Correspondence Subseries, 1986-1994
- Scope and content:
Correspondence sent to and from Congressman Price documenting interactions with constituents; corporations and other organizations; government colleagues, especially other House Members; government agencies; national associations and organizations; and various notable political figures including U.S. presidents and foreign dignitaries. Notable correspondents include many House Members and Senators including Speaker Jim Wright, Terry Sanford, and other officials including President Bill Clinton, and Vice President Al Gore. Though some of the letters are routine congratulations or requests, others document in great detail his legislative relationships, activities, and appearances, and shed light on political issues important to Price and his constituency at any given time. It is likely that some of the outgoing letters were written by Price's staff.
Topics range range widely depending on the issues of the time. Letters devoted to topics of particular interest to North Carolina such as National Science Foundation funding for Wake Technical Community College, drilling off the North Carolina coast, an air route to London from Raleigh, N.C., and funding of Environmental Protection Agency construction in Price's district. Other topics mentioned repeatedly include the national budget and budget votes, reproductive rights, affordable housing, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the 1988 Civil Rights Restoration Act, crime bills, the Title X Gag Rule, the Persian Gulf War, gun control especially regarding assault weapons and the Brady Bill, the environment, energy policy, surface transportation, appropriations bills, the Super Collider project, the Freedom of Choice Act, the Student Loan Affordability Act, health care reform, the Scientific and Technical Education Act of 1992, and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
Constituent letters were often copied and attached to letters sent to Price's colleagues, government agencies, or VIPs. Similarly, much of the mail in this series could be described as issue mail since issues are discussed throughout, but Price also maintained a separate file with this designation.
See also correspondence in the Member Files subseries of the Personal/Political Files. There is also correspondence throughout the Pre-Congressional Papers, some in the Campaign Files of the Personal/Political Files, and spread throughout the entire collection.
Correspondence files are arranged by year, and then by type of correspondent.
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