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Women's Worship Circle records, 1992-2001

.2 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Materials documenting the Women's Worship Circle activities including correspondence, invitations, programs, handouts, liturgies, member reflections, photographs, planning and meeting notes and agendas.
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Women's Worship Circle records, 1992-2001 .2 Linear Feet

Women's Theological Center records, 1977-2006

4.75 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
The Women's Theological Center, founded in 1981 and active through 2007, was a Boston-based organization that provided feminist theological and ministerial education for women. Collection consists of administrative records documenting the foundation and development of the WTC, as well as board meeting and other committee notes. Also included are grant applications and funding requests, publicity and programming materials (especially related to the Study/Action program), and writings and publications. Acquired as part of the Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture.
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Women's Theological Center records, 1977-2006 4.75 Linear Feet

Women's Refugee Commission records, 1979-2020; 1979-ongoing, bulk 1989-2011

55.6 Linear Feet 0.92 Gigabytes 36,200 Items
Abstract Or Scope
The Women's Refugee Commission was established in 1989 as part of the International Rescue Committee. It advocates for laws, policies, and programs to improve the lives and protect the rights of refugee and internally displaced women, children, and adolescents. Collection includes audiovisual materials (interviews, Voices of Courage luncheons, and footage and photographs from trips to refugee camps); field and research reports; children, education, and youth program materials; foundation files; former board and commission member files; Reproductive Health program materials and reports; Livelihoods program materials and reports; files from executive directors; subject files; board of directors files; and media binders for the Women's Refugee Commission. Countries represented include Cambodia, Afghanistan, Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Thailand, Myanmar, Israel, Guatemala, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan, Liberia, Kosovo, Iraq, Zambia, Tanzania, the United States, and others. Material predating the founding of the Commission primarily includes photographs from UNHCR and other organizations. Acquired as part of the Human Rights Archive.
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Women's Refugee Commission records, 1979-2020; 1979-ongoing, bulk 1989-2011 55.6 Linear Feet 0.92 Gigabytes 36,200 Items

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Chapel Hill Branch (N.C.) records, 1939-2005 and undated

8 Linear Feet 6000 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Branch of an international peace advocacy organization founded in 1915; formerly known as the Chapel Hill Branch (N.C.). Contains meeting agendas and minutes, directories, conference reports, group organizing information, correspondence including some with Senators Jesse Helms,John Edwards and David Price, Peace and Freedom, the magazine of the WILPF, legislative bulletins, clippings, an oral history interview with founding member Charlotte Adams, song lyrics, newsletters, videos, photographs, and other material documenting their efforts. A few of the newsletters document the activities of the Triangle Branch of WILPF. The collection also includes information files on activism for nuclear arms control, nuclear disarmament, and bans on nuclear testing that continue to document WILPF's activities to promote world peace. Also includes correspondence among WILPF members; meeting agendas and minutes for both WILFP and the Orange County North Carolina Peace Coalition; national petitions against nuclear weapons; and issues of Peace and Freedom, and the branch's newsletter. The collection also includes comprises newsletters, clippings, committee minutes, fundraising files, publicity materials for WILPF events and other groups' events, and incoming and outgoing correspondence with politicians and groups similar to the WILPF. Also includes videocassette tapes, photographs, and scrapbooks and a journal compiled by Charlotte Adams and documenting earlier years of the organization (1938-1964). Some of the audiovisual materials have use copies, but others do not; please speak to a reference archivist before use. Acquired as part of the Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture.
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Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Chapel Hill Branch (N.C.) records, 1939-2005 and undated 8 Linear Feet 6000 Items

Women's Health Project poster, undated

1 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Collection comprises a poster that promotes the organization's "aims to make knowledge about women's bodies and health available to women," and to "develop policy about women's health with women." Important issues illustrated include affordable health care, stopping the spread of AIDS, and a woman's right to choose contraception. There is also contact information.
3 results in this collection

Women's Health Project poster, undated 1 Linear Feet

Women-In-Action for the Prevention of Violence and Its Causes, Inc., Durham Chapter records, 1968-1998 and undated

20.7 Linear Feet 9000 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Non-profit, inter-racial organization founded in Durham, N.C. in September 1968; Elna Spaulding was founder and first president. Collection comprises correspondence, by-laws, meeting agendas and minutes, budgets, articles of incorporation, as well as information about the organization's relationship to the Women In Action Foundation of Durham, N.C. Documents the organization's involvement in the Durham community on a variety of issues, including easing racial tensions; smoothing the way for court ordered school integration in 1970; providing for the recreational and cultural needs of disadvantaged youth; and establishing a clearinghouse to offer information and referral services to Durham citizens for a variety of social problems.
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Women-In-Action for the Prevention of Violence and Its Causes, Inc., Durham Chapter records, 1968-1998 and undated 20.7 Linear Feet 9000 Items

