign News Box DO15
JWT Circle Box IN11
JWT Club Bulletin Box IN11
JWT Communique Box IN11
JWT Company World Box DO16
JWT Detroiter Box DO5
JWT Directions Box DO5
JWT Friday Box DO9
JWT Front and Center Box OV2
JWT Greenwatch Box RN2 (RESTRICTED)
JWT Information Services Box IN8
JWT Library Flash Box DO2
JWT Market Reports Box IN8
JWT Marketing News Box IN8
JWT Media Bulletin (Europe) Box IN11
JWT Media Bulletin (Germany) Box IN11
JWT Media Information Box IN11
JWT Merchandising Newsletter Box IN8
JWT Mittwoch Report Box IN3
JWT News Boxes MN9, MN16-MN19, OV1
JWT News (Australia) Box IN11
JWT Newsgram Box IN11
JWT Newsletter (Philippines) Box IN11
JWT Report Frankfurt Box IN3
JWT Times Box DO7
JWT Weekly News Box MN9
JWT World Highlights Box DO16
JWTNews Box MN16
JWT-Report Box OV3
Keep in Touch Box DO9
Key Response Box RN3 (RESTRICTED)
Letter from the Chairman Box DO12
Letzter Blick auf 1983 Box IN3
LGFE Newsletter Box DO12
Listener Box ROV1 (RESTRICTED)
Live Wire Box RN1 (RESTRICTED)
Llegando Box IN2
Lo que pasa en JWT Chilena Box IN2
Looking Ahead Box IN11
Madcap Melodies Box DO11
Mahlzeit Box IN3
Mail Call Box DO5
Management News Summary Box DO17
Market Facts Box IN11
Matter of Fact Box DO17
Media Newsletter Box RN2 (RESTRICTED)
Media Report Boxes DO18-DO20
Media Update Box RN3 (RESTRICTED)
Meet-In Box IN4
Merchandising News Box DO20
Michigan Avenews Box DO3
Monthly Happenings Box DO1
Move Memos Box DO20
Netherlands Newsletter Box IN4
New Products and Sales Promotions in Europe, Box IN8
New Products Box IN8
New Products Bulletin Box DO20
New York News Box DO9
New York Thompson Boxes DO9, OV2
News Bulletin Boxes MN2-MN5
News Flash Box DO9
News from J. Walter Thompson Detroit Boxes DO5, RN1 (RESTRICTED)
News Letter (South Africa) Box IN11
Newsletter (Hong Kong) Box IN11
Newsletter (Indonesia) Box IN11
Newsletter J. Walter Thompson Chicago Box DO3
Newsletter (main series) Boxes MN6-MN8
Notícias de medios Box IN4
Notícias Box IN4
Notícias JWT Box IN2
Notiziario JWT Italia Box IN4
Now Read This: The Newsletter of PTM Thompson Advertising Box IN11
OK! Box IN1
Once Over Lightly Box DO20
Out of the Blue Box ROV2 (RESTRICTED)
Owl and the Lamp Box RN1 (RESTRICTED)
People Box DO10
Pressespiegel Box IN4
Previews Box DO10
Print Capsules Box DO20
Profit-Sharing Plan News Box DO20
Project 466 Box DO10
Promotion Box OV3
PTM Thompson Box IN11
Qué Hay de Nuevo en JWT Mexico Box IN2
Qué pasa en Atlas Box IN2
Qué pasa en JWT AmericaLatina Box IN2
Qué Pasa en JWT Perú Box IN2
Qué pasa en JWT Venezuela Box IN2
Qui...Thompson Box IN4
Round the Square Boxes IN8-IN10
Sales Promo Update Box DO3
Sales Promotion Box IN10
Sales Promotion & New Products in Great Britain Box IN10
Scrip Box IN10
Service Newsletter Box DO10
Skilled Techniques in Guiding Group Action, Box DO20
Spezialausgaube Sport Box OV3
Talker Online Box RN1 (RESTRICTED)
Temas Thompson Box IN2
This Week in Detroit Box DO6
This Week--Info Centre Box IN11
Thompson Times Box DO7
Thompson Today Box DO13
Thompson Way Boxes RN3, ROV1 (RESTRICTED)
Thompsonline Box DO13
Tokyo JWT News Box IN11
Trends Box IN10
Tudo Bem na JWT Brasil Box IN2
Vantage Box RN2 (RESTRICTED)
Vienna Report Box IN3
Viewpoint Box RN3 (RESTRICTED)
Weekly News Digest Box DO4
Westwords Box DO4
Whistling Sausage Box RN3 (RESTRICTED)
White Papers Boxes DO20, RN2 (RESTRICTED)
Who is New? Box IN4
World News Roundup Box RN2 (RESTRICTED)

Alphabetical Listing By Client of Campaign of the Week Articles

Articles may be found in the main company newsletters under its various titles, in Boxes MN9-MN12.

Absorbine Jr.: 1947 Feb. 17
Action Gemeinsinn (JWT volunteer work--Frankfurt): 1962 Feb. 7
Alexander Smith Inc.: 1952 Mar. 24
Alexander Smith Inc.: Carpet: 1952 Dec. 29
Alexander Smith Inc.: Innerspring weave: 1954 Mar. 1
Alexander Smith Inc.: Sloane-Blabon: 1952 Apr.14
Alpargatas (Merito shoes--Buenos Aires): 1950 May 22
Aluminum Limited: 1954 July 5; 1955 Aug. 15; 1958 Nov.10; 1960 Apr.27.
Aluminum Limited: Home remodeling: 1959 Oct. 14
American Dairy Association/Aunt Jemima (June Dairy Month): 1957 June 10
American Gas & Electric Co.: 1954 Mar. 22
American Petroleum Institute: 1961 July 5
American Red Cross: 1960 Mar. 2
American Red Cross: Disaster Year: 1958 Jan. 13
American Red Cross: Fund drive: 1959 Mar. 4
American Trucking Industry: 1952 Sept. 22
American Weekly: 1946 Oct. 28; 1948 Feb. 9; 1949 Jan. 24.
Ansell Rubber Co.: 1954 Oct. 11
Anthracite Institute: 1948 May 17; 1948 Nov.8; 1950 Sept. 11; 1951 June 18.
Appliance Corporation of America (Washing machine): 1947 Apr.21
Aquascutum Co. Ltd. (Expedition coat): 1955 Aug. 29
Arnold Schwinn: 1948 Nov.15
Association of American Playing Card Manufacturers: 1950 May 8; 1954 Sept. 20.
Association of American Playing Card Manufacturers: Bridge handbook: 1961 July 19
Association of American Playing Card Manufacturers: Congress, Bicycle: 1955 Oct. 24
Association of American Playing Card Manufacturers: Solitaire set: 1955 Nov.14
Atlantic Refining Co. (Rio de Janeiro): 1952 Dec. 1
Atlantis Sales Corp. (French's mustard): 1948 Nov.1; 1957 Apr.29.
Ballantine: 1946 Nov.18; 1947 Sept. 29; 1948 Apr.5; 1951 Aug. 13; 1952 July 14; 1953 Mar. 23.
Ballantine: 3-Ring campaign: 1953 Oct. 12
Ballantine: Foreign Intrigue: 1953 Aug. 24
Bank of Nova Scotia:
Bank of Nova Scotia: Personal security--Toronto: 1954 June 7
Bank of Nova Scotia: Public relations--Toronto: 1951 Nov.12
Barrett Co., Ltd. (Building supplies--Montreal): 1956 Apr.23
Beech-Nut (Baby food): 1970 Feb. 6
Better Homes & Gardens: 1957 Aug. 26
Blue Chip Stamp Co. (Billboard): 1961 Nov.1
Blue Cross/Blue Shield: 1954 Apr.5; 1954 Nov.1; 1956 July 30; 1961 May 24.
Blue Cross/Blue Shield: Hospital, medical services: 1951 Nov.19
Blue Cross/Blue Shield: Michigan hospital/medical services: 1957 Mar. 25
Blue Cross/Blue Shield: Senior health: 1961 Oct. 11
Borg Warner (Norge): 1953 Apr.27; 1947 Dec. 15; 1951 Apr.9.
Bowman Dairy: 1947 Mar. 3; 1948 Dec. 20.
Bowman Dairy: Kiddie Parks: 1957 May 20
Boyle-Midway (Sweepstakes): 1960 Mar. 30
Brillo Manufacturing: 1946 Oct. 7; 1950 Feb. 20; 1957 Jan. 14.
Brillo Manufacturing: Soap pad with detergent: 1961 Apr.12
Brillo Manufacturing: Soapier: 1960 Oct. 19
British Industrial Plastics (Would It Be Better?campaign--London): 1961 Aug. 23
Buitoni Foods (New client): 1955 Sept. 5
Burlington Industries (Color campaign): 1955 Dec. 5
Burroughs: 1951 Apr.16; 1956 Mar. 19.
Buxton: 1946 Dec. 2; 1948 Dec. 6; 1949 Nov.14; 1950 May 15.
Cafes de Mexico (Saboro--Mexico City): 1957 Sept. 23
California Lima Bean Advisory Board: 1953 Jan. 12
California Olive Advisory Board: 1951 Mar. 5
California Raisin Advisory Board: 1953 Sept. 28; 1956 Nov.12.
California Raisin Advisory Board: Public relations: 1961 Feb. 8
California Wine Advisory Board: 1946 Sept. 23; 1947 Sept. 15; 1949 Feb. 7; 1949 Oct. 10; 1950 May 1; 1950 Oct. 9; 1951 Sept. 17; 1953 Oct. 26.
California Wine Advisory Board: California Wine Show: 1953 Mar. 9
California Wine Advisory Board: Wine Discovery Month: 1952 Oct. 13
Caterpillar Tractor Co. (International): 1949 Dec. 5
Caupolican Chiguayante (Textiles--Santiago): 1954 Feb. 22
Champion Spark Plug Co.: 1956 Aug. 20; 1958 Jan. 6; 1957 Feb. 11; 1960 Nov.23.
Champion Spark Plug Co.: Aviation: 1957 Sept. 16
Champion Spark Plug Co.: Leadership campaign: 1960 Feb. 17
Cheese Bureau--London: 1955 Dec. 26
Chesebrough-Pond's: 1970 Feb. 20
Chesebrough-Pond's: Angel Face: 1946 Sept. 30; 1950 Oct. 2; 1962 July 5; 1953 Sept. 14.
Chesebrough-Pond's: Beauty Around the World: 1959 Dec. 9
Chesebrough-Pond's: Cold cream: 1958 Nov. 3; 1960 Aug. 24.
Chesebrough-Pond's: Dry Skin cream: 1959 Aug. 26
Chesebrough-Pond's: Glamour in Paris: 1957 Dec. 9; 1958 Nov.17.
Chesebrough-Pond's: New cold cream: 1958 Jan. 20
Chesebrough-Pond's: Paris a la Mode: 1960 Feb. 24
Chesebrough-Pond's: Pond's history: 1959 July 15
Chesebrough-Pond's: Pond's Lips: 1954 May 24
Chesebrough-Pond's: Reader's Digest article: 1960 Nov.2
Chesebrough-Pond's: Sweepstakes: 1959 Sept. 23
Chesebrough-Pond's: Vanishing cream: 1947 June 9
Christmas (Seasonal campaigns): 1947 Dec. 22
Chun King Sales, Inc.: 1956 Sept. 10
Chun King Sales, Inc.: Jeno's Italian food: 1958 Mar. 31
Chun King Sales, Inc.: Oriental foods: 1954 Sept. 27
Church & Dwight: 1953 July 20
Church & Dwight: Baking soda: 1956 June 25
Church & Dwight: Baking soda/first aid: 1957 June 24
Columbia Mills, Inc. (Venetian blinds): 1951 Apr.23
Compania Chilena Electricidad--Santiago: 1952 Aug. 25
Continental Airlines: 1960 Feb. 3
Continental Airlines: Caesar campaign: 1959 Jan. 7
Continental Airlines: International: 1961 Mar. 29
Continental Airlines: New client: 1958 May 26
Credit Union National Association: 1953 May 25
Credit Union National Association: Historic Scenes campaign: 1955 July 4
Crompton-Richmond (Textiles): 1957 July 22
Crusade for Freedom (Anti-Communist advertisements): 1956 Dec. 31
Cuna Mutual Insurance Society: 1952 Mar. 31
David Whitehead Limited (Fabrics--London): 1954 Jan. 4
Devoe & Raynolds Co.: 1950 June 5; 1952 Mar. 10; 1951 Jan. 22; 1955 Aug. 22.
