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Patricia M. Derian papers, 1962-2008 and undated

15.3 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Patricia Murphy Derian (1929-2016) was an activist, organizer, researcher, and served as the first Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights (HR) and Humanitarian Affairs (HA), a bureau of the executive branch created in 1977 during the Carter Administration. The papers of Patricia M. Derian cover the years 1962-2007 and document Derian's involvement and interventions concerning international human rights, and to a lesser extent, civil liberties and women's rights. The collection comprises Derian's personal notes; correspondence with state officials, friends and human rights activists; unclassified State Department documents; reports; interviews; memorabilia; and news clippings. These and other materials provide valuable insights to the history of human rights activism and major cases of human rights violations from the early 1970s up to the second term of the George W. Bush administration. The scope of Derian's papers is extensive, covering the history of human rights movements and national policies and politics since the early 1970s in Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. Topics include U.S. foreign and military policies, repercussions of those policies, and disappearances, torture and other forms of violation of human rights. Derian's papers include subject files on Argentina, El Salvador, Chile, Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, South Korea, Vietnam, and Middle Eastern countries, as well as smaller files on sixteen other countries. Many of these country files cover several decades of information and analysis. Especially significant are documents concerning U.S.-El Salvador and U.S.-Argentina relations during the 1970s and 1980s. Other topics in the collection include women's rights, women in public office, and civil rights movements in the U.S., especially in Mississippi.

Commission on University Governance records, 1969-1971

2.5 Linear Feet 2 boxes
Abstract Or Scope
The Commission on University Governance at Duke University was created in April 1969 by Chancellor pro tem Barnes Woodhall. The group was charged with studying changes in university organization nationwide to create a model for administration at Duke. The group also focused on increasing student participation in university governance. The records include minutes, memoranda, correspondence, and reports produced by the Commission on University Governance, as well as reports, clippings, and other printed matter gathered by the Commission for reference purposes. The Commission published its findings and recommendations in three "Interim Reports," concerning the Board of Trustees, the Central Administration, and Departmental Governance. English.

Scrolls of Fire screen prints, 1979

2 Linear Feet (18 screen prints (70 cm x 50 cm))
Abstract Or Scope
The Scrolls of Fire screen prints is a partial collection of the images created by Israeli painter and graphic artist Dan Reisinger (1934-2019) to illustrate verses by Israeli poet Abba Kovner. Reisinger's illustrations and Kovner's verses were published with parallel Hebrew and English text in 1981 as Megilot ha-esh [Scrolls of Fire: a nation fighting for its life: fifty-two chapters of Jewish martyrology].
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10, "The ten martyrs", 1979 Box 1, Folder 2

13, "A fire consumed your home", 1979 Box 1, Folder 3

Fritz London Memorial Prize Committee records, 1957-2011

3.5 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
The Fritz London Memorial Prize Committee (formerly known as the Fritz London Memorial Award Committee) awards a monetary prize to outstanding scientists in the field of low-temperature physics. The prize was established in memory of Duke University physicist Fritz London. The collection contains correspondence, by-laws, conference listings, lists of prize nominees and awardees and other papers of committee members relating to the establishment of the award and the selection of the winners. Material in the collection ranges in date from 1957-2011.
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Amber Arthun Warburton papers, 1917-1976 and undated

35 Linear Feet circa 31,400 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Teacher, librarian, specialist in economics, labor, and education; New Deal administrator. Correspondence, diaries, writings, interviews, drafts of studies and reports, scrapbooks, printed material, photographs, and other papers, relating to Warburton's leadership in the Alliance for Guidance of Rural Youth (AGRY), 1947-1963; and to Affiliated Schools for Workers, Atlanta University, Brookwood Labor College, Columbia University (M.A., 1927), Institute of Social and Religious Research, Mount Holyoke College, Summer School for Women Workers in Industry, Spelman College, U.S. Children's Bureau, U.S. Federal Emergency Relief Administration, and the U.S. House Committee on Agriculture. Topics include the rural youth guidance movement, training programs for unemployed teachers in the 1930s, women workers in the 1920s, African Americans in the early 1930s, industrial home work in the Northeast in the late 1930s, migrant farm workers in the Southwest and Florida in the 1940s to 1950s, socioeconomic conditions in coal mining villages in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Illinois in the late 1920s, and in Harlan County, Ky., and Green Sea, S.C., in the late 1940s, and the effects of the National Defense Education Act on guidance in rural high schools.

Martin Shubik papers, 1938-2022, bulk 1944-2018

211 Linear Feet (166 record cartons, eight document boxes, two oversize folders, and one electronic records box.) 0.2 Gigabytes (One set.)
Abstract Or Scope
Martin Shubik (1926-2018) was the Seymour H. Knox Professor Emeritus of Mathematical Institutional Economics at Yale University. This collection primarily documents his professional life through his correspondence, writings, research, and professional and faculty activities. It forms part of the Economists' Papers Archive.

