ALS. Halford gives medical advice, writes a letter of recommendation, issues a bulletin on the condition of King George IV, discusses vaccination of the poor, and agrees to subscribe to some books. Holograph manuscript, in an unknown hand, provides biography.
ALS. Halford gives medical advice, writes a letter of recommendation, issues a bulletin on the condition of King George IV, discusses vaccination of the poor, and agrees to subscribe to some books. Holograph manuscript, in an unknown hand, provides biography.
Holograph letter, unsigned. Holland explains the circumstances which lead him to believe that his servant was mistakenly presented with a summons to service in the militia.
Holograph letter, unsigned. Holland explains the circumstances which lead him to believe that his servant was mistakenly presented with a summons to service in the militia.
In an ALS to Thomas Poole, Davy inquires after an estate in Nether Stowey he would like to purchase and remarks sadly upon the death of Princess Charlotte. In a holograph note, signed, in French, to the Monsignor de Medici Spada, Davy remarks upon his poor health.
In an ALS to Thomas Poole, Davy inquires after an estate in Nether Stowey he would like to purchase and remarks sadly upon the death of Princess Charlotte. In a holograph note, signed, in French, to the Monsignor de Medici Spada, Davy remarks upon his poor health.
ALS from many notable members of the British medical establishment, including William Bateson, John Bland-Sutton, Byrom Bramwell, Yandell Henderson, Thomas Jeeves Horder, Arthur F. Hurst, Robert Hutchison, James Mackenzie, Arthur Salusbury Macnalty, Norman Moore, Berkeley Moynihan, Charles Samuel Myers, George Newman, D'Arcy Power, Charles Scott Sherrington, and Grafton Elliott Smith. Foreign correspondents include Pierre Marie and Karl Sudhoff. Most letters are of a casual social nature, though reference is often made to Rolleston's lectures and publications. A complete list of correspondents is available.
ALS from many notable members of the British medical establishment, including William Bateson, John Bland-Sutton, Byrom Bramwell, Yandell Henderson, Thomas Jeeves Horder, Arthur F. Hurst, Robert Hutchison, James Mackenzie, Arthur Salusbury Macnalty, Norman Moore, Berkeley Moynihan, Charles Samuel Myers, George Newman, D'Arcy Power, Charles Scott Sherrington, and Grafton Elliott Smith. Foreign correspondents include Pierre Marie and Karl Sudhoff. Most letters are of a casual social nature, though reference is often made to Rolleston's lectures and publications. A complete list of correspondents is available.
ALS relating to social engagements and to the anti-vivisection movement. A letter from Victor Horsley refers to Paget's lectures On the cause of the rhythmic motion of the heart.
ALS relating to social engagements and to the anti-vivisection movement. A letter from Victor Horsley refers to Paget's lectures On the cause of the rhythmic motion of the heart.
Most of the material relates to the leasing of property by Bland-Sutton, in particular correspondence with his solicitor, Edward John Quintas Maggs, regarding a case against Bland-Sutton, brought by a Mrs. Heath, regarding a sublet property. Other material relates to the alteration of his surname from Sutton to Bland-Sutton.
Most of the material relates to the leasing of property by Bland-Sutton, in particular correspondence with his solicitor, Edward John Quintas Maggs, regarding a case against Bland-Sutton, brought by a Mrs. Heath, regarding a sublet property. Other material relates to the alteration of his surname from Sutton to Bland-Sutton.
ALS. Agrees to provide Dr. Torrey with data regarding a collection of plants as well as any sample specimens on condition that he receive due acknowledgement and copies of any work published on the basis of the information provided.
ALS. Agrees to provide Dr. Torrey with data regarding a collection of plants as well as any sample specimens on condition that he receive due acknowledgement and copies of any work published on the basis of the information provided.
Includes a letter to Edward John Waring; Morell Mackenzie's letter to Fayrer; and a newspaper clipping of a review of Fayrer's book "Recollections of my life."
Includes a letter to Edward John Waring; Morell Mackenzie's letter to Fayrer; and a newspaper clipping of a review of Fayrer's book "Recollections of my life."
Papers include letters from Ross and from Maude Alice Henry Lafford, possibly Ross's personal secretary, to R.L. Megroz. These letters relate to Ross's literary work. Papers include the typescript of Ross's "Ring of fire" and "Midsummer madness". There are also letters to Megroz from publishers and from the British Broadcasting Company regarding articles and programs on Ross and his work on malaria. Papers include reprints, photos, a copy of Ordinance no. 22 of 1910 and an obituary of Ross from the British Medical Journal.
Papers include letters from Ross and from Maude Alice Henry Lafford, possibly Ross's personal secretary, to R.L. Megroz. These letters relate to Ross's literary work. Papers include the typescript of Ross's "Ring of fire" and "Midsummer madness". There are also letters to Megroz from publishers and from the British Broadcasting Company regarding articles and programs on Ross and his work on malaria. Papers include reprints, photos, a copy of Ordinance no. 22 of 1910 and an obituary of Ross from the British Medical Journal.
ALS. Informs addressee that lectures he delivered in December will be published in the March or April issue of the British Medical Journal. Apparently, the lectures related to "the pathology of the spinal centres."
ALS. Informs addressee that lectures he delivered in December will be published in the March or April issue of the British Medical Journal. Apparently, the lectures related to "the pathology of the spinal centres."
2 ALS and a clipping. Jenner writes his brother Charles, announcing his arrival in Edinburgh, relating family news and describing the Scottish countryside. He writes Lady Emilia Gray, inquiring about the credentials of a Mrs. Gordon of Sydney.
2 ALS and a clipping. Jenner writes his brother Charles, announcing his arrival in Edinburgh, relating family news and describing the Scottish countryside. He writes Lady Emilia Gray, inquiring about the credentials of a Mrs. Gordon of Sydney.