Douglas Aircraft Co.: 1947 Aug. 11; 1948 May 3; 1949 Jan. 3; 1950 July 17; 1951 Feb. 26; 1952 Apr.28; 1958 Dec. 10.
Douglas Aircraft Co.: 3-part program: 1953 Feb. 23
Douglas Aircraft Co.: DC-7: 1954 Dec. 27
Douglas Aircraft Co.: DC-8: 1957 Mar. 18; 1955 Nov.28; 1958 June 16.
Douglas Aircraft Co.: Luxury Interiors: 1959 Aug. 5
Douglas Aircraft Co.: Military: 1957 Apr.8
Douglas Aircraft Co.: Space Age equipment: 1961 Feb. 1; 1961 May 31.
Dr. West's:
Dr. West's: Flexite: 1952 Feb. 11
Dr. West's: Toothbrushes: 1959 Apr.1
E. Gomme Ltd. (Furniture--London): 1954 Apr.26; 1961 Jan. 11.
E.J. Brach: 1949 Mar. 21
E.R. Squibb & Sons: 1952 Feb. 25
Eastman Kodak: 1947 Mar. 24; 1949 May 16; 1949 Nov.7; 1956 Mar. 26; 1960 Apr.27.
Eastman Kodak: Better Living campaign: 1961 Aug. 16
Eastman Kodak: Bombay: 1953 June 22
Eastman Kodak: Celebrity campaign: 1959 June 17
Eastman Kodak: Disney/Annette Funicello: 1962 Feb. 7
Eastman Kodak: Functional advertising: 1948 Apr.12
Eastman Kodak: Functional concept: 1947 June 23
Eastman Kodak: Give and Take campaign: 1959 Dec. 16
Eastman Kodak: International: 1946 Oct. 21
Eastman Kodak: Kodacolor film: 1958 June 2
Eastman Kodak: Kodapak sheet: 1953 Aug. 17
Eastman Kodak: Norby television series: 1955 Jan. 3
Eastman Kodak: Old-Fashioned Christmas: 1960 Dec. 21
Eastman Kodak: Open Me First: 1957 Nov.18; 1958 Nov.24; 1960 Dec. 7; 1961 Dec. 20.
Eastman Kodak: Recordak: 1950 May 29
Eastman Kodak: Slide shows: 1961 Oct. 4
Eastman Kodak: Teenage advertising: 1950 Aug. 21
Eastman Kodak: Turn Around campaign: 1961 Apr.19
Eastman Kodak: Youth campaign: 1953 Apr.6
Eastman Kodak/Disney World of Color: 1961 Sept. 6
Elgin National Watch Co.: 1947 July 21; 1948 Oct. 4; 1950 Dec. 11; 1950 Mar. 13; 1956 Sept. 24.
Elgin National Watch Co.: Year Old Boy campaign: 1959 Feb. 11
Employers Mutual of Wausau: 1956 Dec. 3
Employers Mutual of Wausau: Tribute by Wisconsin: 1955 Apr.18
Employers Mutual of Wausau: Workman's Comp: 1953 Dec. 28
Esso S.A. Petro. Argentina (Insecticides--Buenos Aires): 1952 Dec. 22
Farrell Steamship Lines:
Farrell Steamship Lines: Johannesburg: 1949 July 11
Farrell Steamship Lines: New York: 1954 July 26
Fibracel (Hardboard lumber--Mexico City): 1951 June 4
Fieldcrest Mills, Inc. (Bed/Bath One Look): 1957 Mar. 11
Firestone S.A. (Safety campaign--Sao Paulo): 1954 June 14
Firestone Tire Co.(New inFrance campaign): 1961 Nov.1
Florida Citrus Commission: 1950 Nov.13; 1951 Aug. 6; 1953 Nov.23; 1954 June 21.
Florida Citrus Commission: Grapefruit: 1951 Oct. 29
Ford and Sylvania (Promotional contest): 1959 Jan. 21
Ford Motor Co.: 1946 Dec. 9; 1949 Jan. 10; 1950 Jan. 9; 1950 Mar. 27; 1952 Feb. 4; 1953 May 4; 1954 Jan. 11; 1956 June 18; 1956 May 14; 1956 Oct. 8; 1957; 1958; 1959; 1960; 1962
Ford Motor Co.: 1949 models: 1948 May 24; 1948 June 14.
Ford Motor Co.: 1950 models: 1949 Nov. 21
Ford Motor Co.: 1951 models: 1950 Nov. 27
Ford Motor Co.: 1953 models: 1952 Dec. 15
Ford Motor Co.: 1954 best selling car: 1955 Mar. 14
Ford Motor Co.: 1955 models: 1954 Nov. 15
Ford Motor Co.: 1958 Thunderbird: 1958 Feb. 3
Ford Motor Co.: 1959 Thunderbird: 1959 Feb. 4
Ford Motor Co.: 300,011 Trucks Sold: 1962 Jan. 31
Ford Motor Co.: 36 page advertisement: 1959 Apr. 29
Ford Motor Co.: 5 Firsts: 1959 Oct. 7
Ford Motor Co.: 600 Truck Models: 1960 Nov. 30
Ford Motor Co.: Anglia: 1960 July 6
Ford Motor Co.: Animated television commercials: 1960 June 15
Ford Motor Co.: Award-Winning Style: 1958 Oct. 13
Ford Motor Co.: Deal with CBS: 1955 June 13
Ford Motor Co.: Dealer advertising: 1947 Sept. 1
Ford Motor Co.: Dealer Advertising Funds: 1951 June 25
Ford Motor Co.: Dealers "car safety": 1949 Aug. 29
Ford Motor Co.: Dealers of New England: 1953 June 1
Ford Motor Co.: Direct mail campaign: 1953 July 6
Ford Motor Co.: Exports--Sao Paulo: 1954 Aug. 2
Ford Motor Co.: Falcon: 1960 May 25; 1962 May 9.
Ford Motor Co.: Falcon wagons: 1960 Mar. 9
Ford Motor Co.: Fashion promotion: 1961 Oct. 11; 1959 Oct. 21.
Ford Motor Co.: FoMoCo garages: 1957 May 6
Ford Motor Co.: Ford Motor Co. Theatre television programming: 1953 June 15
Ford Motor Co.: Galaxie Rodeo: 1962 Feb. 14
Ford Motor Co.: Galaxie: 1958 Dec. 3
Ford Motor Co.: Genuine parts: 1953 Mar. 30
Ford Motor Co.: Global testing: 1957 Nov.4
Ford Motor Co.: Hazel television series: 1961 Sept. 20
Ford Motor Co.: International: 1955 May 30; 1961 Jan. 25.
Ford Motor Co.: Juvenile campaign: 1947 Nov.17
Ford Motor Co.: Lincoln Division: 1947 Apr.14
Ford Motor Co.: New international campaign: 1958 May 12
Ford Motor Co.: Peanuts campaign: 1959 Dec. 23
Ford Motor Co.: Peanuts comics: 1960 Oct. 26
Ford Motor Co.: Post-war models: 1952 Nov.10
Ford Motor Co.: Quality campaign: 1951 Dec. 24
Ford Motor Co.: Safety booklet--Buenos Aires: 1961 June 14
Ford Motor Co.: Spanish television: 1960 Feb. 24
Ford Motor Co.: Star Jubilee: 1955 Nov.21
Ford Motor Co.: Taunus 15M--Frankfurt: 1955 Mar. 21
Ford Motor Co.: The Lively Ones/television: 1962 July 27
Ford Motor Co.: Thunderbird: 1954 Aug. 9; 1961 Jan. 18; 1962 Feb. 28.
Ford Motor Co.: Tractors--Sao Paulo: 1952 Dec. 8
Ford Motor Co.: Trucks: 1947 May 26; 1948 Jan. 12; 1950 July 3; 1951 Mar. 19; 1951 Oct. 1; 1953 Mar. 16; 1957 Feb. 4.
Ford Motor Co.: Victoria model: 1950 Nov.20; 1951 Feb. 19.
Ford Motor Co.: Year-end Closeout: 1955 June 27
Foundation for Commercial Banks: 1959 Oct. 28; 1960 Sept. 21; 1959 June 10.
New client: 1958 Sept. 1
Francis DuPont (2nd income campaign): 1958 July 7
Friden Calculation Machine: 1951 Mar. 12
Garrett Corp.: 1949 May 23
Garrett Corp.: AiResearch Division: 1948 July 5
Garrett Corp.: Award-winning campaign: 1958 June 30
Garrett Corp.: Project Mercury: 1959 July 8
Gate City Sash & Door Co.: 1954 Mar. 8
General Cigar Co. (White Owl): 1948 July 12
General Electric (First television commercial in Peru--Lima): 1958 Oct. 27
General Time Corp.: 1951 Aug. 27
General Time Corp.: Seth Thomas: 1952 Sept. 29
Goodyear (Mile Per Tyre): 1962 Aug. 22
Grace & Co. (Recipes--Santiago): 1962 Jan. 10
H.H. Hixon & Co: 1954 Apr.19
Harrod's--Buenos Aires: 1946 Nov.25
Holly Sugar: 1948 June 28
Horlicks Ltd.--London: 1951 Sept. 3; 1957 Feb. 18.
Horlicks Ltd.--London: Powdered malted milk: 1961 Mar. 15
Indiana Bell Telephone Co.: 1948 May 10; 1952 Sept. 8.
Industria Nacional de Neumaticos (Insa batteries--Santiago): 1953 May 11
Institute of Life Insurance: 1946 Aug. 26; 1947 Dec. 8; 1948 Sept. 13; 1953 Oct. 5; 1954 Sept. 13; 1955 Sept. 19; 1958 May 5; 1961 Sept. 27.
Institute of Life Insurance: Fight Inflation: 1957 Oct. 7
Institute of Life Insurance: Inflation campaign: 1959 Mar. 18
Institute of Life Insurance: Newspaper campaign: 1951 Jan. 8
Institute of Life Insurance: Public relations: 1947 July 28
International Agricultural Corp. (Ac'cent--Montreal): 1952 Aug. 18
International Minerals & Chemicals (Ac'cent): 1949 Dec. 12
Irving Trust:
Irving Trust: First national campaign: 1960 Jan. 13
Irving Trust: Home and Abroad series: 1960 Sept. 14
J. Walter Thompson Co.:
J. Walter Thompson Co.: Blood bank: 1953 Nov. 9; 1954 Nov. 22; 1954 Nov. 8; 1956 Feb. 20.
J. Walter Thompson Co.: Canadian Markets--Toronto: 1958 Sept. 8
J. Walter Thompson Co.: Census book: 1951 Nov. 5
J. Walter Thompson Co.: Local television: 1956 Sept. 3
J. Walter Thompson Co.: Publicity: 1961 Nov. 1
J. Walter Thompson Co.: Radio: 1948 Nov. 29
J. Walter Thompson Co.: Special publications service: 1950 Dec. 25
J.B. Williams: 1952 May 19
J.B. Williams: Ice Blue aftershave: 1956 Nov. 26
J.B. Williams: Lectric Shave: 1947 Jan. 20; 1948 Aug. 9.
J.B. Williams: Skol Tan: 1956 Apr. 30
JerClaydon, Inc. (Carpet cleaner): 1952 Sept. 15
Jimmy Durante Show: 1961 Aug. 2
Johns-Manville Corp.: 1947 June 30; 1949 Nov. 28; 1951 Dec. 3.
