Literature, 1572-1943
- Extent:
- 4020 items
- Scope and content:
This series includes 4020 items. Formats include pamphlets, newpapers, small volumes, clippings, and periodicals.
Dates range from 1572 to 1943, with 109 pieces dating from the eighteenth century.
Because Guido Mazzoni was very interested in foreign literatures, this section is also well-developed, with the predominant literatures being works in Greek, Latin, French, English, and German, or criticism of those works. All periods are represented, though the classical period and nineteenth century somewhat more so. Very important is the large group of French eighteenth-century dramatic works, most of them translated in Italian. Also of value are pamphlets and other materials concerned with the Latin works of many prominent Italian and other European writers. A large number of pamphlets in Latin are from nineteenth-century Italy, even when speeches, eulogies, or essays were still written in Latin and spoken in that tongue as well. One very interesting pamphlet is a Latin poem submitted for a poetry competition by a young Giovanni Pascoli.
Individual authors or critics include: Guido Mazzoni, Aristotle, Anacreonte, Homer, Catullus, Virgil (A and S), Horace (A and S), Aeschylus, William Shakespeare, John Milton, William Wordsworth, Francesco Petrarca (A and S), Museo Grammatico, Francois Ronsard, Voltaire, Percy Bysshe Shelly (A and S), Goethe, Victor Hugo, and hundreds of minor authors.
Not included under this subject heading would be any works concerning Dante's Latin works: these would be found under the Dante series. Also not included are Italian works originally in Italian but translated into another language: these are under "Italian literature." For related works, check the series for "Biography," as always, and perhaps "Italian periodicals" or "Periodicals."
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