Ca. 1965-1978, Highway Beautification Act Reports, Journal Articles, etc.
- Containers:
- Box RG11
- Scope and content:
[Photograph of James Young of J. Walter Thompson Company; Preliminary Analysis of the Highway Beautification Act of 1965; Outdoor Advertising News,1965; Implementation of Road Beautification Act Stirs Controversy 1966; Statement of Policy Position 1965; The Highway Beautification Report 1967; Suggestions for Possible Use in the Preparation of an Agreement Pursuant to the Requirements of the Highway Beautification Act of 1965 and cover letter 1968; Billboards find Host of Friends at Luverne Scenery hearing 1968; The Billboards are Falling! ca. 1968; "To Do Business Where Others Do Business, Under the Same Freedom and Limitations" ca. 1966; Lady Bird's Beauty Bill 1965; "Advertising Not Hazard to Road Users" ca. 1963; Highways Beautification Legislation 1970; Report on a study to determine the impact of Levis, KP Nuts and Marlboro all over car advertising in Manchester (England) ca. 1978]
[Photocopies of photos in folder. Original photographic images have been removed and placed in the Photographs and Negatives Series]
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