Panel and Committee Reports of ERAB, 1975-1984 and undated

Scope and content:

Consists of reports, drafts, proposals, meeting minutes and agendas, correspondence, booklets, transcripts of proceedings, graphs, annual reports, studies, articles, pamphlets, and notes. The panels and committees represented in this series include two Fusion Panels, 1980 and 1983), a Solar Panel, Advanced Isotope Separation Processes Committee, a Conservation Panel, Federal Energy Research and Development Priorities Committee, Gas Research Institute Budget Review Committee, National Laboratories Panel, a Biomass Panel, Construction/Development Project Management Committee, National Laboratories Committee, University--Department of Energy Relationships Panel, Light Water Reactor Safety Research and Development, and Basic Energy Materials. There exists in this series two studies of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore Laboratory both of which are weopon labs. Subjects covered by these panels include effective management of research and development materials, discussess university researchers and industry research relationships for economic benefit of the nation, appropriate roles and missions of labs, scientific and technological capabilities of labs, DOE policies and procedures, effective uses of labs in meeting energy objectives, defense waste processing facilities, alternative fusion programs, and magnetic fusion energy. Arranged by Roddis's index codes.


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