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Randy Riddle Phonodisc Collection, 1920s-1965

5 Linear Feet 321 Items
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Randy Riddle is a Senior Consultant in the Teaching Innovation Department, Duke University, and a collector of rare phonodiscs. Collection includes aluminum, lacquer, shellac, and vinyl discs of various sizes.
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Mobius Advertising Awards collection, 1970s-2002 and undated, bulk 1984-2002

1328 Linear Feet 19,024 Items
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Collection consists primarily of television commercials, although it includes some radio commercials, which were entered for Mobius awards presented in 1971-1999. Most of the collection is divided into two main series, North America and International. Commercials are judged by product type/category as well as budget size. Also included are brochures and press releases which describe the award process ca. 1970s-1990s (98-156 box 68). There are compilation tapes documenting the award-winning entries for 1990-1997 (98-156 box 69). (Accessions 1997-0101: 12,237 items, 850.5 linear feet, dated 1984-1991, undated; 1998-0156: 1500 items, 105 linear feet, dated 1971-1997; 1999-0152: 1200 items, 112.5 linear feet, dated 1997-1998). An encoded container list has not been created for these additions. Please consult the paper finding aids located in the repository.

Sarah Dyer Zine collection, 1985-2005

18.3 Linear Feet 2050 Items
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Approximately 2000 individual zines and nearly 800 titles, most self-published by women and girls 1985-2000. Most were produced in the United States, a few come from Canada and other countries. In-house database with subject access available. Subjects include feminism, riot grrrl, body image and consciousness, sexual abuse, music, mental illness, film, poetry, rock and punk music, comics, violence against women, sexual identity, homosexuality and bisexuality, and erotica. The collection includes four audiocassette tapes and one VHS tape. Acquired as part of the Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture.
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Consumer Reports. Arthur Kallet papers, 1917-1993 and undated

7.0 Linear Feet
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Consumer Reports is a product testing and consumer advocacy nonprofit organization based in Yonkers, N.Y., founded in 1936. Arthur Kallet was an engineer and leading consumer advocate, co-founder of Consumers Union. The Consumer Reports Arthur Kallet papers include clippings, tear sheets, correspondence, pamphlets, meeting minutes, book chapter manuscripts, reports and other printed materials that document Kallet's career in consumer advocacy groups including Consumers' Research and Consumers Union. Correspondents include Bernard Reis and Colston Warne. Topics include management benefits, organization and finance, labor relations, dealings with consultants and government agencies, as well as U.S. government investigations into allegations of communist links and Un-American activities during the Cold War era. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.

South Asian Pamphlets collection, 1911, 1920-2005, bulk 1950-2000

200 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
The South Asian Pamphlets Collection spans the years 1920-2005, with the bulk of the material dating from the 1950s to the 1990s, and with only a few items from the 1910s-1940s. It is arranged by country. Topics commonly covered in each country series include but are not limited to agriculture, arts, defense, economic development, education, ethnic or cultural conflict, industry and commerce, international relations, politics and government, population issues, religion and philosophy, rural development, tourism, and the status of women. While the majority of the pamphlets were published by organizations and agencies and do not list individual authors' names, there are also pamphlets with individual authors listed.

Nicole DiBona Peterson Collection of Advertising Cookbooks, 1851-2005

127.25 Linear Feet
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Joseph DiBona is a cookbook collector and Associate Professor Emeritus in the Program in Education at Duke University. The collection is named in honor of his daughter Nicole DiBona Peterson. Collection spans the years 1851-2005 and includes cookbooks, hang tags, inserts, recipe cards and guides, operating instructions, owner's manuals and other promotional materials that address cooking and kitchen arts. Materials include recipes, guides, and information that educate consumers and promote the use of a variety of foods (meat; fish and poultry; dairy; soups; fruits and vegetables; beverages); condiments and spices (sauces, bouillon and broths, chocolate and cocoa, baking soda and baking powder); canning jars; small appliances (cookware, blenders, mixers, microwave ovens); and large appliances (stoves and refrigerators). Collection materials frequently promote the use of a particular brand or product, and they occasionally promote institutions or trade organizations. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising and Marketing History.
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Consumer Reports. Technical Department records, 1910-2015

