McGraw-Hill Marketing Information Center Vertical File, 1948-1991
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- Creator:
- McGraw-Hill Marketing Information Center
- Abstract:
- The McGraw-Hill Marketing Information Center was established in 1948 as a sales service for customers of the McGraw-Hill Publications Company. This large vertical file, developed by the McGraw-Hill Marketing Information Center, spans the years 1948 through 1991 and contains published articles, books, research studies, speech transcripts, and other materials on the subjects of marketing, sales, advertising, and corporate operations.
- Extent:
- 121.5 Linear Feet
About 72,900 Items - Language:
- Material in English
- Collection ID:
- RL.00874
- Scope and content:
This large vertical file, compiled and indexed by the McGraw-Hill Marketing Information Center (MIC), spans the years 1948 through 1991 and contains published articles, books, research studies, speech transcripts, and other materials on the subjects of marketing, sales, advertising, and corporate governance. Material was gathered from about 125 sources, chiefly regularly-published administration, advertising, and marketing periodicals.
All descriptions and references in this inventory were written by the MIC and have been retained. The original organization of the vertical file and numbering system of the index have also been retained. Major topics are arranged in increments of five. For example: ADV 0 (Advertising's Role, Function, and Influence); ADV 5 (Advertising Agencies); ADV 10 (Advertising Appropriations); ADV 15 (Attitudes Towards Advertising), and so on through ADV 55 (Advertising Volume). These increments of five are standard throughout all the major areas except Administration (ADM).
Primary subdivisions are created by placing a colon following the 0, 5, 10, 15, etc., and adding a number starting with 1 and up the line as high as required (e.g., ADV 5:1). Secondary subdivisions are created by placing a hyphen after the number following the colon and again adding numbers as high as needed (e.g., ADV 5:1-1). Further subdivisions are developed by inserting a decimal point and number (e.g., ADV 5:1-1.1). Additional decimal points and numbers are added to subdivide as far as necessary (e.g., ADV 5:1-1.1.1).
- Biographical / historical:
The McGraw-Hill Marketing Information Center was established in 1948 as a sales service for customers of the McGraw-Hill Publications Company. It was maintained through 1991.
A guide to the vertical file was developed by Ranulph F. Norman, Director of the Marketing Information Center, and published in 1985 under the title "Advertising/Marketing Library Index." The present finding aid represents an electronic version of that paper guide.
- Acquisition information:
- The McGraw-Hill Marketing Information Center Vertical File were received by the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book Manuscript Library as a gift in 1999.
- Processing information:
Encoded by Angela McClendon
Completed June 2007
This collection is unprocessed: materials may not have been ordered and described beyond their original condition.
- Physical location:
- For current information on the location of these materials, please consult the Library's online catalog.
- Rules or conventions:
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Click on terms below to find related finding aids on this site. For other related materials in the Duke University Libraries, search for these terms in the Catalog.
- Subjects:
- Selling -- History
Marketing -- History
Marketing research
Management -- History
Management -- Research
Advertising -- Research
Corporate governance
Advertising -- History - Format:
- Speeches
Vertical files - Names:
- John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History
Marketing Information Center (McGraw-Hill Publications Company)
McGraw-Hill Marketing Information Center
Other Indexes
- Indexes:
Alphabetical, Topical, Keyword Index
A ABP/A.D. Little Evaluation of 1100 Research Studies ADV 40:2-1.1 ABP/Taylor Instrument Study (of the business paper reading environment) ADV 40:3-7.1 ABP's Business Marketing Laboratory Study (the Ryan Study; the Syracuse Study) ADV 50:5-4.2.1 AIA (now B/PAA), Media Data Form Commentary ADV 50:5-3.1.1 AID(C)A and IPSO in Advertising ADV 50:4-3.1 ANCOM (Andean Common Market) IOP 0:3-1 ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) IOP 0:3-3 Abnormal Economy, advertising in ADV 0:3 Abnormal Economy, marketing in MKT 45 Abnormal Economy, selling in SAL 40:14 Accompanying Reading Matter, effects on an ad ADV 50:7-3 Account Executives, agency ADV 5:10-2 Account Switching ADV 5:3-4 Accountability, in management (results-oriented concept) ADM 0:2-7.1 Accounts/Calls/Lines/Products Handled, salespersons SAL 10:5-1 Action Learning/Training Techniques ADM 0:2-8.21.2 Actuarial Tables, communications industry MKT 40:3-2.3 Administered Pricing MKT 55:2 ADVERTISING (all subjects; see ADV and subsections, also specific topics carried under keywords; for example, Appropriations, advertising; Management, advertising; Clutter in Advertising, etc.) Advertising as a Public Relations Tool ADM 0:2-10.3 Advertising, international concepts and techniques IOP 10:2-4 (*) Advertising Volume/Expenditures ADV 55 (*) Advertorials/Special Sections ADV 50:4-3.12.1 "ADVISOR" Project ADV 10:3-5 Advocacy Advertising ADV 50:4-3.2 Affirmative Action/EEO/Discrimination ADM 0:2-8.2 Agencies, advertising