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Isaac Leroy Shaver papers, 1893-1982

13 Linear Feet 4000 Items
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Isaac Leroy Shaver (1893-1984) was a Methodist clergyman and missionary to Japan from the 1920s to the 1960s. The collection includes sermons, correspondence, photographs, printed material and published works related to Shaver's missionary work in Japan and Idaho. The material ranges in date from 1893-1982.
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Shenandoah Valley account books, 1841-1859 and undated

0.5 Linear Feet 4 Items
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Collection consists of an estate inventory of Peter Helsley from Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, and three account books whose relationship to each other and to the estate inventory is unknown. Names of individuals associated with two of the account books are Henry Bowers and Kefflet and Brown; the only fact known about the third account book is that it comes from Conicville, Virginia.

Shopkeeper's Expense Account Book, 1850-1863

0.1 Linear Feet 1 Item
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of one expense account book kept by a shopkeeper in or near Port Deposit, Cecil County, Maryland. Chronological entries from March 1850 to February 1863 record the date, description, and amount for each personal and business expenditure of the shopkeeper, who appears to have sold medicine and paint. Business related entries include freight bills, license fees, corporation taxes, payments for services performed at the shop, expenses in Baltimore and Philadelphia, regular purchases from wholesale druggists such as Canby & Hatch and Wilson & Merritt, and frequent checks drawn on Cecil Bank. Other firms frequently mentioned include Hugh Bolton & Co., Geo. D. Wetherill & Co., and Clark & Jones. Also listed are purchases of food including flour, butter, potatoes, apples, peaches, chicken, beef, mackerel, and brandy; purchases of non-food items including wood, seeds, matches, candles, books, and journals; expenses for his wife and children; payments for services performed at the house; and contributions to the Colonization Society, missionary organizations, the local Methodist church, and Reverend Henry Colelazer. In addition to the itemized entries, the account book contains two tabular sections that together record the daily total for nearly every week from March 18, 1850, to August 10, 1863. Overall, 122 filled and 5 partially used manuscript pages reflect the life of an educated and civic-minded rural shopkeeper in Maryland during the mid-1800s.
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Shopkeeper's Expense Account Book, 1850-1863 0.1 Linear Feet 1 Item

Jonathan Kennon Smith papers, circa 1780s-2008

4 Linear Feet
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This collection holds miscellaneous papers (192 items; dated 1649-1971) including originals and copies of letters, Bible records, pictures, and printed works relating to the history of the Pearson, Smith, and Thompson families who migrated from England to Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and finally to Arkansas; letters, legal papers, historical notes, genealogy, military records, cemetery records, pictures, and maps pertaining to the history of Benton County, Tenn.; copies of the Civil War letters of Stephen W. Holliday, 55th Tennessee Regt., C.S.A.; anecdotes of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest; Melton family genealogy; and Smith family albums. A later addition (283 items, dated 1774-1986) includes information pertaining to the genealogy of several related families (including the Thompson and Wyly families, as well as information on the descendants of Col. Samuel and Mary Webb Smith). Includes printed works on genealogy and other topics compiled by Emma C. C. Brown and Jonathan K. T. Smith (primarily Smith). Also includes: correspondence; legal documents; copies of church records; clippings; writings about the history of Benton County, Tenn., and some of its citizens and communities; photographs; printed and other material on Camden, Tenn.; copy of the diary of Anne William Smith; copy of a portrait of Anne William Smith by Gustavus Grunewald (1847-1848); a recording entitled The Remembrance Pilgrimage about the Smith family of Nymcock, Tenn.; A Century with St. Mark's: An Informal History by Clara L. Cape; and an extensive biographical sketch on Col. Maurice Smith.