Johns-Manville Corp.: Brick Upon Brick: 1952 Oct. 6
Johns-Manville Corp.: Celite: 1956 Oct. 1
Johns-Manville Corp.: Min-K insulation: 1958 Mar. 24
Johns-Manville Corp.: Mrs. America campaign: 1959 Jan. 14
Johns-Manville Corp.: Plant City campaign: 1947 Nov. 24
Johnson Motors:
Johnson Motors: Boat Crossed Atlantic: 1958 Aug. 11
Johnson Motors: Bob Hope: 1958 June 9
Johnson Motors: King Features series: 1961 June 7
Johnson Motors: Outboard motors: 1956 Oct. 22
Johnson Motors: Junior Pentagon: 1954 Feb. 8
Kellogg's: Corn Flakes--Sydney: 1954 Mar. 29
Kellogg's: English Breakfast--London: 1954 Mar. 15
Kingsberry Mobile Homes:
Kingsberry Mobile Homes: 48% Sales Increase: 1962 Jan. 10
Kingsberry Mobile Homes: Space Houses: 1960 June 1
Kraft: 1946 Nov. 11; 1949 Apr. 11; 1950 Apr. 17; 1950 Feb. 27; 1952 May 5.
Kraft: 6-page editorial advertisements: 1959 May 20
Kraft: Caramels: 1948 June 7
Kraft: Cheese: 1948 Feb. 23
Kraft: Cottage cheese: 1951 Jan. 29
Kraft: Deluxe Slices cheese: 1949 Aug. 8
Kraft: Dine-Out campaign: 1957 Mar. 4
Kraft: Hermes trophy: 1961 June 21
Kraft: Latin American market: 1956 May 21
Kraft: Mayonnaise: 1947 Aug. 25
Kraft: Merchandising record: 1958 Mar. 10
Kraft: Miracle Whip: 1958 Apr. 28; 1958 Feb. 24; 1948 Aug. 30.
Kraft: Orange juice: 1955 Dec. 19
Kraft: Puerto Rican television--San Juan: 1957 July 29
Kraft: Regional foods: 1961 May 3
Kraft: Restaurant sweepstakes: 1957 June 17; 1959 July 22.
Kraft: TV Theatre: 1953 Dec. 21; 1955 Feb. 7.
Labatt Brewery:
Labatt Brewery: Monteal: 1957 Apr. 15
Labatt Brewery: Toronto--Beer and ale: 1954 Jan. 25
Labatt Brewery: Toronto--Tourism, public service: 1947 Mar. 31
Langendorf United Bakeries (Butter-Nut bread): 1948 June 21
Lever Brothers: 1949 June 6; 1952 Jan. 21.
Lever Brothers: Chlorodent: 1953 Aug. 31
Lever Brothers: Gold Foil package: 1955 May 23
Lever Brothers: Lux: 1948 Mar. 8; 1952 Jan. 7.
Lever Brothers: Lux dish soap: 1957 Oct. 21
Lever Brothers: Lux Flakes: 1949 Dec. 26; 1951 Jan. 1.
Lever Brothers: Lux liquid: 1953 Apr. 13
Lever Brothers: Lux soap--Antwerp: 1957 Sept. 30
Lever Brothers: Lux toilet soap: 1948 Aug. 2
Lever Brothers: Lux Video Theatre: 1954 Aug. 23
Lever Brothers: Mrs. Butterworth: 1961 Dec. 13
Lever Brothers: Shampoo: 1952 June 16
Lever Brothers: Skin purifier in Lux: 1959 Nov. 18
Lever Brothers: Stripe toothpaste: 1961 Feb. 16
Lever Brothers: Surf detergent--Canada: 1949 Sept. 5; 1951 May 7.
Lever Brothers: Unilever/Persil soap powder--London: 1951 Oct. 15
Libby, McNeill & Libby: 1950 Jan. 23
Libby, McNeill & Libby: Baby foods: 1956 Aug. 6; 1947 Aug. 18; 1948 Aug. 16.
Libby, McNeill & Libby: Corn: 1959 Sept. 30
Libby, McNeill & Libby: Corned beef hash: 1948 July 19
Libby, McNeill & Libby: Minted pineapple: 1959 Aug. 19
Libby, McNeill & Libby: Talking Books: 1955 Dec. 19
Liggett & Myers: 1961 Nov. 22
Liggett & Myers: Chesterfield cigarettes: 1961 Sept. 13
MAGGI Institutional (Unify Products--Frankfurt): 1962 Feb. 14
Magna Engineering Corp. (Shopsmith): 1948 July 26
Massachusetts Hospital Service (Blue Cross): 1947 Jan. 6
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.: 1950 Sept. 18; 1951 Sept. 24; 1954 Dec. 6.
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.: 100th Anniversary: 1951 May 21
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.: Focus on Babies: 1958 Sept. 29
Mattel (Prince Valiant campaign): 1954 May 17
McGraw Edison:
McGraw Edison: New client: 1957 Sept. 9
McGraw Edison: Voice Writer: 1961 May 24; 1958 July 21.
Mentholatum: 1947 Nov. 10; 1948 Oct. 18; 1949 Sept. 26; 1954 Oct. 18.
Merchandising Groups: 1955 July 18
Metal Box Co. of South Africa--Johannesburg: 1952 July 7
Millers National Federation: 1948 Aug. 23; 1949 Sept. 12.
Mirror: 1948 Sept. 27
Mobile Home Manufacturers Association: 1959 Sept. 2
Mobile Home Manufacturers Association: Newlyweds, retirees: 1958 Apr. 21
Mobile International (Step emblem): 1961 Feb. 8
Murine: Eye drops/ Reader's Digest: 1961 Mar. 15
Murine: Plastic Bottle campaign: 1959 Aug. 12
Mutual Orange Distributors: 1952 Mar. 17
National Book Committee, Inc. (Library Week): 1958 Mar. 17
National Car Rental (Men Who Hate toWait campaign): 1961 Sept. 20
National Library Week (Color bookmark): 1961 Apr. 12
National Shoe Institute: 1949 July 4
National Trailways Bus System: 1951 May 28
NATO: 1959 June 3
New Holland Machine Co.: 1950 Dec. 18; 1951 Dec. 31.
New Holland Machine Co.: Farm machines: 1954 Feb. 15
New Holland Machine Co.: Model 66 baler: 1953 Mar. 2
New Holland Machine Co.: Modular farm machine: 1961 Apr. 5
New York Central Railroad: 1955 May 16
North Western Mutual Life Insurance: 1948 Nov. 22
Northeast Airlines:
Northeast Airlines: Every Hour campaign: 1960 Sept. 7
Northeast Airlines: Viscount service: 1958 Aug. 18
Northwestern Mutual: 1957 Oct. 14
Oneida Limited: 1955 Mar. 7
Oneida Limited: Father/Daughter campaign: 1956 Aug. 27
Oneida Limited: Heirloom Sterling: 1949 Feb. 28; 1953 Aug. 3; 1953 June 8.
Oneida Limited: Premier and Deluxe: 1957 Aug. 5
Oneida Limited: Public relations: 1960 Mar. 16
Oneida Limited: Replacement market: 1957 May 27
Oscar Mayer & Co.: 1962 Sept. 19
Oscar Mayer & Co.: Family Personality: 1961 June 14
Owens-Illinois Glass Co.: 1946 Aug. 19; 1949 May 30; 1952 Apr. 7; 1954 June 28.
Owens-Illinois Glass Co.: Duraglass: 1948 Mar. 1; 1950 July 10.
Owens-Illinois Glass Co.: Kimble: 1953 Feb. 2
Owens-Illinois Glass Co.: Libbey: 1946 Sept. 16; 1948 Jan. 26; 1950 Sept. 25; 1951 Apr. 2; 1952 Nov. 17; 1953 Jan. 19.
Owens-Illinois Glass Co.: Summer holiday campaign: 1958 May 19
Oxford University Press: 1947 Nov. 3; 1949 Apr. 4; 1950 June 19.
Pacific Mills: 1951 Aug. 20
Pacific Mills: Carpet: 1953 Aug. 10
Pacific Mills: Fitted sheets: 1956 Jan. 16
Pacific Mills: Menswear: 1955 Aug. 8
Pacific Mills: Sheets: 1954 Dec. 13
Pan American World Airways: 1951 Sept. 10; 1956 June 11; 1957 Dec. 16; 1960 Oct. 12.
Pan American World Airways: Atlantic: 1958 Sept. 22
Pan American World Airways: Blizzard advertisement: 1950 July 31
Pan American World Airways: Boeing 707 replica: 1959 Apr. 22
Pan American World Airways: Clipper "Am Worlderica": 1949 Mar. 7
Pan American World Airways: Douglas DC-8 jets: 1960 Jan. 20
Pan American World Airways: Fly Now-Pay Later: 1954 May 10
Pan American World Airways: Latin Am Worlderica Division: 1960 May 11
Pan American World Airways: New Horizons Club: 1955 Dec. 12
Pan American World Airways: New Jet services: 1958 July 14
Pan American World Airways: Norman Rockwell's art: 1956 Mar. 5
Pan American World Airways: Pacific-Alaska Division: 1957 May 13
Pan American World Airways: Student market: 1961 June 28
Pan American World Airways: Syverson cartoons: 1970 May 1
Parker Pen: 1949 Feb. 21; 1950 Apr. 24; 1950 Aug. 28.
Parker Pen: 51 pen--London: 1953 Dec. 7
Parker Pen: Christmas gift campaign: 1951 Oct. 8
Parker Pen: Liquid Lead pencil: 1955 Jan. 17
Parker Pen: Superchrome ink: 1947 June 16
Penick & Ford: 1948 Apr. 26
Penick & Ford: Molasses: 1953 Sept. 7
Pepsi Cola Co. of Canada--Montreal: 1947 Apr. 28
Pesquers Iquique (Frozen fish--Santiago): 1952 Aug. 4
Peter Robinson (Fashion shop--London): 1949 Sept. 19
Pharma-Craft: Colodene: 1956 Jan. 23; 1956 Nov. 5.
Pharma-Craft: Deodorant: 1955 Jan. 24; 1957 Apr. 1.
Pharma-Craft: Fresh (Deodorant): 1946 Sept. 2; 1947 May 19.
Phillips Petroleum (New client): 1962 Oct. 17
Pineapple Grower's Association: 1952 July 28
Pineapple Grower's Association: Fashion/Vogue: 1955 Apr. 11
Pineapple Grower's Association: Frosty pineapple pie: 1953 July 27
Pineapple Grower's Association: Ice Cream Festival: 1955 Oct. 17
Pittsburgh Plate Glass (Mirrors): 1961 Nov. 29
Portland Cement Association: 1957 Nov. 11; 1959 Mar. 25.
Prince Matchabelli, Inc. (Fragrance, Psyche): 1959 Sept. 9
Purolator: 1949 Aug. 15
Purolator: Car Clinic television series: 1961 Mar. 8
Purolator: Oil filter: 1955 Sept. 12
Purolator: Operation Virginia: 1954 Oct. 25
Quaker Oats:
Quaker Oats: Aunt Jemima: 1958 Feb. 17; 1960 Nov. 9; 1954 Aug. 30.
Quaker Oats: Humanized campaign: 1958 Oct. 6
Quaker Oats: Ken-L Ration dog food: 1959 Feb. 25
Quaker Oats: Life cereal: 1961 Mar. 22; 1958 Oct. 20.
Quaker Oats: Pancake campaign: 1957 Jan. 21
Quaker Oats: Quota weight loss: 1960 Nov. 16
R.T. French: 1947 Oct. 27
R.T. French: Mustard: 1956 Feb. 27; 1960 Aug. 17; 1961 Jan. 11.
R.T. French: Scalloped potatoes: 1960 Apr. 20
Radio Station CFRB--Toronto: 1948 Sept. 6
Radio station KNBC: 1951 July 9
Rayve Home Permanent: 1949 Jan. 17; 1950 June 12.
RCA: 1949 Mar. 28; 1952 June 30; 1960 Jan. 27.
RCA: 5 Ways Finer for '53: 1953 Jan. 5
RCA: Color television: 1960 Sept. 7
RCA: Disney/color television: 1961 Sept. 13
RCA: Golden Ear: 1953 Nov. 16
RCA: High school students: 1961 May 17
RCA: Institutional: 1948 Feb. 16; 1950 Jan. 2.
RCA: Instruments: 1946 Dec. 30
RCA: Octoputer: 1970 June 2
RCA: Records: 1947 Jan. 13; 1950 Nov. 6.
RCA: Television: 1953 Sept. 21; 1950 Jan. 30.
Reader's Digest: 1956 Dec. 17; 1956 Oct. 29; 1957 Oct. 28.