Marc L. Nerlove papers, 1930-2014, bulk dates 1947-2014

172 Linear Feet (134 record cartons, four document boxes, two half document boxes, two electronic record boxes, and three oversize folders.) 0.1 Gigabytes (One set.)
Abstract Or Scope
Marc Nerlove (born 1933) is Distinguished University Professor Emeritus in Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of Maryland. This collection primarily documents his professional life through his correspondence, writings, research, and professional and faculty activities. It was acquired as part of Economists' Papers Archive.
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Juanita Morris Kreps papers, 1921-2001

41.1 Linear Feet (57 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
Juanita Morris Kreps (1921-2010) was a former Secretary of Commerce and the James B. Duke Professor of Economics and administrator at Duke University. This collection primarily documents her professional life through her correspondence, writings and speeches, and governmental activities. It forms part of the Economists' Papers Archive.
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J. B. Matthews papers, 1862-1986 and undated

479 Linear Feet (307,000 items)
Abstract Or Scope
J. B. Matthews (1894-1966) was a Methodist missionary, college professor, author, lecturer, and prominent conservative spokesman. Collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, statements, speeches, reprints, clippings, broadsides, newsletters, press releases, petitions, and other printed material, chiefly 1930-1969. The principal focus of the collection relates to the work and research of Matthews and his associates in the area of anti-communism, particularly in connection with Matthews' role as Director of Research for the Special Committee on Un-American Activities of the U.S. House of Representatives (1938-1945), Executive Director of the Permanent Subcommittee on Government Operations of the U.S. Senate (1953), and a consultant for John A. Clements Associates. Many of the organizations, newspapers, periodicals, and persons represented in the collection have various leftist, socialist, communist, radical, or pacifist (especially anti-Vietnam War) connections. Individuals represented in the files include Ralph Abernathy, Bella Abzug, Roy Cohn, John Foster Dulles, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Michael Harrington, Alger Hiss, J. Edgar Hoover, Jesse Jackson, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Coretta Scott King, Joseph Lash, Joseph McCarthy, Carl McIntire, Benjamin Mandel, Richard Nixon, Aristotle Onassis, Lee Harvey Oswald, Linus Pauling, Drew Pearson, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Louis Untermeyer.

National Coalition for Haitian Rights records, 1964-2020, bulk 1982-2004

95 Linear Feet (219 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The National Coalition for Haitian Rights (NCHR) operated between 1982 and 2006, advocating for the rights of Haitians in the United States, Haiti, and the Caribbean. The NCHR records contain the organization's administrative records, program and project files, legal files, extensive subject files, as well as a large collection of print materials.
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J. Walter Thompson Company. Nan Findlow papers, 1930-1995 and undated, bulk 1959-1967

4.6 Linear Feet 405 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Nan Findlow was an advertising executive and entrepreneur. She was Creative Director for major retail companies, including Bamberger's and Macy's department stores, and held executive positions with the Ross Roy and J. Walter Thompson Company advertising agencies before founding her own consulting agency, Nan Findlow Creative Services. The Nan Findlow Papers span the years 1930-1995, the bulk of which document the period 1959-1967, and include clippings, photographs, advertising scripts for television commercials, print advertisements, story boards, marketing reports, correspondence, corporate memoranda, trade literature, speeches, and company newsletters. The bulk of the materials represents Findlow's time as an executive at the J. Walter Thompson Company (JWT), where her client assignments included American Home Products (Boyle-Midway), Chesebrough-Pond's, Lever Brothers Company, McCall's, Prince Matchabelli perfume, Revlon, and Scott Paper Company. In addition, there are brochures from Macy's and Georg-Jensen Inc., proofs, tear sheets, and artwork from L. Bamberger & Co. and Ross Roy of New York. The collection also includes writings, press releases, and account-history reports prepared by Nan Findlow Creative Services, the marketing consultant firm Findlow founded upon leaving JWT.

Jennifer Stratton photographs, 2014-2015

23 item (1 box, 1 oversize folder)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection includes 23 photographic prints comprising the series Where We Live: A North Carolina Portrait. Photographs taken by Jennifer Jacklin Stratton throughout the state of North Carolina in 2014-2015.
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Kathy Acker papers, 1972-1997 and undated

21.0 Linear Feet 0.03 Gigabytes
Abstract Or Scope
The Kathy Acker papers are primarily comprised of drafts of her novels, short stories, and other miscellaneous writings, ranging from early works like The Childlike Life of the Black Tarantula (1975) to her last novel Pussy, King of the Pirates (1996). Described as a cyberpunk author and performance artist, her novels question the strictures of female sexuality and the power of language.
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Radical and Labor Pamphlets collection, 1896-1977, bulk 1911-1954

16.5 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
The Radical and Labor Pamphlets Collection (1896-1977) includes pamphlets and other ephemeral publications relating to communism, socialism and other left-wing movements as well as to labor organizations, trade unions, feminism and the women's movement, and Black power. There are some additional pamphlets related to anti-communist movements and some examples of Soviet propaganda.

