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Amos Eaton papers, 1827-1831

3 items
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ALS from William Tully informs Eaton that Stephen Van Rensselaer is at home. Eaton responds with an ALS to Van Rensselaer informing him of what his sons will need to bring if they are to accompany his expedition. In a later ALS Ebenezer Emmons solicits Eaton's editorial advice for the second edition of his "Manual of mineralogy and geology."
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Amos Eaton papers, 1827-1831 3 items

American Expeditionary Forces Vladivostok photograph album, 1918-1920

0.25 Linear Feet 1 item
Abstract Or Scope
Collection includes a 7"x10" photograph album, containing 81 black-and-white photographs and photo postcards, documenting the presence of various military forces in Vladivostok, probably taken or collected between 1918 and 1920 by an unidentified soldier in the American Expeditionary Force sent to intervene in the Russian Civil War. Images include street scenes and landscapes, with some portraits and interior scenes; many contain printed or hand-written captions in English. Topics include various modes of military transport, especially ships and trains; military base scenes, particularly those of the Expeditionary Forces; military parades, including Russian and Bolshevik troops; various nationalities represented in the city and among the military forces (e.g., Japanese, Chinese, Czech, French, German, and British), as well as post-battle images of the dead and later funeral processions.
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American Expeditionary Forces Vladivostok photograph album, 1918-1920 0.25 Linear Feet 1 item

American Catalin Corporation salesman's sample book, 1928-1930

0.25 Linear Feet 1 item
Abstract Or Scope
The American Catalin Corporation was founded in New York, N.Y., in 1927; it developed the light-colored, transparent, filler-free Bakelite resin in a wide range of colors. Bakelite is the first synthetic plastic, developed by Dr. Leo Baekeland between 1907 and 1909. American Catalin Corporation used its form of the resin for costume jewelry, fashion accessories, radios, and other products. By 1942, the company suspended its manufacture of jewelry and cast items to concentrate on wartime production. After the war, petroleum-based plastics gained favor. Collection comprises a salesman's sample book in a black leather album used to provide a visual guide for the company's products. The album contains primarily 34 black-and-white 8x10 photographs (8 photographs are laid in, all but two are linen backed, those not laid-in are stamped on the back with "Johnston & Tunick Commercial Photographers"), as well as 17 typeset pages containing inter-office memos, sales tips, information regarding the company's competition, and customer testimonials. Several of the memos are written to the attention of D. J. Kelly, who was the salesman for whom the sample book was prepared. There is also a two-page key to the main group of 19 photographs, identifying the Bakelite products in each photograph, as well as the item's final producer. Seven of the laid-in photographs show the corporation's factory, including three of factory workers on the job. The American Catalin Corporation was founded in New York, N.Y., in 1927; it developed the light-colored, transparent, filler-free Bakelite resin in a wide range of colors. Bakelite is the first synthetic plastic, developed by Dr. Leo Baekeland between 1907 and 1909. American Catalin Corporation used its form of the resin for costume jewelry, fashion accessories, radios, and other products. By 1942, the company suspended its manufacture of jewelry and cast items to concentrate on wartime production. After the war, petroleum-based plastics gained favor.
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American Catalin Corporation salesman's sample book, 1928-1930 0.25 Linear Feet 1 item

Amedee Dechambre papers, undated, between 1853-1886

2 items
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2 ANS. In one note, Dechambre refers to Ch. Bouchard and P. Brouardel.
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1 result in this collection

Amariah Brigham letter, Utica, New York, to Rev. T.H. Gallaudet, Hartford, Conn., 1843, Jun. 6

1 items
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Letter (ALS). As Director of the New York State Lunatic Asylum, Brigham writes with news about the affairs of and events at the Asylum.
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Alva Curtis document, Columbus, Ohio, 1837, Mar. 5

1 items
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Holograph, signed. Certifies that Alfred Church studied at the School for six months. Gives details of Church's work during this period.
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Alva Curtis document, Columbus, Ohio, 1837, Mar. 5 1 items

A. L. Millin letter, [Paris], to "mon cher Labouisse.", 1806, Jan. 9

1 items
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ALS. Refers to the contents of a periodical, presumably the Magasin encyclopedique, which he edited between 1795-1816.
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Alfred Langdon Elwyn letter, Philadelphia, 1859, May 18

1 items
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ALS. Sends Mrs. Allen of Providence, an autograph collector, an autograph of financier Robert Morris. Writes of Morris' disastrous land speculations.
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Alfred Langdon Elwyn letter, Philadelphia, 1859, May 18 1 items

Alexander von Humboldt papers, 1816-1966 [bulk between 1816-1855] and undated.