ADV 5 (*) Agents/Representatives vs. Company Sales Force MKT 20:10-3 Airline (inflight) Magazines ADV 35:4-6.2.1 Alcoholism ADM 0:2-8.7 Allis-Chalmers Study ADV 40:2-2 Alternate Delivery ADV 50:5-4.10.2 Alternative Work Schedules ADM 0:2- American Competitive Enterprise System, N.E.C. ADM 0:2-4.1 American Marketing Association: Surveys of Marketing Research MKT 50:1-3 Anniversaries, corporate ADM 0:2-10.4 Anniversary Copy ADV 50:4-3.3 Annual Meetings ADM 0:2-10.24 Annual Reports ADM 0:2-10.29 Appearance, salespersons SAL 5:6-2 Appropriations, advertising ADV 10 (*) Aptitude/Psychological Testing, sales SAL 35:1-1 Arab Economic Unity Agreement IOP 0:3-2 Archivists, corporate ADM 0:2-4.3 Assessment Centers ADM 0:2-8.21.4 Associations, overseas IOP 10:5 Associations, trade MKT 80 Attitude/Motivational Research MKT 50:2-1.2 Attitude Surveys ADM 0:2-8.3 Attitudes Towards Advertising ADV 15 (*) Attitudes Towards Advertising, international IOP 10:2-3 Attitudes Towards Businesspapers, ad managers' MKT 40:1-2.1.4 Attitudes Towards Other Countries' Products, consumer MKT 65:7-2 Attracting Industry ADM 0:2-10.7.2 Audience Measurement, international IOP 10:2-9 Audience, media, measurement techniques MKT 50:2-3.3 Audience/Universe Measurement and Research Concepts/Management and Principles ADV 50:5-4.2 Audit Bureau of Circulations, Inc., Functions, History, etc. ADV 50:5-4.3.1 Audited Publications, the case for ADV 50:5-4.3.6 Auditing Bureaus Around the World ADV 50:5-4.4 Auditing: circulation, overseas IOP 10:2-9 Autonomic Measures of Visual Perception ADV 50:9-15 Auxiliary Sales Forces SAL 10:4-1 Awards, advertising ADV 50:4-1.1 B B/PAA Media Data Form Commentary ADV 50:5-3.1.1 Balance of Payments IOP 0:1-1 Barter and Brokerage of Media Space and Time ADV 5:4-1.1 Barter Trading Concept MKT 5:2-1 Bayesian Approach, in marketing research MKT 50:2-1.1 Beckman Study MKT 0:3-1 Behavioral Analysis MKT 50:2-1.2 Benelux IOP 0:3-4 Bias in Response MKT 50:2-3.2 Binomial Distribution MKT 50:2-1.3 Bivariate Analysis MKT 50:2-1.4 Black Capitalism ADM 0:2-4.1.1 Bleed, in advertising ADV 50:9-2 Boards of Directors ADM 0:2-1 (*) Brainstorming ADM 0:2-7.2.1 Brand and Product Line Concept MKT 5:2-2 Branding MKT 40:1-3.1.1 Brandstanding ADM 0:2-10.22.1 Broadcast Media ADV 35:4-2 (*) Budgeting and Cost Control, exhibit MKT 25:4-3 Budgeting, capital ADM 0:2-6.1.1 Budgeting for Public Relations ADM 0:2-10.5 Budgeting, zero-base ADM 0:2-6.1.4 Budgets, advertising ADV 10:1 (*) Budgets: marketing, new products MKT 60:2-4 Burn-Out ADM 0:2-8.7 Business Calls ADV 0:2-7.2.2 Business Customs Abroad IOP 10:3-3 Business Cycles: analyses, causes, suggested cures ADM 0:2-4.6 Business Etiquette, salespersons SAL 5:6-3 Business Finance, N.E.C. ADM 0:2-6.2 Business History Business International's Annual Indicators of Market Size IOP 0:6-3.1 Business Marketing: advertising budget studies ADV 10:3-2 Business Papers ADV 35:1 (*) Business Publication Advertising, the industrial communications process ADV 0:4 Business Publications Audit of Circulation, Inc. (BPA) Business Week Buyer Behavior and Motivation, industrial MKT 65:1-2 Buying Attitudes, Behavior, Decisions, Motivations: consumer MKT 65:7 (*) Buying Decision Process, industrial MKT 65:1 (*) Buying Services vs. Full Service Agencies ADV 5:4-1 C CACM (Central American Common Market) IOP 0:3-5 CARIFTA (Caribbean Free Trade Area) IOP 0:3-6 CATV ADV 35:4-3 CEOs and Presidents ADM 0:2-2 CMEA (COMECON), Council for Mutual Economic Assistance IOP 0:3-7 CPM (Critical Path Method) ADM 0:2-7.4.2 Cable TV ADV 35:4-3 Cafeteria Compensation ADM 0:2-8.4.2 Call Follow-Up/Follow-Through, sales SAL 40:6 Call Planning, sales SAL 10:5-1.1 Call Reports/Reporting, sales SAL 10:5-2 Calls, business ADM 0:2-7.2.2 Calls, sales SAL 10:5 (*) Calls, sales (making calls with the staff) SAL 15:4 Campaign and Media Planning ADV 20 Canadian Circulation Audit Board (CCAB) ADV 50:5-4.3.3 Canonical Analysis MKT 50:2-1.5 Capital Budgeting ADM 0:2-6.1.1 Capital Expenditure Forecasts ADM 0:2-4.8 (*) Career Advancement ADM 0:2-8.21.6 Career Pathing ADM 0:2-8.21.6 Career Planning ADM 0:2-8.21.6 Careers, Education, Recruitment, Training and Development: marketing/communications MKT 40:3 (*) Cartoon Copy ADV 50:4-3.4 Case History Copy ADV 50:4-3.5 Catalog-Type Copy ADV 50:4-3.6 Catalogs and Directories ADV 35.2 (*) Catalogs, overseas IOP 10:2-7.3 Causal Modeling MKT 50:2-1.6 Celebrities in Copy ADV 50:4-3.29 Central Location Interviewing MKT 50:2-2.5 Centralization (centrally-developed international advertising campaigns) IOP 10:2-4.1 Challenges to Advertising, global IOP 10:2-3 Channel Analysis MKT 20:2 Children and TV ADV 35:4-2.2.2 Children in Copy ADV 50:4-3.32 CIRCULATION (see specific topics carried under keywords; for example, Paid vs. Free Circulation; Turnover, circulation; Audit Bureau of Circulations, etc.) ADV 50:5-4.2 (*) City Magazines ADV 35:4-6.2.2 Classical Statistical Analysis MKT 50:2-1.7 Classified Advertising ADV 50:4-3.7 Closing the Sale SAL 40:2 Cluster Analysis MKT 50:2-1.8 Clutter in Advertising ADV 25:5 Robert J. Coen, ad volume statistics ADV 55:3-1 Cognitive Dissonance ADM 0:2-7.6 Cohort Analysis MKT 50:2-1.9 Color, in advertising ADV 50:9-3 Comic Strip Copy ADV 50:4-3.4 Comics ADV 35:4-4 Commission Rates, manufacturers' agents and representatives MKT 20:10-5 Communications Committees ADM 0:2-7.2.3 Community Relations (development/promotion) Company Histories, how to write