Bunyan S. Womble papers, 1900-1976

3.9 Linear Feet 1800 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Bunyan S. Womble, graduate of Trinity College in 1904 and Trinity Law School in 1906, served actively on the Board of Trustees from 1915-1963, and then as an emeritus trustee until his death in 1976. The collection includes correspondence, reports, several newspaper clippings, memoranda, charts, and other materials. The bulk of these materials date from 1959-1963 and concern the governance and administration of the University.
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Bunyan S. Womble papers, 1900-1976 3.9 Linear Feet 1800 Items

Woman's Journal records, 1870-1917

1.0 Linear Feet (2 items)
Abstract Or Scope
Woman's Journal was an American women's rights periodical published from 1870 to 1931. It was founded in 1870 in Boston, Massachusetts, by Lucy Stone and her husband Henry Browne Blackwell as a weekly newspaper. Collection comprises a journal recording the meeting minutes of the stockholders and directors of the Woman's Journal in Boston, 21 February 1870 through 1897, with accounts in different hands. Also includes a volume of share certificates for the proprietors of the Woman's Journal, with stubs filled out, a few of the signed certificates still present, and blanks, dated 1911-1917.
3 results in this collection

Woman's Journal records, 1870-1917 1.0 Linear Feet (2 items)

Woman’s Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences graded embroidery examination with stitch samples, 1919

0.1 Linear Feet (11 items)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection comprises a four-page embroidery examination completed in ink by Mrs. Fred Kennedy in Norfolk, Nebraska, including 6 stitch samples. The exam did not provide the questions, and has been annotated by the person who graded it, who also attached four typed comments to the stitch samples. Includes original mailing envelope.
2 results in this collection

Woman’s Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences graded embroidery examination with stitch samples, 1919 0.1 Linear Feet (11 items)

Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of East Durham minute book and circular letters, 1894-1904 and undated

0.2 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of East Durham was a Quaker women's group based in Durham (Androscoggin Co.), Me. Collection comprises the East Durham unit's minute book that also features a membership list, along with four items sent as part of "circular letters" mailed from the national organization to each auxiliary.
3 results in this collection

Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of East Durham minute book and circular letters, 1894-1904 and undated 0.2 Linear Feet

Woman's Christian Temperance Union collection, 1873-2013, bulk 1880s-1980s

15 Linear Feet (12 boxes, 1 oversize folder, 1 oversize banner)
Abstract Or Scope
The Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) was founded in 1874 by women seeking to limit or prohibit alcohol sale and consumption in the United States. It rapidly grew to become a global organization, led by Frances Willard between 1879 and 1898. WCTU members advocated for women's suffrage, prohibition, and social reform. This collection contains a variety of WCTU materials from different regions, particularly chapters in Maine and California, and WCTU headquarters in Illinois. Items include manuscripts, printed materials, printed ephemera, photographs, and souvenirs spanning the late 19th through mid-20th century.
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Woman's Christian Temperance Union collection, 1873-2013, bulk 1880s-1980s 15 Linear Feet (12 boxes, 1 oversize folder, 1 oversize banner)

Womankind Books records, 1977-1984 and undated

1.4 Linear Feet (128 items)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection includes materials removed from two incomplete scrapbooks Carole Powell began. Materials cover 1977-1984 but are mostly undated and relate to the founding and opening of Womankind Books, and its associated distribution activities and concerts on behalf of Olivia records. Includes flyers, newspaper articles and clippings, bookmarks, newsletter articles, advertisements, a catalog, press releases and posters for concerts, along with eight glossy black-and-white photographs of the musicians. There are also materials relating to fund raising activities undertaken by the Womankind Support Project, including on behalf of the Womankind Health Center, including mock-ups, mailers, and flyers for benefits; fund raising solicitations; and announcements. There are several items related to Powell's support of the Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro campaign in 1984 and to Powell's campaign for Metropolitan County Council member at-large in 1983. There are also a few items related to Chicago's "Catch the Spirit" campaign in 1984. Includes personal greeting and other cards and messages for Powell, along with her business cards, as well as two 9.5 x 6.75-inch black-and-white photographs of the interior for Womankind Books.
3 results in this collection

Womankind Books records, 1977-1984 and undated 1.4 Linear Feet (128 items)