32.0 Linear Feet
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Consumer Reports is a product testing and consumer advocacy nonprofit organization based in Yonkers, N.Y., founded in 1936 as Consumers Union. The Technical Department was responsible for the creation of testing procedures and methods; performance of product tests; and production of test data and written evaluations for use in Consumer Reports periodicals and buying guides. The collection includes correspondence; photographs of products and product testing; research data and test results; testing procedures and methods documentation; and technical reference report files. Notations on some of the original containers indicate that the collection contains selected files and thus represents a sampling rather than a comprehensive record of Technical Department activities. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.

Thomas Rain Crowe papers, 1950s-2022

112.5 Linear Feet 36.2 Gigabytes
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Poet, essayist, translator, publisher, activist, and performing artist; owner and editor of New Native Press in Cullowhee (Jackson Co.), N.C. Crowe's collection contains correspondence with other writers, friends, and relatives; manuscript and printed versions of works by Crowe and others; poetry notebooks; publicity materials; photographs; audio cassettes and other media; New Native Press records; and other items. Other poets represented include Wendell Berry, Robert Bly, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Allen Ginsberg, Joy Harjo, David Meltzer, Philip Daughtry, Neeli Cherkovski, Gary Snyder, Bobi Jones (Welsh), Jack Hirschman, Ken Wainio, Dianna Henning, John Lane, and Joe Napora. There is documentation regarding Crowe's music, including collaborations with Nan Watkins. There is also material regarding San Francisco intellectual circles and the International Poetry Festival held there, as well as correspondence concerning activism regarding a wide range of political and social issues. Acquired as part of the George Washington Flowers Collection of Southern Americana.

Duke University Union records, 1954-2023

123 Linear Feet 52 Megabytes
Abstract Or Scope
Collection contains records of the Duke University Union (est. 1954), a student-run organization at Duke University, concerning all manner of operations and events sponsored by the Union. Within the collection are records related to student life at Duke, symposia put on by the Union, and social and academic events sponsored by the Union. The collection also contains numerous scrapbooks documenting Union events, members, and history from the 1950s through the mid-2000s.
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Major Attractions Committee records, 1957-1995

6 Linear Feet
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Major Attractions is a committee of Duke University Union. Its purpose is to present major events of contemporary entertainment with an emphasis on popular music. The collection contains files about attractions and artists brought to the Duke Campus by the Major Attraction committee. Materials present include administrative documents including annual reports, budgets, and policy notices, correspondence, committee minutes, performance contracts, hospitality/technical riders, publicity materials, and clippings. Dates in the collection range from 1957-1995.
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Richard Pollay Acme Advertising collection, 1850s-2006 and undated

75 Linear Feet 3000 Items
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The Acme Advertising Collection is one of the collections created by Professor Richard Pollay in the History of Advertising Archives (Faculty of Commerce, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia). The collection was motivated by the observation that Acme named enterprises are characteristically small ventures that represent the grass roots of local and regional economies. At the same time, the ubiquity of the Acme brand name has made its way into popular culture, where it has become an icon for independent business in general, featured in print cartoons from artists such as Gary Larson (The Far Side) and G.B. Trudeau (Doonesbury), and in the Warner Bros. animated Road Runner features. Items in the Acme Collection come from a variety of sources. Many items were donated to Dr. Pollay, but the majority were acquired by Dr. Pollay himself over several decades. In earlier years items were found in shops, flea markets, and antique stores across North America. However, in recent years most items were acquired through the internet auction site, eBay ( The Acme Advertising Collection dates from the 1850s through 2006 and consists of approximately 3000 items from over 900 distinct companies and producers, primarily of U.S. or Canadian origin, all bearing the brand name Acme. The collection contains a diverse array of items, both three-dimensional and printed materials, including: promotional items and memorabilia; trade cards; business cards; magazine tear sheets; catalogs; newspaper clippings; signs; displays; writing instruments; rulers; clothing; toys and games; school and office stationery supplies; photographs and slides. A number of corporations are represented in the collection, including: Acme Bail Bonds; Acme Boots; Acme Brick Company; Acme Harvester; Acme Markets; Acme Motor Truck Company; Acme White Lead and Color Works; Duane H. Nash, Inc.; Lautz Bros. and Company; and Warner Bros.
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Richard Pollay. Tobacco industry promotion (TIPS) collection, 1885-2014