Comparability/Standardization of Circulation (audience/universe) Data Comparative Advertising Comparative Management Comparative Marketing Comparative Selling Compensation Competetitive Intelligence MKT 40:5-3 Complaints: sales, overcoming SAL 40:10 Computer Literacy ADM 0:2-7.2.4 Computers in Marketing MKT 40:4-4 Computers in the Media Planning/Selection Process ADV 50:5-3 Concentration Concept Advertising, new product MKT 60:2-7 Concept Testing, new product MKT 60:2-6 Conferences ADM 0:2-7.2.5 (*) Conjoint Measurement MKT 50:2-1.10 Consultants, management ADM 0:2-7.3 Consultants, marketing MKT 40:1-6 Consultants, overseas IOP 5:6-2 Consultative Selling SAL 40:4 Consumer Affairs Departments ADM 0:2-10.8 Consumer Panels MKT 50:2-3.3 Consumerism MKT 35.3 Contests, sales SAL 15:5-3 Contingency Planning ADM 0:2-6.1.2 Continuity, in advertising ADV 50:2-1 Control Techniques, management ADM 0:2-7.4 (*) Contributions, corporate: The Conference Board's annual surveys ADM 0:2-10.28.1 Controversy Advertising ADV 50:4-3.2 Conventions ADM 0:2-7.2.5 (*) Cooperative Advertising ADV 50:3 Cooperative Direct Mail ADV 35:3-3 Cooperative Readership Study (the "18 Company Survey,""New Yardsticks of Media Value") ADV 40:3-3 Copy Approaches and Themes ADV 50:4 (*) Copy, direct mail ADV 35:3-4 Copy Techniques, international IOP 10:2-5 (*) Copy Testing and Research ADV 50:4-4 Copy Translation and Writing Problems, in international advertising IOP 10:2-5.2 Copyrights ADM 0:2-10.9 Copywriting ADV 50:4-5 Corporate Corruption (unusual overseas payments) IOP 5:3-5 Corporate Espionage MKT 40:5-3.1 Corporate Image Advertising ADV 50:4-3.9 Corporate Image vs. Product Copy ADV 50:4-3.9.1 Corporate Media Directors MKT 40:1-2.1.5 Corporate Messages in International Advertising IOP 10:2-5.1 Corrective Advertising ADV 25:2-1 Cost Control, and Reduction in Business ADM 0:2-6.3 Cost Control, sales SAL 20:4 (*) Cost Per Contact, advertising's ADV 40:2-5 Cost Per Sales Call SAL 20:4-3 Cost Reduction, marketing MKT 10:2 Cost to Close a Sale SAL 20:4-3.1 Costs Counter Advertising ADV 25:2-1 Coupons, cents-off MKT 0:5-1 Coupons, for inquiry stimulation ADV 45:5 Coverlines ADV 50:9-5 Covers ADV 50:7-2 Creative Selling SAL 40:5 Creative Staff, agency ADV 5:10-3 Creative Techniques and Creativity ADM 0:2-7.5 Credibility of Messages ADV 50:4-3.10 Credit Management MKT 40:1-4 Crisis Communications ADM 0:2-10.10 Culture Shock IOP 10:3-3 Customer Service Concept and Management MKT 5:2-3 Cyclical Behavior of Advertising ADV 0:3-4 D "Dagmar" Research (ANA's "Project X") ADV 40:1-1 Database Publishing ADV 35:1-6.3 Dealer Margins/Commissions MKT 20:9-5 Decentralization/Divisionalization ADM 0:1-6 Decentralization (locally-developed, including co-op, international advertising campaigns) IOP 10:2-4.2 Deception, Ethics, Truth and Taste in Advertising ADV 25 (*) Decision-Making, in administration ADM 0:2-7.6 Decision-Making, in marketing/advertising MKT 40:4 (*) Defense Economy, advertising in ADV 0:3-3 Deferred Compensation ADM 0:2-8.4.3 Definitions and Terms Delegation ADM 0:2-7.7 Delphi Technique MKT 50:2-1.11 Demarketing Concept MKT 5:2-4 Demographic/Regional Editions, in media selection ADV 50:5-5.9 DEMON (management model for marketing new products) MKT 60:2-1.1 Direct Mail/Direct Marketing, Direct Response Advertising ADV 35:3 (*) Direct Response Cards ADV 35:1-7.1 Directories and Catalogs ADV 35:2 (*) Discriminant Analysis MKT 50:2-1.12 Discrimination ADM 0:2-8.2 Distribution MKT 20 (*) Distributor Copy ADV 50:4-3.11 Distributors MKT 20:9 (*) Diversification/Product Differentiation MKT 60:1-3 Divisional Advertising ADV 50:4-3.9.2 Dominance, "impact" advertising ADV 50:1-2 Doyle Dane Bernbach: Media Trends ADV 55:3-2 Drugs ADM 0:2-8.7 Dual Distribution MKT 5:2-12 DuPont Study ADV 0:4 Dynamic Programming MKT 50:2-1.13 E EEC (European Economic Community) IOP 0:3-9 EEO ADM 0:2-8.2 EFTA (European Free Trade Association) IOP 0:3-10 East African Community IOP 0:3-8 Econometric Analysis MKT 50:2-1.14 Econometric Models/Modeling ADM 0:2-4.5 Economic and Business Forecasting ADM 0:2-4.5 Economic Forecasts and Reviews, world business IOP 0:6 (*) Economic Indicators, selected ADM 0:2-4.7.3 Economic Influence of Advertising ADV 0:2 Economic Influence of Industrial Advertising ADV 0:4-2 Economic Terms ADM 0:2-4.5.1 Economics and Costs of Business Paper Publishing ADV 35:1-3 (*) Editorial Evaluation, as a media selection device ADV 50:5-5.6 Editorial-Type Copy ADV 50:4-3.12 Editors and Editorial Integrity, business paper ADV 35:1-1.1 Education Educational-Type Copy ADV 50:4-3.13 Effectiveness of Advertising: Proven Results ADV 40:2 (*) Effectiveness Measurement, advertising (discussions, methods, research and theory on the measurement of advertising's effectiveness) ADV 40:1 (*) "800" Number ADV 45:5-3 Eighteen Company Study (also known as the Cooperative Readership Study and "New Yardsticks of Media Value") ADV 40:3-3 Elderly in Copy ADV 50:4-3.32 Electronics' Impact on Business Paper Publishing ADV 35:1-6.3 Elite and Opinion Group Interviewing MKT 50:2-2.2 Emotional Appeal Copy ADV 50:4-3.14 Emotional Aspects of Industrial Purchasing MKT 65:1-2.1 Endorsement Copy ADV 50:4-3.29 Entrepreneurs ADM 0:2-7.13.1 Espionage, corporate MKT 40:5-3.1 Essay-Advertisements ADV 50:4-3.12.1 Ethical and Social Responsibilities, corporate ADM 0:2-10.32 Ethics Ethnic(s)/Minority(ies) Executive Isolation ADM 0:2-5.1 Executive Management ADM 0:2-5 (*) Executive Motivation