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Col. David S. Wilson family papers, 1847-1909

2.5 Linear Feet
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Col. David S. Wilson (1825-1881), originally from Ohio, was a lawyer and editor in Dubuque, Iowa. He served with the Sixth Cavalry of Iowa from 1862-1864 and also practiced law in San Francisco and Washington, D.C., during the 1860s and 1870s. He was appointed circuit judge and district judge in Dubuque and served until 1878. He and his wife, Henrietta, had four children: Henry, Gertrude, John, and David. The family's papers consists largely of personal correspondence between D.S. and Henrietta, as well as a significant amount of correspondence between the couple and their children. Also included in the collection are a selection of D.S. Wilson's legal and political materials, such as a diary from his 1860 term in the Iowa General Assembly, miscellaneous court case briefings, and some materials from his work as an attorney for the New Idria Quicksilver Mining Company.
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Col. David S. Wilson family papers, 1847-1909 2.5 Linear Feet

Patricia Rowe Willrich papers, 1949-1996

2.25 Linear Feet 750 Items
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The Patricia Rowe Willrich Papers, 1948-1996, are comprised of published and unpublished autobiographical writings; essays and lectures on contemporary American authors; correspondence with contemporary American authors; and miscellaneous other papers related to 20th century American literature. The writers featured in the correspondence include Maxine Hong Kingston, Larry McMurtry, John McPhee, Reynolds Price, Wallace Stegner, Peter Taylor, and Anne Tyler. The most extensive correspondence is with Anne Tyler and is arranged in the Anne Tyler Papers Series.

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Patricia Rowe Willrich papers, 1949-1996 2.25 Linear Feet 750 Items

Westel Woodbury Willoughby letter, [Fairfield, New York], undated

1 items
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ALS. Letter of recommendation for Doctor Forester Dexter.
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William H. Willis Travel Slide collection, 1950s-1970s

3 Linear Feet 6000 Items
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William H. Willis was Professor and Chair of the Department of Classics at Duke University. Collection contains approximately 6000 travel slides from Europe, Asia, and the Middle East dating 1950s-1970s.
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William H. Willis Travel Slide collection, 1950s-1970s 3 Linear Feet 6000 Items

Bailey Willis papers, 1882-1896

1.5 Linear Feet 256 Items
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U.S. Geological Survey geologist. Collection consists mainly of letters Willis wrote to his wife but also includes letters to him and between other family members. They frequently wrote to one another in code; a key to the code is with the collection. His letters pertain to the Geological Survery as well as family, travels, the Appalachians and other prominent geologists such as Raphael Pumpelly. A few sketches are also included.
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Bailey Willis papers, 1882-1896 1.5 Linear Feet 256 Items

Cornelia Ann Ludlow notebooks, 1796-1803

0.5 Linear Feet
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Cornelia Ann Ludlow Willink (1788-1866) used these notebooks as a young girl in New York studying penmanship, mathematics, and geography. The math workbook (dated 1796) is hardback bound, with arithmetic lessons on numeration, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and measurements. The five copybooks (dated approximately 1800-1802) are bound in marbled paper, with school assignments and lessons on penmanship, geography and history about the United States and Canada, repeatedly copied sentences about manners, morals, and character, and other assorted assignments. Collection assembled by Lisa Unger Baskin, and was acquired as part of the Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture.
3 results in this collection

Cornelia Ann Ludlow notebooks, 1796-1803 0.5 Linear Feet

William Volker Fund records, 1953-1961

1.8 Linear Feet (Three boxes.)
Abstract Or Scope
The William Volker Fund was as a charitable foundation that promoted free-market and liberatarian economics. This collection documents the activities of the organization through their publications, administrative files, and files on the National Book Foundation. It forms part of the Economists' Papers Archive.
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William Volker Fund records, 1953-1961 1.8 Linear Feet (Three boxes.)

William J. and Leslie Sands Williams Papers, 1930s-1990s

10 Linear Feet
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Dr. William J. Williams and his wife, Irene Leslie Sands Williams, a nurse, were Southern Baptist medical missionaries stationed at Ogbomosho Baptist Hospital, Nigeria from 1944 through 1984. The couple also worked in Gaza and Kurdistan, and were active in several Baptist churches in the United States. This collection contains their diaries, photographs, correspondence, and other items documenting their work and family life as Christians, medical personnel, and educators.
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William J. and Leslie Sands Williams Papers, 1930s-1990s 10 Linear Feet

Stanley Thomas Williams papers, 1921-1955

1.5 Linear Feet 66 Items
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Williams was a Professor of English at Yale University. The collection includes lecture notes, reprints, manuscripts and drafts.
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Stanley Thomas Williams papers, 1921-1955 1.5 Linear Feet 66 Items

Lectures Box 1

Sarah R. L. Williams letter, 1889 April 19

0.1 Linear Feet (2 items)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection contains a letter from Sarah R. L. Williams (1889 April 19) to Frank D. Andrews, regarding his requests for autograph letters. She mentions her "constitutional dread of bringing up the diverse memories which are inseparable from the handling of files of old letters." With envelope.
2 results in this collection

Sarah R. L. Williams letter, 1889 April 19 0.1 Linear Feet (2 items)

Letter Folder 1