227.0 Linear Feet
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Richard W. Pollay was Professor and Curator of the History of Advertising Archives at the Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia. Collection includes audiovisual materials in multiple formats (audio and video cassettes, optical discs), clippings of articles and advertisements, pamphlets and other printed material, artifacts and ephemera (including apparel, cups, luggage, playing cards, promotional gifts and samples of tobacco packaging and candy cigarettes), photographs and slides, research reports, corporate documents, depositions and transcripts of court case testimony and other litigation-related materials. Topics include tobacco advertising and deceptive advertising practices; package labeling and health claims; cigarette marketing; manipulation of tar and nicotine levels; "light" and menthol cigarettes; lung cancer and other smoking-related health issues; smoking cessation and anti-smoking initiatives in the United States, Canada and internationally; tobacco industry manufacturing and marketing practices; smoking initiation and teenage and young adult smoking; and marketing of tobacco products to women and minorities. Companies represented include American Tobacco, British American Tobacco, Brown & Williamson, Imperial Tobacco, Liggett & Myers, Lorillard, Philip Morris (later Altria), R.J. Reynolds/RJR Nabisco and the Tobacco Institute. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.

Cipe Pineles papers, 1925-2005 and undated

18.0 Linear Feet
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Cipe Pineles was an Austrian-born Jewish artist noted for innovations in magazine design, illustration and typography, based primarily in New York. Collection includes correspondence, photographs, drawings and illustrations and other design work, paintings, advertising and promotional materials, drafts of manuscripts, recipes, financial records and other printed materials that document Pineles's professional and private life, including correspondence and service orders during World War II. Collection also includes materials relating to a number of individuals: Ben Shahn, Carol Burton Fripp, Edward Sorel, Jay Leyda, John Alcorn, Mehemed Fehmy Agha, Sidney Meyers, Will Burtin and William Golden. Institutions represented in the collection include Alliance graphique internationale, American Institute of Graphic Arts, Art Directors Club, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Lincoln Center, Parsons School of Design and the Pratt Institute. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.

William Gedney photographs and papers, 1887, circa 1920, 1940-1998 and undated, bulk 1955-1989

115.0 Linear Feet (336 boxes, 1 oversize folder)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection comprises the entirety of William Gedney's photographic career, beginning with his student years at Pratt Institute in the 1950s to his early death in 1989. The materials reveal Gedney's intense and meticulous dedication to his work, and his interest in street photography, portraiture, night photography, and the study of human nature. His earliest serious project was undertaken in Kentucky, where he stayed with a coal-miner's family for several weeks in 1964 and again in 1972. His work took him across the U.S. several times, with extensive photographic projects in Chicago, Detroit, Pennsylvania, South Dakota - particularly the Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation, and southern and northern California. During these trips, as well as in New York City, he also photographed well-known composers. Fascinated by human group dynamics, he photographed parades, hippies and other street people, and crowds. He also traveled to Kolkata (Calcutta) and Varanasi (Benares), India, England, Ireland, Paris, and Amsterdam. The collection offers roughly 76,000 unique images represented by the over 2000 contact sheets, with over 19,000 selected images in the form of work prints and 1466 exhibit-quality large prints. Other formats include slides, a complete set of master negatives, and personal snapshots. The breadth of these materials offers deep insights into Gedney's editorial process and artistic vision. Additional perspectives on his life and work can be found in his many notebooks and journals; artwork; handmade books; correspondence files; financial, legal and medical records; memorabilia; audiocassettes; and teaching materials. Acquired as part of the Archive of Documentary Arts at Duke University.
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Gotham Inc. records, 1967-1997 and undated