Spanish Advertising broadsides (Auca and Alelujas), 1938-1985 and undated

3 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
An auca is a graphic format popular in Spain and especially in the region of Catalonia around Barcelona. The genre dates at least to the 17th century but was banned during the 18th century before experiencing a renewal during the 19th and later the 20th centuries as a uniquely Catalonian form of expression. It takes the form of a cartoon or a comic strip, typically with 48 blocks of image and text, although some may have less. An auca is generally produced as a single sheet, but occasionally a booklet form is used. The captions tend to have some sort of consistent rhyme to assist with the flow and storytelling. Many times the term “auca” appears in the title, but another term, “aleluya,” is used, apparently interchangeably. Some sources indicate that the aleluya originated in Castile and originally included religious elements that were shed over time. The aucas found in this collection are focused primarily on advertising a range of products, businesses, services or entertainments such as films, but also present are public service announcements for topics such as safety, health or the National Lottery. A common format is to relate some sort of tangential or episodic story and end by directly promoting the product or company of choice. Narratives tend to focus on everyday events that most families would be able to at least partially relate to. Many involve nuclear families and the day-to-day trials that they may go through. Common themes involve food, gender roles, entertainment, education, family, race and hygiene. Companies represented in the materials include GAMA, Philips, Procter & Gamble, Puig, and Unilever. Items in this collection appear in both Spanish and Catalan. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.
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10. Yo periodical. La Revista de los Niños "yo" aparecerá el viernes día 4 Junio--The periodical/magazine of the children "I" will appear Friday, the June 4th, 1937 Box 1

11. Divulgación popular del libro siempre libros baratos--Popuar release of book always cheap books, 1937 Box 1

12. Agua del Carmen. Auca del Agua del Carmen--Auca of Carmen's water, 1968 Box 1

Irving B. Gerson papers, 1937-2007 and undated

23.0 Linear Feet 0.05 Gigabytes
Abstract Or Scope
Marketing executive and author based primarily in Chicago. Collection includes correspondence, autobiographical writings, research reports, short stories, manuscripts of memoirs and novels, clippings and other printed materials, as well as audiovisual materials (videocassettes, microfilm, audiotape reels, phonograph record) and electronic records on floppy disks. Topics include Gerson's work history in advertising, marketing and consulting; personal and family life; reflections on aging and career changes; and reminiscences of Gerson's experiences in the military during World War II. Companies represented include Elgin, Gerson Howe & Johnson, Hammond Organ, Irving B. Gerson Company, Robert Haas Advertising, Sears, W.T. Grand, Whirlpool and Young & Rubicam. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.
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Student Action With Farmworkers records, 1950-2022, bulk 1992-2022

150 Linear Feet (162 boxes) 504 Gigabytes
Abstract Or Scope
The records of the Durham, N.C. organization Student Action with Farmworkers comprise: administrative and event files; correspondence; reports, articles, and other publications; student project files; outreach and teaching materials; photographs, artwork, and scrapbooks; audio and video recordings; and materials related to labor organizing and protests across the U.S. Hundreds of student-led projects document through interviews, essays, photographs, videos, and other materials the lives of migrant farmworkers and their working conditions, mostly in NC and SC but also in VA, TN, and GA. Major themes in the collection include: history, working conditions, and abuses of migrant farmworkers in the U.S.; education and outreach efforts; housing, health, and pesticide safety; leadership development for migrant youth; grassroots theater; labor organizing and boycotts; and service learning. Materials are in English and Spanish. Acquired as part of the Human Rights Archive at Duke University.

Manbites Dog Theater records, 1987-2018 and undated

38 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Manbites Dog Theater was a professional non-profit theater company founded in Durham in October 1987. Manbites Dog staged a variety of theatrical productions, with a focus on premieres of new works by working closely with playwrights, directors, actors, and artists. The theater mounted over 130 productions, many of them regional or state premieres. The theater closed in 2018. Collection includes a variety of administrative documents from these productions, including marketing materials, reviews, contracts, and box-office records. Also includes administrative documents from more general theater operations.
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Frederick Herzog papers, 1947-2011 (bulk 1947-1995)

32.4 Linear Feet 4.21 Megabytes (Files extracted from 10 5.25" floppy disks and 1 3.5" floppy disk) 24,300 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Frederick Herzog (1925-1995), former faculty member at the Duke Divinity School, was well known for his work on civil rights and liberation theology. The collection provides rich documentary evidence on the historical connections between religion, the Civil Rights Movement, and human rights. Material includes audio cassettes of lectures, minutes from Herzog's lectures and classes, several English and German manuscripts of Herzog's publications, research files, photographs, significant correspondence, and speeches and lectures. Several materials dated after 1995 were contributed by Kristin Herzog, Frederick Herzog's wife.
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Earl Dotter photographs and papers, 1967-2023

62 Linear Feet (86 boxes; 2 oversize folders) 6.45 Gigabytes (1052 files)
Abstract Or Scope
Earl Dotter is a documentarian, photojournalist, and labor activist based in Maryland. Collection comprises 818 mounted black-and-white and color photographs documenting hazardous occupations, conditions for workers, and labor activism in the United States, and related materials such as photography subject files, work prints, digital image files, exhibit items, a large series of publications, and ephemera. A few historical photographs of coal mining settings by Russell Lee are also present. Specific occupations and topics represented by collection materials spanning many decades include: working conditions in the coal mining, garment, auto, poultry, public safety, logging, and fishery industries; child labor in the U.S.; conditions for migrant and Native American workers; the labor behind hand-harvested crops; medical care for workers; U.S. occupational safety standards and labor laws; and labor activism in support of people in hazardous occupations. There is also a series on the 9/11 Ground Zero site and first responders. Mount sizes range from 8x10 to 22x28 inches; most are 11x14 and 16x20. Acquired as part of the Archive of Documentary Arts at Duke University.

