1967, Highway Beautification

Box RG11
Folders 1-2 of 4
Scope and content:

[HR 7797, Authorizations for Safety and Beauty (bill; correspondence; charts); S. 1467-authorizations Highway Beautification Program (bill; report; Congressional Record); Other Beautification Bills (H.R. 3120); Statements ( John C. Kluczynski of Illinois, chairman of subcommittee on roads; William C. Cramer; Forrest Cooper, State Highway Engineer of Oregon; report); Congressional Extracts (Congressional Record April-Oct. 1967; remarks of William C. Cramer); Miscellaneous Correspondence, etc. (Government memorandum; hearings); Minority Correspondence; Minority Material (correspondence; Survey of the standard poster outdoor advertising industry; by states; reports; articles; U.S. News and World Report article on Wilbur Mills; etc.); Notices and Witness List (agenda of open hearings); Minority Views (memorandum); Highway Safety and Beauty Trust Fund (booklet "Proposed Legislation" submitted by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of commerce Entitled the "Federal-Aid Highway Way Act of 1966" and the "Highway, Airway, and Waterway User Act of 1966"...; draft of proposed bill); Highway Financing (report); Questions for Witnesses (questions suggested by Forrest Cooper; American Association of State Highway Officials); Highway Beautification Existing Law (government documents; Congressional Record); Highway Safety and Traffic and Vehicle Safety Acts (act); Amendments to Highway Beautification Authority Bill]

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