Wang Yifa | 王义发, 2010-2012

Scope and content:

Wang Yifa (b. 1945) is a resident of Diaoyutai Village, Yindian Town, Suizhou City, Hubei Province. In 1958, Wang was a work-study student; he pastured cattles for the production team. Then people ate for free in the People's Commune Canteen, but soon the commune canteen ran out of food except chaff. Wang went to Zijin Mountain to join the railway construction project to feed himself. The local production team blew up the team's population to gain more relief grain. The transcript of this interview has been translated into English.

王义发(1945年生)是湖北省随州市殷店镇钓鱼台村村民, 1958年13岁的王老人一边上学一边给生产队放牛挣工分。公社食堂可以免费吃饭, 但后期食堂无粮只能吃糠, 王老人跑去紫金山参加修铁路才吃饱饭。当地生产队为了让群众吃饱饭, 虚报人数领取补助粮。

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