Appropriations Subseries, 1985-1994 and undated

Scope and content:

Concerns government appropriations initiatives and related programs. There are many copies of outgoing letters that were sent to committee members asking for appropriations or support for a particular appropriations bill important to North Carolina. Letters between Congresspersons often discuss or request specific "language" be included in a bill. Drafts of letters from Price to constituents are also common.

Document types are diverse and include the following: committee and conference reports; printed materials, especially informational documents such as fact sheets and documents that were likely kept as background/support materials; memos; bills; hearing documents; and correspondence, especially "Dear Colleague letters."

The files are in order roughly by legislative subject area. Within each one, the files are unarranged. Since the subcommittees changed names and jurisdictions over time, search in multiple categories for a comprehensive search.


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Collection restrictions:

Access note. Accessions 2022-0183 and 2023-0027 are restricted. These materials require additional arrangement, description, and/or screening. Contact Research Services for more information.

Collection contains fragile audiovisual/photographic formats that may need to be reformatted before use. Contact Research Services for access.

Access note. Some materials in this collection are electronic records that require special equipment. Contact Research Services with questions.

Use & permissions:

The copyright interests in this collection have not been transferred to Duke University. For more information, consult the copyright section of the Regulations and Procedures of the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library.

Pre-Congressional Papers Record Group includes unpublished interviews in certain folders. Use of unpublished interviews in autobiographical material is restricted. Permission is not granted for publication. The user is responsible for obtaining permission to publish from the interviews.

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