Correspondence Series, circa 1945-1978

Use Restrictions:

The boxes in this series may contain sensitive materials.

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Scope and content:

Chiefly professional letters of the late 1950s to 1970s received and copies of letters sent, as well as memoranda, alphabetically arranged by correspondent and chronologically arranged within the correspondent's file. Also contains miscellaneous attachments and other non-correspondence mailed to or collected by Marney, such as press releases, organizational charts, leaflets, bulletins, financial records, clippings, writings, and newsletters. In cases of correspondence with a prominent individual, or extensive correspondence with an individual or organization, a separate file has been maintained, for example the American Baptist Convention. Includes several files for Marney family members. This series may contain sensitive materials pertaining to various associates of Marney. Note the statement on the title page concerning this issue.


Using These Materials

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Using These Materials

Collection restrictions:

Collection is open for research.

Researchers must register and agree to copyright and privacy laws before using this collection.

All or portions of this collection may be housed off-site in Duke University's Library Service Center. There may be a 48-hour delay in obtaining these materials.

Audiovisual originals are closed to use. Use copies may be available in the collection - see individual listings. Otherwise, Technical Services staff need to produce use copies before contents can be accessed.

Please contact Research Services staff before visiting the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library to use this collection.

Use & permissions:

Duke University acquired no copyright through the purchase of the Marney Papers. For further information, see the section on copyright in the Regulations and Procedures of the Rubenstein Library.

Individuals have a legally enforceable right to privacy and right to suppress release of information obtained through a pastor-parishioner relationship. Use of names of living individuals involved in personal or pastoral counseling is prohibited without their consent.

Because of the nature of Marney's associations and interests, these papers (in particular, the correspondence) may contain sensitive materials pertaining to various individuals. Release of certain information contained in them may give rise to liability (e.g. for defamation or invasion of privacy). Duke University assumes no responsibility for infringement of literary property rights and copyrights, or for liability to any person for defamation or invasion of privacy.

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