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Sir William Lawrence papers, 1840-1850

2 items
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ALS, including a letter of sympathy to Mr. L.R. Koecker on the occasion of the death of his father, Leonard Koecker.
1 result in this collection

Sir William Lawrence papers, 1840-1850 2 items

Sir William Osler papers, 1902-1917

13 items
Abstract Or Scope
Mostly ALS, a TLS and a typed note, unsigned. Osler's correspondents include Arnold C. Klebs, S. Weir Mitchell, W. Fleming, Mrs. Parmelee, and Charles Loomis Dana. Letters relate to personal, family and professional affairs and Osler's interest in medical history.
1 result in this collection

Sir William Osler papers, 1902-1917 13 items

Sir William Withey Gull note, to Librarian, Royal Society, 1873, Jan.

1 items
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ANS. Asks the librarian of the Royal Society for the "Philosophical Transactions" of 1872.
1 result in this collection

Triumphant Whig Song, 1840

0.1 Linear Feet (1 item)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection comprises a copy of the "Triumphant Whig Song," featuring verses about 8 states and their unwavering support for "Tyler and Tippecanoe." The song is followed by the statement "Samuel Hunt's Ballad," which may denote the tune for the song. The page is also signed by Samuel L. Hay.
2 results in this collection

Song Folder 1

Triumphant Whig Song, 1840 0.1 Linear Feet (1 item)

Sophia Jex-Blake letter, to the Editor of the Spectator, undated, [probably between 1878 and 1912]

1 items
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ALS. Response to the editor's inquiries regarding the tuition and course of studies at the Edinburgh School of Medicine for Women.
1 result in this collection

S. or W. Short letter, 1813, Dec. 16

1 items
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ALS. Thanks addressee for prints sent to the Princess Charlotte.
1 result in this collection

South African provincial election ballots, 1994

0.1 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Collection comprises three provincial ballots (8.5"x17"), from the South African provinces of Gauteng, KwaZulu Natal, and the Western Cape. Instructions on how to fill out the form are provided in 11 languages, including English, Zulu, Afrikaans, Northern Sotho, Xhosa, Sotho, Tswana, Tsonga, Swazi, Ndebele, and Venda. Ballots are printed in full color, with each of the 19 parties represented by a symbol, code, and party leader photograph. The Inkatha Freedom Party was a late entrant into the race, and its information was affixed via a sticker. During the election, each voter cast two votes via two separate ballots, one each for the national versus provincial elections. Voter's selected a party, not an individual candidate, to represent them in the National Assembly and the provincial legislatures.
1 result in this collection

South African provincial election ballots, 1994 0.1 Linear Feet

Southern Sweet Gum Company advertising trading cards for Kestler's Sweet Gum and Pepsin, circa 1898-1903

0.1 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
The Southern Sweet Gum Company was a chewing gum manufacturer in Greensboro (Guilford Co.), N.C. Collection comprises 8 full-color advertising trade cards (approx. 4x6 in.), featuring authors and composers, produced as a purchasing incentive for the chewing gum. Included are cards for Burns, Byron, Dickens, Goethe, Longfellow, Mozart, Schiller, and Tennyson. Missing from the collection are Wagner, Beethoven, and Liszt. The cards are undated, but there is documentation for the company's location in Greensboro between 1898 and 1903.
1 result in this collection

Southern Sweet Gum Company advertising trading cards for Kestler's Sweet Gum and Pepsin, circa 1898-1903 0.1 Linear Feet

Southwood Smith letter, [London], to Dr. Willis, 1839, Dec. 12

1 items
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ALS. Explains that he must defer giving his lectures on fever until the end of the course and that the fever hospital is not yet set up to receive patients.
1 result in this collection

University Club of New York Souvenir Album, 1902-

1.2 Linear Feet 1 Items
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The University Club of New York is a private social club. The album has 12 photographs of the Club's building.
2 results in this collection

University Club of New York Souvenir Album, 1902- 1.2 Linear Feet 1 Items