J. Walter Thompson Company. Publications collection, 1887-2005

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J. Walter Thompson Company
The J. Walter Thompson Company, founded in 1864, is one of the largest enduring advertising agencies in the U.S. The J. Walter Thompson Company Publications Collection spans the years 1887 to 2005 and includes printed materials produced by the various offices, partners, subsidiaries and related firms of the J. Walter Thompson Company. Materials include promotional pamphlets, informational bulletins, regional market analyses, research reports, and industry overviews, as well as corporate annual reports, office directories and aggregate client lists. Materials are primarily in English, but several other languages are also represented.
75 Linear Feet
Material is in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, German, Danish, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Arabic.
Collection ID:


Scope and content:

The J. Walter Thompson Company Publications Collection spans the years 1887 to 2005 and includes printed materials produced by the various domestic offices, partners, subsidiaries and related firms of the J. Walter Thompson Co. (JWT). Domestic offices include Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, New York and San Francisco. International materials originate primarily from the London Office, but other offices in Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, India, South Africa, and Spain are also represented. The main subsidiaries and related firms represented in the collection include the British Market Research Bureau; Brouillard Communications, Inc.; Hill & Knowlton; Lord, Geller, Federico, Einstein; and the Simmons Market Research Bureau. Materials include promotional pamphlets, informational bulletins, regional market analyses, research reports, and industry overviews, as well as corporate annual reports, office directories and aggregate client lists. The oldest materials are domestic rather than international. Materials are primarily in English, but several other languages are also represented.

The collection is organized into four series: Corporate Publications , Domestic Publications , International Publications , and Subsidiaries and Related Firms Publications .

The Corporate Publications Series includes published documents relating to the organizational and corporate life of the agency. The series is organized into seven subseries-- Worldwide Office Address Lists , Client Lists , Financial and Stockholder Reports , JWT Group Reports , Worldwide Office Fact Books , Profile Books , and Telephone Directories . Most of these subseries are self-explanatory. Both the JWT Group Reports and the Financial and Stockholder Reports include annual and quarterly reports sent out to stockholders as well as 10-K and other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (JWT reorganized as the JWT Group in 1980, and maintained that name until it became part of the WPP Group in 1986). Both the Worldwide Office Fact Books and the Profile Books contain summary information about JWT's structure, client base, offices and billings for particular years.

The Domestic Publications Series include materials published in the U.S. The series is organized into General Publications , Interurbia , and Individual Offices Publications . General Publications include materials published by the main headquarters in New York and pertain to broad issues of interest throughout the company, such as employee training, research reports, regional market surveys and informational bulletins. Interurbia was a special series of reports and presentations begun in the 1950s, in which JWT sought to address the rapid expansion of metropolitan areas in the United States. Individual Offices Publications include materials published by specific JWT offices that address issues of concern to that office or its clients. Preceding the container list of publications are folders that contain correspondence relating to publications.

The International Publications Series includes material published outside the U.S. by JWT's international offices. The bulk of materials come from the London office, but other offices are also represented.

The Subsidiaries and Related Firms Series includes publications originating with JWT's subsidiaries, such as Brouillard Communications and the British Market Research Bureau (BMRB), as well as from firms with which JWT had close working relationships at one time, such as the Simmons Market Research Bureau, after which JWT modelled the BMRB.

Acquisition information:
The J. Walter Thompson Company. Publications Collection was received by the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book Manuscript Library as a transfer in 1986, with additions in subsequent years.
Processing information:

Processed by Richard Collier, Loren Crippen, Barbara Heck, Brooke Stanley, December 2005

Encoded by Richard Collier

Completed January 2006

Accession(s) 99-312, 93-051, 93-052, 93-050, 93-146, 99-310, 99-311, 99-384, 97-095, 93-085, 93-148, 93-066, 96-093 were merged into one collection, described in this finding aid.

