Stemmata and Texts Subseries, 1733-1759 and circa 1960s-1980s

Scope and content:

Contains Baker's research on individual publication histories of the first 94 works to be listed in the Bibliography, plus various work on scattered higher-numbered entries. Most folders contain photocopies of multiple editions of these works, Baker's drafts and notes for the individual publication history of the work, and an outline of the stemma. In theory, Baker's writing and notes here should match the more polished versions to be found in the full 1981 typescript to be found in the next subseries; in practice, though, no comparison has been made, so there are likely to be handwritten notes here that are not included in the fair copy typescript. For this subseries, due to the high proportion of partial and full photocopies and transcribed materials, the dates in the box list reflect only the initial publication dates that Baker cited for each work. Although no attempt has been made to include dates of all items in each folder, in most cases it can be assumed that materials photocopied from later 18th century editions are included--gathering such editions for evaluation was the point of the research. Baker's own writing and notes are almost all undated, but it the bulk of this work was done by the early 1980s. Arranged in order of the new numbering scheme assigned by Baker for the Bibliography; the equivalent older number, based on the earlier bibliographies of Baker and Richard Green, is indicated in parentheses. Researchers should note that while this list stops at item 94, short of the 106 in the full typescript in the next folder group, it also picks up again with miscellaneous manuscripts for handful of citations above 106.


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