113.5 Linear Feet 5000 Items
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The Gotham Inc. advertising agency was established by the Interpublic Group in 1994 as an independent agency of the global marketing services holding company. Gotham Inc. is one of New York's leading integrated communication agencies. The Gotham Inc. Records contain primarily video and print advertisements created for clients by Gotham's predecessor companies Daniel & Charles and Laurence, and Charles, Free & Lawson. The materials span 1967-1997 and include videocassettes, slides, magazine and newspaper advertisements, and memorabilia as well as agency brochures and limited general information. Clients represented in the collection include: Bristol-Myers (Ban, Bufferin, Comtrex); Clairol (Herbal Essence, Infusium); Dial; Drackett (Endust, Renuzit, Vanish); GAF Corporation; Ross Laboratories (Ensure, Selsun Blue); Thompson Medical (Cortizone, Dexatrim); and American Home Food Products. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.

Frank and Anne Warner papers, 1899-2000, bulk 1933-1985

12 Linear Feet 4934 Items
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Anne and Frank Warner were folklorists and folk song musicians. The Anne and Frank Warner Collection, with materials from as early as 1899 to as late as 2000, documents the Warners' active life of collecting, recording, and producing music and publications associated with traditional American folk song culture, primarily from along the eastern seaboard areas, in the Appalachian Mountains of western North Carolina, and as far as New Hampshire to the north.
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German broadsides collection, 1870-1990 and undated, bulk 1920s

5.8 Linear Feet (Approximately 519 items)
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The German broadsides collection spans the years 1870-1990, with the majority of items dating from the 1920s. Broadsides (single-sided announcements and texts) predominate, but there are also several diplomas, leaflets, handbills, campaign publications, political brochures, propaganda posters, and other ephemera documenting the political, economic, and social conditions in Germany, Eastern Europe, Russia, and China, particularly during the Weimar Republic. Many of the broadsides relate to elections during the 1920s and the legacy of World War I as well as the political implications of women's suffrage during that time. Political parties represented include the Socialist Party, the Communist Party, the German Democratic Party, and the German National People's Party, as well as several smaller parties. The majority come from cities across Germany, with Leipzig and Berlin strongly represented. Additional materials include Allied propaganda leaflets and Holocaust exhibition posters, as well as materials relating to the assassination of German Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau in 1922, and several diplomas, 1870-1924 relating to the Von Baudissin family. Closely related to the German Newspaper Clippings Collection.

Ben Alper photographs, 2013-2014

4.0 Linear Feet (4 flat boxes (309 color photographs))
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Ben Alper is an artist based in North Carolina. His series, An Index of Walking, won the 2015 Archive of Documentary Arts Award for Documentarians Working in North Carolina. An Index of Walking is a yearlong photographic project that explores the enigmatic intersection of memory, place, geography, and perception. Taken along the same daily walk in his neighborhood, the photographs depict the commonplace objects and spaces that comprise what could be any typical suburban area. Alper writes that "My walks have been a vehicle for exploration, contemplation, and looking; they have provided a structure in which to engage with the place in which I currently live." Collection acquired as part of the Archive of Documentary Arts (Duke University).
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Roy Eaton papers, 1860-2016 and undated

54.0 Linear Feet
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Advertising executive and music director for Young & Rubicam and Benton & Bowles agencies in New York. First African American with hold general creative managerial responsibilities in a major American advertising agency. Noted composer and concert pianist.

Mooresville Mills records, 1893-1962 and undated

20.4 Linear Feet 15,290 Items
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Manufacturer of cotton, wool, and synthetic fabrics, originally located in Mooresville, NC. Correspondence, minutes of meetings of stockholders and of directors, audit reports, financial statements, stock records, and general and subsidiary account books of a Mooresville, N.C., manufacturer of cotton, wool, and synthetic fabrics, draperies, upholstery, toweling, and wearing apparel, which was absorbed by Burlington Industries in 1955.