"Santa and Me!" children's photograph campaign materials, 1946-1948

0.2 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Collection includes black-and-white photographs, photograph holders, and promotional campaign instructions, map, and personnel lists that document the Kiddie Kandids' "Santa and Me!" seasonal campaign at the May department store and other locations. The primary focus is on Christmas, but the collection also depicts children's portraits with settings that include Alice in Wonderland and circus clowns. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.
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Kiddie Kandids--Operation Santa Claus, 1948 Box 1

San Jose retail store and window display photographs, 1918-1940s and undated

0.4 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Collection includes black and white photographs of clothing, department, furniture, grocery, hardware, household appliance, music and musical instrument, shoe and other retail store window displays, signs and interior merchandise displays of businesses in the San Jose, California area. Photographs also depict clerks and store employees at work as well as storefront street scenes. Companies represented include Albers, Armour Star, Bauer & Black, Best Foods, Hart Schaffner & Marx, Montgomery Ward, Pacific Gas, Standard Oil (Calol, Pearl Oil, Red Cross gasoline, Zerolene Oil), Sunkist, Vellumoid and Victor records. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.
1 result in this collection

San Jose retail store and window display photographs, 1918-1940s and undated 0.4 Linear Feet

Manufacturer sales contest photograph albums, 1922-1925

0.2 Linear Feet
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Collection comprises two photograph albums documenting manufacturer's sales promotion contests administered by various newspapers in the U.S. northeast, primarily in Pennsylvania. The contests required participants to amass "votes" by collecting labels or wrappers from designated products to be turned in to the newspaper offices. Photographs depict newspaper advertisements announcing the contests, collections of wrapper submissions, correspondence relating to the contest and other activities. Newspapers documented include the Advocate, Cleveland News, Philadelphia Record, Pittsburgh Post-Sun, and Sunday News Leader. D.J. Wattis, at one time of the Pittsburgh Post-Sun Advertising Department is featured several times in conjunction with the contests. Designated consumer products represent regional and national brands and include Barbasol, Foulds, Keebler, Lautz Brothers (Snow Boy), Post and Postum cereals, Salada Tea and Woolson Spice Company (Golden Sun Coffee). Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.
3 results in this collection

Manufacturer sales contest photograph albums, 1922-1925 0.2 Linear Feet

Phil Weaver collection of World War II films, 1943-1946

2 Linear Feet (15 film cans in two records center boxes.)
Abstract Or Scope
Seventeen United States and British government-produced films on 15 reels, dealing with World War II and dating 1943 to 1946, primarily including films made explicitly to sell war bonds, as well as documentaries, training films, and anti-Japanese and anti-German propaganda.
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Philippine-American War stereographs, 1898-1905 and undated

0.5 Linear Feet (176 items)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection comprises 176 commercially-produced stereograph cards dating from 1898-1905, depicting scenes from the Philippine Islands during the Philippine-American War, with a few taken in the U.S. of the embarkation and return of troops. Almost all are in black-and-white, with a few in color. The large majority convey the preparations, armed conflicts, and aftermath of the war, with scenes of battlegrounds including Angeles, Luzon, Malabon, Pasay, Pasig,Taquig, Tarlac, and San Pedro Macati. Other war-related images feature military personnel, officers, troop movements, encampments, hospitals, ruins, dead soldiers, allied native troops, prisons and prisoners. In addition, there are two groups, Places and People, which feature views of ordinary citizens and their dwellings, and places such as markets, bridges, railway stations, rivers, and buildings in Dagupan, Manila, Malabon, Pasay, Pasig, and San Pedro Macati. Almost all the stereographs bear captions, dates, and the names of the publishers, chiefly Underwood & Underwood (New York), C.H. Graves (Philadelphia), Keystone View Company (Pa.), and George W. Griffith (Griffith & Griffith, Philadelphia). Some have the names of individuals, possibly the photographers.
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War-Related Scenes Series Box 1

Photographic Memory student projects, 2016

.5 Linear Feet (1 box)
Abstract Or Scope
Seven creative projects produced by students in Photographic Memory: Photo Albums, Photobooks, & Zines, taught by Lisa McCarty in Spring 2016 at Duke University. The one zine and six photobooks utilize photographs and ephemera from their personal archives, and document representations of women in art; a morning walk in Durham, N.C.; Duke students at a horse race in South Carolina; the Pan Mass bicycle charity event in Massachusetts; the rapid changes in downtown Durham, N.C.; a ferry service in Hong Kong; and U.S. war memorials. Through their work, the students explored aspects of the interplay of text and image, methods for sequential storytelling, basic layout and design techniques, as well as methods for production and distribution. Acquired as part of the Archive of Documentary Arts at Duke University.
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Bechtold, John. War memorials, 2016 Box 1

Di Napoli, Caroline. Closer by the mile, 2016 Box 1