Rules or conventions:
Describing Archives: A Content Standard

Other Indexes


Alphabetical Listing of Publication Titles

$5 Billion Sales Opportunity Knocking at the Door of Business box DG9
1910 Census Shows that... box DG6
1975 Communications Plan (South Africa), box IO9
1980 Study of Media and Markets box SR5
1984 Study of Media and Markets box SR5
1985/1986 (JWT London) box IL7
1986 JWT/FDAF Meeting August 10-13 box OV1
1996 J. Walter Thompson Yearbook box DG25 (RESTRICTED)
25 Leading Advertising Agencies box DG9
25th Anniversary Invitation box DG19
40 Berkeley Square box OV3
50th Anniversary Kit Kat box IL7
86-87 Face to Face with JWT box IL7
About BMRB box SR2
Abra as Asas box IO2
Accelerated Opportunities in Advertising Account Management box DG16
Access box SR2
Access: The BMRB Omnibus Study box SR2
Account Management Development Program (France), box IO12 (RESTRICTED)
Account Management Development Program (U.S.), box DG17
Account Management Performance Evaluation, Tips, Checklist box DG24 (RESTRICTED)
Acorn to Zapping box IL7
Adspend Today, Adspent Tomorrow box IL7
Advanced Media Solutions box IL8 (RESTRICTED)
Advanced Opportunities in Advertising Account Management box DG17
Advertiser Pocket Guide to Cable Communications, boxeS DG19, DG20
Advertising box DG19
Advertising--Is This The Sort of Work An Honest Man Can Take Pride In? box IL2
Advertising and Marketing Bibliography box DG25 (RESTRICTED)
Advertising and Sales Promotion Expenditure, box IL2
Advertising and the Nationalised Industries, box DG17
Advertising as a Career for Women box DG14
Advertising as a Selling Force box DG5
Advertising Chicago Style: A Character All It's Own box OV1
Advertising Expenditures in Western Europe 1960-1974 boxes IL3, IL4
Advertising Expenditures: International Comparisons 1960-1975 box IL5
Advertising Gold Medal Awards box DG16
Advertising in a Land of Less: Circa 1980, boxes DG17, DO2
Advertising in America box DG1
Advertising in Small Spaces box IL1
Advertising in the '90s box DG22
Advertising Leadership 1864-1989 box OV1
Advertising Management box IL3
Advertising Planning Methods box DG21
Advertising Workshop: Dehydrated Tomato Juice, box DG16
Advertising: a Career for Exceptional Men, boxes DG14, DG15
Advertising: a Career for Women box DG15
Advertising: An Annotated Bibliography box IL3
Advertising: Manipulation or Persuasion? box DG17
Advertisment Films in Movie Houses box IO5
Adweek Agency Report Card box DG19
Affiliated Companies box DG17
African Market Division: A Statisitical Overview box IO9
Alaskan Market box DG14
Allegro Vivace: The History of Champagne, Cava and the Sparkling Wines of the World box IO10
Almost Every Other Company You Consider Joining Uses Someone Like Us box IL3
American Consumer 1970-1990 box DG18
American Drug Store, a Qualitative Study, box DG14
American Lifestyles Presentation Tool Kit, box DG21
Annual Report (India) box IO5
Annual Report (Korea) box IO6
Annual Report (Spain) box IO10
Annual Report J.W.T. Italia box IO6
Annual Review (Hill & Knowlton) box SR4
April 1984 box IL7
Approach to Measuring Advertising Effectiveness, box SR2
Are We Shackling Economic Growth by Overlooking the Consumer? box DG15
Are You a Guesswork Advertiser? box DG7
Artist in Advertising box SR1
Aspects of Real box IO12 (RESTRICTED)
At The Receiving End box IL2
Audience Measurement Procedures box SR5
Australian Market box DG15
Austrialian Underview box IO1
Ballad of Reggie Research and TGI box SR1
Be Big box DO4
Benchmark box OV4
Best Sellers box IL6
Biography of Roland T. Wentzel box IO9
Blank in the Balance Sheet box DG19
Brand Management: A Guide to a Few Misconceptions box DG25 (RESTRICTED)
Brand Personality box SR2
Bravi & Buoni box IO6
Breads of Many Lands box DO2
Brief Profile of JWT New York boxes DO2, IO3
Brief Profile of the J. Walter Thompson Company, box DO2
Britain: Its Markets and Media box SR2
British Market Research Bureau box SR2
Brookings Primer of Progress Illustrated, box DG10
Brouillard Communications box SR3
Brouillard in Brief box SR3
Bush House, Berlin and Berkeley Square box IL7
Business of Imagination: The Art of Creating Convictions box DG26 (RESTRICTED)
BUY (Brand Utility) Study box DG19
Buying: It's Not an Event, It's a System, boxes DG23, DG24, DG26 (RESTRICTED)
Cable Capsule boxes DG19-DG21
Cable/Satellite Industry Blue Book box DO2
Can J. Walter Thompson Make Your Marketing Programs More Effective? box DG23 (RESTRICTED)
Can Research Evaluate the Creative Content of Advertising? box IL2
Canadian box IO3
Canadian Markets box DG14
Canadian Profile of JWT box IO3
Career in Advertising box IL1
Career in Market Research box SR2
Career Opportunities in Advertising box DG16
Case for Advertising boxes IL4, IL5
Case for the Full-Service Agency box DG17
Catalogue of Magazines boxes DG1, DG2
Challenges and Problems for International Adversiting box IL1
Change and Challenge box DG16
Change in the Marketplace box DG17
Changes Affecting Policy Control in World-Wide Business box DG14
Changing Face of Super Market Shopping box IL1
Choices box SR5
CIBA-GEIGY Agricultural Division box DO1
Classification of the Content of the Advertising Message box IO8
