Russia: Siberia, 1900

90 prints
Scope and content:

Locations for these images come from Vladivostok, from which Shockley sailed on the steamer "Progress" to Petropavlosk, Gejiga, the Kamchatka Peninsula, and East Cape, Siberia, visiting the remote locations featured in these photographs in order to search for copper, gold and coal deposits. In addition to surveying for gold and coal, he photographed indigenous peoples, thus there are images of individuals and family groups he labeled as Chuchkis, Tungus (Evenks), Nivkhs, and Koryaks and their reindeer herds. Shockley also photographed European settlers in villages and remote outposts; and the crew and captain of the ship "Progress." A fellow adventurer and mining surveyor, Vanderlip, eventually published a book, In Search of a Siberian Klondike, using many of Shockley's images as illustrations; his narrative, some of which coincides with Shockley's itinerary, provides valuable background to the images in the collection.

Processing information:

Titles have been transcribed as they appear in original captions on the backs of prints. Descriptive captions and Chinese translations of titles were supplied by library staff. Duplicate prints are indicated by an extension ".2" after the image identifier.


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