Reader's Digest: Network television campaign: 1960 Dec. 14
Reader's Digest: New client: 1956 Jan. 2
Reader's Digest: Public relations: 1961 May 10
Reckitt & Colman (Zubes cough suppressant--Capetown): 1949 Feb. 14
Religion in American Life: 1954 Oct. 4; 1956 Nov. 19; 1959 Sept. 16; 1960 Aug. 31.
Religion in American Life: Public service advertising: 1950 Oct. 30
Religion in American Life: Target young adults: 1958 Sept. 15
Religion in American Life: Thanksgiving: 1957 Nov. 25
Rice Industry: 1959 June 24
RKO Radio Pictures: 1956 July 2
Roddis Plywood Corp.: 1957 July 1
Rolex Watch Co.: 1955 Aug. 1
Rowntree's (Confectionary--London): 1953 Nov. 2
Royal Baking Powder:
Royal Baking Powder: Fairyland campaign--Capetown: 1952 Sept. 1
Royal Baking Powder: London: 1952 July 21
S.S. Jacobs Co.: 1955 May 9
Safeway Stores: 1952 Feb. 18
Safeway Stores: 25% sales increase: 1955 July 11
Safeway Stores: Economy campaign: 1955 Jan. 31
Safeway Stores: Famous flour: 1947 Sept. 22
Safeway Stores: Farm advertising: 1950 Aug. 7
Safeway Stores: Fleet biscuit mix: 1950 Feb. 6
Safeway Stores: Frozen chicken: 1955 June 6
Safeway Stores: Lucerne milk: 1949 June 13; 1955 Mar. 28.
Produce: 1954 May 31
Recruitment: 1955 May 2
San Francisco Chronicle: 1949 June 20
San Francisco Mutual Railway: 1950 June 26
Scarfe & Co., Ltd. (Jellied paint--Toronto): 1955 Apr. 4
Schlage Lock Co.: 1957 Dec. 30; 1961 Dec. 13.
Schlitz Brewing Co. (Joy of Living album): 1959 May 6
Scott Paper Co.: 1947 Oct. 20; 1951 Nov. 26; 1960 Jan. 6.
Scott Paper Co.: $15,000,000 buildings: 1961 June 21
Scott Paper Co.: Animated commercials: 1959 Apr. 15
Scott Paper Co.: Bringing Up Buddy television series: 1961 Jan. 25
Scott Paper Co.: Circus animal album: 1961 Aug. 30
Scott Paper Co.: Colored napkins: 1960 July 27
Scott Paper Co.: Cut-Rite: 1961 July 19
Scott Paper Co.: Magic Oval Box: 1962 Feb. 14
Scott Paper Co.: New Hankie Pack: 1961 Aug. 9
Scott Paper Co.: New with Colors: 1956 Apr. 2
Scott Paper Co.: Scot tissue: 1947 Feb. 24; 1955 Feb. 28.
Scott Paper Co.: Scot Towel: 1960 Apr. 13
Scott Paper Co.: Scotkins napkins: 1953 June 29
Scott Paper Co.: Scotkins: 1958 Mar. 3
Scott Paper Co.: Soft-Weve: 1949 Oct. 31; 1957 July 8.
Scott Paper Co.: Tri-Color: 1956 July 16
Scott Paper Co.: Two new television shows: 1961 Aug. 23
Scott Paper Co.: Waldorf Tissues: 1949 Dec. 19
Scripto, Inc. (Ink pens): 1956 Aug. 13
Sealy mattress (Posturepedic): 1959 Apr. 8
Seven-Up: 1946 Oct. 14; 1951 Dec. 10; 1959 Jan. 28.
Seven-Up: Fresh-Up Freddie: 1957 Dec. 2
Seven-Up: Kingston Trio: 1960 July 27
Seven-Up: Target teens: 1959 Dec. 30
Shell Chemical Corp.: 1947 Mar. 10; 1956 Sept. 17; 1958 June 23.
Shell Oil Co.: 1946 Nov. 4; 1950 Apr. 10; 1948 Oct. 11; 1949 Apr. 25.
Shell Oil Co.: Gasoline: 1952 Apr. 21
Shell Oil Co.: Local radio: 1947 Dec. 29
Shell Oil Co.: Oil: 1952 May 12
Shell Oil Co.: Outdoor advertising: 1947 June 2
Shell Oil Co.: Premium gasoline: 1951 May 14
Shell Oil Co.: Public Relations: 1946 Dec. 16
Shell Oil Co.: Radar Tests gasoline: 1956 Apr. 9
Shell Oil Co.: West Coast--public relations: 1949 July 18
Shell Oil Co.: X-100 motor oil: 1951 Apr. 30
Sherwin-Williams (Lin-X Home Brights--Montreal): 1948 Mar. 29
Siam di Tella (Motor scooter--Buenos Aires): 1954 Nov. 29
Singer (Wizard of Oz theme): 1970 Mar. 6
Southern California Citrus Foods: 1947 Mar. 17
Southwest Airways: 1950 Sept. 4
Squibb: Campaign against virus: 1954 May 3
Squibb: Squibb International: 1947 July 14
Stag Brewery--Johannesburg: 1953 Apr. 20
Standard Brands: 1950 Mar. 6
Standard Brands: Baking powder: 1955 July 25
Standard Brands: Chase & Sanborn: 1960 Feb. 10
Standard Brands: "Eat More Bread": 1956 Feb. 6
Standard Brands: Fleischmann's yeast: 1955 Jan. 10; 1952 Jan. 14; 1949 Mar. 14; 1951 July 2; 1960 Mar. 23.
Standard Brands: Instant tea: 1960 June 8
Standard Brands: New Tender Leaf: 1961 July 5
Standard Brands: Planters Peanuts: 1962 Jan. 24
Standard Brands: Recipes: 1956 Mar. 12
Standard Brands: Royal pudding: 1956 Dec. 24; 1960 Jan. 6; 1955 Feb. 14.
Standard Brands: Tea party: 1958 Apr. 7
Standard Brands: Tender Leaf Tea: 1961 Nov. 8; 1956 July 23; 1960 July 13.
Standard Brands: Tender Leaf tea--International: 1952 Nov. 24
Standard Brands: Young America Cooks: 1961 Oct. 18
Standard Brands Ltd.--Montreal:
Standard Brands Ltd.--Montreal: Chase & Sanborn: 1950 Aug. 14
Standard Brands Ltd.--Montreal: Magic baking powder: 1951 June 11
Staze, Inc. (Denture adhesive): 1951 Jan. 15
Steel Co. of Wales--London: 1958 Feb. 10
Stouffer Corp.:
Stouffer Corp.: Free offer: 1959 May 27
Stouffer Corp.: Television campaign: 1959 Nov. 11
Swift & Co.: 1947 Jan. 27; 1949 May 9; 1950 Apr. 3; 1950 Mar. 20; 1952 Mar. 3; 1954 Feb. 1.
Swift & Co.: Allsweet Margarine: 1956 Feb. 13
Swift & Co.: Bacon: 1950 Jan. 16
Swift & Co.: Bakery shortenings: 1949 Aug. 22
Swift & Co.: Centennial: 1955 Apr. 25
Swift & Co.: Dog food: 1952 Aug. 11; 1954 Jan. 18.
Swift & Co.: Franks, sausage: 1947 Oct. 13
Swift & Co.: Fresh meats: 1947 May 5
Swift & Co.: Grocery products: 1954 July 19
Swift & Co.: Ham, bacon: 1948 Jan. 19
Swift & Co.: Margarine: 1952 May 26
Swift & Co.: Pard dog food: 1948 Apr. 19; 1952 Oct. 20; 1955 Feb. 21.
Swift & Co.: Peanut butter: 1948 Sept. 20; 1950 Feb. 13.
Swift & Co.: Swift'ning: 1948 Mar. 22; 1949 July 25.
Swift & Co.: Table Ready meats: 1950 July 24
Swift & Co.: Vigoro plant food: 1953 Feb. 9; 1948 Mar. 15; 1951 Feb. 12.
Sylvania Electric Products:
Sylvania Electric Products: Fluorescent lamps: 1955 June 20
Sylvania Electric Products: Halolight: 1954 Dec. 20
Sylvania Electric Products: Softlight: 1956 July 9
Textron: 1946 Dec. 23
Textron: Corporate: 1970 May 15
Textron: Nashua Mills: 1948 Feb. 2
The Long Red Line (Blood drive): 1951 Dec. 17
Thomas A. Edison, Inc. (Voice Writer): 1956 Jan. 30
Times Weekly Edition--London: 1947 Aug. 4
Timken Roller Bearing Co.: 1954 Aug. 16
Trailer Coach Manufacturers' Association: 1949 Jan. 31; 1951 July 30.
Mobile Home Inspection Week 1952 Nov. 3
U.S. Brewer's Foundation: 1947 Apr. 7; 1947 Sept. 8; 1949 May 2; 1951 Feb. 5; 1952 Jan. 28; 1960 Aug. 3; 1960 July 20.
U.S. Brewer's Foundation: Home Life in America: 1953 May 18
U.S. Committee for Refugees (World Refugee Year): 1960 Apr. 6
U.S. Lines: 1951 July 16; 1962 Mar. 7.
SS United States: 1952 June 23
Superliner: 1952 June 9
Tourist market: 1959 Feb. 18
U.S. Marine Corps (Posters, direct mail): 1953 July 13
U.S. Playing Card Co.: 1946 Sept. 9; 1948 Oct. 25; 1958 July 28; 1960 Aug. 10.
United Artists (Beacon Pictures): 1947 July 7
United Crusade (Charity): 1955 Oct. 31
United Foundation (Charity): 1953 Oct. 19
United Medical Services (Increased benefits): 1955 Oct. 3
United Nations Day (Public service advertising): 1950 Oct. 16
United Tobacco Cos. Ltd. (Preference promotion--Capetown): 1953 Jan. 26
University of California Radiation Lab: 1957 Feb. 25
Ward Baking Co.: 1949 Aug. 1; 1952 June 2; 1956 June 4.
Ward Baking Co.: Emily Tipp campaign: 1958 Apr. 14
Ward Baking Co.: Gerber Primary bread: 1959 May 13
Ward Baking Co.: Tip Top bread: 1947 Feb. 3; 1953 Nov. 30.
Washington State Apple Commission: 1947 Dec. 1; 1949 Oct. 24; 1950 Oct. 23; 1952 Oct. 27.
Washington State Dairy Products Commission (Teenage study): 1951 Oct. 22
Weco Products Co.: 1948 Jan. 5; 1949 Oct. 3; 1951 Mar. 26.
Wells Organizations, Inc. (Church fund raising): 1954 Sept. 6
Western Union: 1947 Feb. 10; 1949 Oct. 17.
Westminster Tobacco Co.--Capetown: 1951 July 23
Whitbread & Co. (Beer--Antwerp): 1957 Sept. 2
Whizzer Motor Co.: 1948 Dec. 13; 1948 May 31; 1947 May 12.
Window Shade Institute: 1949 Apr. 18
Woods Manufacturing Co.--Montreal: 1949 June 27
Wool Bureau: 1957 Aug. 12; 1958 Aug. 4; 1960 Feb. 10.
Wool Bureau Inc. & Wool Inc.: 1954 July 12; 1956 Oct. 15.
Yankee Baseball Team: 1947 Oct. 6
Yellow Cab Co.: 1950 Dec. 4

News Bulletin Contents by Author

Materials located in Boxes MN1-MN5.

Acland, Peregrine. It Takes Too Much Time to Sell Bulk Goods 1925 Sept.
Acland, Peregrine. Make a Sale Every Time You Get an Interview 1926 June
Anderson, Harriet. End of the Era of Humbug 1923 July
Anderson, Hayward. Be Yourself! But Can You? 1929 Dec.
Anderson, Margaret. Why Is Your Copy So Long? 1922 Mar.
Angell, Norman. New Factor in Social Development 1928 Mar.
Ardery, Lois. She Wants It But She Doesn't Know It Yet 1924 Dec.
Ashby, Bruce. Are the Makers of Automotive Accessories on the Horns of a Sales Dilemma? 1927 Feb.
Ashby, Bruce. Farmer's Dollar and How It Is Spent 1927 Jan.
Ashby, Bruce. What About the Farm Market? 1926 July
Aymar, Gordon C.. Advertising Illustration in England 1929 Apr.