Client/Agency Relationship box IL1
Cluster Plus Marketing box SR5
Cold Hard Facts boxes IL8, SR6 (RESTRICTED)
College Market box SR5
Colour Television--A Report box IL2
Comment Vendre boxes DG10, IO2
Commercial Production Procedure Manual box DG19
Commodore box DG22
Communications Forum Papers box DG17
Communispond, Inc. box SR3
Como Opera la Publicidad? box IO10
Company Advertising/London box IL2
Comparison of Methods box SR1
Comparison of Type Faces box DO2
Competition Under NRA box OV1
Computer Skills Programme: Introduction to Notes Mail box IL8 (RESTRICTED)
Conquest Europe box DO2
Consultancy Group box SR3
Consumer Change and Conflict box IL5
Consumer Change in the Mid 70's boxes DG18, IL5
Consumer in Crisis box DG17
Consumer in Crisis: the New American Market, box DO1
Consumer Market in the American Economy, box DG12
Consumer Purchasing Power box DG11
Consumer's New Reality box DG18
Contact Advertising Limited box IL4
Copy Test box IL7
Corporate Communications box IO4
Corporate Need to Communicate box DG19
Corporate Need to Communicate (Brouillard), box SR3
Couponing: A Capsule Look box DO1
Cream of Your Market (Canada) box IO3
Cream of Your Market (U.S.) boxes DG11, DG15
Creative Library box DO3
Creative Research in the 1990s box DG23 (RESTRICTED)
Creative Uprising box DG21
Creative Workshop box SR2
Creative Workshop: Butter box SR2
Crisi Nell'Attività di Marca box IO6
Crisis in Branding box IL6
Criteria for Selecting a Worldwide Agency, box DG22
Cutthroat Competition box DG7
Darvon Pricing Survey box SR4
DDFH&B box IO6
De Ideeën Liggen op Straat box IO8
De Medio a Medio box IO1
Dear Personalized box IL8
Decade of Change box IL1
Definition and Explanation of Terms Used In Advertising box IO1
Dependable Data for Advertising and Marketing Decisions box SR5
Der Planungsberater box IO4
Desarollo Practico de una Téoria de los Anuncios box IO10
Description of Artwork Commissioned by JWT, box DG16
Developing New Brands box IL7
Development and Application of Ideas in Advertising box OV1
Development of Independent Television box IL1
Dialog box DG19
Dictionary of Advertising Terms box DG13
Die Dynamik des Wertewandels in Unserer Gesellschaft box IO4
Direct Acting High Pressure box DG2
Direct Mail: Two Mediums Not One box DG11
Direct Response to the 1980s box SR5
Distribution box DG11
Do You Know Your Way Around Europe? box IL3
Does Advertising Manipulate Consumer Behavior? box DG17
Does Distribution Cost Too Much? box DG10
Donde Comer en Madrid en Agosto box IO10
Don't Blink: The Third Beat Passion box OV4
Dreaming box IO12 (RESTRICTED)
EA Euro-Lyon box OV6
EA International box SR4
Economics of Advertising box DG9
Education, Social Class, and Reading of Newspapers and Magazines box SR2
Een Grootgrutter op Net Oorlogspad box IO8
Effective Advertising box IL6
Effective Advertising: 4 Case Studies box IL7
Ein Portrait box IO4
Eine Technik zum Produzieren von Ideen box IO4
El Mercado Norteamericano Para Articulos de Ultramar box IO1
El Mercado y Nuestros Anuncios (Spain) box IO10
Electronic Production Services box DO2
Employee Benefits Booklet box DG24 (RESTRICTED)
Employee Handbook box DG26 (RESTRICTED)
Employee Relocation Handbook box DG19
En La Argentina box IO1
Engine Room box DO1
Entertaining with Wines of the Cape box IO9
Escape the Mundane box SR6 (RESTRICTED)
Esto No Es Un Cuchillo de Palo box OV5
Estudio de Radio y Televisión box IO6
Ethiopian Endeavor box IL3
European Common Market box IO4
European View of the Common Market box IL1
Euroscope box IO2
Eyes on Thompson box DG24 (RESTRICTED)
Facts about JWT box DG17
Facts and the Gaining of Acceptance of Them, box DG11
Facts You Will Want to Know about the J. Walter Thompson Co. boxes DG13, DG15
Farm Market box DG11
Few Facts about J. Walter Thompson Company, box IO3
Few More Chapters box DO2
Fifteen-Second Commercials: The Simple Truth, box DG20
Fifty in 40 box IL8 (RESTRICTED)
Financial Fact Book box DG19
Fish box DG26 (RESTRICTED)
Flippers: Changes in the Way Americans Watch TV, box DG21
Floating Thames box IL7
Florida Department of Citrus box DO1
Focus: The Lab box IL9 (RESTRICTED)
Food and Cooking in England box SR2
Food Retailing in the Netherlands box IO8
Ford Story box DG12
Forecasting the Demand for Consumer Durables, box IL1
Fourth Stage Consumer box IL8 (RESTRICTED)
Freeze-Drying Process box IL2
Friendly Talks to Managers box DG6
G-8 box DO2
General Subject Headings Used in the JWT-Chicago Library box DO1
Generation Gap: A Problem of Communication, box DO1
Geschäftsbericht box IO4
Gigantic Industry That Needs The Help of Advertising box DG8
Glosario Publicitario Español-Ingles Ingles-Español box IO10
Glossary of Common Terms Used in Media Audience Measurement Research box DG17
Government Sponsored Advertising In Europe Today box IO2
Graduate Recruitment Seminar box IL7
Grassland Improvement Campaign for OEEC Countries box IO4
Gravity of Marketing box IL3
Great Call Reports box IL8 (RESTRICTED)
Great Media Ideas box IL9 (RESTRICTED)
Great Outdoors box IL3
Grocery Marketing: The Next Five Years box IL2
Guía para la Realización de una "Spot" Publicitario box IO10
Guide for Secretaries box DG12