Don Patinkin papers, 1870-1995

120 Linear Feet (80 boxes.)
Abstract Or Scope
Don Patinkin (1922-1995) was a professor emeritus of economics and former president of Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit bi-Yerushalayim (Hebrew University). This collection documents his professional life through his correspondence, writings, research, and professional and faculty activities. It forms part of the Economists' Papers Archive.

Consumer Reports. Iconographic materials, 1895-2013

130.0 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Consumer Reports is a product testing and consumer advocacy nonprofit organization based in Yonkers, N.Y., founded in 1936. Collection includes: black-and-white and color photographic prints; contact sheets; cartoons and line art; graphic designs; magazine page layout art and designs; posters; slides; and other visual materials. Images depict products and product testing methods photographed for inclusion in Consumer Reports' magazines and other consumer education and protection publications; office, library and testing facilities in Mt. Vernon and Yonkers, N.Y.; staff and Board of Directors members; and corporate events. Posters include Consumer Reports anniversary events; speaking engagements; and post-World War II consumer advocacy messages from organizations in England and India. Cartoonists and illustrators represented include Art Glazer, Bob Bugg, Bob Engelhart, Gary Larson, Joseph Farris, Joseph Mirachi, Marty Norman, Richard Guindon, Roy Doty, and Tom Bloom. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.

Duke Family papers on the Duke Farms residence, 1859-2004

341 Linear Feet 41,880 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Duke Farms, a 2,700 acre estate located in Hillsborough, New Jersey, was developed by James Buchanan (J.B.) Duke beginning in 1893. After J.B. Duke's death in 1925, Doris Duke inherited the property. Over the course of nearly seven decades she worked to continue the legacy of Duke Farms and introduced environmentally-friendly and innovative farming methods into the operations of Duke Farms and purchased and restored farms and farmstead structures in order to forestall the rapid loss of farmland to urban development. When she died she left the majority of her estate to the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation with her expressed wish that Duke Farms be used to drive positive change on a number of key issues regarding the stewardship of the natural environment. The collection is arranged into four series: Administrative Records, Duke Business Office Records, Duke Farms Main Residence Records, and Architectural Records. It spans the years 1859 to 2004, beginning with the early vision and evolution of the estate by James Buchanan (J.B.) Duke, the enhancement and management of the estate by Doris Duke after she inherited control of it upon her father's death, and ending with the general upkeep of the estate after Doris Duke's death in 1993. The collection primarily documents the daily operations of running, renovating, and maintaining the Duke Farms estate, and includes daily activity reports, correspondence, notes, and specifications for various architectural projects at Duke Farms, invoices and vouchers for repairs at different buildings on the estate, cattle inventories and cow registrations, financial ledgers and cashbooks, and security ledgers and reports. The architectural records are further arranged into seven sub series and contain a wide assortment of records, including blueprints, diazo prints, site plans, schedules, and maps. The materials document a variety of design, construction, and farm-related activities at Duke Farms.

Wyatt T. Dixon papers, 1850s-1987

3.6 Linear Feet Approx. 2700 Items
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The Wyatt T. Dixon Papers span the 1850s to 1987, although the bulk of the material dates from 1918 to the 1960s. The collection consists of diaries, vintage photographs, photomechanical prints, postcards, clippings, correspondence, speeches, scrapbooks, printed materials, forms, military records, leaflets, and maps. The Photographs Series comprises the largest portion of the collection. The collection documents the history of Durham, N.C., the Dixon family, activities of the United States Army, American Expeditionary Forces, 30th Division, 113th Field Artillery Unit, Battery C, from 1917 to 1919; Durham, North Carolina; and Dixon's career as a journalist.

Lynn Saville photographs, 1972-2015 and undated

21.5 Linear Feet (20 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection dates from 1972 to 2015 and consists of over 200 large color and black-and-white photographic prints of nighttime scenes selected from the work of photographer Lynn Saville in urban centers such as Paris, Rome, Venice, New York City, Durham, North Carolina, Los Angeles, Vermont, and other locations. The collection also includes 30 portraits of artists, feminists, writers, family members, and other individuals, as well as self-portraits. Supplemental materials such as book reviews and book maquettes round out the collection. Acquired as part of the Archive of Documentary Arts at Duke University.