Aymar, Gordon C.. Munsell Color System 1922 Dec.
Aymar, Gordon C.. What Advertising Has Done for Type Design 1923 June
Aymar, Gordon C.. What Will Follow the Rule of Thumb Era? 1922 Aug.
Barnes, Julius H.. Economic Marketing 1925 Mar.
Berridge, William. Index of the Incomes of Factory Workers 1924 Mar.
Boren, Wallace R.. Mental Lunch Counters for Consumers 1930 May
Browne, Raymond. Selective Distribution 1929 Mar.
Casseres, Aminta. Headlines! Did You Ever Write a Good One? 1922 Dec.
Casseres, Aminta. How Important is the Style of the Copy? 1923 July
Casseres, Aminta. Radio Today is Not Just a Good-Will Medium 1929 Oct.
Cherington, Paul T.. Can Advertising Effects Be Measured? 1927 Apr.
Cherington, Paul T.. Chain Stores in the Grocery Business 1927 Sept.
Cherington, Paul T.. College Education for Business 1925 Aug.
Cherington, Paul T.. Distribution Census and Trends in Retailing 1929 Oct.
Cherington, Paul T.. Economic Phases of Advertising 1927 June
Cherington, Paul T.. Editorial Character of Business Papers 1926 Jan.
Cherington, Paul T.. Fallacy of Salesman Research 1930 Apr.
Cherington, Paul T.. Fruit of the Loom Decision 1922 Nov.
Cherington, Paul T.. Lo: The Cliff Dweller 1927 Sept.
Cherington, Paul T.. Manufacturer's Relations to Jobber's and Retailer's Salesmen 1923 Apr.
Cherington, Paul T.. New Practices in the Construction of Sales Quotas 1927 Jan.
Cherington, Paul T.. Outline of the New Book Retail Shopping Areas 1928 Mar.
Cherington, Paul T.. Rose By Any Other Name 1922 Sept.
Cherington, Paul T.. Scientific Methods in Agency Work 1923 July
Cherington, Paul T.. Securities Panic 1929 Dec.
Cherington, Paul T.. Some Fundamental Principles of Organization 1927 Mar.
Cherington, Paul T.. Some Lessons from Early New England Foreign Trading 1923 June
Cherington, Paul T.. Some Marketing Problems of the Shoe Industry 1925 Feb.
Cherington, Paul T.. Some Recent Changes in the Rural and Small Town Market 1925 July
Cherington, Paul T.. Some Recent Developments in Market Analysis 1927 May
Cherington, Paul T.. Standard Color Scheme for Market Analysis Charts 1925 Oct.
Cherington, Paul T.. Where Are You Going--My Pretty Market? 1926 Nov.
Cherington, Paul T.. Where the Urban and Rural Population Live 1924 Jan.
Clark, Earle. Discussion of Business Policies Appropriate to Present Economic Conditions 1923 Nov.
Clark, Earle. What Will Your Business Policies Be in 1923? 1923 Jan.
Cody, E. Morrill. Advertising Adventures in France 1923 June
Cunningham, Janet. New Types for Old? 1929 Oct.
David, Donald Kirk. Aims and Responsibilities of the Business School 1927 Mar.
Day, William L.. Can Advertising Cripple Manufacturing and Selling Resourcefulness? 1929 Aug.
Day, William L.. Sales and Advertising Problems of Merged Industries 1929 Mar.
Day, William L.. Vogue and Volume 1928 Nov.
De Vries, John T.. Character and Unity from Hidden Technique 1922 Mar.
De Vries, John T.. Eloquence in Advertising Illustration 1922 Feb.
Dodge, Astrid . Work of an Advertising Kitchen 1922 Sept.
Dunne, Richard A.. What Is the Trend in the Use of Color? 1925 July
Faulkner, George H.. ...And You Meet Such Interesting People 1930 Apr.
Flinn, Richard A.. State Labor Bureau Index as a Guide to Purchasing Power 1924 Mar.
Flower, H.C.. Ambassadors of Commerce 1930 Apr.
Fowler, George S.. Sanuel Reyburn Discusses Man-Power in Business 1927 Jan.
Fowler, George S.. When the Chain Store Puts Its Wrong Foot Foremost 1926 Jan.
Freyd, Max. Finding the Peak of Drawing Power 1923 Aug.
Fuller, Edward. When Will Air Transportation Arrive? 1930 May
Groom, William S. . Use of Dealer Electros in Merchandising 1922 May
Groom, William S. . What Makes Turnover and What it Means 1923 Apr.
Gwinn, Ralph W.. Why the Chain Store? 1929 Mar.
Hale, J. Mark. Value of Recipes in Advertising 1923 Aug.
Harcourt, Alfred. Changing Markets 1930 May
Hartzell, A.E.. Give a Thought to Spain 1928 Mar.
Hartzell, A.E.. When Carmen Goes Shopping-- 1928 July
Henderson, Howard. Behind the Doorbell 1923 Aug.
Henson, H. Hensley. Truth, Commerce, and World Peace 1924 Oct.
Holmes, Mildred. Bunk 1929 Aug.
Holmes, Mildred. Housewives Write the Copy 1923 May
Hoover, Herbert. Reducing the Cost of Distribution 1925 Feb.
Hutchison, James L. . Brass Tacks in Foreign Trade 1923 Feb.
Hutchison, James L. . Complex Art of Being Simple 1923 Mar.
Hutchison, James L. . Modern Advertising Methods in China 1922 Aug.
Johnson, Peirce. Getting the Most Out of Color 1922 June
Kennedy, William D.. Reader Advertisement 1928 Nov.
Kilbourn, Orrin P.. New Era in the Automobile Industry 1928 Nov.
Kinney, Gilbert. Full Dinner Pail Idea Kept the Republicans in for Sixteen Years 1924 Oct.
Kinney, Gilbert. How to Get Prestige for American Products 1926 June
Kinney, Gilbert. How to Sell Salesmen on Advertising 1922 June
Kinney, Gilbert. Loyalties in the Making 1923 Jan.
Kinney, Gilbert. Now That The Excess Profits Tax Has Gone--? 1922 Apr.
Kinney, Gilbert. What is Fair? 1926 Sept.
Kinney, Gilbert. What Manner of Man--! 1923 May
Klein, Julius. Planned Prosperity 1930 Apr.
Kohl, Howard. Getting Advertising Produced 1922 Apr.
Leffingwell, Albert. Coue Was Right 1923 May
Leffingwell, Albert. Gentle Reader 1922 May
Leffingwell, Albert. Practical Appeal in Advertising to Men 1924 Dec.
Leffingwell, Albert. They Don't Want to Read It! 1922 Nov.
Legler, Henry. Association Advertising 1929 Apr.
Lewander, Gosta M.. International Trade as a Promoter of Peace 1930 May
Lewis, Edith. Emotional Quality in Advertisements 1923 Apr.
Maule, Frances. How to Get a Good Consumer Image 1922 Mar.
Maule, Frances. Snob Appeal 1923 Mar.
Maule, Frances. Woman Appeal 1924 Jan.
Mazur, Paul. Advertising and American Prosperity 1928 May
Mazur, Paul. Is the Cost of Distribution Too High? 1925 Dec.
Mazur, Paul. Logic of the Department Store Organization 1925 Sept.
McCabe, Thomas B.. How I Selected an Advertising Agency (Scott) 1929 Oct.
McKenna, Reginald. American Dollar Replaces the Gold Standard 1928 Mar.
Meek, Samuel. Few Facts About Our Work Abroad 1928 Nov.
Mehren, Edward J.. How Should the Advertiser Measure the Value of a Business Paper? 1925 July
Miller, George L. . What Does an Automobile Dealer Mean by Service? 1922 May
Mims, Stewart L.. Importance of Investigation to an Agency and Its Clients 1922 June
Mims, Stewart L.. You Don't Know a Damn Thing About Raincoats 1922 Mar.
Miner, Henry C.. American Manufacturer Meets His Foreign Consumer 1929 Oct.
Miner, Henry J.. Major Difficulties in Asia Minor 1928 July
O'Meara, Walter. On a Phase of Copy Style 1924 Dec.
O'Shea, Monica B.. Familiar Human Material Doing a New Job 1929 Oct.
Paradise, S.H.. Improvement in British Conditions 1922 Oct.
Paradise, S.H.. London-Paris Air Line 1922 Feb.
Paradise, S.H.. Oh, But We Are Different 1923 Nov.
Parker, Dorothy. Chicago Office Goes Pyrenees 1929 Dec.
Pearson, George. Elementary Methods in Selecting Newspaper Media 1922 June
Perkins, Frederick. Packages 1922 Apr.
Perrin, E.O.. Development of Outdoor Advertising 1922 Feb.
Perrin, E.O.. Effectiveness of Various Sizes of Advertising Space 1922 Oct.
Posey, Chester A.. Unusual Achievement in the Paint Industry 1922 Aug.
Raymond, C.E.. Development of Advertising With Distribution 1922 Oct.
Resor, Stanley. Advertising as an Career 1927 May
Resor, Stanley. Dollar-A-Year Graduate School 1929 Aug.
Resor, Stanley. How Do Current Changes in the Field of Distribution Affect the Practice of Advertising? 1925 Dec.
Resor, Stanley. How Important are Store Demonstrations and Special Commissions to Clerks? 1923 Mar.
Resor, Stanley. Introduction [to issue on advertising abroad] 1928 July
Resor, Stanley. New Information 1924 July
Resor, Stanley. Personalities and the Public: Some Aspects of Testimonial Advertising 1929 Apr.
Resor, Stanley. What Do These Changes Mean? 1923 Dec.
Resor, Stanley. What Does the College Man Mean to Advertising? 1928 May
Resor, Stanley. What Your Community Must Do Before Advertising 1925 Aug.
Resor, Stanley. What the American Association of Advertising Agencies Does to Make Advertising cientifically More Effective 1924 Dec.
Richey, S. Hunter. One Best Answer for Every Sales Resistance 1923 Feb.
Richey, S. Hunter. Timing Intensive Selling with Advertising 1922 Aug.
Ricketts, William. What Does South America Offer the American Advertiser? 1928 July
Rivers, Stuart. I Want a... 1923 Feb.
Rothschild, Richard . Using Waste Circulation to Sell the Product 1922 Aug.
Smith, Guy C.. Advertising Manager--A Business Man or Technician? 1929 Dec.
Smith, Harlan. American Farmer, Inc. 1922 Oct.
Stanton, Henry T.. Advertising and the Cost of Distribution 1927 June
Stanton, Henry T.. Two Examples 1922 Sept.
Swope, Gerard. Responsibilities of Modern Industry 1927 Jan.
Thompson, Clyde S.. Trend in Outdoor Advertising 1930 Apr.
Tipper, Harry. General Motors Around the World 1928 Mar.
Tomlinson, W.P.. What Price Progress? 1927 Apr.
Townsend, Dorothy. Mrs. Wilkins Reads the Ladies Home Journal 1923 June
Waldo, Ruth. Invention--The Essence of Advertising 1929 Dec.
Walker, David N.. Do Your Salesmen Use Your Advertising? 1923 Aug.
Walker, David N.. Great American Cupboard 1923 Nov.
Watson, Clement H.. Markets are People--Not Places 1928 July
Watson, John B.. Advertising By Radio 1923 May
Watson, John B.. Are Booklets Read and Kept? 1922 Sept.
Watson, John B.. Just a Piece of Key Copy 1929 Aug.
Watson, John B.. Personality and the Choice of Personnel (II): Can Psychology Help in the Selection of Personnel? 1927 Apr.
Watson, John B.. Personality and the Choice of Personnel (II): The Behaviorist Looks at Personality 1927 Mar.
Watson, John B.. Thinking as Viewed By the Behaviorists 1927 Feb.
Watson, John B.. What Cigarette Are You Smoking and Why? 1922 July
Watson, Richmond. Polling the Consumer 1930 May
Webb, Ewing T.. Cutting Down Waste in Store Display 1922 May
Webb, Ewing T.. Largest National Expense: How Advertising Helps Reduce It 1922 Mar.
Wengler, Harold. Transmuting and Delivering a Bowl of Cereal (Hot) 1929 Aug.