Guide to Central America box DO4 (RESTRICTED)
Guide to Consumer Self-Concept box SR1
Guide To JWT In Europe box IL5
Guide to Print Media box DG16
Guide to Selective Selling and Merchandising in 143 U.S. Cities box DO3
Guideline for Crisis Situations box IO2
Guiness box IL4
Guiness Advertising boxes IL4, IL6
Handbook box DG25 (RESTRICTED)
Handbook of Effective Advertising box IL7
Handbook on Wine for Retail Licenses (South Africa) box IO9
Happily, So Many of Our Needs Are Filled by Products Promoted Through J. Walter Thompson Co. box DG14
Happy Birthday Cards box IO5
Hawaiian Market box DG14
Hidden Expansion Pressures in Our Economy, box DG12
Hill & Knowlton box SR4
Hindustan Thompson Associates Ltd. box IO5
Hindustan Thompson List of Clients box IO5
Historia Incompleta box IO10
History of Berkeley Square box IL5
Hold My Skateboard While I Kiss Your Girlfriend, box OV2
Home Video box IL6
Hospital, Surgical, and Major Medical Benefits, box DG17
How Advertising Helps Salesmen box DG8
How Advertising Works box IL4
How Are We Feeling Today? box SR5 (RESTRICTED)
How I Selected an Advertising Agency box DG9
How Many Nations? box IL2
How Much Do T.V. Commercials Cost To Make? box IL3
How to Become an Advertising Man box DG22
How to Break Down Resistance to Life Insurance, box DG8
How to Keep Your Ads Out of Court box DG17
How to Measure the Value of Advertising, box IL1
How to Pick an Advertising Agency box DO1
How to Promote Your Restaurant box DO1
How to Put a "Spec" Book Together box DO1
How to Step Up Production and Save Manpower Too! box DG11
How to Win in the Public Eye box SR3
How Useful is Proposition Testing? box IL2
HTA Our People box IO5
HTA Today box IO5
Huge New Markets boxes DG11, DG12
Huhtamäki 1985 (Finland) box SR4
Humor: Its Serious Side box DG17
I Hear What You Say... box IL7
Identification Standards Manual box DG21
I-Group Network Text box IO9
Il Mercato U.S.A. per le Merci Italiane, box IO6
Importance of Corporate Advertising for Communication with the U.S. Capital Market box SR3
In Defense of Mass Media box DG21
Increasing the Knowledge Available to Management for Advertising Policy Decisions box DG12
Index for Travel and Transportation Merchandising Library box DG12
Indian Market box DG14
Individual Effort Has Had Its Day box DG8
Industrial Marketing Research at BMRB box SR2
Influencing the Mind of Another box DG10
Information Center box DO2
Information Services: Advertising Business 2nd Quarter 1979 box IL6
Information Services: Guide to Resources, box IL6
Information Services: Lifestyle Trends box IL7
Information Services: Multinational Advertising Bibliography box IL6
Information Services: Representatives' Basic Reading List box IL6
Information that Never Got into the Files, box IL4
Iniciativa Privada na Construção da sociedade, box IO2
Inside This Booklet You'll Find 8 Ads..., box OV1
Institutional Food Market in Canada box IO3
Integrated Marketing Communications: A Return to Basics box DG26 (RESTRICTED)
International Advertising--The Wheel Is Turning Full Circle box IL2
International Advertising Agency box IL2
International Organization of the J. Walter Thompson Company Ltd. box IL1
International Standard of Living Comparison, box DG16
Interurbia box DG28
Introducing Diogenes box SR4
Introducing the J. Walter Thompson Company to Pittsburgh box OV1
Introduction to J. Walter Thompson box IO1
Is JWT the Company for You? box DG16
Isn't the Consumer the Real Key to Continued Economic Growth? box DG16
Issue box IL7
It Was a Very Good Year box DG19
It's a World box DG25 (RESTRICTED)
J. Walter :15: What Now? box DG20
J. Walter Corporate box DG20
J. Walter Edge box DG22
J. Walter Guide box DG21
J. Walter Merchandise Catalog boxes DG24, DG26 (RESTRICTED)
J. Walter Source box DG24 (RESTRICTED)
J. Walter Thompson (Australia) box IO1
J. Walter Thompson (Belgium) boxes IO2, OV4
J. Walter Thompson (Canada) box IO3
J. Walter Thompson (France) box IO12 (RESTRICTED)
J. Walter Thompson (Hong Kong) box IO5
J. Walter Thompson (Italia) S.P.A. box IO6
J. Walter Thompson (Philippines) box OV5
J. Walter Thompson (South Africa) box IO9
J. Walter Thompson (Spain) box IO12 (RESTRICTED)
J. Walter Thompson (U.S.) boxes DG20, DG22, DG27 (RESTRICTED)
J. Walter Thompson Agence de Publicité box IO4
J. Walter Thompson Co. Advertising boxes DG2-DG4, DG6
J. Walter Thompson Co. Archives box SR4
J. Walter Thompson Co. International Organization box DG12
J. Walter Thompson Co. Style Manual box DG14
J. Walter Thompson Company box DG27 (RESTRICTED)
J. Walter Thompson Company (Chicago) box DO1
J. Walter Thompson Company Limited (Australia), box OV4
J. Walter Thompson Company World box DG17
J. Walter Thompson Consumer Purchase Panel, box DG13
J. Walter Thompson Direct (Chicago) box SR4
J. Walter Thompson Direct (London) box IL8 (RESTRICTED)
J. Walter Thompson España de 1927-1936 box IO10
J. Walter Thompson Identity Guidelines box DG27 (RESTRICTED)
J. Walter Thompson New York box DO2
J. Walter Thompson Philippines, 1947-1982, box IO9
J. Walter Thompson Professional Development Programme box IL7
J. Walter Thompson San Francisco box DO3
J. Walter Thompson Yearbook box DG21
