Music by Others, 1910-2007 and undated

Scope and content:

Music by Others includes a variety of scores and recordings by other composers included in Robert Ward's papers. Majority of items are recordings rather than scores. Recording titles are taken from the media objects themselves. Media include audiocassettes, compact discs, digital audio tapes, LPs, reels, umatic tapes, and VHS tapes. Composers include Hugh Aitken, Samuel Barber, Belá Bartók, Leslie Bassett, William Bergsma, Leonard Bernstein, David Brackett, Margaret Brouwer, Christopher Coleman, Gaetano Donizetti, Scott Eyerely, Ernesto Ferreri, Daniel Foley, Kenneth Frazelle, Barbara Gallagher, Gordon Goodwin, Paul Hindemith, Charles Ives, Hunter Johnson, Aaron Jay Kernis, James Legg, Joseph Leniado-Chira, Scott Lindroth, Henry Mollicone, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Russell Peck, Sergei Prokofiev, Sergei Rachmaninoff, J. Mark Scearce, Jack Stamp, Stella Sung, Toru Takemitsu, Giuseppe Verdi, Richard Wargo, Donald Waxman, Ralph Vaughan Williams, and Yehudi Wyner. Arranged alphabetically by composer last name. Several recordings without a listed composer are arranged alphbetically my recording title at the end of the series.


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