Perú. Visita de Tesorerías. Ramos de Jerusalen y Cautivos. Balance del antiguo Ramo de Jerusalen y Cautivos, conforme á las liquidaciónes practicadas en el libro respective y últimos dates presentados en la Visita haste el 31 de Diciembre de 1869.

Ms 33
Scope and content:

Lima, Perú. March 18, 1870. Broadside.

This printed broadside is a balance sheet of the branch of Jerusalen y Cautivos of the Peruvian Treasury Department according to an inspection of the register book on Dec. 31, 1869. It includes the name of each account, any representive, the landed property, the annual revenues, the interest, and credit and debit balances.

Transferred to the International Broadsides collection.

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