J. Walter Who? box DO1
Jaguar: A Love Affair box DG23
Jahresbericht box IO4
Jahresring 1973 box IO4
James Walter Thompson Advertising Agent, box IL6
James Webb Young Course box IO3
Japanese Market box DG13
Jota Dabliu Te box OV4
Jump Start Cards box IL9 (RESTRICTED)
JWT (Denmark) box IO12 (RESTRICTED)
JWT (Philippines) box IO9
JWT 1965 (London) box IL2
JWT 1973-1974 box IO4
JWT 1978 (London) box IL6
JWT 1981: A Review of the Year's Advertising (London) box IL6
JWT 1984 (London) box IL7
JWT 80 London box IL6
JWT 80 Manchester box IL6
JWT Account Manager's Handbook box DG22
JWT Account Team: Responsibilities and Procedures box IO1
JWT At Forty (Philippines) box IO9
JWT au Canada box IO3
JWT Audit of Agency Performance box IO9
JWT Book box DG6
JWT Brazil--1970 box IO2
JWT Business Communications box IO12 (RESTRICTED)
JWT Career Opportunities box DG19
JWT Chicago box DO1
JWT Circle: A Quarterly Review for the Staff of JWT Southern Africa box IO9
JWT Coloring Book box DO1
JWT Consumer Purchase Panel box DG11
JWT Cuisine: A Collection of Recipes from Employees and Friends of JWT Worldwide box DG25 (RESTRICTED)
JWT Decimal Money Experiment box IL2
JWT Detroit box DO2
JWT Detroit Public Relations box DO2
JWT Director-in-Charge: Roles and Expectations, box DG24 (RESTRICTED)
JWT Effective Advertising Programme box IL7
JWT Employee Handbook box DO4 (RESTRICTED)
JWT en France box IO4
JWT España de 1927 á 1936 box IO10
JWT Europe boxes DG16, IO3
JWT Frankfurt box IO4
JWT Graduate Recruitment box IL9 (RESTRICTED)
JWT Guide to Research boxes DG22, DG26 (RESTRICTED)
JWT Guide to Research Japan Version box IO12 (RESTRICTED)
JWT Handbook (London) box IL3
JWT In Britain box IL2-IL5
JWT In Europe box IL4
JWT in Frankfurt box IO4
JWT in Greece box IO5
JWT In London, in Europe and Around the World, box IL5
JWT Information Center box DG16
JWT Information Services- Europe box IL5
JWT International Offices box DG16
JWT Italy box IO6
JWT Knowledge Centre box IL9 (RESTRICTED)
JWT London box OV3
JWT London: 1926-1966 box IL2
JWT London: Dates and Data box IL3
JWT London: The Consumer Has A Mind As Well As A Stomach box IL3
JWT Management Leadership Program, Duke University box DG24 (RESTRICTED)
JWT Marzo 1981 box IO8
JWT Media Person's Handbook box DG22
JWT Media Person's Handbook Japan Version, box IO12 (RESTRICTED)
JWT New Business Checklist for Winners box DG23 (RESTRICTED)
JWT New Business Handbook box DG22
JWT Office, John Hancock Center box DO1
JWT Opportunities in New Zealand box IO8
JWT Peru box IO8
JWT Rises to the Challenge of Europe box OV3
JWT Specialized Communications box SR6 (RESTRICTED)
JWT TV Workshop box DG12
JWT Washington: What It Is, What It Does, box DO3
JWT West Employee Training Handbook box DO4 (RESTRICTED)
JWT World Identity Programs (Commodore, Graphic Standards Manual) box DG21
JWT Yellow Pages box DG21
JWT: Reputation and Reality box DG18
JWT--Who Is It? box DG19
King Papers box IL7
Knightsbridge Green Blueprint box OV3
La Inversion Publicitaria en España boxes IO10, IO11
La Investigación Publicitaria en la Agencia, box IO11
La Lettre d'Information Media box IO4
Laboratory of Advertising Performance box SR5
Landsdowne boxes OV6, SR5
Landsdowne Marketing Limited box OV6
Latin American Markets box DG13
Leadership at JWT box DG18
Let's Try for That Extra 10% box DG12
L'Equipe box IO12 (RESTRICTED)
Lettre Ouverte box IO2
L'etude du Marche box IO2
Lexicon box DG21
Lexington International box SR5
LGFE box OV7
Liberation box IL9 (RESTRICTED)
Lidov Mural box OV1
Lifestages box DG21
Lining Up for Launch Day box IO9
Lippold Sculpture Construction box DO2
List of Accounts (London) box IL7
Lo Sviluppo di Nuove Marche box IO7
Look at 15-Second Commercials in the 90s, box DG22
Looking Forward to the Next 10 Years box DG22
Looking Up at JWT box DG23 (RESTRICTED)
Lord and Thomas Creeds box DG15
Magazine Audience Estimates box SR5
Major Market Index Plan box SR5
Making the Partnership Work box SR6 (RESTRICTED)
Management Performance and Evaluation box DG20
Management Philosophy box IO2
Management Reference Center Chronological Bibliography box DG21
Managers Meeting box IO3
Managing a JWT Office for Performance and Profit box DG18
Managing the Agency box DG27 (RESTRICTED)
Manchester box IL10
Manual of TV Basics box DG14
Manual Operativo para Cuentas box IO12 (RESTRICTED)
Many Worlds of S. Meek box DG19
Map and Guide of European Cities box IO3
Market Analysis of the 1931 Population Statistics for Great Britain and Ireland box IL1
Market Data box IO6
Market Potentials box DG11
Market Research and the Retailer box IL2
Market Research in Europe boxes SR2, SR4
Market Research on a European Basis box IL3, SR4
Market Sizes box IL5
Market Study for the Professional Nutritionist, box DO1
Marketing in a Defense Economy box DG11
Marketing In Crisis box IO12 (RESTRICTED)
Marketing Opportunities box DG11
Marketing Research box IO2
Marketing to Consumers box SR5
Markets Are Made of People box DG8
Markets to the North: Angola box IO10
Markets to the North: Belgian Congo box IO10
Markets to the North: British East Africa, box IO10
Markets to the North: General box IO10
