
Search Results

Sir Astley Cooper correspondence, 1813-1853 and undated.

38 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS to and from Cooper. Includes two notes from Catherine Cooper, Cooper's daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Balderson and an anonymous recipient, and a note from W. Smith to Ann Cooper, Cooper's wife. Among Cooper's correspondents are well-known English physicians, scientists, and his patients. They include: A. Marcet, H. Halford, C.M. Clarke, J. Ingles, R. Leston, Sir C. Locock, Sir J. McGregor, A. Monro, Dr. Browne of Glasgow, Sir W. Lawrence, Sir C. Aldis, B. Travers, Dr. J.C.W. Lever, W.F. Montgomery, Dr. J. Kidd, Dr. Balderson, Dr. W. Prowl, H.S. Seton, J. Soogood, and B. Whittaker. Letters relate to personal and professional matters. The letters are in English. However, an ALS from Charles de Greti and an ANS from Pierre Moquet are in French. In his letters to Marcet, Cooper expresses strong opinions regarding the political situation in England and on the Continent during the Napoleonic wars. In his letters to Cooper, Kidd discusses the subject of medical reform. Seton's gossipy, personal letters relate to the royal family.
1 result in this collection

Sir Astley Cooper correspondence, 1813-1853 and undated. 38 items

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Sir Charles Lock Eastlake letter, London, to James Carrick Moore, 1859, Feb. 7

1 items
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ALS. Eastlake thanks Moore for his gift to the National Gallery of a portrait of Edward Jenner.
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Sir Charles Lyell papers, 1841-1859

3 items
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ALS includes a letter from Hugh Swinton Legare to Samuel Henry Dickson, introducing Lyell, and a letter relating to paleoanthropology, in which Darwin's work is briefly mentioned.
1 result in this collection

Sir Charles Lyell papers, 1841-1859 3 items

Sir Clifton Wintringham letter, [York], 1793, Jan. 23

1 items
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ALS. Writes regarding the publication of the second volume of his work, Commentaries, with the firm of Cadell and Davies of London.
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Sir D'Arcy Power papers, 1900-1939 and undated.

14 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Power received letters from F.T. Bennett, on the relics of Everard Home; from Harvey Cushing, on the reception of Cushing's biography of William Osler; from George Mckay, inquiring about the Regimen sanitatis salerni; from Humphry Davy Rolleston, on Cushing's last days, as related to Rolleston by F.L. Pleadwell; and from Osler, regarding lectures by Morris Jastrow.
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Sir D'Arcy Power papers, 1900-1939 and undated. 14 items

Sir Erasmus Wilson letters, to Leigh Hunt, 1847

2 items
Abstract Or Scope
2 ALS. Pertains to the exchange of copies of a book by Wilson. Wilson asks for Hunt's marked copy and offers a fresh copy.
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Sir Erasmus Wilson letters, to Leigh Hunt, 1847 2 items

Sir Everard Home document, 1803, June 1.

1 items
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Autograph document, signed. Certifies that Lieutenant Colonel Grace returned from Minorca in ill health and thus incapable of military service.
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Sir Everard Home document, 1803, June 1. 1 items

Sir Francis Milman letter, to Dr. Odier, Geneva, 1777, June 28

1 items
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ALS. Introduces the grandson of Richard Mead and son of Frank Nicholls. Briefly refers to Charles Blagden.
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Sir Geoffrey Jefferson letter, Manchester, 1941, Nov. 19

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Expresses his desire to obtain a copy of a catalogue for his "Cushingiana". Muses upon the fact that people can think of books in the midst of war.
1 result in this collection

Sir Geoffrey Jefferson letter, Manchester, 1941, Nov. 19 1 items