Willey and Locock. Report on Visit to the United States of America 1926 Apr.
Winslow, Emma A.. Contributions from Budget Studies to the Construction of a Statistical Index of the Purchasing Power of Consumers in the United States 1924 Mar.
Woolf, James D.. Problem of Creating Desire 1922 Apr.
Wyman, Walter A.. Are American Manufacturers Foolish Exporters? 1922 Dec.
Young, James W.. Control of the Advertising Appropriation 1922 Feb.
Young, James W.. Co-operative Advertising 1926 Nov.
Unattributed. 2nd Annual Exhibition of Advertising Art 1922 Nov.
Unattributed. A House in the Country 1922 May
Unattributed. Achievements of the Automobile 1925 Aug.
Unattributed. Advertising Principles Applied to International Politics 1925 Jan.
Unattributed. Advertising Revenue Twice That from Subscription Sales 1925 Mar.
Unattributed. American Manufacturers Find a Market in Lithuania 1924 Jan.
Unattributed. Analysis of Building Volume 1923 Feb.
Unattributed. Ancient Art and Modern Industry 1922 Apr.
Unattributed. Art Sources Investigated 1923 Apr.
Unattributed. At Last--A Boon to the Inventor 1922 Aug.
Unattributed. Automobile Registrations Jump Two Millions in 1924 1925 Feb.
Unattributed. Automobile Saturation? 1926 July
Unattributed. Beech-Nut Case 1922 Feb.
Unattributed. Bertand Russell on Behaviorism 1927 Jan.
Unattributed. Bit of Old New England in a New York Office Building 1925 Jan.
Unattributed. Britain Now Has 562 Millionaires 1928 May
Unattributed. British Courts Render Interesting Decision on Advertising 1928 May
Unattributed. British Papers Boost Their Circulation With Free Insurance 1922 June
Unattributed. Brooklyn Retailers Seek Court Order to Compel Push-Cart Vendors to Trade in ront of Their Stores 1925 Sept.
Unattributed. C.M. Olmstead Joins the Staff 1923 Apr.
Unattributed. Cement Shortage Threatens 1922 Nov.
Unattributed. [Cherington] Will Head Subcommittee on Census of Distribution 1927 Apr.
Unattributed. Clients of the J. Walter Thompson Company 1922 (Mar., May, July, Sept., Nov.); 1923 (Jan., Mar., May, July, Nov.); 1924 (Jan., July, Oct.); 1925 (July-Oct., Dec.); 1926 (Jan., Apr., June, July, Sept., Nov.); 1927 (Jan.-June, Sept.); 1928 (Mar., May, July, Nov.); 1929 (Mar., Apr., Aug., Dec.); 193
Unattributed. Columnist Views Modern Merchandising 1927 Sept.
Unattributed. Come Back of the Auto Industry 1922 Aug.
Unattributed. Competition of Canadian and American Magazines in Canada 1923 Apr.
Unattributed. Consumers Decide 1926 July
Unattributed. Consumer's Purchasing Power in Thirty-one Cities 1924 Nov.
Unattributed. Contestants Busy on Essay 1923 Jan.
Unattributed. Convention of the A.A.C. of W. 1923 July
Unattributed. Department Store Costs of Business 1922 Oct.
Unattributed. Distinguished British Physician Tells of Progress in the Mastery of Disease 1924 Nov.
Unattributed. Do Busy Men Read Advertisements? 1922 June
Unattributed. Dr, Klein Optimistic as to Export Market 1926 Sept.
Unattributed. Exhibition of Home Furnishings 1922 Oct.
Unattributed. Fordized Distribution 1927 May
Unattributed. Foreign Trade of U,S, Shows a Substantial Increase 1925 Oct.
Unattributed. General Practitioner to Stay But Will Have to Work With Research Laboratories 1925 Sept.
Unattributed. Growth of Canadian Magazines 1923 Aug.
Unattributed. Growth of Chain Drug Stores 1922 June
Unattributed. Harlan Smith Comes to J. Walter Thompson Company 1922 Sept.
Unattributed. Harvard Advertising Awards 1925 Mar.
Unattributed. Headquarters of Some of the J. Walter Thompson Foreign Offices 1928 Mar.
Unattributed. How a Rubber Mat Revolutionized a Nation's Footwear Habits 1922 Aug.
Unattributed. How Many Consumers Are Necessary for the Support of a Store? 1925 Jan.
Unattributed. How Many Homes Does Magazine Advertising Reach? 1925 Jan.
Unattributed. How Strong Are the Chain Drug Stores in the Larger Cities? 1926 July
Unattributed. How Strong Are the Chain Groceries in the Leading Cities 1926 June
Unattributed. I Spend Half My Life in the Kitchen 1925 Jan.
Unattributed. Increase in Population Will Demand Cheaper Food 1922 Nov.
Unattributed. Is the Chain Store Still In Its Infancy? 1925 July
Unattributed. J. Walter Thompson Prize Essay Contest 1924 Mar.
Unattributed. J. Walter Thompson Radio Programs 1930 Apr.
Unattributed. J. Walter Thompson, 1847-1928 1928 Nov.
Unattributed. Just What Effect Does Weather Have on Retail Sales? 1927 Mar.
Unattributed. Keeping Peace With Mass Production 1925 Jan.
Unattributed. Magazine Circulations Among Industrial Employees 1926 Jan.
Unattributed. Management--The Third Ingredient 1927 Feb.
Unattributed. Manhattan's Lunch Time Population 1926 July
Unattributed. Mariemont [a planned community in Cincinatti] 1926 Sept.
Unattributed. Market for Electricity and Electrical Devices 1922 Nov.
Unattributed. Mid-Census Estimate Places Population of United States at 113,000,000 as of July 1, 1925 1926 June
Unattributed. More Automobiles Than Telephones 1924 July
Unattributed. Mr. Groom Addresses Jewelers 1922 Sept.
Unattributed. Nearly Thirteen Million Americans Live in Villages 1926 Nov.
Unattributed. Net Profits of General Motors Double Ford's for 1926 1927 May
Unattributed. New Evidence on Brand Consciousness 1923 Apr.
Unattributed. New Figures Supplementing Population and Its Distribution 1924 Oct.
Unattributed. New J. Walter Thompson Company Office on the Pacific Coast (San Francisco) 1923 July
Unattributed. New Organizations of Advertising Men 1923 Aug.
Unattributed. Note on the Increase of American Investments Abroad 1925 Oct.
Unattributed. Number of Domestic Servants in U,S, Decreases 350,000 in Ten Years 1925 Sept.
Unattributed. Out-Britishing the Britisher 1928 Nov.
Unattributed. Paul T. Cherington Joins the Staff 1922 May
Unattributed. Pool Versus the Chain Store 1922 Nov.
Unattributed. Population and Its Distribution Helps the Government Solve a Problem 1922 Feb.
Unattributed. Population Figures for Great Britain and Ireland 1924 July
Unattributed. President Coolidge Sees in Advertising a Great Educational Force 1927 Jan.
Unattributed. President of Large Insurance Company Endorses Dr. Watson's Plan 1922 Feb.
Unattributed. Prestige and Good Will Protected by Sweeping Injunction 1922 Apr.
Unattributed. Purpose of the Essay Contest 1922 Oct.
Unattributed. Recent Distinguished Visitors to the New York Office 1922 July
Unattributed. Retail Shopping Areas Wins Book Award for Advertising Research 1928 Mar.
Unattributed. Second International Silk Exposition 1923 Mar.
Unattributed. Selling the Hospital Field 1923 Apr.
Unattributed. Seventy Years of Growth 1924 Nov.
Unattributed. Shopping Center for Three Nations 1927 May
Unattributed. Size of the Market for Heating Specialties Little Appreciated 1923 Apr.
Unattributed. Some Grocery Chain Store Figures 1924 Oct.
Unattributed. Some New Developments in Commercial Statistics 1925 Oct.
Unattributed. Steady Increase in Purchasing Power of Consumer 1925 Sept.
Unattributed. Study of Magazine Circulation in Cincinnati, Ohio 1923 Oct.
Unattributed. Subject of the Essay Contest 1922 Nov.
Unattributed. The Advance Has Come Through Substituting Observation for Preconceptions & Passions 1926 July
Unattributed. The Automobile Industry in Nearer Certainty Than at any Previous Time 1927 Feb.
Unattributed. The Creative Plus Which No One Mind By Itself Could Achieve 1926 Nov.
Unattributed. Transplanting a New England Farm House to the Heart of New York City 1922 Feb.
Unattributed. Under the Bushel? [making ideas graphic] 1922 Feb.
Unattributed. Value of a Window Display Not Wholly Dependent on Its Dignity 1922 Dec.
Unattributed. We Are Still Laying Bricks Like the Babylonians 1926 June
Unattributed. What Do Our Rural Neighbors Buy? (Putnam Co., N.Y., and Randolph Co., Ind.) 1926 Mar.
Unattributed. What is Happening to the Thirteen Thousand Villages 1927 Sept.
Unattributed. When Sampling Increased Sales 30 Times 1922 July
Unattributed. White Motor Trucks Utilize Irving Advertisement 1922 Mar.
Unattributed. Who Does Not Seek After Persuasion? 1925 Oct.
Unattributed. Why a Study of Purchasing Power is Important 1924 Mar.
Unattributed. Will the Automobile Break Down International Boundaries? 1927 Apr.
Advertisements. Baker's Coconut (Franklin Baker Co.) 1923 Mar.
Advertisements. Barreled Sunlight (U.S. Gutta Percha Paint Co.) 1922 Aug.
Advertisements. Buick (General Motors, London) 1928 Nov.
Advertisements. Cheramy Perfume 1922 May
Advertisements. Collier's 1922 Oct.
Advertisements. Davey Tree Surgeons 1923 Apr.
Advertisements. Eagle-A Bond (Amer. Writing Paper Co.) 1922 June
Advertisements. Gruen Watches 1923 Jan.
Advertisements. J. Walter Thompson Company's Prize Essay Contest 1922 Aug.
Advertisements. Keds Shoes (U.S. Rubber Co.) 1922 Sept.
Advertisements. Lux Flakes for Dishwashing 1923 Mar.; 1922 Oct..
Advertisements. O'Sullivan Heels 1922 July
Advertisements. Pebeco Tooth Paste 1923 Feb.
Advertisements. Pennsylvania Railroad 1927 Feb.
Advertisements. Phenix Cheese Co. 1922 Nov.
Advertisements. Rice's Slices Bread 1929 Oct.
Advertisements. Richardson Roofing 1923 Mar.
Advertisements. Savage Arms Corp. (rifles) 1922 Oct.
Advertisements. Sunbrite Cleanser (Swift & Co.) 1923 Mar.
Advertisements. Swift's Ham and Bacon 1922 Dec.
Advertisements. Vanity Fair Silk Underwear 1922 Dec.
Advertisements. Woodbury's Soap (Andrew Jergens Co.) 1922 Dec.

News Bulletin Contents by Title

Materials located in Boxes MN1-MN5.

2nd Annual Exhibition of Advertising Art. [Author: Unattributed] 1927 Apr.
A House in the Country. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Nov.
Achievements of the Automobile. [Author: Unattributed] 1925 Aug.
Advertising Adventures in France. [Author: Cody, E. Morrill] 1923 June
Advertising and American Prosperity. [Author: Mazur, Paul] 1928 May
Advertising and the Cost of Distribution. [Author: Stanton, Henry T.] 1927 June
Advertising as a Career. [Author: Resor, Stanley] 1927 May
Advertising By Radio. [Author: Watson, John B.] 1923 May
Advertising Illustration in England. [Author: Aymar, Gordon C.] 1929 Apr.
Advertising Manager--A Business Man or Technician?. [Author: Smith, Guy C.] 1929 Dec.
Advertising Principles Applied to International Politics. [Author: Unattributed] 1925 Jan.
Advertising Revenue Twice That from Subscription Sales. [Author: Unattributed] 1925 Mar.
Aims and Responsibilities of the Business School. [Author: David, Donald Kirk] 1927 Mar.
Ambassadors of Commerce. [Author: Flower, H.C.] 1930 Apr.
American Dollar Replaces the Gold Standard. [Author: McKenna, Reginald] 1928 Mar.