Markets to the North: Mozambique or Portuguese East Africa box IO10
Markets to the North: Rhodesia and Nyasaland, box IO10
Markets to the North: South West Africa, box IO10
Marketwise box IO12 (RESTRICTED)
Measuring Self-Concept box SR1
Measuring the Audiences of Magazines box DG17, SR1
Media Digest--Europe boxes IL4, IL5
Media Information: Europe box DG17
Media Information (Germany) box IO12 (RESTRICTED)
Media Information--Switzerland box IO3
Media Information (U.S.) boxes DG17, DG18
Media Market in 1988 box IL10
Media Merchandising Services box DO2
Media Research Sources box DG26 (RESTRICTED)
Media: The New Creative Frontier? box DG21
Medical Journals box DG1
Memorandum and Introductory Package Regarding JWT's Transformation box DG26 (RESTRICTED)
Memorandum Regarding Five Speeches Presented at the JWT Fifth World Management Meeting box DG18
Merchandise Catalog box DO2
Merchandising Case History: Shell Premium With TCP box DG12
Merchandising of Food Products by Industry Co-Operatives box DG10
Merchant, Banker, Doctor box DG9
Mexican Market (Mexico) box IO7
Mexican Market (U.S.) box DG16
Mexican Mystique box DO2
México box DO3
Michigan Opera Theatre box DO4 (RESTRICTED)
Mil Novecientos setenta y nueve box IO11
Million Dollar Minute box DG20
Miracle Whip: I Couldn't Make It Without You! Cookbook box DG23 (RESTRICTED)
Mirror for a Lady box IL2
Mis "Ajás" Preferidos sobre Promoción box IO10
Mission Statement boxes DG19, DG22
Modern Advertising Agency Service box IO3
More Jobs than Men box DG10
Motor Racing Sponsorship: A Proposal for a Three-Country Survey box SR4
Moving Target box DG17
MRB International box SR5
Mysteries of Time and Space box IL7
Naget om JWT för og nu box OV4
National Creative Award box DG20
Network Sports Essentials box DG20
Net-Working: A Research Study on Employment and the Internet box DG25 (RESTRICTED)
New American Consumer box DG20
New Business Brochures box IL7
New Business Services box DG27 (RESTRICTED)
New Era in Ford Retailing box DG14
New Housewife box IL2
New Image Package box DG26 (RESTRICTED)
New JWT box IO1
New Map for Europe box IO3
New Media Explorers box DG19
New Medium: Television in the 1980s box DG18
New Office Announcement box IO3
New Premises for JWT Brussels box IO2
New Revolution in Distribution box DG15
New Visual Identity box DG26 (RESTRICTED)
New Wavelength box IL4
New York Office Guidebook box DO2
Newsletter (Hill & Knowlton) box SR4
No Están Todos Los Que Son, Pero Sí Son Todos Los Que Están box IO11
Notice to All Employees box IL6
O Público e a Propaganda box IO2
One Advertiser's Response to Pollution, Inflation, Shortages and Whatever's Next box DG17
One World of J. Walter Thompson Company: A Guide to 37 International Offices in 24 Countries box IL2
One World of Sam Meek box DG16
Open Letter to Our Cohorts at JWT box DG27 (RESTRICTED)
Operational Research and Marketing box IL2
Opportunities for American Manufacturers in Britain Today box IL1
Our Best Total Branding box DG26 (RESTRICTED)
Outline for An Advertising Agency Analysis, box IO3
Ouvre box IO12 (RESTRICTED)
Overview (South Africa) box IO10
P.T. Thomertwal Advertising box IO6
Pamphlet Collection box DG25 (RESTRICTED)
Pan-European Communication box IO2
Paper-Money Inflation in France: Where It Came from, What It Brought and How It Ended box DG9
Paradox Papers: Marketing in Modern Times, boxes DG22-DG26 (RESTRICTED)
Paradox Papers: Youth in the 90s box DG23 (RESTRICTED)
Partial Checklist of JWT Domestic Clients for Shopping Reference boxes DG23, DG26 (RESTRICTED)
Partners in the Marketing Revolution box DG17
Passion '03: JWT Europe, Middle East, Africa, box OV4
Passion 03: JWT Latinoamerica box OV5
Passion: North America box OV2
Passport to the North box IO3
People Buy Brands, Not Products boxes DG21, DG23, DG25 (RESTRICTED)
People's Use of Media box IL5
Perfil del Mercado Peruano box IO8
Performance Group box DO2
Peruvian Market box DG13
Peruvian Market Profile box IO8
Pet Food Market box DO2
Pharmaceutical Advertising and Marketing, box IL2
Philippine Market boxes DG13, IO9
Photo Engraving box DG11
Photo Engraving Processes box DG8
Photographic Essay box IO2
Pierre Caille box IO2
Pin-Pointing the Affluent Household box IL2
Plain Talk on Research box IO3
Plan for the Promotion of American Travel in Thailand box DG13
Plant City Advertising boxes DG10, DG11
Platform (Hill & Knowlton) box SR4
Plea for Education box DG10
Pocket Guide to Media Terms and Media Math, boxes DG20, DO1
Population and its Distribution boxes DG7-DG10, DG12, DG15
Population and Purchasing Power box DG10
Population Handbook of Great Britain and Ireland box DG8
Population Study box IO7
Portrait boxes IO4, OV4
Portuguese Grafitti box IO9
Portuguese Market box DG13
Positioning Advertising Copy Testing box SR5
Power of the Old, Shock of the New boxes DG24, DO4 (RESTRICTED), OV1A
PPGH/JWT Business Communications box IO8
PPGH/JWT in 15 Characteristics box IO8
PPGH/JWT Tien Jaar Merkenbeleid box IO8
PPGH/Moussault Werke box IO8
Practical Progress From A Theory of Adverstiments box IL5
Preliminary Report on the Present Pharmaceutical Situation and the Areas of Opportunity for Deltakos (Belgium) box SR4
Preparedness for Peace box DO1
