Writings and Speeches Series, 1930-1978 and undated
- Scope and content:
Published and unpublished material, including handwritten, typed, mimeographed and printed items, such as reprints, pamphlets, and clippings. Includes sermons, speeches, lectures, and addresses, and manuscripts for books and articles. Arranged in two divisions: writings of Marney and writings of others.
Marney's writings are arranged chronologically, and besides publication drafts and sermons, includes some scattered correspondence and book reviews. When several items pertain to one title, they are filed together under the date of the earliest item. Undated items have been organized alphabetically by title. An alphabetical index to iitles of Marney's works that are found in the Writings and Speeches Series can be found at the end of the box inventory in this collection guide.
The Writings of Others subseries includes some prayers and anonymous writings. This category is organized alphabetically by the last name of the author; anonymous works are at the end.
Using These Materials
- Using These Materials Links:
Using These Materials
- Collection restrictions:
Collection is open for research.
Researchers must register and agree to copyright and privacy laws before using this collection.
All or portions of this collection may be housed off-site in Duke University's Library Service Center. There may be a 48-hour delay in obtaining these materials.
Audiovisual originals are closed to use. Use copies may be available in the collection - see individual listings. Otherwise, Technical Services staff need to produce use copies before contents can be accessed.
Please contact Research Services staff before visiting the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library to use this collection.
- Use & permissions:
Duke University acquired no copyright through the purchase of the Marney Papers. For further information, see the section on copyright in the Regulations and Procedures of the Rubenstein Library.
Individuals have a legally enforceable right to privacy and right to suppress release of information obtained through a pastor-parishioner relationship. Use of names of living individuals involved in personal or pastoral counseling is prohibited without their consent.
Because of the nature of Marney's associations and interests, these papers (in particular, the correspondence) may contain sensitive materials pertaining to various individuals. Release of certain information contained in them may give rise to liability (e.g. for defamation or invasion of privacy). Duke University assumes no responsibility for infringement of literary property rights and copyrights, or for liability to any person for defamation or invasion of privacy.
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- Please consult our up-to-date information for visitors page, as our services and guidelines periodically change.