Suggestions for Poems
- Containers:
- Volume 33
- Scope and content:
Description from Frey: Nine autograph manuscripts, written in ink and pencil on scraps of paper of various sizes; eighty-two lines in all. Mounted in a quarto volume, half brown morocco. Headings: "A poem in which is minutely described the whole particulars and ensemble of a first-rate healthy Human Body" (Camden Edition, vi, 106); "Remember in Scientific and similar allusions —that the theories of Geology" (vi, 3); "A volume —(dramatic machinery for localities, characters, etc.)" (vi, 149); "It seems to me—to avoid all poetical similes" (vi, 6) ; "What shall the great poet be then?" (vi, 4); "The most superb beauties are in the cheapest" (vi, 150); "Make no quotations, and no reference to any other writers" (vi, 4-5) ; "Breath and Spray" (vn, 34) ; "Poemet" (vii, 33). Ideas for poems and other literary enterprises, bits of advice to be followed in composition, and lists of titles and synonyms.
- Physical location:
- Former location: MS f 33
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