Present Economic Conditions box DG8
Presentation Didn't Go Quite As We Expected..., box IL3
Presentation to Exxon Company box DG22
Press in Its Relation to Public Opinion and Government box DG9
Press Information (EA International) box OV6
Price Guarantees by Manufacturers with Sales Contracts box DO3
Primer for Post-War Prosperity box DG10
Primer of Capitalism Illustrated box DG10
Primetime Television Schedule: The Essentials, box DG20
Print Media Information box DG17
Private Label Reviewed box IL3
Prize Competition box DG8
Problem box IL10
Problem and Opportunity for Milk in California, box DG10
Problem Solvers box SR2
Product Information Booklet box SR5
Professional Development Handbook box DG24
Professional Development Programme box IO3
Professional Forum box DO2
Profit-Sharing and You box DG17
Project Enterprise box IO3
Project Norway box IL4
Propaganda (Brazil) box SR4
Proposal for a Series of Focus Groups on Birth Control Methods box SR4
Proposal: Corporate Communications/Jack Hilton, box DO1
Psychological Laboratory box SR2
Public Issues, Public Policy Group (Hill & Knowlton) box SR4
Publicidad en 1979 (Spain) box IO11
Publicité box IO2
Purchasing Power of the Consumer box DG8
Questions and Answers in Planning Advertising, box DO2
Radio: an Individual's Medium box DG15
Rapporto Annuale (JWT ITaly) box IO6
Read All About It! box IL4
Red Book/J. Walter Thompson Co. Advertising, box DG3
Red Ear box DG1
Reflections on an Agency/Peter Yeo box DG27 (RESTRICTED)
Regional and Split-Run Magazine Availabilities, box DG14
Relationship Between Purchasing Patterns and Advertising Exposure box IL3
Religious Press box DG1
Report on Advertising Agencies in the Far East, box IL2
Report on the Role of Radio in the Lives of American Housewives box DG14
Report on Private Label in U.S. Food Retailing, box IL2
Reports and Accounts (India) box IO5
Tesearch Audit of 1978 TGI box SR1
Research Audit of SMRB 1985 Study of Media and Markets box SR1
Research Department Role and Organization, box IO1
Research Development Procedures box IO1
Research Into Attitudes to Advertising box IL6
Resultattavlor box OV5
Results of 1977 Business/Financial Press Survey, box DG18
Results of a Survey for the Market for Travel to the U.S. in Japan box DG15
Resumption of Overseas Buying box IL1
Retail Audit: Principles and Practices box SR2
Retail Display and Packaging box SR2
Retail Shopping Areas box DG9
Retailing in the Seventies box IL3
Retail-Unit box IO8
Review and Summary of the Published Literature on Eating Out box DO1
Review for Lever Brothers Company of the Independent Buying and/or Barter Services and JWT's Buying and Barter Service, box DG17
Review of Recent Advertising Aiding the War Effort box DG10
Rhapsody in Red box DO4 (RESTRICTED)
Rhapsody in Red II box DO4 (RESTRICTED)
Roadmap of Greenland box IL9 (RESTRICTED)
Role of a New Brand Venture Group Within JWT Amsterdam box IO8
Role of Account Management at JWT Chicago, box DO1
Round the Woman box SR2
Rural Hyderabad box IO5
Ryukyuan Market box DG15
Sales Curves of New Products box IL2
Salute to the Stars box IO5
Samuel Yellin Cellini Wrought Iron box DG16
Sample Product and Brand Tables box SR1
Sampling Shops box SR2
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 box DG9
Selected Articles on Setting Adversiting Goals and Measuring Results box IO2
Self Service in Great Britain boxes IL1, SR2
Selling Abroad box DG9
Selling at Home box DG9
Selling from the Corporate Point of View, box DG20
Selling The Most Effective, Distinctive Advertising in the Marketplace box DG27 (RESTRICTED)
Sermons on Advertising box DG5
Simmons box SR5
Simmons-Scarborough Pamphlet box SR5
Simmons Study of Media and Markets box SR5
Simmons Teenage Research Study box SR5
Six Things Most Ad Agencies Would Never Say to a Client box DO2
Sixty-Four Problems box SR2
Social Change in Britain by 1984 box IL1
Social Class Definitions in Market Research: Objectives and Practice box SR2
Social Class in Sample Surveys box SR2
Society of Illustrators Catalog box SR5
Some Advertising Responsibilities in a Dynamic Society box DG11
Some Observations On Forecasting and Planning, box IL4
Some Things We Have Learned box DG12
Some Things We Have Learned About Building Client Relationships box DG27 (RESTRICTED)
Some Things We Have Learned About Managing a JWT Office boxes DG20, DG24, DG26 (RESTRICTED)
Some Things We Learned About Launching Mindshare box SR6 (RESTRICTED)
Sources of Information on European Countries, box IL3
South African Clients box IO10
South African Market box DG15
Southern African Intelligence: General Market Report No. 47 box IO10
Special Markets Group: The Black Consumer Market box DG18
Spot Buying at J. Walter Thompson box DG17
Standards for Report Typing boxes DO1, DO2
Statement to the JWT-Japan Creative Staff/Wilson Siebert box DG17
Statistical Accuracy of IPA NRS Results, box SR2
Statistical Overview of the South African Market box IO10
Strategic Concept of Consumer Involvement: It's Importance Today box IO4
Studio Sull'Immagine delle Reti Televisive, box IO6
Study of Media and Markets "RPC" Levels, box SR5
Subscriber Lists box SR5