Robert Wolf oral history transcripts, 1989-2001

1 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Robert Wolf was a forester with the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Forest Service, the Bureau of the Budget, and the Office of Investigations for the Comptroller General. He is credited with drafting the National Forest Management Act of 1976. Collection includes transcripts of over 50 interviews for the Bob Wolf oral history project. Subjects include the Aztec Land and Cattle Company, 1945; below-cost timber sales and Forest Service management goals, 1980s; termination of the Klamath Reservation, 1950s; the 1976 payment in lieu of taxes bill, HR 9719; the Multiple Use Act of 1960; the National Wilderness Preservation Act; grazing fees and the 1961 Vale, Oregon, grazing disupte; the Youth Conservation Corps, 1950-1964; the Forest Road and Trail Act of 1964; the 1974 Resource Planning Act; the National Forest Management Act of 1976; the timber industry; log exports; Oregon's "Sweet Swap" of private and federal lands; public land law; construction of the Lolo Pass Road, 1957; the 1959 controversy over the Kern Plateau in the Sequoia National Forest; timber sales and the Quinalt Indian Reservation; the federal government bail-out of the timber industry, 1982-1988; the change in the Siskiyou National Forest Boundary, 1950s; national forests; the Trade Act of 1962 and US timber interests; public land management, 1950s-1980s; and the impact of the Nixon and Carter administrations on the Forest Service. Also includes a biographical sketch and an index to the transcripts.
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Robert Wolf oral history transcripts, 1989-2001 1 Linear Feet

Interviewer: Claire Rhein Box 1, Item OH 227-1

Interviewer: Claire Rhein Box 1, Item OH 227-2

Frederick A. Wolf papers, 1917 - 1975

0.4 Linear Feet 100 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Frederick A. Wolf (1885-1975) served as Professor of Botany at Duke University from 1927 until his retirement in 1954. His research focused on tobacco agriculture and pathology. The Frederick A. Wolf papers include research notebooks and photographs, a list of his publications, and reprints of Wolf's scholarly articles, all concerning his research in tobacco and leaf diseases and fungi. English.
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Frederick A. Wolf papers, 1917 - 1975 0.4 Linear Feet 100 Items

Leslie R. Wolfe papers, 1972-2014 and undated

37.5 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
During her career in women's public policy, Leslie R. Wolfe served as both the director of the Women's Educational Equity Act Program (WEEAP), and as the longtime director of the Center for Women Policy Studies. This collection documents her professional life and contains materials generated by her work with WEEAP, her speeches, women's health policy materials focusing on HIV/AIDS and human trafficking, and publications from the Center for Women Policy Studies.
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Leslie R. Wolfe papers, 1972-2014 and undated 37.5 Linear Feet

Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company sales and display materials, 1936-1948 and undated

0.2 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
The Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company is a Chicago-based chewing gum company founded in 1891. Collection includes designs for chewing gum and candy display cases and fixtures; and interview with Philip K. Wrigley; photographs of point-of-sale, shop floor, checkout counter, and storefront window merchandise displays; speeches and instruction guides for sales personnel; and other materials. Photographs include displays across the United States. Retail businesses represented in the materials include G.C. Murphy, Kress, and McCrory's. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.
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Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company sales and display materials, 1936-1948 and undated 0.2 Linear Feet

Display sketches and instructions, 1940s Box 1

Caspar Wistar papers, 1815-1839

2 items
Abstract Or Scope
Papers include a receipt of payment for attendance by Wistar upon a Wm. Cohen, and an 1839 invitation card to a Wistar Party.
1 result in this collection

Caspar Wistar papers, 1815-1839 2 items

William L. Wipfler papers, 1890-2018, bulk 1964-1994

15 Linear Feet 5.3 Gigabytes
Abstract Or Scope
William L. Wipfler (1931-2018) was an Episcopal priest and human rights advocate. The William L. Wipfler papers span 1890 to 2018, with emphasis on the period between 1964 and 1994, and consist of materials produced or collected in the course of Wipfler's career as a priest, missionary, and human rights advocate. Much of the collection stems from Wipfler's tenure at the National Council of Churches (NCC) and reflects ecumenical efforts to bring attention to political repression throughout Latin America, and includes: documents, serials, and bound volumes as well as some audiovisual materials created by the NCC and other organizations; writings and presentations by Wipfler; correspondence addressed to him; and a small number of photographs. Publications, documents, and presentations connected to Wipfler's graduate studies and to his missionary, pastoral, and broader advocacy work are also present.
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William L. Wipfler papers, 1890-2018, bulk 1964-1994 15 Linear Feet 5.3 Gigabytes

Sir Clifton Wintringham letter, [York], 1793, Jan. 23

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Writes regarding the publication of the second volume of his work, Commentaries, with the firm of Cadell and Davies of London.
1 result in this collection

Elizabeth Winspear metamorphosis book, 1799

0.1 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Collection comprises a full-color, four-page manuscript metamorphosis book, with verses and pen-and-watercolor illustrations by Elizabeth Winspear, who was possibly a resident of New England. Each page features two flaps that fold out in stages to reveal new illustrations. Characters include Adam and Eve, along with a lion, griffin, and eagle, and themes include the attainment of wealth, and impact of sickness and death. Includes a clamshell box.
2 results in this collection

Elizabeth Winspear metamorphosis book, 1799 0.1 Linear Feet