ADM 0:2-5.2 Executive Status Symbols (PERKS) ADM 0:2-8.4.4 Executives: U.S. Vis-a-vis Overseas Executives ADM 0:2-5.3 Exhibits and Shows MKT 25 (*) Expenditures, Advertising, in Major Media (Ad Volume) ADV 55 (*) Expenses, selling (T&E, etc.) SAL 20:4-4 Expenses, vehicle, sales SAL 20:4-4.1 Experimentation MKT 50:2-1.15 Eurodollars IOP 0:1-2 F Factor Analysis MKT 50:2-1.16 Failure, business ADM 0:2-4.2 Failure/Survival Patterns and Rates, Dun & Bradstreet Analyses ADM 0:2- Failure/Survival Patterns and Rates, N.E.C. ADM 0:2-4.2.2 Fair Trade MKT 35:2 Family Business Opportunities and Pitfalls ADM 0:1-3 Farm Magazines ADV 35:4-6.2.4 "Fast Facts" ADV 55:1-1.1 Feedback, marketing research MKT 50:2-1.17 Feedback, reader ADV 40:3-4 Feedback, sales force SAL 10:5-2 Fees vs. Commissions, agency ADV 5:5-1 Film Departments, agency ADV 5:12-2 Films Financial Copy ADV 50:4-3.15 Financial Manuals ADM 0:2-6.4 Financial Models and Modeling ADM 0:2-6.5 Financial Planning ADM 0:2-6.2 Financial Relations (PR) ADM 0:2-10.13 Flexible Hours/Flextime ADM 0:2- Flighting, in advertising ADV 50:2-3 Focus Group Interviewing MKT 50:2-2.3 Folio: AdGuide ADV 50:5-4.1 Folio 400 ADV 35:4-6.4 Forecasting, economic and business ADM 0:2-4.5 Forecasting, sales/market MKT 50:2-4 (*) Forecasts: Capital Expenditure Forecasts, Economic Long-Range Forecasts, N.E.C. ADM 0:2-4.7.1 McGraw-Hill Department of Economics series: "The American Economy: Prospects for Growth to..." (discontinued) ADM 0:2- McGraw-Hill Department of Economics series: "The Business Outlook" ADM 0:2- Short-Range Forecasts, N.E.C. ADM 0:2-4.7.2 Foreign Competition IOP 5:4 Foreign Divestment IOP 5:1-1 Foreign Investment in the U.S. IOP 0:2-3 Foreign Nationals in International Management IOP 5:6-4 Foreigners' Views of U.S., or Other Countries', Products MKT 65:7-2 Forgetting (learning process) ADM 0:2-8.21.9 Forgetting of Advertising ADV 50:2-1.1 Fortune 500 and Other Fortune Rankings of U.S. Corporations ADM 0:2-4.14.4 (*) Fortune: largest industrials outside the U.S. IOP 0:7-3 Four-Day Week ADM 0:2-4.12.1 Fourier Analysis MKT 50:2-1.18 Fractional vs. Full Pages, readership/attention values ADV 50:8-2 Franchise Circulation ADV 50:5-4.7 Franchised Distribution (Franchising) MKT 20:4 Free-Form Concept (in management) ADM 0:2-7.9 Frequency in Advertising ADV 50:2-2 Fringe Benefits ADV 50:5-5.7 Front vs. Back of Issue ADV 50:7-4 Full Pages vs. Fractional Pages, readership/attention values ADV 50:8-2 G GERT (Graphic Evaluation and Review Technique) MKT 50:2-1.19 The Gallagher Report Gaming and Modeling in Marketing MKT 40:4-5 Generalists vs. Specialists ADM 0:2-7.13.4 Generic Concept (of marketing) MKT 5:2-5 Generic Copy ADV 50:4-3.16 Giving, corporate ADM 0:2-10.28 Global Marketing IOP 10:1-4 Goals, setting advertising ADV 40:1 (*) Government and Advertising ADV 25:6 Government Market MKT 70 (*) Grapevine Communications ADM 0:2-10.14 Graphic Arts Processes and Developments ADV 50:9-4 Group Discussion Technique MKT 50:2-1.20 Group/Focus Group Interviewing MKT 50:2-2.3 Group Management Concept ADM 0:2-7.10 Group Travel Restrictions ADM 0:2-8.6 Growth & Failure, business ADM 0:2-4.2 Growth Records of U.S. Industries ADM 0:2-4.2.1 H Harnischfeger Studies ADV 40:2-5.2 Headhunting ADM 0:2-8.16 Headlines, in advertising ADV 50:9-5 Health ADM 0:2-8.7 Health, salespersons SAL 5:6-4 Hendry Expenditure Analysis ADV 10:1-1.1 Hidden Product Copy ADV 50:4-3.17 Historical-Type Copy ADV 50:4-3.18 Histories of Advertising ADV 0:1 Hospitality Suites, exhibit MKT 25:4-4 House Ads ADV 50:4-3.19 House Agencies ADV 5:4-2 House Organs/Newsletters, internal and external ADM 0:2-10.15 "How Much Does No Advertising Cost?" ADV 0:2-1 Human Resource Management/Manpower Planning ADM 0:2-8.8 Human Values in Management: Human Relations - Manager/Manager Relations, Manager/Subordinate Relations ADM 0:2-7.11 Humorous Copy ADV 50:4-3.20 I IPSO in Advertising ADV 50:4-3.1 Identity/Image Building, corporate ADM 0:2-10.16 Identity/Image Research, corporate ADM 0:2-10.17 Illustrations, in advertising ADV 50:9-6 Image Advertising, corporate ADV 50:4-3.9 Image/Identity Building, corporate ADM 0:2-10.16 Image/Identity Research, corporate ADM 0:2-10.17 Impact Advertising ADV 50:1-2 Inc. 100 ADM 0:2-4.14.5 Inc. 500 ADM 0:2-4.14.7 Inc.'s Report Card on the States ADM 0:2-10.7.3 Incentive Travel, sales SAL 15:5-2 Incentives: plans, programs; sales SAL 15:5-1 Incentives, sales: non-financial SAL 15:5-4 Incentives, sales: S&MM's special sections SAL 15:5-1.1 Index Numbers MKT 50:2-1.21 Industrial (Business Publication) Advertising, the industrial communications process ADV 0:4 (*) Industrial Parks ADM 0:2-10.7.4 Inflation/Deflation: causes, consequences; suggested ways to combat ADM 0:2-4.9 Inflight Magazines ADV 35:4-6.2.1 "Info/File" ADV 55:1-1.2 Information Gathering Techniques MKT 50:7-1 Information and Intelligence Systems, marketing MKT 40:5 Information Sources, Marketing: see writeup at beginning of the Marketing Series MKT 50:7 (*) Information Systems, management ADM 0:2-7.2.6 Innovators ADM 0:2-7.13.1 Input/Output Analysis MKT 50:2-1.22 Inquiries ADV 45 (*) Inquiry Analyses Inquiry Costs ADV 45:4 Inserts and Spreads ADV 50:8-3 Inside Sales Forces SAL 10:4-2 Integrated Distribution, international IOP 10:1-2 INTERNATIONAL (see alphabetized keywords followed by descriptors "international" or "overseas," e.g. Licensing, overseas) IOP (*) Interviewers/Interviewing, marketing research MKT 50:2-2 (*) Interviewing, personnel ADM 0:2-8.9 Interviewing, sales SAL 35:1-2 Investments Overseas, U.S. IOP 0:2-1 Investor/Shareholder Relations ADM 0:2-10.18 Irritation in Advertising ADV 25:5 Issue Advertising ADV 50:4-3.2 J Job Descriptions ADM 0:2-8.15 Job Descriptions, sales SAL 35:1-3 Job Enrichment ADM 0:2-8.10 Job Posting ADM 0:2-8.15 Job Rotation ADM 0:2-8.21.8 Job Satisfaction, salespersons SAL 15:3 Joint Ventures Overseas IOP 5:1-2 K Key Account Selling SAL 40:9-1 "KNOW" Handbooks (NIAA now B/PAA) ADV 40:1-2 L LAFTA (ALALC) (Latin American Free Trade Association) IOP 0:3-11 Labels ADV 35:4-5 Laboratory of Advertising Performance (LAP) Indexes ADV 40:4 Language Usage ADM 0:2-7.2.7 "Law of Diminishing Returns" ADV 50:1-1 Latin Squares MKT 50:2-1.23 Law, international IOP 5:5 (*) Leading Advertisers in Business Publications (ABP) ADV 55:1-1.3 Leading Advertisers in Business Publications (Business Marketing) ADV 55:1-2.3 Leading National Advertisers, Inc. ADV 55:3-3 (*) Learning Process ADM 0:2-8.21.9 Legal Aspects of Advertising ADV 30 Legal Aspects of Marketing MKT 35 (*) Legislative/Government Relations (PR) ADM 0:2-10.19 Length of Copy ADV 50:4-3.21 Letter Costs ADM 0:2-7.2.13 Liability, agency ADV 5:5-1 Liability, product MKT 35:5 Libraries, corporate ADM 0:2-10.20 Licensing (Franchising) MKT 20:4 Licensing, overseas IOP 5:5-3 Licensing Practices, as a marketing legal process MKT 35:4 Lie Detectors in Employment ADM 0:2-8.11 Life Cycles, magazines ADV 35:4-6.1 Life Cycles, product MKT 60:2-2 Life of an Advertisement ADV 50:2-4 Linear and Non-Linear Programming MKT 50:2-1.24 Linguistic Coding MKT 50:2-2.1 List Building, Cleaning and Maintenance ADV 35:3-9.1 List Control, computerized ADV 35:3-9.2 List Houses and Reference Sources ADV 35:3-9.5 List House Catalogs ADV 35:3-9.5 List Security ADV 35:3-9.3 List Testing and Research ADV 35:3-9.4 Listening ADM 0:2-7.2.8 Listening, salespersons SAL 5:6-8 Listening, Speaking, Writing (in combination) ADM 0:2- Logical Flow Analysis MKT 50:2-1.25 Logos, corporate ADM 0:2-10.21 Longitudinal Analysis MKT 50:2-1.26 Lost Sales SAL 40:7 Low-Pressure Selling SAL 40:8 M Magazines, general ADV 35:4-6 (*) Mail Surveys MKT 50:2-3 (*) Mailing Lists, direct mail ADV 35:3-9 (*) Major Customer Selling SAL 40:9-1 Make or Buy Decisions MKT 40:4-3 MANAGEMENT Management by Objectives (MBO) ADM 0:2-7.12 Management "Types," N.E.C. ADM 0:2-7.13 Manners, salespersons SAL 5:6-3 Manpower Planning ADM 0:2-8.8 Manuals, financial ADM 0:2-6.4 Manufacturers' Agents and Representatives MKT 20:10 (*) Maps, marketing MKT 50:7-6 Market Analysis and Sales Forecasting MKT 50:2-4 (*) Marketcentering Concept MKT 5:2-6 Market Research Departments MKT 40:2-3 Marketing Research Staff MKT 40:1-5.1 Market Segmentation MKT 50:2-4.2 (*) Market Share Measurement MKT 50:2-4.3 MARKETING (see also alphabetized keywords followed by descriptor "marketing"; for example: "Women, in marketing"; "Information and Intelligence Systems, marketing"; "Metrication in Marketing"; "Minorities, in marketing," etc.) Markov Processes MKT 50:2-1.27 Mass Media ADV 35:4 (*) Mass Media, overseas IOP 10:2-7.5 Matchbooks ADV 35:4-7 Mathematical Models in the Media Planning/Selection Process ADV 50:5-3 "Mechanized Selling" ADV 35:1-4 Media Buying, Evaluation, Planning and Selection ADV 50:5 (*) Media Buying, Planning and Selection, in international marketing IOP 10:2-8 (*) Media Comparability Council (MCC) Media Data Form Commentary ADV 50:5- Media Data Forms, N.E.C. ADV 50:5-3.1.2 Media Departments, agency ADV 5:12-3 Media Directors, corporate MKT 40:1-2.1.5 Media Kits SAL 5:5 Media Planning, campaigns ADV 20 Media Planning Checklists ADV 50:5-2 Media Publicity/Press Releases ADM 0:2-10.22 Media Relations (PR) ADM 0:2-10.23 Media Research, suggested standards/disclosure forms ADV 50:5-5.10.6 Media Salespersons SAL 5:5 Media-Sponsored Research/Promotion, as a media buying, selection aid ADV 50:5-5.10 (*) Media Tours ADM 0:2-10.23 Media Trends (Doyle Dane Bernbach) ADV 55:3-2 Medical Departments, company ADM 0:2-8.7 Meeting Sites, directories of ADM 0:2- Meeting the Press ADM 0:2-10.23 Meetings, annual ADM 0:2-10.24 Meetings, employee ADM 0:2-10.25 Meetings, general management ADM 0:2-7.2.5 Meetings, sales SAL 25 (*) Memory (learning process) ADM 0:2-8.21.9 Memory for Advertising ADV 50:2-1.1 Memory Training, salespersons SAL 5:6-6 Mentoring ADM 0:2-8.21.6 Merchandising Departments, agency ADV 5:12-4 Merchandising, marketing MKT 0:5 Merchandising the Advertising Program ADV 50:6 (*) Mergers, agency ADV 5:6-2 Mergers and Acquisitions ADM 0:2-4.2.3 (*) Metamarketing MKT 0:4 Metrication in Marketing MKT 15 (*) Microencapsulation ADV 50:9-7 Migration of Industry: The Geography of Manufacturing ADM 0:2-4.11 Military Advertising MKT 70:20-1.1 Military/Industrial Marketing Differences MKT 70:4 Military Marketing: The Defense Procurement System MKT 70:2 Military-Theme Copy ADV 50:4-3.22 Minorities Mobility, executive ADM 0:2- Modeling in Marketing MKT 40:4-5 Models and Modeling, financial ADM 0:2-6.5 Models in Copy ADV 50:4-3.32 Morrill Study ADV 40:2-4.1 Motivating Employees ADM 0:2-8.12 Motivation, salespersons SAL 15:5 Motivational Research MKT 50:2-1.2 Multidimensional Analysis MKT 50:2-1.28 Multinational Corporations IOP 5:2 (*) Multipagers ADV 50:8-3 Multiple Insertions in Same Issue ADV 50:7-5 Multivariate Analysis MKT 50:2-1.29 Murphy's Laws ADM 0:2-7.15 N NAFTA (North American Free Trade Area) IOP 0:3-12 NORDEK (The Nordic Council) IOP 0:3-13 Name Changes, corporate ADM 0:2-10.26 Name Changing/Restyling/Relaunching, publications ADV 35:1-5 National Accounts: Selling, Servicing, Managing SAL 40:9 NETAPPS Study (Dr. Daniel Starch) ADV 40:2-4.2 New Business Development, agency ADV 5:9 New Business Development, sales SAL 40:11 New Medium Considerations, in media selection ADV 50:5-5.8 New Product Development and Introduction MKT 60 (*) New Product Introduction, overseas IOP 10:1-3 New Product Introduction, using direct mail ADV 35:3-7 New Product Marketing MKT 60:2 (*) "New Yardsticks of Media Value" (also known as the 18 Company Study and the Cooperative Readership Study) ADV 40:3-3 Newsletter-Form Copy ADV 50:4-3.24 Newsletters/House Organs, internal and external ADM 0:2-10.15 Newspaper Supplements ADV 35:4-8.1 Newspapers ADV 35:4-8 Newsstand Sales ADV 50:5-4.10.1 "No Advertising" (ideas of what it would be like if there was no advertising) ADV 0:2-1 Number of Ads Seen Daily ADV 55:4-2 O OCAM (Organization Commune Africaine et Malgache) IOP 0:3-14 "OD" (Organizational Development) ADM 0:1-2 Objections: sales, overcoming SAL 40:10 Objectives and Results (ABP "O&R" series and similar ABP studies) ADV 40:2-1.2 Objectives, setting advertising ADV 40:1 (*) Obsolescence, product MKT 60:2-3 Open House ADM 0:2-10.7.1 Operational Research ADM 0:2-7.16 Opinion Leader Interviewing MKT 50:2-2.2 Organization, corporate; Standards and Practices ADM 0:1 (*) Organization, informal ADM 0:1-4 Organization Men/Women ADM 0:2-7.13.2 Organizational Charting ADM 0:1-1 Organizational Development ("OD") ADM 0:1-2 Outdoor Advertising ADV 35:4-9 Out-of-Home, media ADV 35:4-10 Overseas Licensing IOP 5:5-3 Overseas Operations, financial aspects IOP 5:3 (*) P PARM (ARF) Study ADV 40:3-4.2.1 PERKS ADM 0:2-8.4.4 PERT ADM 0:2-7.4.2 PIMS Project MKT 50:2-4.1.1 Packaging as a Marketing Mechanism MKT 75 Page Size (total area) ADV 50:8-4 Paid vs. Free Circulation ADV 50:5-4.9 Paid vs. Free Circulation: Tide Series ADV 50:5-4.9.1 Paperwork Control ADM 0:2-7.4.1 Part-Time Workers ADM 0:2-8.19 Pareto's Principle ADM 0:2-7.15 Pass-Along Reading ADV 40:3-7.3 Patents and Patenting ADM 0:2-10.27 Pensions: Funding and Plans ADM 0:2-8.13 People Switching, agency turnover ADV 5:10-11 Percent of Sales by Channel of Distribution MKT 20:6 Percent of Sales Invested in Advertising ADV 10:4 (*) Performance Appraisal ADM 0:2-8.14 Performance Shares ADM 0:2-8.4.5 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT AND RELATIONS (see alphabetized keywords dealing with personnel topics; e.g. Job Enrichment; Suggestion Systems, etc.) ADM 0:2-8 (*) Peter/Paul Principles ADM 0:2-7.19 Petrodollars IOP 0:1-3 Philanthropy, corporate ADM 0:2-10.28 Photographs vs. Artwork ADV 50:9-8 Physical Distribution and P.D. Management MKT 20:7 Planning Plant Location and Site Selection ADM 0:2-10.7.2 Plant Site Selection, overseas IOP 5:1-3 Plant Tours ADM 0:2-10.7.1 Point-of-Purchase (In-Store) ADV 35:4-11 Political Activism ADM 0:2-10.19 Political Copy ADV 50:4-3.25 Pooled Marketing Concept MKT 5:2-8 Position Descriptions ADM 0:2-8.15 Position Values, in advertising ADV 50:7 (*) Positioning Concept MKT 5:2-9 Postcards ADV 35:4-12 Postmark Advertising ADV 35:4-13 Preference Studies, as a media selection aid ADV 50:5-5.10.3 Preference Study Research Techniques MKT 50:2-3.3 Presentations President Directory (Japan) IOP 0:7-4 Presidents and CEOs ADM 0:2-2 Presidents Vis-a-vis Boards of Directors ADM 0:2-1.6 Press Releases ADM 0:2-10.22 Price Cutting MKT 55:3 Price in Copy ADV 50:4-3.26 Price Discrimination MKT 55:4 Price Raising MKT 55:5 Price Resistance, in selling SAL 40:10-1 Price Waterhouse Guides to Agency Accounting Controls ADV 5:5-2.1 Prices/Earnings Around the World IOP 10:3-3 Pricing MKT 55 (*) Pricing, new product MKT 60:2-4 Pricing Under Conditions of Economic Uncertainty MKT 55:6 Print vs. Electronic (media communication effectiveness) ADV 35:5 Probability Theory MKT 50:2-1.30 Problem-Solving Conferences ADM 0:2- Problem Staffers, sales SAL 15:5-5 Product Copy ADV 50:4-3.27 Product Life Cycles MKT 60:2-2 Product Obsolescence, Deletion, Phase-Out MKT 60:2-3 Production Costs ADV 50:5-5.4 Production Wizards ADM 0:2-7.13.3 Productivity: federal, state, municipal ADM 0:2-4.12.2 Productivity, in marketing MKT 30 Productivity, N.E.C. ADM 0:2-4.12 Products featured (number in ad) ADV 50:9-10 Profit Planning ADM 0:2-6.6 Profits Programmed Instruction ADM 0:2- "Project X" ("DAGMAR") ADV 40:1-1 Projective Techniques MKT 50:2-1.31 Promotion, distributor MKT 20:9-6 Promotion, new product MKT 60:2-7 Promotion, sales SAL 30 (*) Promotional Criteria (Personnel) ADM 0:2-8.21.10 Property Rights, international IOP 5:5-2 Prospecting, sales SAL 40:11 Psychographics MKT 50:2-1.32 Psychological Testing, sales SAL 35:1-1 PUBLIC AFFAIRS/RELATIONS (see alphabetized keywords dealing with PR; for example: Name Changes, corporate; Annual Reports, etc.) ADM 0:2-10 (*) Public Affairs/Relations, international IOP 10:2-12 Pupil Dilation ADV 50:9-15 Pulsing, in advertising ADV 50:2-3 Purchasing Agents/Managers/Departments MKT 65:2 (*) Purchasing Committees/Groups MKT 65:3 Purchasing Patterns MKT 65 (*) Purchasing Practices, industrial (how industry buys) MKT 65:1 (*) Q Quality Circles ADM 0:2-4.12 Quality Control, product MKT 35:5 Questionnaire Construction MKT 50:2-3.3 Queuing Theory MKT 50:2-1.33 Quotas, sales SAL 10:5-4 RAMPS ADM 0:2-7.4.2 Radio, as an advertising medium ADV 35:4-2.1 