American Farmer, Inc.. [Author: Smith, Harlan] 1922 Oct.
American Manufacturer Meets His Foreign Consumer. [Author: Miner, Henry C.] 1929 Oct.
American Manufacturers Find a Market in Lithuania. [Author: Unattributed] 1924 Jan.
Analysis of Building Volume. [Author: Unattributed] 1923 Feb.
Ancient Art and Modern Industry. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Apr.
...And You Meet Such Interesting People. [Author: Faulkner, George H.] 1930 Apr.
Are American Manufacturers Foolish Exporters?. [Author: Wyman, Walter A.] 1922 Dec.
Are Booklets Read and Kept?. [Author: Watson, John B.] 1922 Sept.
Are the Makers of Automotive Accessories on the Horns of a Sales Dilemma?. [Author: Ashby, Bruce] 1927 Feb.
Art Sources Investigated. [Author: Unattributed] 1923 Apr.
Association Advertising. [Author: Legler, Henry] 1929 Apr.
At Last--A Boon to the Inventor. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Aug.
Automobile Registrations Jump Two Millions in 1924. [Author: Unattributed] 1925 Feb.
Automobile Saturation?. [Author: Unattributed] 1926 July
Baker's Coconut (Franklin Baker Co.) . [Advertisement] 1923 Mar.
Barreled Sunlight (U.S. Gutta Percha Paint Co.) . [Advertisement] 1922 Aug.
Be Yourself! But Can You?. [Author: Anderson, Hayward] 1929 Dec.
Beech-Nut Case. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Feb.
Behind the Doorbell. [Author: Henderson, Howard] 1923 Aug.
Bertand Russell on Behaviorism. [Author: Unattributed] 1927 Jan.
Bit of Old New England in a New York Office Building. [Author: Unattributed] 1925 Jan.
Brass Tacks in Foreign Trade. [Author: Hutchison, James L.] 1923 Feb.
Britain Now Has 562 Millionaires. [Author: Unattributed] 1928 May
British Courts Render Interesting Decision on Advertising . [Author: Unattributed] 1928 May
British Papers Boost Their Circulation With Free Insurance. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 June
Brooklyn Retailers Seek Court Order to Compel Push-Cart Vendors to Trade in ront of Their Stores. [Author: Unattributed] 1925 Sept.
Buick (General Motors, London). [Advertisement] 1928 Nov.
Bunk. [Author: Holmes, Mildred] 1929 Aug.
C.M. Olmstead Joins the Staff. [Author: Unattributed] 1923 Apr.
Can Advertising Cripple Manufacturing and Selling Resourcefulness?. [Author: Day, William L.] 1929 Aug.
Can Advertising Effects Be Measured?. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1927 Apr.
Cement Shortage Threatens. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Nov.
Chain Stores in the Grocery Business. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1927 Sept.
Changing Markets. [Author: Harcourt, Alfred] 1930 May
Character and Unity from Hidden Technique. [Author: De Vries, John T.] 1922 Mar.
Cheramy Perfume . [Advertisement] 1922 May
[Cherington] Will Head Subcommittee on Census of Distribution. [Author: Mims, Stewart L.] 1922 Mar.
Chicago Office Goes Pyrenees. [Author: Parker, Dorothy] 1929 Dec.
Clients of the J. Walter Thompson Company. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 (Mar., May, July, Sept., Nov.); 1923 (Jan., Mar., May, July, Nov.); 1924 (Jan., July, Oct.); 1925 (July-Oct., Dec.); 1926 (Jan., Apr., June, July, Sept., Nov.); 1927 (Jan.-June, Sept.); 1928 (Mar., May, July, Nov.); 1929 (Mar., Apr., Aug., Dec.); 193
College Education for Business. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1925 Aug.
Collier's. [Advertisement] 1922 Oct.
Columnist Views Modern Merchandising. [Author: Unattributed] 1927 Sept.
Come Back of the Auto Industry. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 May
Competition of Canadian and American Magazines in Canada. [Author: Unattributed] 1923 Apr.
Complex Art of Being Simple. [Author: Hutchison, James L.] 1923 Mar.
Consumers Decide. [Author: Unattributed] 1926 July
Consumer's Purchasing Power in Thirty-one Cities. [Author: Unattributed] 1924 Nov.
Contestants Busy on Essay. [Author: Unattributed] 1923 Jan.
Contributions from Budget Studies to the Construction of a Statistical Index of the Purchasing Power of Consumers in the United States. [Author: Winslow, Emma A.] 1924 Mar.
Control of the Advertising Appropriation. [Author: Young, James W.] 1922 Feb.
Convention of the A.A.C. of W.. [Author: Unattributed] 1923 July
Co-operative Advertising. [Author: Young, James W.] 1926 Nov.
Coue Was Right. [Author: Leffingwell, Albert] 1923 May
Cutting Down Waste in Store Display. [Author: Webb, Ewing T.] 1922 May
Davey Tree Surgeons . [Advertisement] 1923 Apr.
Department Store Costs of Business. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Oct.
Development of Advertising With Distribution. [Author: Raymond, C.E.] 1922 Oct.
Development of Outdoor Advertising. [Author: Perrin, E.O.] 1922 Feb.
Discussion of Business Policies Appropriate to Present Economic Conditions. [Author: Clark, Earle] 1923 Nov.
Distinguished British Physician Tells of Progress in the Mastery of Disease. [Author: Unattributed] 1924 Nov.
Distribution Census and Trends in Retailing. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1929 Oct.
Do Busy Men Read Advertisements?. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 June
Do Your Salesmen Use Your Advertising?. [Author: Walker, David N.] 1923 Aug.
Dollar-A-Year Graduate School. [Author: Resor, Stanley] 1929 Aug.
Dr, Klein Optimistic as to Export Market. [Author: Unattributed] 1926 Sept.
Eagle-A Bond (Amer. Writing Paper Co.) . [Advertisement] 1922 June
Economic Marketing. [Author: Barnes, Julius H.] 1925 Mar.
Economic Phases of Advertising. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1927 June
Editorial Character of Business Papers. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1926 Jan.
Effectiveness of Various Sizes of Advertising Space. [Author: Perrin, E.O.] 1922 Oct.
Elementary Methods in Selecting Newspaper Media. [Author: Pearson, George] 1922 June
Eloquence in Advertising Illustration. [Author: De Vries, John T.] 1922 Feb.
Emotional Quality in Advertisements. [Author: Lewis, Edith] 1923 Apr.
End of the Era of Humbug. [Author: Anderson, Harriet] 1923 July
Exhibition of Home Furnishings. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Oct.
Fallacy of Salesman Research. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1930 Apr.
Familiar Human Material Doing a New Job. [Author: O'Shea, Monica B.] 1929 Oct.
Farmer's Dollar and How It Is Spent. [Author: Ashby, Bruce] 1927 Jan.
Few Facts About Our Work Abroad. [Author: Meek, Samuel] 1928 Nov.
Finding the Peak of Drawing Power. [Author: Freyd, Max] 1923 Aug.
Fordized Distribution. [Author: Unattributed] 1927 May
Foreign Trade of U,S, Shows a Substantial Increase. [Author: Unattributed] 1925 Oct.
Fruit of the Loom Decision. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Aug.
Full Dinner Pail Idea Kept the Republicans in for Sixteen Years. [Author: Kinney, Gilbert] 1924 Oct.
General Motors Around the World. [Author: Tipper, Harry] 1928 Mar.
General Practitioner to Stay But Will Have to Work With Research Laboratories. [Author: Unattributed] 1925 Sept.
Gentle Reader. [Author: Leffingwell, Albert] 1922 May
Getting Advertising Produced. [Author: Kohl, Howard] 1922 Apr.
Getting the Most Out of Color. [Author: Johnson, Peirce] 1922 June
Give a Thought to Spain. [Author: Hartzell, A.E.] 1928 Mar.
Great American Cupboard. [Author: Walker, David N.] 1923 Nov.
Growth of Canadian Magazines. [Author: Unattributed] 1923 Aug.
Growth of Chain Drug Stores. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 June
Gruen Watches . [Advertisement] 1923 Jan.
Harlan Smith Comes to J. Walter Thompson Company. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Sept.
Harvard Advertising Awards. [Author: Unattributed] 1925 Mar.
Headlines! Did You Ever Write a Good One?. [Author: Casseres, Aminta] 1922 Dec.
Headquarters of Some of the J. Walter Thompson Foreign Offices. [Author: Unattributed] 1928 Mar.
Housewives Write the Copy. [Author: Holmes, Mildred] 1923 May
How a Rubber Mat Revolutionized a Nation's Footwear Habits. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Aug.
How Do Current Changes in the Field of Distribution Affect the Practice of Advertising?. [Author: Resor, Stanley] 1925 Dec.
How I Selected an Advertising Agency (Scott). [Author: McCabe, Thomas B.] 1929 Oct.
How Important are Store Demonstrations and Special Commissions to Clerks?. [Author: Resor, Stanley] 1923 Mar.
How Important is the Style of the Copy?. [Author: Casseres, Aminta] 1923 July
How Many Consumers Are Necessary for the Support of a Store?. [Author: Unattributed] 1925 Jan.
How Many Homes Does Magazine Advertising Reach?. [Author: Unattributed] 1925 Jan.
How Should the Advertiser Measure the Value of a Business Paper?. [Author: Mehren, Edward J.] 1925 July
How Strong Are the Chain Drug Stores in the Larger Cities?. [Author: Unattributed] 1926 July
How Strong Are the Chain Groceries in the Leading Cities. [Author: Unattributed] 1926 June
How to Get a Good Consumer Image. [Author: Maule, Frances] 1922 Mar.
How to Get Prestige for American Products. [Author: Kinney, Gilbert] 1926 June
How to Sell Salesmen on Advertising. [Author: Kinney, Gilbert] 1922 June
I Spend Half My Life in the Kitchen. [Author: Unattributed] 1925 Jan.
I Want a.... [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1922 Nov.
Importance of Investigation to an Agency and Its Clients. [Author: Mims, Stewart L.] 1922 June
Improvement in British Conditions. [Author: Paradise, S.H.] 1922 Oct.
Increase in Population Will Demand Cheaper Food. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Nov.
Index of the Incomes of Factory Workers. [Author: Berridge, William] 1924 Mar.
International Trade as a Promoter of Peace. [Author: Lewander, Gosta M.] 1930 May
Introduction [to issue on advertising abroad]. [Author: Resor, Stanley] 1928 July
Invention--The Essence of Advertising. [Author: Waldo, Ruth] 1929 Dec.
Is the Chain Store Still In Its Infancy?. [Author: Unattributed] 1925 July
Is the Cost of Distribution Too High?. [Author: Mazur, Paul M.] 1925 Dec.
It Takes Too Much Time to Sell Bulk Goods. [Author: Acland, Peregrine] 1925 Sept.
J. Walter Thompson Company's Prize Essay Contest . [Advertisement] 1922 Aug.
J. Walter Thompson Prize Essay Contest. [Author: Unattributed] 1924 Mar.
J. Walter Thompson Radio Programs. [Author: Unattributed] 1930 Apr.
J. Walter Thompson, 1847-1928. [Author: Unattributed,] 1928 Nov.
Just a Piece of Key Copy. [Author: Watson, John B.] 1929 Aug.
Just What Effect Does Weather Have on Retail Sales?. [Author: Unattributed] 1927 Mar.
Keds Shoes (U.S. Rubber Co.) . [Advertisement] 1922 Sept.
Keeping Peace With Mass Production. [Author: Unattributed] 1925 Jan.
Largest National Expense: How Advertising Helps Reduce it. [Author: Webb, Ewing T.] 1922 Mar.
Lo: The Cliff Dweller. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1927 Sept.
Logic of the Department Store Organization. [Author: Mazur, Paul M.] 1925 Sept.
London-Paris Air Line. [Author: Paradise, S.H.] 1922 Feb.
Loyalties in the Making. [Author: Kinney, Gilbert] 1923 Jan.
Lux Flakes for dishwashing . [Advertisement] 1922 Oct.; 1923 Mar..
Magazine Circulations Among Industrial Employees. [Author: Unattributed] 1926 Jan.
