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Alonzo Williams annotated German book collection, 1878-1895

1 Linear Feet (7 volumes)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection comprises a collection of Alonzo Williams' annotated German texts. There are six titles annotated and interleaved in seven volumes, including Williams' edition of Faust; works by Schiller, including Maria Stuart, the Maid of Orleans, and William Tell; Karl Lachmann's Die Gedichte Walthers von der Vogelweide; and Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's Nathan der Weise.
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Alonzo Williams annotated German book collection, 1878-1895 1 Linear Feet (7 volumes)

Emma Willard letter, 1841 February 20

0.1 Linear Feet (1 item)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection comprises a 2-page letter Willard wrote (20 February 1841) to Sheldon Moore, a lawyer in Kensington, Conn., regarding her deliberations over the location of a Normal School, either in Kensington, the town where she was born, or in Hartford. She notes "that other things being equal, I would rather be the means of benefiting my native place than any other."
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Emma Willard letter, 1841 February 20 0.1 Linear Feet (1 item)

Letter Folder 1

Wilkins Media Company records, 1967-1998 and undated

13.5 Linear Feet 13400 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Wilkins Media Company is an outdoor advertising company based in Atlanta, Georgia. Founded in 1965 as Southern Outdoor Markets, the company changed its name in 1974 to Associates of the Bell Company. In 1987 Bill Wilkins purchased the company, changing the name to Wilkins Outdoor Network. The name changed again in 1999 to Wilkins Media Company. The Wilkins Media Company Records span the years 1967-1998 and include slides, photographs, presentation scripts, audio and video cassettes, brochures, pamphlets and publications related to Wilkins Media Company's activities as well as to the outdoor advertising industry in general. Represented are materials from the Institute of Outdoor Advertising, Outdoor Advertising Association of America, Patrick Media Group, Traffic Audit Bureau, Metromedia Technologies and Naegele Advertising Companies. Companies represented include Dole, Ford, Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) and Toyota. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.
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Wilkins Media Company records, 1967-1998 and undated 13.5 Linear Feet 13400 Items

Charles Wilkes papers, 1816-1876

7 Linear Feet (4,566 items)
Abstract Or Scope
U.S. naval officer and explorer, of Washington, D.C. Family correspondence, chiefly relating to naval cruises of Wilkes and his son, John Wilkes; the U.S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842, to Antarctica, the Pacific Islands, and the Northwest Coast of the U.S., including preliminary planning, the voyage itself with detailed descriptions of places visited, and publishing the results; gold mining and milling in North Carolina; the Civil War; and Wilkes family business ventures in North Carolina; together with legal and financial papers, writings, printed material, clippings, and other papers. Includes correspondence, 1848-1849, with James Renwick (1792-1863) and others.
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Charles Wilkes papers, 1816-1876 7 Linear Feet (4,566 items)

James King Wilkerson papers, 1820-1929 and undated

1.5 Linear Feet Approx. 896 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Confederate soldier, member of the 55th North Carolina Infantry Regiment, Co. K; and farmer, from Granville County, N.C. The papers of James King Wilkerson and his family date from 1820 to 1929, and consist of Civil War correspondence, a number of almanacs used as diaries, copybooks, and a few other miscellaneous papers, including a genealogical sketch. There is correspondence by Lillie Wilkerson and Luther Wilkerson, James' children, discussing social life and customs, illnesses and hospitals, employment, and personal matters; and several letters from a soldier in France during World War I. There are also two early issues of the Berea, N.C. Gazette, one from 1876, with comments on the Hayes-Tilden election, and one from shortly thereafter. The Civil War letters, written by James Wilkerson to his family, contain references to the C.S.S. Virginia, detailed descriptions of marches, comments on crop conditions as he moved from place to place, his Civil War service around Petersburg, Virginia, late in the war, and his stay in the General Hospital at Greensboro, N.C. in 1865.
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James King Wilkerson papers, 1820-1929 and undated 1.5 Linear Feet Approx. 896 Items