Successful Examples of 'Mass Education' by Clients of J. Walter Thompson C. box OV1
Surprise 1988 Forecast box DG21
Survey of American Consumers box SR1
Switchback to Confidence box IO2
Symposium in Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of JWT Japan box IO6
Target Group Index box SR2
Target Group Index Plan box SR1
Target Panel box SR2
Target Teen Index box SR1
Technical Plan box SR1
Technique for Producing Ideas boxes DG13, DG22, DG24 (RESTRICTED)
Techniques in Market Forecasting box IL2
Tele Communications boxes DG19, DO2
Television Attention Research box IL1
Television In Europe box IL4
Television in Latin America box DG15
Television Today- Television Tomorrow box IL7
Testing Television Commercials box DG14
Theoretical Case for Professionalism (part 1 &2) box IO10
Things We Have Learned About Employee Attitude Surveys box DG19
Things to Know about Trade-Marks box DG7
This Is Argentina box IO1
Thomas Francis Sutton box DG19
Thompson box OV1
Thompson Blue Book on Advertising boxes DG5-DG7
Thompson Consumer Index of Markets box IO5
Thompson Office Manager's Handbook box DG22
Thompson Recruitment Advertising box DG22
Thompson Red Book on Advertising boxes DG4, DG27 (RESTRICTED)
Thompson Redbook box IL6
Thompson Rural Market Index box IO5
Thompson Total Branding (4 booklets) box DG26 (RESTRICTED)
Thompson Total Branding Guidebook box DG26 (RESTRICTED)
Thompson Way box IO6
Thompson Way Handbook boxes DG21, DG27 (RESTRICTED)
Thompson's Battery of Magazines box DG2
Thompson's Pocket Speller boxes DG2, DG3
Three Myths About Our Export Trade box IL2
Tihama box SR5
Times box IL1
Tips on Type box DG15
To Speak As Well As You Think box DG19
Today's TV Market box DG12
Tomorrow's Consumer box IL3
Tomorrow's Food box IL3
Tool Kit--Advertising Planning Methods box DG21
Tourism Research in Japan box DG15
T-Plan boxes DO2, IL2
Training and Professional Development in the European Region box IO12 (RESTRICTED)
Transformation box DG25 (RESTRICTED)
Treasurer, the Stockholder and the Customer, box DG9
Trends and Retail Sales 1966-1975 box IL5
Trends in Magazine Audiences box SR1
Trouble at Credibility Gap box DG17
TV Fact Book boxes DG21-DG25 (RESTRICTED)
TV Terminology box DG13
TV Violence: In the Eyes of the Beholders, box DG18
TV/Radio Schedule box DG13
Una Téchnica para Producir Ideas box IO8
Unconventional Wisdom box DG21
Under New Management boxes DG18, DG19
Understanding Buyer Behavior boxes DG18, DG19
Unified International Practices box IO2
United States Stamps box DG16
Upbeat box SR6 (RESTRICTED)
Up Front, vol. 3 box SR6 (RESTRICTED)
U.S. Clients box DG26 (RESTRICTED)
U.S. Coffee Market box DG21
U.S. Commercial Television 1950-1975 box DG17
U.S. Consumer Media box DG22
USA Market for Overseas Goods boxes DG11, DG13
Use and Abuse of Survey Research in Advertising Regulation box DG18
Validity of Test Marketing box IL2
Vienna Presents box IO2
Viewdata box IL7
Viewers' Choice: The Value of Higher Ratings, box SR5
Visualize: Sharing Resources box IL8
Visualize: The Internet box IL9 (RESTRICTED)
Walter Thompson de Mexico S.A. box IO8
We are Ready to Meet Change with Change, box DG17
We've Made Our Move in Detroit box DO2
Welcome to JWT- Sue Dean box IO2
Werbelächer: Muß das sein? box SR1
West Coast's Marketing Opportunities box DG11
West Germany--A Lost Opportunity? box IL2
Western Europe box SR3
Western European Markets box DG13
What Do These Changes Mean? box DG8
What Do We Know About How Advertising Works? box IL2
What Has Happened to the Advertising Dollar? box IO3
What I Had To Do box DG27 (RESTRICTED)
What is a Brand? box IL3
What is Advertising? box DG21
What is Marketing? box IL1
What JWT Stands For box DG19
What Magazine Advertising is Accomplishing, box DG7
What Others Really Think About Account Managers, box DG22
What Puts the Prices Up? box IL2
What Say The Augurers? box IL2
What's New from the Corporate Point of View, box SR3
Where Good Advertising is the Constant Product, box DG4
Where the TV Sets Are box DG12
Where They Live box DG9
Who We Are (Hill & Knowlton) box SR4
Who's Who box OV5
Who-What-Why-When-Where of Public Relations, box DG22
Why Work for a Living? (London) box IL7
Why Work for a Living? (New York) box DO2
Will Advertising Need Smaller Targets and Better Gun-Sights? box IL2
Willkommen bei J. Walter Thompson box IO4
Wine Consumer Survey box DG12
Winner's Manual... box IL6
Women in the 90s- A New Age in Marketing to Women box IO4
Women's Use of Media box IL5
Womenscope box DG20
Working Smarter Through Better Time Management, box SR4
Working Wire box SR6 (RESTRICTED)
World Business box DG16
World Markets for U.S. Exports box DG10
World of Demand box DG16
World-Wide Opportunities for Better Living Standards box IL1
Worldwide White Pea Awards box DG25 (RESTRICTED)
WTM en Mexico box IO8
Xpedite! box SR4
Year in View boxes DG26-DG27 (RESTRICTED)
Year One of the People Meter box DG21
Yearbook (JWT Chicago) box DO2
Yes--But What Responses? box DG19
Zap Proof box DG20


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[Identification of item], J. Walter Thompson Company. Publications Collection, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University.