Resource Center for Women and Ministry in the South records, 1939-2018

33.5 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
A non-profit organization, located in Durham, N.C., founded in 1977 for the purpose of providing support for women in ministry, persons of faith working for justice in the South, and religious organizations that address women's needs. The records are relevant to the study of the relationships among religion, politics, and society, particularly how women in ministry have confronted a number of social issues facing the South. Information pertaining to the Equal Rights Amendment, sexism, economic justice and poverty, gays and lesbians in the Church, feminism, abortion, racism, and rural ministry is included. Also includes materials on retreats and conferences, some organized by the Resource Center, which focused on many of the issues above and other concerns, including gender and language, spirituality, medical care, housing and homelessness, women in ministry, and women in the workplace.
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Ben Rosen papers, 1936-2006 and undated, bulk 1945-1991

65 Linear Feet 7500 Items
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Ben Rosen is an American graphic designer and visual communications consultant. Rosen worked as a designer for J. Gordon Carr and Associates and the Blaine Thompson Company before founding his own firm, Ben Rosen Associates, in 1952, which specialized in corporate identity programs. Rosen is the author of three books on on graphic design and typography: Type and Typography (1963); The Corporate Search for Visual Identity (1970); and Digital Type Specimens (1991). The Ben Rosen Papers span the years 1936 to 2006, with the bulk of the collection dating from 1945 through 1991, and document Rosen's sixty-year career in graphic design and visual communications consulting. The collection contains materials in a variety of formats, including correspondence, writings, graphic design and printed materials, sketches, presentation boards, photographs, and slides, that document design concepts and programs (corporate logos, letterhead, packaging, industrial design, promotion) Rosen developed, through his firm, Ben Rosen Associates, for clients including American Loose Leaf, CCMI McGraw-Hill, Equitable Life Assurance, Exxon/Esso, Food Fair Stores, IBM, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, North American Reinsurance, Philip Morris, Richardson-Vicks, Russ Berrie, and Tishman Realty and Construction. The collection also includes manuscripts and published editions of Rosen's books on graphic design and typography, and touches on several of Rosen's commmemorative projects, including a President Kennedy memorial, a United Nations 20th Anniversary book, and Rosen's submission to the World Trade Center Memorial design competition.

The Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company records, 1908-1996

56.0 Linear Feet
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Manufacturer of tobacco products, founded in 1873 in St. Louis, Mo.; now headquartered in Morrisville, N.C. Collection includes financial records; clippings; scrapbooks; ledgers; print advertisements and posters; point of sale displays; scripts of radio and television commercials; audiovisual materials (film reels, videocassettes, DVDs); photographs, memorabilia and other materials that document primarily Liggett's marketing of tobacco products during the 20th century. Brands represented include: Chesterfield, Eve, Fatima, Home Run, L&M, Lark, Piedmont, and Spur. Advertisements for non-tobacco products, including alcoholic beverages and watch bands, are also present, and reflect a period of Liggett's product diversification. Advertising materials reflect the work of several agencies, including Cunningham & Walsh; Dancer-Fitzgerald-Sample; J. Walter Thompson; McCann Erickson; and Newell-Emmett. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.
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Franklin H. Wood papers, circa 1850-1951

1.5 Linear Feet (1 document box, 1 conservation box)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection contains correspondence as well as sermon notes and outlines created by Franklin H. Wood, an itinerant preacher largely active in North Carolina during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Undergraduate Publications Board records, 1911-2004

6.5 Linear Feet
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Since 1924, the student-run Undergraduate Publications Board, commonly referred to as the Pub Board or UPB, has overseen the production of each of the university's recognized publications (with the exception of The Chronicle and Towerview). The UPB also runs the Blackburn Literary Festival. The collection contains correspondence, memoranda, UPB constitution and bylaws, income reports, clippings, oral histories, and other materials relating to the daily operations of the Undergraduate Publications Board and individual publications produced by the Undergraduate Publications Board.

Stephanie Strickland papers, 1955-2024

30.5 Linear Feet 182 Gigabytes
Abstract Or Scope
Stephanie Strickland is a poet and born-digital writer whose works range from paper to interactive websites. She also teaches and serves on the board of the Electronic Literature Organization. Her papers include journals and anthologies featuring Strickland's poetry; TechnoPoetry Festival materials; schoolwork, college, and graduate papers; posters and programs from events; proofs and drafts of her writings; and audio recordings.
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History of Medicine artifacts collection, 1550-2000s

51.5 Linear Feet (about 855 items)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection consists of historical medical instruments and artifacts, art objects, realia, and other three-dimensional objects related to the history of medicine, primarily originating from Europe and the United States, but including some artifacts from China and Japan. Ranging in age from the late 16th to the early 21st centuries, objects include medical kits and pharmaceutical items (often in the original cases and bags); equipment used in amputation, obstetrics, opthalmology, surgery, urology, neurology, early electrical therapies, and in research and diagnostic settings; instructional objects such as anatomical models and figurines; and other objects such as apothecary jars, cupping glasses, infant feeders, a bas-relief memento mori, and fetish figures. There are many models of microscopes, ear trumpets, and stethoscopes, dating from the 17th to the 20th century. Includes some original medicines, such as pills and capsules. Note that the collection contains fragile materials which may involve extra assistance from staff. Accquired as part of the History of Medicine Collections at Duke University.
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11 pairs of spectacles and eyeglasses Artifact-box 202, Item hander0004