Rankings of Top Companies, Worldwide IOP 0:7 (*) Rankings of U.S. Corporations Rate Discounting ADV 50:5-5.2 Rate Trends (circulation) Association of National Advertisers (ANA) ADV 50:5-4.5 Rates/Costs Predictions and Indexes, past, present and future ADV 50:5-5.3 (*) Reach and Frequency ADV 50:5-4.11 Readership ADV 40:3 (*) Readership, direct mail ADV 35:3-10 Readership Levels Throughout a Publication ADV 40:3-5 Readership Study Research Techniques MKT 50:2-3.3 Reading ADM 0:2-7.2.9 Reading Environment ADV 40:3-7 (*) Reading Habits ADV 40:3-6 (*) Reading, salespersons SAL 5:6-7 Recalls, product MKT 35:6 Recession Economy, advertising in ADV 0:3-1 Reciprocity MKT 65:4 Recognition Research Techniques MKT 50:2-3.3 Recruiting, Selection and Training: sales SAL 35 (*) Recruitment Copy ADV 50:4-3.7 Recruitment for Marketing/Communications MKT 40:3 (*) Recruitment (Personnel) ADM 0:2-8.16 Recruitment, sales SAL 35 (*) Recruitment, Training and Development; agency ADV 5:10-7 Regional/Demographic Editions, in media selection ADV 50:5-5.9 Regional Trade Groupings IOP 0:3 (*) Regression Analysis MKT 50:2-1.34 Relocation (Personnel) ADM 0:2- Renegotiation MKT 70:2-1 Renewals, circulation ADV 50:5-4.12 Repeat Ad Study (IARI/CMC) ADV 50:2-4.1 Repetition, in advertising ADV 50:2-4 Representatives: overseas, selecting IOP 5:1-4 Reports, annual and quarterly ADM 0:2-10.29 Request Circulation ADV 50:5-4.13 Research Research and Development Resident Salespeople SAL 10:4-4 Resistances in Selling, overcoming SAL 40:10 Response Rate Improvement MKT 50:2-3.1 Resumes ADM 0:2- Retailing MKT 0:5 Retirement ADM 0:2-8.17 Retirement, sales SAL 35:1-4 Re-Use of Ad Elements ADV 50:9-11 Reverse Plates ADV 50:9-12 Reverse Culture Shock IOP 10:3-3 Right vs. Left Hand Pages ADV 50:7-6 ROI (Return on Investment) ADM 0:2-6.1.3 Rome Report of Business Publication Advertising ADV 55:1-6 Rome Report of Expenditures in International Media ADV 55:2-5 Ryan Study ADV 50:5-4.2.1 S Sabbaticals ADM 0:2-8.4.4 Safety, product MKT 35:5 SALES (See also alphabetized keywords dealing with sales topics; e.g. Women in Selling; Quotas; Territories; etc.) SAL (*) Salespeople, distributors' and manufacturers' agents MKT 20:9-9 Sampling, in marketing research MKT 50:2-1.35 Sampling, new product MKT 60:2-5 Scaling MKT 50:2-1.36 Scrambled-Marketing MKT 5:2-12 Seasonal Advertising ADV 50:2-5 (*) Seasonal Impact, direct mail ADV 35:3-12 Seasonal Inquiry Response ADV 45:1-1 Second Sales Forces SAL 10:4-1 Secretaries ADM 0:2-7.20 Secretaries, corporate ADM 0:2-3 Security, exhibit MKT 25:4-5 Security Values and Advertising ADV 0:2-2 Segmentation, marketing MKT 50:2-4.2 (*) Selective and Specialized Selling SAL 40:13 Self-Development, salespersons SAL 5:6 (*) Self-Regulation, advertising industry ADV 25:4 Sellers' Market, advertising in ADV 0:3-2 Selling Management on Industrial Advertising ADV 0:4-1 Selling Management on the Value of Research/Information MKT 50:5 Selling in Modern Marketing SAL 0 Selling Techniques SAL 40 (*) Seminars ADM 0:2-7.2.5 Sensitivity Analysis, in research MKT 50:2-1.37 Sensitivity Training ADM 0:2-8.21.11 Sensorigraphics MKT 50:2-1.38 Sequential Analysis MKT 50:2-1.39 Service Selling SAL 40:15 Setting Advertising Goals and Objectives ADV 40:1 Shape of Ad ADV 50:9-13 Share of Market, measurement MKT 50:2-4.3 Shareholder/Investor Relations ADM 0:2-10.18 Shift Method MKT 50:2-1.40 Shortage Economy, advertising in ADV 0:3-2.1 Shorter Work Week ADM 0:2-4.12.1 Show Selection and Participation Procedures MKT 25:2 SIC Analysis, circulation ADV 50:5-4.14 SIC Analysis, research MKT 50:2-4.4 Simulation 50:2-1.41 Single Ad Effects ADV 50:2-2.1 Single Advertiser Publications ADV 35:4-6.2.7 Single Copy Sales ADV 50:5-4.10.1 Site Selection Handbooks ADM 0:2-10.7.5 Situational Theory ADM 0:2-7.21 Size of Issue ADV 50:5-5.11 Size of Sales Force, optimizing SAL 10:4-3 Size of Space ADV 50:8 (*) Skills Inventories ADM 0:2-8.21.12 Slogans, corporate ADM 0:2-10.21 Small Business Small Orders MKT 10:4 Social and Ethical Responsibilities, corporate ADM 0:2-10.32 Social/Ethical Concept in marketing MKT 5:2-10 Sociobiology MKT 50:2-1.42 Socio/Economic Influence of Advertising ADV 0:2 Sources of Information of Consumer Purchasers MKT 65:7-1 Sources of Information (Marketing); see writeup at beginning of Marketing Series MKT 50:7 (*) Sources of Information of Purchasing Influences MKT 65:5 Sources of Overseas Marketing Information IOP 10:3-2.1.1 Span of Control ADM 0:1-5 Speaking ADM 0:2-7.2.10 Speaking, salespersons SAL 5:6-8 Special Interest Copy ADV 50:4-3.28 Special Issues, as an advertising medium ADV 50:5-5.12 Special Issues Planned by McGraw-Hill Publications ADV 50:5-5.12.1 Special Sections, copy ADV 50:4-3.12.1 Specialists vs. Generalists ADM 0:2-7.13.4 Specialty Advertising Media (calendars, combs, business gifts, etc.) ADV 35:4-14 Specialty Magazines ADV 35:4-6.2 Spectral/Cross-Spectral Analysis MKT 50:2-1.43 Spouses ADM 0:2-7.22 Spouses, sales SAL 5:6-9 Spread vs. Bunched (publication format for advertising) ADV 50:7-7 Spreads and Inserts ADV 50:8-3 Staff-Line/Staff-Staff Relationships ADM 0:1-5 Standardization (in international advertising) IOP 10:2-4.3 Standardized Marketing IOP 10:1-4 Standards/Disclosure Forms for Media Research ADV 50:5-5.10.6 Starch-INRA Hooper/IAA World Advertising Expenditures IOP 10:2-10.1 Starting a New Agency ADV 5:13 Starting a New Magazine ADV 35:4-6.3 Statistics, use of ADM 0:2-7.2.11 Steps to a Sale: