Events, 1970-2006
- Extent:
- 442 items
- Scope and content:
Folders contain a wide variety of entries related to women's movement conferences, meetings, and demonstrations, arranged in date order. Some of the events are represented by a single image, while others are extensively covered. Folder titles are taken from the original headings assigned by Lane.
Each folder contains an original annotated inventory sheet listing image titles, dates, image id, and location, taken from the detailed information found on the backs of most photographs. In some cases, prints from original "miscellaneous" folders have been removed and added to appropriate events folders in this series.
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- Collection restrictions:
Collection is open for research.
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The copyright interests in this collection have not been transferred to Duke University. For more information, consult the copyright section of the Regulations and Procedures of the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library.
Authorization to publish, quote, or reproduce should be addressed to Gary O'Neil, holder of the intellectual property rights for this collection at
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