Philip Kapleau papers, 1952-2009 and undated

24 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Zen Buddhist teacher and author of "The Three Pillars of Zen." Born in New Haven, Connecticut, Kapleau was a chief court reporter for the Nuremberg Trials and also covered the Tokyo War Crimes Trials. While in Japan for the trials, he met and was influenced by D.T. Suzuki and other Zen practitioners, which led him to become a serious student of Zen in Japan. Eventually, he returned to the United States and founded the Rochester Zen Center (New York) in 1966. Most of the papers relate to Kapleau's role as a Zen teacher, to his writings, and to personal concerns such as his health and Parkinson's disease. Some of Kapleau's notes are written in shorthand, and there are some materials in Japanese. The recorded teishos (dharma talks) were mainly recorded during sesshin (retreats) and span 30 years. According to the tape labels, there are various speakers including Kapleau, Toni Packer, and Bodhin Kjolhede (all of whom led the Rochester Zen Center at different times).
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Jody Jones Hunter Collection of Works by Anne Tyler, 1958-1998

3.6 Linear Feet 82 Items
Abstract Or Scope

The collection consists primarily of first editions, limited editions, translations, and other editions (many of them autographed or inscribed, 1965-1998) of the works of Anne Tyler, delineating her prolific career. Also includes books about or containing contributions by Tyler (1958-1993); issues of periodicals containing her contributions or reviews of her work (1965-1996); and three pieces of her original correspondence (1979-1989).

Doris Duke papers on the Shangri La residence, 1932-2003

16.8 Linear Feet approx. 10,680 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Traveling through many Muslim countries and parts of India during her honeymoon, Doris Duke was fascinated by Islamic cultural traditions, art and architecture. A visit to the Taj Mahal inspired Duke to eventually commission plans for the house she built in Hawaii. Duke engaged the architectural firm of Wyeth and King to design her Hawaiian home, and architects Marion Sims Wyeth and H. Drewry Baker worked closely with Duke to design the home, with Duke providing sketches and photographs of buildings and architectural details she had seen during her travels. Throughout her life, Doris Duke enthusiastically designed and redesigned her home and gardens, and in 1965 made a codicil in her will directing her executors to organize a foundation to manage and maintain Shangri La for the study and understanding of Middle Eastern art and culture. The collection tells the story of Shangri La, the most intimate of Doris Duke's residences. While the collection spans the years 1932 to 2003, the materials primarily begin in 1936, with correspondence relating to early discussions of architects to design Shangri La in what was then the U.S. Territory of Hawaii, and end in the mid to late 1990s with materials related to the handling of the Estate of Doris Duke after her death in 1993. The materials primarily detail the design, construction, decoration, and furnishing of Shangri La and the routine business matters of its daily operation.
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Lester Wunderman papers, 1940-2010 and undated

62 Linear Feet
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Lester Wunderman is an advertising executive primarily in the direct marketing industry, founder of an agency in his name now a subsidiary of Young & Rubicam, and a noted collector of Dogon (Mali) art works. The Lester Wunderman Papers span the years 1946-2010 and include writings, speeches, correspondence, reports, photographs, audiocassettes, videocassettes, 16mm films, and other materials relating to Wunderman's career in direct marketing and direct-mail advertising, his work on Boards of Directors and Trustees, and as a consultant. Included are drafts, proofs and correspondence relating to Wunderman's 1996 book Being Direct: Making Advertising Pay. Advertising agencies represented in the collection include Caspar Pinsker, Maxwell Sackheim, Wunderman Cato Johnson, Wunderman Ricotta & Kline and Young & Rubicam. Also included are correspondence, photographs, negatives and other materials relating to Wunderman's collection of Dogon (Mali) art works, carvings and sculptures, and their use in museum exhibits, catalogs and books on African art. Firms and institutions represented in the collection include American Express, Children's Television Workshop (Sesame Street, Electric Company), Columbia House record club, Ford (including Lincoln-Mercury and Merkur), IBM, Jackson & Perkins mail order nursery, Mitchell Madison Group, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.), National Observer Correspondence Schools (Famous Artists School, Famous Writers School) and Time, Inc. magazines. Languages present include Spanish, French, Danish, German and Japanese, and have not been translated into English. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.

Louis Dupree papers, 1943-1989 and undated

4.5 Linear Feet
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Louis Dupree was a scholar, educator, and consultant on the refugees, politics, and archaeology of Afghanistan and Pakistan. He served as a Senior Research Associate for the Program in Islamic and Arabian Development Studies at Duke University during the late 1980s. The Louis Dupree Papers contain correspondence, notes, clippings, conference programs, drafts, manuscripts, speeches, newsletters, interview transcripts, research materials, teaching materials, a scrapbook, photographs, grant applications, memorabilia, student papers, a dissertation, and other materials related to the personal life and professional career of archaeologist, activist, and scholar Louis Dupree. Major subjects include Louis Dupree, Nancy Hatch Dupree, the Duke University Program in Islamic and Arabian Development Studies, Ralph Braibanti, Afghanistan, Afghan refugees, Afghanistan-Pakistan relations, Pakistan, the United States Army 11th Airborne, the United States Army 187th Airborne, and the United States Military Academy at West Point. English.
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American Civil Liberties Union of North Carolina records, 1960-2020; 1960-ongoing and undated