Major Difficulties in Asia Minor. [Author: Miner, Henry J.] 1928 July
Make a Sale Every Time You Get an Interview. [Author: Acland, Peregrine] 1926 June
Management--The Third Ingredient. [Author: Unattributed] 1927 Feb.
Manhattan's Lunch Time Population. [Author: Unattributed] 1926 July
Manufacturer's Relations to Jobber's and Retailer's Salesmen. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1923 Apr.
Mariemont [a planned community in Cincinatti]. [Author: Unattributed] 1926 Sept.
Market for Electricity and Electrical Devices. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Nov.
Markets are People--Not Places. [Author: Watson, Clement H.] 1928 July
Mental Lunch Counters for Consumers. [Author: Boren, Wallace R.] 1930 May
Mid-Census Estimate Places Population of United States at 113,000,000 as of uly 1, 1925. [Author: Unattributed] 1926 June
Modern Advertising Methods in China. [Author: Hutchison, James L.] 1922 Aug.
More Automobiles Than Telephones. [Author: Unattributed] 1924 July
Mr. Groom Addresses Jewelers. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Sept.
Mrs. Wilkins Reads the Ladies Home Journal. [Author: Townsend, Dorothy] 1923 June
Munsell Color System. [Author: Aymar, Gordon C.] 1922 Dec.
Nearly Thirteen Million Americans Live in Villages. [Author: Unattributed] 1926 Nov.
Net Profits of General Motors Double Ford's for 1926. [Author: Unattributed] 1927 May
New Era in the Automobile Industry. [Author: Kilbourn, Orrin P.] 1928 Nov.
New Evidence on Brand Consciousness. [Author: Unattributed] 1923 Apr.
New Factor in Social Development. [Author: Angell, Norman] 1928 Mar.
New Figures Supplementing Population and Its Distribution. [Author: Unattributed] 1924 Oct.
New Information. [Author: Resor, Stanley] 1924 July
New J. Walter Thompson Company Office on the Pacific Coast (San Francisco). [Author: Unattributed] 1923 July
New Organizations of Advertising Men. [Author: Unattributed] 1923 Aug.
New Practices in the Construction of Sales Quotas. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1927 Jan.
New Types for Old?. [Author: Cunningham, Janet] 1929 Oct.
Note on the Increase of American Investments Abroad. [Author: Unattributed] 1925 Oct.
Now That The Excess Profits Tax Has Gone--?. [Author: Kinney, Gilbert] 1922 Apr.
Number of Domestic Servants in U,S, Decreases 350,000 in Ten Years. [Author: Unattributed] 1925 Sept.
Oh, But We Are Different. [Author: Paradise, S.H.] 1923 Nov.
On a Phase of Copy Style. [Author: O'Meara, Walter] 1924 Dec.
One Best Answer for Every Sales Resistance. [Author: Richey, S. Hunter] 1923 Feb.
O'Sullivan Heels . [Advertisement] 1922 July
Out-Britishing the Britisher. [Author: Unattributed,] 1928 Nov.
Outline of the New Book Retail Shopping Areas. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1928 Mar.
Packages. [Author: Perkins, Frederick] 1922 Apr.
Paul T. Cherington Joins the Staff. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 May
Pebeco Tooth Paste . [Advertisement] 1923 Feb.
Pennsylvania Railroad. [Advertisement] 1927 Feb.
Personalities and the Public: Some Aspects of Testimonial Advertising. [Author: Resor, Stanley] 1929 Apr.
Personality and the Choice of Personnel (II): Can Psychology Help in the Selection of Personnel?. [Author: Watson, John B.] 1927 Apr.
Personality and the Choice of Personnel (II): The Behaviorist Looks at Personality. [Author: Watson, John B.] 1927 Mar.
Phenix Cheese Co. . [Advertisement] 1922 Nov.
Planned Prosperity. [Author: Klein, Julius] 1930 Apr.
Polling the Consumer. [Author: Watson, Richmond] 1930 May
Pool Versus the Chain Store. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Nov.
Population and Its Distribution Helps the Government Solve a Problem. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Feb.
Population Figures for Great Britain and Ireland. [Author: Unattributed] 1924 July
Practical Appeal in Advertising to Men. [Author: Leffingwell, Albert] 1924 Dec.
President Coolidge Sees in Advertising a Great Educational Force. [Author: Unattributed] 1927 Jan.
President of Large Insurance Company Endorses Dr. Watson's Plan. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Feb.
Prestige and Good Will Protected by Sweeping Injunction. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Apr.
Problem of Creating Desire. [Author: Woolf, James D.] 1922 Apr.
Purpose of the Essay Contest. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Oct.
Radio Today is Not Just a Good-Will Medium. [Author: Casseres, Aminta] 1929 Oct.
Reader Advertisement. [Author: Kennedy, William D.] 1928 Nov.
Recent Distinguished Visitors to the New York Office. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 July
Reducing the Cost of Distribution. [Author: Hoover, Herbert] 1925 Feb.
Report on Visit to the United States of America. [Author: Willey and Locock] 1926 Apr.
Responsibilities of Modern Industry. [Author: Swope, Gerard] 1927 Jan.
Retail Shopping Areas Wins Book Award for Advertising Research. [Author: Unattributed] 1928 Mar.
Rice's Slices Bread. [Advertisement] 1929 Oct.
Richardson Roofing . [Advertisement] 1923 Mar.
Rose By Any Other Name. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1922 Sept.
Sales and Advertising Problems of Merged Industries. [Author: Day, William L.] 1929 Mar.
Sanuel Reyburn Discusses Man-Power in Business. [Author: Fowler, George S.] 1927 Jan.
Savage Arms Corp. (rifles) . [Advertisement] 1922 Oct.
Scientific Methods in Agency Work. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1923 July
Second International Silk Exposition. [Author: Unattributed] 1923 Mar.
Securities Panic. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1929 Dec.
Selective Distribution. [Author: Browne, Raymond] 1929 Mar.
Selling the Hospital Field. [Author: Unattributed] 1923 Apr.
Seventy Years of Growth. [Author: Unattributed] 1924 Nov.
She Wants It But She Doesn't Know It Yet. [Author: Ardery, Lois] 1924 Dec.
Shopping Center for Three Nations. [Author: Unattributed] 1927 May
Size of the Market for Heating Specialties Little Appreciated. [Author: Unattributed] 1923 Apr.
Snob Appeal. [Author: Maule, Frances] 1923 Mar.
Some Fundamental Principles of Organization. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1927 Mar.
Some Grocery Chain Store Figures. [Author: Unattributed] 1924 Oct.
Some Lessons from Early New England Foreign Trading. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1923 June
Some Marketing Problems of the Shoe Industry. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1925 Feb.
Some New Developments in Commercial Statistics. [Author: Unattributed] 1925 Oct.
Some Recent Changes in the Rural and Small Town Market. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1925 July
Some Recent Developments in Market Analysis. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1927 May
Standard Color Scheme for Market Analysis Charts. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1925 Oct.
State Labor Bureau Index as a Guide to Purchasing Power. [Author: Flinn, Richard A.] 1924 Mar.
Steady Increase in Purchasing Power of Consumer. [Author: Unattributed] 1925 Sept.
Study of Magazine Circulation in Cincinnati, Ohio. [Author: Unattributed] 1923 Oct.
Subject of the Essay Contest. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Nov.
Sunbrite Cleanser (Swift & Co.) . [Advertisement] 1923 Mar.
Swift's Ham and Bacon . [Advertisement] 1922 Dec.
The Advance Has Come Through Substituting Observation for Preconceptions & Passions. [Author: Unattributed] 1926 July
The Automobile Industry in Nearer Certainty Than at any Previous Time. [Author: Unattributed] 1927 Feb.
The Creative Plus Which No One Mind By Itself Could Achieve. [Author: Unattributed] 1926 Nov.
They Don't Want to Read It!. [Author: Rivers, Stuart] 1923 Feb.
Thinking as Viewed By the Behaviorists. [Author: Watson, John B.] 1927 Feb.
Timing Intensive Selling with Advertising. [Author: Richey, S. Hunter] 1922 Aug.
Transmuting and Delivering a Bowl of Cereal (Hot). [Author: Wengler, Harold] 1929 Aug.
Transplanting a New England Farm House to the Heart of New York City. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Feb.
Trend in Outdoor Advertising. [Author: Thompson, Clyde S.] 1930 Apr.
Truth, Commerce, and World Peace. [Author: Henson, H. Hensley] 1924 Oct.
Two Examples. [Author: Stanton, Henry T.] 1922 Sept.
Under the Bushel? [making ideas graphic]. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Feb.
Unusual Achievement in the Paint Industry. [Author: Posey, Chester A.] 1922 Aug.
Use of Dealer Electros in Merchandising. [Author: Groom, William S.] 1922 May
Using Waste Circulation to Sell the Product. [Author: Rothschild, Richard] 1922 Aug.
Value of a Window Display Not Wholly Dependent on Its Dignity. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Dec.
Value of Recipes in Advertising. [Author: Hale, J. Mark] 1923 Aug.
Vanity Fair Silk Underwear . [Advertisement] 1922 Dec.
Vogue and Volume. [Author: Day, William L.] 1928 Nov.
We Are Still Laying Bricks Like the Babylonians. [Author: Unattributed] 1926 June
What About the Farm Market?. [Author: Ashby, Bruce] 1926 July
What Advertising Has Done for Type Design. [Author: Aymar, Gordon C.] 1923 June
What Cigarette Are You Smoking and Why?. [Author: Watson, John B.] 1922 July
What Do Our Rural Neighbors Buy? (Putnam Co., N.Y., and Randolph Co., Ind.). [Author: Unattributed] 1926 Mar.
What Do These Changes Mean?. [Author: Resor, Stanley] 1923 Dec.
What Does an Automobile Dealer Mean by Service?. [Author: Miller, George L.] 1922 May
What Does South America Offer the American Advertiser?. [Author: Ricketts, William] 1928 July
What Does the College Man Mean to Advertising?. [Author: Resor, Stanley] 1928 May
What is Fair?. [Author: Kinney, Gilbert] 1926 Sept.
What is Happening to the Thirteen Thousand Villages. [Author: Unattributed] 1927 Sept.
What Is the Trend in the Use of Color?. [Author: Dunne, Richard A.] 1925 July
What Makes Turnover and What it Means. [Author: Groom, William S.] 1923 Apr.
What Manner of Man--!. [Author: Kinney, Gilbert] 1923 May
What Price Progress?. [Author: Tomlinson, W.P.] 1927 Apr.
What the American Association of Advertising Agencies Does to Make Advertising Scientifically More Effective. [Author: Resor, Stanley] 1924 Dec.
What Will Follow the Rule of Thumb Era?. [Author: Aymar, Gordon C.] 1922 Aug.
What Will Your Business Policies Be in 1923?. [Author: Clark, Earle] 1923 Jan.
What Your Community Must Do Before Advertising. [Author: Resor, Stanley] 1925 Aug.
When Carmen Goes Shopping--. [Author: Hartzell, A.E.] 1928 July
When Sampling Increased Sales 30 Times. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 July
When the Chain Store Puts Its Wrong Foot Foremost. [Author: Fowler, George S.] 1926 Jan.
When Will Air Transportation Arrive?. [Author: Fuller, Edward] 1930 May
Where Are You Going--My Pretty Market?. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1926 Nov.
Where the Urban and Rural Population Live. [Author: Cherington, Paul T.] 1924 Jan.
White Motor Trucks Utilize Irving Advertisement. [Author: Unattributed] 1922 Mar.
Who Does Not Seek After Persuasion?. [Author: Unattributed] 1925 Oct.
Why a Study of Purchasing Power is Important. [Author: Unattributed] 1924 Mar.
Why Is Your Copy So Long?. [Author: Leffingwell, Albert] 1922 Nov.
Why the Chain Store?. [Author: Gwinn, Ralph W.] 1929 Mar.
Will the Automobile Break Down International Boundaries?. [Author: Unattributed] 1927 Apr.
Woman Appeal. [Author: Maule, Frances] 1924 Jan.
Woodbury's Soap (Andrew Jergens Co.) . [Advertisement] 1922 Dec.
Work of an Advertising Kitchen. [Author: Dodge, Astrid] 1922 Sept.
You Don't Know a Damn Thing About Raincoats. [Author: Anderson, Margaret] 1922 Mar.


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