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Robert Ogden Doremus letter, New York City, 1868, May 5

1 items
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ALS. Doremus explains his duties at the City College.
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Robert W. Gibbes papers, 1851 and undated

3 items
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ALS. Joseph Leidy writes regarding the prices of various anatomical preparations; Samuel George Morton sends a book with an autograph of J. Locke; and John Edwards Holbrook inquires whether the library owns a particular volume of the "Transactions of the Academy of Arts and Sciences of Boston."
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Robert W. Gibbes papers, 1851 and undated 3 items

Robespierre. Dramma in 5 quadri. Epoca dal 1789 al 1793, about 1893

0.9 Linear Feet (1 item)
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Vincenzo Andrei was a professor at the Royal Institute of Music in Florence. Collection comprises a manuscript volume (133 pages) containing Vincenzo Andrei's "Robespierre. Dramma in 5 quadri. Epoca dal 1789 al 1793," handwritten in Italian. The volume is dedicated to (Costantino?) Ressman, an Italian ambassador.
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Robespierre. Dramma in 5 quadri. Epoca dal 1789 al 1793, about 1893 0.9 Linear Feet (1 item)

Robley Dunglison papers, Philadelphia, 1852-1859

2 items
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2 ALS. In a letter to the New York printer and publisher Justus Starr Redfield, Dunglison writes regarding his biography in "Men of the times" and about the use of burnt sponge in the treatment of goitre. He refers to various people and affairs at the Jefferson Medical College. The treatment of goitre is also the subject of his letter to Henry Randall.
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Robley Dunglison papers, Philadelphia, 1852-1859 2 items

Rosenblatt Window and Store Fashion Displays, 1940-1972

2.0 Linear Feet
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Department store in Portland, Ore. Collection consists of three volumes of photographs that depict window and retail sales floor displays, store staff, staff events, and interior and exterior architecture. Displays include ties, hats, shoes, sportswear, golf apparel, outerwear, sleepwear, shirts, sweaters,business attire as well as toiletries and other merchandise. Companies represented include Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Jantzen. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.
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Rosenblatt Window and Store Fashion Displays, 1940-1972 2.0 Linear Feet

Volume I, 1940-1972 Box 1

Volume II, 1940-1972 Box 2

R. S. Satterlee letter, Pueblo Mexico, to Maj. Gen. W.J. Worth, 1847, July 30

1 items
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ALS. Satterlee appeals to Worth, informing him that horses intended for the ambulance train were taken by cavalry company captain Philip Kearny.
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R. T. H. Laennec papers, 1825-1826

2 items
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Holograph manuscript, signed, in which Laennec desribes the case of a patient "W." A facsimile of an ALS to Baron Cuvier, in which Laennec presents various reasons why he should receive the prize, instituted by M. de Montyon and awarded by the Academy of Sciences, for the most useful discovery in the field of medicine.
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R. T. H. Laennec papers, 1825-1826 2 items

Rudolf Virchow papers, 1865-1874

2 items
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ALS. Writes a note of thanks and sends instructions to his publisher.
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Rudolf Virchow papers, 1865-1874 2 items

Rudolph Bergh papers, 1853-1907

110 items
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Correspondence, certificates and manuscript notes, in Danish, French and German. Correspondents include Herman Lynge, F. Didrichsen, and Franz Leydig. Bergh received an appointment as correspondent member to the French Academy of Sciences in 1895 from M.P.E. Berthelot. Most of the material relates to his study of Nudibranchiata, a sub-order of marine gastropod mollusks.
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Rudolph Bergh papers, 1853-1907 110 items

Rupert Lee Blue letter, Washington, D.C., to Dr. J.G.B. Bulloch, Washington, D.C, 1919, Jan. 10

1 items
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Letter (TLS), with regrets that he will be unable to attend the annual banquet of the Order of Washington.
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