217.5 Linear Feet (approximately 135,000 items)
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North Carolina affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union, founded in 1965 and based in Raleigh. The records of the American Civil Liberties Union of North Carolina (ACLU of N.C.) date from the 1960s to the mid-2000s. The collection is organized into the following series: ACLU Historical Files, Executive Director Files, Legal Program, Audiovisual Material, and Print Material. The files primarily focus on the investigation and prosecution of cases related to civil rights, public education relating to civil liberties, and lobbying for civil liberties and human rights. Materials include correspondence files from the Excecutive Director's office and other units in the ACLU of N.C., thousands of case files; administrative files on cases, operations, and attorney's activities; lobbying and subject files; and printed matter and other records relating to outreach and public education activities. There are also some a/v materials and electronic files. Topics include: the civil rights and legal status of legally under-represented groups such as juveniles and high school students, prisoners, gays, and immigrants; education and academic freedoms; religious freedom and separation of church and state; freedom of expression (including desecration of the flag); racial inequalities and injustices; reproductive rights; women's rights; police misconduct and the legality of search procedures; drug testing and the decriminalization of drugs; voting rights, including issues surrounding reapportionment; and workers' rights, including unionization. There are also files on the Ku Klux Klan, Confederate displays, and right-wing organizations. Many of these issues span decades of ACLU involvement. Researchers consulting case files and any other materials should be aware of privacy laws that govern the publication and use of these records. Acquired as part of the Human Rights Archive at Duke University.

J. Walter Thompson Company. Publications collection, 1887-2005

75 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
The J. Walter Thompson Company, founded in 1864, is one of the largest enduring advertising agencies in the U.S. The J. Walter Thompson Company Publications Collection spans the years 1887 to 2005 and includes printed materials produced by the various offices, partners, subsidiaries and related firms of the J. Walter Thompson Company. Materials include promotional pamphlets, informational bulletins, regional market analyses, research reports, and industry overviews, as well as corporate annual reports, office directories and aggregate client lists. Materials are primarily in English, but several other languages are also represented.

Southern Poverty Law Center Intelligence Project collection, 1940s-2020; 1940s-ongoing

115 Linear Feet (85,500 items)
Abstract Or Scope
The SPLC Intelligence Project Collection includes printed materials, serials, organizational literature, pamphlets, clippings, catalogs, fliers, and correspondence from a variety of groups monitored by the SPLC and its contacts between the 1980s and 2010. Included within the collection are many groups falling within the SPLC Klanwatch and Militia Watch projects. Organizations represented in this collection typically promoted anti-semitic, white supremacist, racist, separatist, or anti-Communist views and policies. Other organizations promoted Second Amendment rights, right-wing Christian and American nationalism, Y2K and survivalist preparations, and the rise of the Confederacy. SPLC's interests expanded across the political spectrum to include both right-wing and left-wing extremist literature.

Maria de Bruyn papers, 1988-2012 and undated

27 Linear Feet
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Maria de Bruyn is a medical anthropologist who worked for non-profit organizations in The Netherlands and United States, as well as international non-governmental and United Nations agencies, in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) with a special focus on HIV and AIDS and health-related human rights. She served on the Global Programme on AIDS Global Management Committee Task Force on HIV/AIDS Coordination as one of three nongovernmental organization (NGO) representatives; this Task Force contributed to establishing NGO participation in the governance of UNAIDS. She was also a co-founder of the ATHENA Network to advance gender equity and human rights in the global response to HIV and AIDS and worked with groups of women living with HIV on sexual and reproductive rights and advocacy. This collection includes de Bruyn's writings, work from her consultancies and other trainings and workshops, and her subject files on topics such as HIV/AIDS, sexual and reproductive health, human rights, condoms, discrimination, youth, sex work, and women's health issues. Subject files include brochures, ephemera, and artifacts such as condoms, buttons, and objects de Bruyn collected from her travels around the world. Acquired as part of the History of Medicine Collections at Duke University.

William A. Kunberger Holocaust denial papers, 1992, 2005-2008

0.25 Linear Feet (1 box)
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William A. Kunberger, Jr. (1943- ) was a resident of Philadephia at the time of the creation of these materials. Collection comprises a set of mailed postcards, correspondence, and photocopies of sources denying the Jewish Holocaust in Europe. Materials include letters to the recipients, photocopies of articles and books, and photocopies of primary evidence from post-war trials, statements, interviews, and aerial reconnaisance photographs used to support the denial of the Holocaust, in particular, the gassing of victims in European death camps. About half of the resource photocopies are in German. Also includes 39 typed postcards mailed by Kunberger to academics and other individuals from 2006-2008. Each postcard contains a segment of text; when put together, the cards form a lengthy statement, with citations and other texts, denying the Holocaust. Also included is one audiocassette recording entitled "11th Int'l Revisionist Conference Battle for Truth on the American Campus: A Jewish Revisionist's Perspective, Oct 92."

J. Walter Thompson Company. Peter A. Schweitzer papers, 1916-2005 and undated

18 Linear Feet 12,000 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Established in 1864, the J. Walter Thompson Company (JWT) is one of the oldest and largest enduring advertising agencies in the United States. Peter A. Schweitzer was an executive with JWT in the New York and Detroit offices, serving as Chief Executive Officer of the agency 2001-2004. Collection spans the years 1916-2005 with the bulk of materials spanning 1980-2000 and includes texts for speeches and presentations, correspondence and other administrative records, printed materials, photographs and slides, and audiovisual materials (audio and video cassettes, CDs and DVDs) that primarily document Schweitzer's career as an executive, especially with JWT's Detroit Office. Companies represented in the collection include Brouillard Communications, Burger King, Ford, Kodak, Kraft, Nestlé, Rolex, and Unilever. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.