History ADV 35:1-4 Stock Options/Purchase Plans ADM 0:2-8.4.5 Strategic Planning ADM 0:2-9 (*) Stress ADM 0:2-8.7 Subliminal Advertising ADV 50:9-14 Subscription Sales, circulation ADV 50:5-4.14.1 Suggestion Systems ADM 0:2-8.18 Summer Advertising ADV 50:2-5.1 Summertime Selling SAL 40:16 Supervisor's Job ADM 0:2-7.23 Surplus Property Buying/Marketing MKT 70:3 Survey(s) of Buying Power, S&MM MKT 50:2-4.1.2 Survey(s) of Industrial and Commercial Buying Power, S&MM MKT 50:2-4.1.3 Sworn Statements ADV 50:5-4.3.5 Syndicated Audience Research (Simmons, TGI Commentary/Controversy/Merger) ADV 50:5-4.2.2 Syracuse Study ADV 50:5-4.2.1 Systems Concept MKT 5:2-11 Systems Selling MKT 5:2-11 (*) Systems Theory in Management ADM 0:2-7.24 T T & E Expenses SAL 20:4-4 T-Group Training ADM 0:2-8.21.11 TV, as an advertising medium ADV 35:4-2.2 TV Rating System ADV 35:4-2.2.1 Tachistoscope Testing ADV 50:9-15 Tariffs and Trade Policies: Imports IOP 0:4 Taste in Advertising ADV 25 (*) Taxing of Advertising Services ADV 25:6 Taylor Instrument Study (of the business paper reading environment) ADV 40:3-7.1 Teaching Machines ADM 0:2- Technical Staff, agency ADV 5:10-10 Technical Writing ADM 0:2- Technological Forecasting MKT 50:2-1.44 Technology Assessment/Transfer ADM 0:2-4.15.6 Technology Transfer, international IOP 5:2-2.6 Telemarketing SAL 40:17 Telephone Interviewing/Surveys MKT 50:2-2.4 Tele-Text/Terminal and Videoconferences ADM 0:2- "Tell All," copy ADV 50:4-2.1 Temporary Workers ADM 0:2-8.19 Termination ADM 0:2- Terms and Definitions, economic ADM 0:2-4.5.1 Terms and Definitions, marketing MKT 0:6 Terms and Definitions, marketing research MKT 50:1-2 Terms and Definitions, media/advertising ADV 35:6 Territories, sales SAL 10:5-5 Terrorism, international IOP 10:3-3 Testimonial Copy ADV 50:4-3.29 Test Marketing MKT 60:2-6 Testing and Research, direct mail ADV 35:3-13 Testing: aptitude/psychological, sales SAL 35:1-1 Testing, personnel ADM 0:2-8.20 Testing, product MKT 35:5 The New York Times, annual international economic review (discontinued) IOP 0:6-2 Theories X, Y and Z ADM 0:2-7.26 Thick vs. Thin Publications ADV 50:5-5.11 Tide: reader action series ADV 40:2-3.1 Time and Territory Management and Control, salespersons SAL 5:6-5 Time Conservation ADM 0:2-7.4.3 Time Series Analysis MKT 50:2-1.45 Time Spent Reading ADV 40:3-7.6 "Tomorrow's" Management ADM 0:2-7.27 Top Management's Involvement in the Industrial Communications Process ADV 0:4-1 Top Management's Role in Marketing MKT 40:1-1 Top Markets, Advertising Age (discontinued) MKT 50:2-4.1.4 Townsend Points ADV 50:4-3.30 Trade Associations MKT 80 Trade Associations, overseas IOP 10:5 Trade Characters ADM 0:2-10.21 Trade Fairs IOP 10:2-11.1 Trade Missions IOP 10:2-11.2 Trade Names ADM 0:2-10.21 Trade Relations/Reciprocity MKT 65:4 Trade Show Trends, audience statistics MKT 25:3 Trade Zones IOP 0:5 Trademarks ADM 0:2-10.21 Trademarks in Copy ADV 50:4-3.31 Trading Markets, by country and/or region IOP 10:4 (*) Training and Development ADM 0:2-8.21 (*) Transference (in international advertising) IOP 10:2-4.3 Transit Advertising ADV 35:4-15 Truth in Advertising ADV 25 (*) Turnover, circulation ADV 50:5-4.15 Turnover, sales staff SAL 15:5-6 Turnover (why people leave jobs) ADM 0:2-8.21.13 U U.S. Government as an Advertiser MKT 70:2-1.2 U.S. Government Purchasing, Specifications and Sales Directories MKT 70:1-1 U.S. Steel/Harnischfeger Studies ADV 40:2-5.2 "Umbrella" Advertisements ADV 50:9-1 Unionization, white collar ADM 0:2-8.22 Unit Counts ADV 50:5-4.16 Universe/Total Audience Measurement and Research Concepts/Management and Principles ADV 50:5-4.2 Unusual Overseas Payments IOP 5:3-5 V Validity/Verification/Reliability Procedures and Controls MKT 50:2-1.47 VALS MKT 50:2-1.32 Value Added Taxation (VAT) MKT 35:7 Value Analysis MKT 65:6 Van Diver Studies (on the impact of industrial advertising on sales) ADV 40:2-4.3 Variance/Covariance Analysis MKT 50:2-1.46 Angelo R. Venezian, ad volume forecasts and historical statistics ADV 55:1-2.2 Venture Team Approach, to new product development MKT 60:1-2 Verification/Validity/Reliability Procedures and Controls MKT 50:2-1.47 Verified Audit Circulation (VAC) ADV 50:5-4.3.4 Vertical Integration MKT 5:2-12 Video-Based Training ADM 0:2- Videoconferences ADM 0:2- Videotex(t) Publishing ADV 35:1-6.3 Visual and Instructional Aids ADM 0:2-7.2.12 Visual Presentation of Advertising (the characteristics of well-read ads) ADV 50:9 (*) Vocabulary Building, salespersons SAL 5:6-8 Voice Pitch Analysis (VOPAN) MKT 50:2-1.48 W Warranties, product MKT 35:5 Wartime Economy, advertising in ADV 0:3-3 Wave Scheduling, in advertising ADV 50:2-3 Wearout ADV 50:2-4 (*) L.D.H. Weld, ad volume statistics ADV 55:3-1 Westinghouse Study ADV 40:2-4 Wholesaling MKT 0:5 Winter Advertising ADV 50:2-5.2 Women Women's Magazines ADV 35:4-6.2.5 Word-of-Mouth Advertising ADV 35:4-16 Worker Participation on BODs ADM 0:2-1.8 World Advertising Expenditures, Starch-INRA Hooper/IAA IOP 10:2-10.1 World Business/Economic Forecasts and Reviews IOP 0:6 (*) Writing ADM 0:2-7.2.13 Writing, research report MKT 50:4 Writing, salespersons SAL 5:6-7 Writing, technical ADM 0:2- Y Charles Yang, ad volume statistics ADV 55:3-1.1 Yellow Pages ADV 35:4-17 Youth Magazines ADV 35:4-6.2.6 Youths, marketing to MKT 50:2- Z Zero-Base Budgeting ADM 0:2-6.1.4 Zero Defects ADM 0:2-4.12 Zip Analysis and Research MKT 50:2-4.5
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