Correspondence, 1958-2002
- Extent:
- 8 Linear Feet (16 boxes)
- Scope and content:
The Kate Millett correspondence series is organized into two subgroups: letters regarding Millett's literary works and activism (1970-2002); and letters of a more personal nature (1958-1999). It should be said, however, that there is considerable overlap between the two. Each group contains both outgoing and incoming letters, but the majority are letters sent to Millett.
Both subgroups are organized in the following sequence: alphabetically by correspondent's last name, alphabetically by topical folder title, and folders of correspondence arranged by date.
In addition to letters, other forms of correspondence include postcards and greeting cards. Sometimes there are sketches and photographs enclosed.
Significant correspondents in this series include: Rita Mae Brown, Phyllis Chesler, Maria del Drogo, Andrea Dworkin, Yoko Ono, Alix Kates Shulman, Gloria Steinem, Fumio Yoshimura (Millett's husband), and Millett family members, especially Millett's mother and sister. Correspondence to and from Sophie Keir, Millett's surviving spouse, are closed to use for her lifetime.
Folder titles are transcribed from the original titles when present.
Using These Materials
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Using These Materials
- Collection restrictions:
Access restricted. Correspondence to and from Sophie Keir is closed for her lifetime. Contact Research Services for more information.
Access restricted. Collection material received after 2004 requires additional arrangement, description, and/or screening. Contact Research Services for more information.
Access note. Large-format items from the Elegy for Sita subseries of the Artwork grouping are restricted and require approval by curatorial staff before use: "Ink drawing" (AW10), and "Photos of Sita" (AW11). Large three-dimensional pieces may also require permission for viewing. These oversized items should be unpacked in a staff workroom with curatorial or conservation assistance before being checked out to the reading room. Staff will contact Conservation for unpacking or repacking assistance if needed. Contact Research Services for access.
Access note. Some materials in this collection are fragile audiovisual/photographic formats that may need to be reformatted before use. Contact Research Services for access.
Access note. Some materials in this collection are electronic records that require special equipment. Contact Research Services with questions.
- Use & permissions:
The copyright interests in this collection have not been transferred to Duke University. For more information, consult the copyright section of the Regulations and Procedures of the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library.
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- Please consult our up-to-date information for visitors page, as our services and guidelines periodically change.