Russia: Siberia: Bogoslovsk, 1904-1905
- Extent:
- 309 prints
- Scope and content:
In summer of 1904, Shockley traveled to Bogoslovsk (now Karpinsk), a good-sized city in the Ural Mountains region, photographing along the route a few scenes in Moscow and Perm. Once in Bogoslovsk he documented mining and smelting operations near the city, including iron furnaces, iron ore mines, and alluvial (river) gold mining with dredges as well as smaller manual operations and "starateli" (freehold) workers. Images include city scenes; focusing particularly on a mine manager's house, where he seems to have stayed; Russian families he spent time with; servants; mining students; native costumes and dress; the nearby railroad station; and the roads on the outskirts of the city.
He spent many months also traveling in the remote country north and east of Bogoslovsk, continuing his documentation of mining operations. Locations include the Lobva, Cackva, and Volga rivers, Verkhotur'e, and Kusva. Along the way he photographed railroad stops, small settlements, lakes, rivers, and travelers in various conveyances on the road. Many of the work scenes in this series also include women laboring as ore sorters and gold miners.
Returning to Bogoslovsk in 1905, also in late summer and early fall, Shockley seems to have passed through Alaska or Seattle, Washington, visiting Frank Ballaine, a transportation entrepreneur, his brother John Ballaine, and their families, who appear in a set of images in this series. He also photographed several scenes in Moscow, including the university.
Shockley stayed in Bogoslovsk, again photographing friends and families there, and then traveled very long distances by various means in remote areas of the Urals, passing through Nizhnyaya Tura, and the town of Cheli︠a︡binsk. Along the way he documented railway stations, small settlements, dwellings and their inhabitants, markets, and mining and dredging operations along the Vizhaĭ, Lovza, and Ivdell rivers. There he also photographed indigenous Khanty (Ostiaks), ethnic Tatars, and backcountry hunters and settlers, often in their camps. There are many images of Shockley's own travel party and the troikas, pack animals, and ferries they used in their travels. Only once does he refer to the political instability in Russia, where he documented a large group of railway strikers "discussing situation."
- Processing information:
Titles have been transcribed as they appear in original captions on the backs of prints. Descriptive captions and Chinese translations of titles were supplied by library staff. Duplicate prints are indicated by an extension ".2" after the image identifier.
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