Audiovisual Materials Series, 1986-1996 and undated

Access Restrictions:

[Some use copies are available. Otherwise, Technical Services staff need to produce use copies before contents can be accessed. Please consult with Research Services staff before coming to use this collection. See individual subseries for details.]

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14 boxes
Scope and content:

Consists primarily of VHS videocassettes from Price's Raleigh, N.C. campaign office. Content varies but includes Price speaking in a variety of settings, documenting not only his use of television during campaigns and his congressional tenure, but also news coverage of his campaigns. There are many commercials from Price's campaigns and those of his opponents, including Vicky Rothrock Goudie, Bill Cobey, John Carrington, Tom Fetzer, and Fred Heineman. There are also a number of copies of Price's monthly television call-in show ( Keeping in Touch), television news segments on Price and his campaigns, and other interview shows or segments. Formats in this series include videocassettes, videotapes, audiotapes, and audiocassettes.


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Using These Materials

Collection restrictions:

Access note. Accessions 2022-0183 and 2023-0027 are restricted. These materials require additional arrangement, description, and/or screening. Contact Research Services for more information.

Collection contains fragile audiovisual/photographic formats that may need to be reformatted before use. Contact Research Services for access.

Use & permissions:

The copyright interests in this collection have not been transferred to Duke University. For more information, consult the copyright section of the Regulations and Procedures of the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library.

Pre-Congressional Papers Record Group includes unpublished interviews in certain folders. Use of unpublished interviews in autobiographical material is restricted. Permission is not granted for publication. The user is responsible for obtaining permission to publish from the interviews.

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Please consult our up-to-date information for visitors page, as our services and guidelines periodically change.