Movies of Local People, 1936-1942
- Extent:
- 50 Linear Feet
- Scope and content:
Moving image resources, including all extant reels and access copies, from H. Lee Waters' Movies of Local People. Where legacy paper shotlists (descriptions by scene) exist, note that they may not match the time stamps of the latest transfers of the film. Also note that descriptive practices around gender and race have shifted over time and there may be variations within the shotlists. Where available, newer time-stamped shotlists accompany videos in the H. Lee Waters collection in the Duke Digital Repository (
- Language:
- English
- Arrangement:
Arranged alphabetically by town name. Where digital access files have been made, they will be the first resource listed under the town/date, and can be viewed within this guide or through the Duke Digital Repository. Where access copies such as videotapes and DVDs contain multiple transfers of film reels of the same town and date (e.g., Reel 1, Reel 2 compiled into one tape or DVD), those copies will be listed under the entry for Reel 1 rather than repeat for each reel entry.
Using These Materials
- Using These Materials Links:
Using These Materials
- Collection restrictions:
Access note: Collection contains fragile audiovisual formats that may need to be reformatted before use. Contact Research Services for access.
Original film reels in the Waters collection are available by special request and for inspection purposes only; some may not be available due to advanced deterioration. Digital use copies for much of the collection are available through this guide and the H. Lee Waters Digital Collection in the Duke Digital Repository.
- Use & permissions:
Any copyright interests in this collection are managed by Duke University. For more information, consult the copyright section of the Regulations and Procedures of the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Copyright for Movies of Local People is largely undetermined. The publication status of these items is uncertain, making public domain determination difficult. To the extent these materials are protected by copyright, Duke has been granted permission to make digital reproductions and make them available to the public as part of a digital collection. For more information, consult the copyright section of the Regulations and Procedures of the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library:
- Before you visit:
- Please consult our up-to-date information for visitors page, as our services and guidelines periodically change.