26 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS, in French. Humboldt writes to P.H. Azais and Jules Berger de Xivrey on politics, philosophy, his expeditions, ethnology, natural history and the influence and inspiration of French thought. In 1966 Fritz Lange, of the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Kommission, writes to the Duke Medical Center Library regarding the Kommission's project to locate world-wide all correspondence to and from Humboldt.
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Alexander von Humboldt papers, 1816-1966 [bulk between 1816-1855] and undated. 26 items

Alexander Russell Webb Journals, 1892

0.2 Linear Feet 3 Items
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The collection contains Webb's "Journal No. 1, From Manila to Calcutta" (142 pp.), Aug. 29-Oct. 19, 1892, and his "Journal No. 2, From Calcutta to Bombay and Agra" (144 pp.), Oct. 20-Dec. 15, 1892. This is the first journal that Webb ever wrote (Vol. 1, p. 1). His journal continued beyond Vol. 2; the last sentence was continued elsewhere, and no pages appear to be missing from this volume. A later volume or volumes contained the account of the rest of his journey which is incomplete here.

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Alexander Russell Webb Journals, 1892

Alexander Russell Webb Journals, 1892 0.2 Linear Feet 3 Items

Alexander H. Stevens papers, [New York City], 1839 and undated

2 items
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ALS. Stevens writes a letter of recommendation for a Doctor Morgan and comments upon a case of Pott's Disease.
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Alexander Fisher letter, to William Jerdan, 1821, Jan. 6

1 items
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ALS. Fisher writes of his journal, presumably of the expedition of the H.M.S. Dorothea and Trent in 1818, and of the publication of Parry's account of the same. He writes of a future expedition, aboard the H.M.S. Hecla.
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Alexander Fisher letter, to William Jerdan, 1821, Jan. 6 1 items

Alexander Campbell note, 1808, Apr. 14

1 items
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Holograph, signed. Promisory note for forty-five dollars to be paid to Joseph Basset.
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Alexander Campbell note, 1808, Apr. 14 1 items

Alexander Braun note, Berlin, to Herr Gilman, [no year], Feb. 20

1 items
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Note (ANS) inviting Gilman to an evening with the "Gesellschaft naturforscher Freunde."
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A. Leblanc letter, Paris, 1830, Oct. 4

1 items
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ALS regarding a social engagement.
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Aldo Castellani letters, Lisbon, Portugal, to Dr. David T. Smith, 1950, 1956

2 items
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Letters (ALS, TLS) relating to sample bacterial cultures sent by Castellani to Smith.
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Albrecht von Haller papers, 1763-1770 and undated.

3 items
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ALS. Malcolm Flemyng writes, in English, to Haller on medical matters. He sends a second letter, in Latin, in which he refers to Haller's Physiology and to John Locke. Haller writes, in French, to Ignazio Somis, reporting on fever in the family, malaria in Germany and other matters.
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Albrecht von Haller papers, 1763-1770 and undated. 3 items

Albert Bushnell Hart papers, 1912-1928

3 items
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TLS. Hart answers John Thomas Lee's inquiries regarding Alexander Hamilton's Itinerarium. Also included is a letter from J.R.H. Moore to Lee, in which Moore describes his copy of the book, which he wishes to sell.
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Albert Bushnell Hart papers, 1912-1928 3 items

Alban Smith Payne letter, Markham, Virginia, to Miss Southwick, 1888, Dec. 11

1 items
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ALS. Gives various details about his life, citing correspondents of note and relating his part in the "Willie Patterson affair", in which Payne knocked down Patterson, apparently a prizefighter, for attacking Usher Parsons.
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