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Eugenia Hargous Macfarlane Balch papers, 1878-1949, and undated

1.8 Linear Feet 400 Items
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Pennsylvania artist who studied at Vassar College and in Europe. Clippings, notebooks, photographs, paper ephemera, and correspondence, chiefly 1885-1895, with family or friends (mostly women) concerning in part the role of women in Victorian society and her early career as an artist. Also includes a history of the Clymer family (1949) and several small, original sketches. nicludes a photo album and a scrapbook.

Henry Dunster Baker papers, 1794-1953

3 Linear Feet 280 Items
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U.S. consul official and newspaper editor and publisher. Correspondence, scrapbooks, clippings, pamphlets, pictures, and genealogy, reflecting Baker's consular career and the Baker, Dunster, Griffiths, Speir, and Willis families of the U. S., Great Britain, and Australia. The papers relate to family affairs, Baker's work as consul (1907-1911) in Tasmania, as commercial attache in Russia during World War I, and as an opponent of trade with Russia (1930-1931). Includes some clippings and pictures (1916-1927) from the Trinidad consulate.
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James Major Baley papers, 1938-1954

1 Linear Feet 217 Items
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This collection consists of official letters, speeches, data concerning party organization, newspaper clippings, printed matter (both from the state Republican Party and the national executive committee), a list of contributors to the state party in 1952, official press releases, and financial records.

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Chambers Baird papers, 1817-1933

4 Linear Feet 2,255 Items
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Lawyer and businessman, of Ripley, Ohio. Correspondence and legal and financial papers, relating to Baird's law practice, his activities as paymaster of the U. S. Army (1863-1866) and as claim agent for soldiers' bounties and pensions (1863-1881); together with the papers of his son, Chambers Baird (b. 1860). Includes references to Ohio politics and business conditions during the antebellum period.
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John D. Baggett papers, 1958-1968 and undated

1 Linear Feet 100 Items
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Advertising executive who worked for Lamar Dean Outdoor (NC). Collection spans 1958-1968 and includes advertising rate schedules, printed materials, presentations and salesman data books. Companies represented include Lamar Dean Outdoor in North Carolina and General Outdoor Advertising. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.

Lydia Bailey account statements, April 2-June 25 1823

2 items (1 Folder)
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Lydia Bailey was a prominent 19th-century Philadelphia printer. The Lydia Bailey account statements itemizes two printing jobs commissioned by John Steele of the Port of Philadelphia. The jobs were for use by commercial ships.
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Lydia Bailey account statements, April 2-June 25 1823 2 items (1 Folder)

Lionel Barrow papers, 1940-2008

48.3 Linear Feet
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Dean of Howard University School of Communications, 1975-1985; founder of the Minorities and Communications Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Collection includes materials from Lionel Barrow's advertising career, his teaching and tenure at Howard University, and his involvement in the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC). The earliest materials include student work from Barrow's youth and his studies at Morehouse College, as well as materials from his service in the 24th Infantry Regiment during the Korean War. Another significant portion of the collection is Barrow's newspaper clippings and subject files, dating largely from the 1960s-2000s. His research on an unfinished book about the Freedom's Journal is also a large component of the collection. Also included are numerous photographs, some dating as early as the 1950s, but the bulk of which date 1982-2000s. These include family vacations and events, as well as professional events with AEJMC, the National Association of Black Journalists, and other conferences and organizations. Another notable component of the collection is the section of materials from Barrow's mother, Wilhelmina Barrow, who served as an American Red Cross Girl in Europe during World War II and the post-war period. Acquired as part of the John Hope Franklin Research Center for African and African American History and Culture.
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African Americans in broadcasting/films 1 boxes Box 1

Freedom's Journal research 1 boxes Box 2

Freedom's Journal research 1 boxes Box 3

Petra Barth photographs, 2006-2020

14 Linear Feet (11 boxes) 65.12 Gigabytes
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Collection consists of 421 black-and-white prints in darkroom and inkjet formats, 726 associated digital image and project files, and two digital videos by photographer Petra Barth. Arranged by project, Barth's images document cultures, politics, environments, and crises in countries all over the world, through landscape and portraiture. Series include images from Central and South American countries to the Caribbean countries of Haiti and the Bahamas; portraits of migrants and images of migrant services at Arizona/Mexico border stations; images from the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone and residents in nearby areas in the Ukraine; scenes in Jerusalem and the West Bank; images of Syrian refugees and others in Jordan camps; and portraits of military veterans of the Bosnia-Herzegovina War. Acquired as part of the Human Rights Archive at Duke University.

Victor Bassett papers, 1888-1938 and undated

2.0 Linear Feet (3 boxes)
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Physician, health officer, and librarian of the Georgia Medical Society; from Savannah. Collection contains public health information, including correspondence, health and mortality records, biographical information, genealogies, reports, and printed matter relating to the medical history and practice of medicine in Savannah. Also includes manuscript drafts from naturalist Walter J. Hoxie.

Lisa Unger Baskin collection of women's work and domestic arts ephemera, 1700s-1940s

2 Linear Feet (3 boxes, 2 oversize folders)
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Collection assembled by Lisa Unger Baskin containing printed ephemera, receipts, manuscripts, handbills, catalogs, decorative trade cards, prospectuses, circulars, political campaign materials, and other advertisements from the United Kingdom, Western Europe, and the United States. The bulk of the collection's materials advertise businesses or services offered by women, including millinery, fancy goods, hair work, tea, painting, teaching, music, bricklaying, gardening, dressmaking, apothecaries, and a clairvoyant. Also includes calling cards and bookplates with women's names, and assorted ephemera relating to women's pay, income, or work, including a pensioner's card for a firefighter's widow and a pamphlet about life insurance for women.
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British and American trade cards, 1750s-1920s Box 1

Belgian and French trade cards, 1800s Box 1

Calling cards and place cards, 1800s-1900s Box 1