Emanuel Muravchik oral history interview, 2001 June

0.1 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Daniel Levinson Wilk is a historian. Muravchik was a longtime staff member of the Socialist Party of America and the Jewish Labor Committee. Collection comprises an audiocassette tape of the oral history interview conducted by Wilk with Emanuel Muravchik while Wilk was completing his graduate work at Duke University. The interview primarily focused on Muravchik's career in the Socialist Party, particularly from the 1920s to the 1950s, and mostly in New York State. There is no transcript for the interview, and two digital files have been created from the audiocassette.
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Emanuel Muravchik oral history interview, 2001 June 0.1 Linear Feet

W. R. Wilde note, [Dublin], to Mrs. Simpkinson, undated

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ANS. Accepts invitation.
1 result in this collection

Lady Wilde letter, 1852 November 19

0.1 Linear Feet (2 items)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection comprises a letter from Lady Wilde discussing the loss of her mother, followed by her marriage, and announcing the birth of her eldest son, William Charles Kingsbury Wilde. She also comments on marriage, "a woman's duty ends with marriage. She becomes a vegetable, a house leek, a mop--I feel that I am 'potted' for the rest of my days...." Includes an enclosure with a note written in another hand identifying Wilde along with the letter's recipient, whose last name may be Grant.
2 results in this collection

Lady Wilde letter, 1852 November 19 0.1 Linear Feet (2 items)

Letter Folder 1

William Wilberforce papers, 1782-1837 and undated

1.0 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Political and personal correspondence of William Wilberforce (1759-1833), member of the House of Commons. Many letters relate to his leadership in the movement for Britain's abolition of the slave trade. Correspondence discusses the evils of the slave trade; the slave trade in Dutch, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish colonies; slavery, especially in the West Indies; the composition and distribution of pamphlets on the slave trade; the attendance of Thomas Clarkson at the Congress of Vienna against Wilberforce's advice; William Pitt's (1759-1806) support of the abolition movement; efforts to interest the Roman Catholic Church in the abolition cause; the determination as to whether abolition could be enforced; and noted English and French leaders and their position on the abolition question. Other topics discussed include British foreign relations; the Church of England; Roman Catholicism in Ireland; politics and government in England, France, Ireland, Jamaica, Sierra Leone, Trinidad, and Venezuela; elections; French colonies; free trade versus protection; the French Revolution; Greek Independence; Haiti; South Africa; the Society of Friends; the Royal Navy; parliamentary reform; need to reform the penal code; and personal matters including Wilberforce's failing health. Correspondents include British politician William Pitt (the younger); Thomas Harrison, a close friend and a member of the Duke of Gloucester's West India Committee; Hannah More, an English writer and philanthropist; his close friend John Scandrett Harford, Jr. of Blaise Castle (near Bristol, England); George Montagu, Fourth Duke of Manchester; Lord Brougham; Spencer Perceval; Thomas Chalmers; George Canning; and John Bowdler (d. 1815).
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William Wilberforce papers, 1782-1837 and undated 1.0 Linear Feet

Samuel Wilberforce papers, 1832-1872 and undated

0.5 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Collection contains largely correspondence received by Samuel Wilberforce relating primarily to missionary activities of the Church of England in East Africa and various British colonies and describing also scenery, local politics, and efforts to thwart the slave trade. Correspondents include John William Colenso, bishop of Natal; Christopher Palmer Rigby, British Army officer in Zanzibar; Charles Frederick Mackenzie, bishop of Central Africa; David Livingstone; Lord John Russell, British foreign secretary; Henry Labouchere, colonial secretary; Walter Chambers, missionary in Sarawak; Thomas Clarkson; Sir James Brooke, rajah of Sarawak; and Sir Samuel White Baker. Also includes some of Wiberforce's routine correspondence regarding appointments, meetings, and casual matters.
3 results in this collection

Samuel Wilberforce papers, 1832-1872 and undated 0.5 Linear Feet