Oskar Morgenstern papers, 1866-1992, bulk dates 1917-1977

42.3 Linear Feet (121 boxes, three oversize folders, and one oversize tube.)
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Oskar Morgenstern (1902-1977) was a Distinguished Professor in Game Theory and Mathematical Economics at New York University. This collection documents his professional life through his correspondence and diaries, writings, and research. It forms parts of the Economists' Papers Archive.
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1918-1924: A-Z 7 folders Box 1

1925-1926: A-G Box 1

Camilo José Vergara photographs, 1977-2009

5 Linear Feet 151 Megabytes 87 Items
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Camilo J. Vergara is a documentary photographer, focusing on the evolution of urban spaces. Collection of color prints from Vergara's 2009 National Building Museum exhibit Storefront Churches, with photographs of urban churches, pasters, and murals from cities around the United States. This exhibit was part of a larger collection featured in Vergara's book, How the Other Half Worships.
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Cedric N. Chatterley photographs, 1983-2013 and undated

15 Linear Feet (29 boxes)
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The photographs of Cedric N. Chatterley span the years 1983-2013, and were created throughout his career as a documentary photographer, beginning with his MFA thesis project on religious experience in the U.S. The photographs are primarily black-and-white prints ranging in size from 8x10 to 18x24 inches. The most prominent themes in Chatterley's work are labor, community, and religious expression. He has photographed chicken slaughterhouse workers in Maine; Cambodian immigrants in North Carolina; David "Honeyboy" Edwards and other Southern blues musicians in Mississippi and on tour; a substance abusers' rehabilitation community in Durham, N.C.; tornado survivors in South Dakota; an abandoned religious theme park in Connecticut; and sheep rancher Judith Fae "Pachy" Burns in Montana. Some of his documentary work also includes oral history interviews. There are also several recordings of interviews with Chatterley, where he speaks about his work as a documentary photographer, and a book by Barbara Lau containing his photographs of Cambodian immigrants. Acquired as part of the Archive of Documentary Arts at Duke University.

Anne Noggle photographs of Soviet airwomen, 1990-1992

2.0 Linear Feet (2 boxes)
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Anne Noggle (1922-2005), aviator, photographer, author, and educator, traveled to Moscow from 1990-1992 to conduct more than seventy interviews and to photograph former Soviet airwomen who served during World War II as pilots, gunners, bombardiers, navigators, and flight crews. The 36 black-and-white portraits in this collection show the women seated and standing, most in a studio setting; they are in civilian clothing and many are wearing their wartime medals and military insignia. The gelatin silver photographs were printed by Noggle and measure 20x24 (8), 16x20 (6), and 11x14 (22) inches. Almost all appear in her book A Dance with Death: Soviet Airwomen in World War II, published in 1994, also held by the library. Acquired as part of the Archive of Documentary Arts at Duke University.
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Jim Grimsley papers, 1970-2018 and undated

19.75 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Collection includes Grimsley's personal journals, personal and professional correspondence, handwritten notebooks containing the creative beginnings of his novels and plays, drafts of of his writings, publicity, reviews, and publications by or about him in small magazines. Also includes published copies and translations of his writings.
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Vincent Cianni photographs, 1983-2019

25.25 Linear Feet (34 boxes) 4.2 Gigabytes
Abstract Or Scope
Vincent Cianni is a documentary photographer and educator based in New York State. Project themes and subjects in this collection range widely: views of the city of Berlin, the destruction of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany in 1990; mall culture and the social impacts of urban decay in Poughkeepsie, New York State, 1980s; wedding ceremonies and rituals of straight and transgender people, mid-1980s; Latino youth and in-line skating culture in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, mid-1990s-2017; Cambodian kickboxing culture, 2004; the relationship between human story-telling, memory, and landscapes, 2000-2002; and gay pride marches and demonstrations in New York City, 1985-2019. An additional series offers a large set of oral histories of gay individuals in the U.S. military, 2010-2012. Acquired as part of the Archive of Documentary Arts at Duke University.
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Foote, Cone & Belding Communications, Inc. records, 1941-1978 and undated

6 Linear Feet
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The Foote, Cone & Belding advertising agency (FCB) was formed in 1942 when Albert Lasker sold the Lord & Thomas agency to three of his executives. A pioneer in television advertising, FCB later merged with Draft Direct Worldwide to become Draftfcb, a subsidiary of The Interpublic Group, and one of the largest advertising agencies in the United States. The Foote, Cone & Belding Communications, Inc. Records span the years 1964-1978 and consists of audiotapes, videocassettes, 16mm film, focus group studies, television schedules, scripts and photoboards from television commercials. Clients include Armour-Dial, Burger King, Hormel, Interstate Brands (Wonder Bread), Johnson & Johnson, Kraft, Pizza Hut, McDonald's, S.C. Johnson, Sears & Roebuck, Western Electric, and Zenith. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.
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2nd Q78 Domestic material only. 1978. Format: Umatic. TRT: 60:00:00 Box AV2