Zhang Mingying | 张明英, 2012

Scope and content:

Zhang Mingying (b. 1947) is a resident of Diaoyutai Village, Yindian Town, Suizhou City, Hubei Province. She is the daughter-in-law of the other interviewee, Yu Xiantang. Zhang recalls that people ate chaff, tree leaves, cotton leaves, bean and peanut leaves, and water grass. Many people died in Zijin Mountain, where people worked on mines for constructing blast furnace, so the Mountain was later called 'Mountain of the Dead.' In 1959, people who stole things were humiliated in a parade around the local villages while hitting a gong by himself. Those who held disagreements against 'the transitional period' were convicted for counterrevolutionary. Zhang's younger sister was named Siqing (meaning Four Cleanups), because she was born in 1964 when the campaign started. Zhang also talks about how people were beaten at the criticizing meetings during the cultural revolution.

张明英(1947年生)是湖北省随州市殷店镇钓鱼台村村民, 是另一位受访者余先堂的儿媳妇。张老人回忆了1959年当地人吃糠、树叶子, 棉花叶子、黄豆叶子、花生叶子和水草等的情况。很多人饿死在去修水库的路上和挖矿的紫金山, 所以紫金山被称为'死人山'。1959年偷了东西的人要敲锣游乡, 对'粮食过渡'时期有不同意见的人要被打成反革命。张老人的妹妹名叫四清, 因为是四清运动开始的1964年出生。另外张老人还回忆了文革期间批斗会打人的情况。

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