Legal Papers, 1713-1848

Box 1
Scope and content:

Wills, indentures, and legal documents for Whiting ancestors including: Daniel Whiton, Enoch Whiton, and Samuel Whiten.

One document is "a covenant" dated 1777 between "Briton, a Negro man of Hingham in the County of Suffolk" and enslavers in the Whiton family. Samuel Whiton "in his last will gave the said Briton his freedom at the Decease of his widow Mary Whiton," although it appears that his executors (also his descendents) did not pay Briton the 120 pounds he was promised.

Another document is a deed for land sold to Samuel Whiten by President and Fellows of Harvard College, dated 1752. The land had been seized by Harvard from Jeremiah Chubbuck of Hingham for dues to the College treasurer. Lymen Whiting included a ballad about this situation: "Jeremy Chubb, he had a rubb - Agin the college wall; For once he had a great estate, But then he spent it all."

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