Correspondence, 1944-2003, bulk 1960-2000

Scope and content:

Chiefly professional correspondence, including comments on the work of other economists, debates on current issues, recommendations, and advising exchanges. As much as one quarter of the exchanges are in Italian. Prolific correspondents represented in the collection include Modigliani's close collaborators over the years: Albert Ando, Mario Baldassarri, Tullio Jappelli, Giorgio La Malfa, and Merton Miller. His granddaughter, Leah Modigliani, an economist and collaborator on several projects, is also represented. Major American and Italian twentieth-century economists such as Kenneth Arrow, Jagdish Bhagwati, Paul Davidson, Peter Diamond, Robert Hall, Jacob Marschak, Don Patinkin, Paul Samuelson, Robert Shiller, Paolo Sylos Labini , and Sidney Weintraub, among others, are represented by smaller amounts of correspondence. Other correspondence with colleagues can be found throughout the Research and Writings subseries (Writings and Speeches series), and to a lesser extent in the Professional Service series and the Engagements series.

There are many files of recommendation letters forming their own series. In addition, there are general correspondence files under each letter of the alphabet which contain single letters from a variety of individuals. The series also contains Modigliani's non-academic correspondence chiefly stemming from his work as a consultant to Italian banks. Letters of protest, articles and editorial pieces in newspapers (including The New York Times, Corriere della Sera, and Financial Times) document Modigliani's long-term involvement in civic acts and protests against United States and European fiscal policies and the arms race, revealing the intersection of his personal, academic, and political life. Arranged in alphabetical order by last name or subject, then chronologically within folders.


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