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Bedford-Stuyvesant Community Cooperative audio tapes, 1966-1967

1.5 Linear Feet (Five boxes, including three boxes containing 33 audio tapes, and two boxes containing preservation master and use copies on 124 compact discs.)
Abstract Or Scope
Thirty-three 1/4-inch open-reel audio tapes recording meetings of various directors and committee members of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Community Cooperative, especially the founders, Gerald Schaflander and Henry Etzkowitz. Issues discussed include disagreements, employment and firings, stealing, finances, violence and gang fights, drugs, students, the FBI, and black and white division of labor. Notes on some of the boxes include names of persons involved, events, quotes, and content.

Nancy Hanks papers, 1894-1987, bulk 1945-1983

77.3 Linear Feet 58,000 Items
Abstract Or Scope

The papers of Nancy Hanks span the years 1894-1987 with the bulk occurring during the 1940s to 1983. Included are correspondence; minutes; reports; typed, mimeographed, and printed material; financial papers; clippings; mail logs; telephone records; calendars; office files; interviews, questionnaires; and diaries. In addition there are scrapbooks, pictures, photograph albums, slides, audio cassettes, videocassettes, and electronic documents. One series contains awards, honorary degrees, and memorabilia.

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International Comparative Studies records, 1982-2011 and undated

10.5 Linear Feet (7 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
International Comparative Studies (ICS) is an undergraduate interdisciplinary academic program affiliated with Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. The collection's files document the program's academic mission and operations, chiefly dating from the 1980s to 2011, and comprise course files, correspondence and memos, budget and grant files, alumni information, newsletter files, student work, questionnaires, materials on programming and conferences, and files about related Duke offices such as Trinity Arts and Sciences and Comparative Area Studies.
Top 3 results in this collection — view all 228

J. Walter Thompson Company. Corporate Documentation, 1896-1988

55 Linear Feet 40000 Items
Abstract Or Scope
The J. Walter Thompson Company (JWT), founded in 1864, is one of the oldest and largest enduring advertising agencies in the United States. Corporate Documentation primarily consists of minute books to the regular meetings of JWT's stockholders and Directors; administrative and finance records; and reports from JWT's subsidiaries, committees and other institutional bodies. Topics covered include annual assessments of agency performance; planning; by-laws; stock incentive plans and retirement plans; and efforts to standardize operational practices across the many offices of JWT. The collection also includes background information relative to annual meetings, and the anniversaries of various offices. The collection derives from the RG1 Record Group, Corporate Documentation and General Reference, created by the JWT Archives prior to the transfer of the archives to Duke University.
Top 3 results in this collection — view all 235

Roy Lightner Collection of antique advertisements, 1871-2009 and undated

24 Linear Feet 20,000 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Roy Lightner was an advertising and marketing executive, primarily with N.W. Ayer & Son agency, from which he retired in 1980, and with Carden & Cherry Advertising of Nashville, Tenn. The Roy Lightner Collection of Antique Advertisements spans the years 1871-2009 and includes primarily print advertisements clipped from U.S. magazines. Also present are proofs of print advertisements and 16mm reels of television commercials, much of which was produced by the N.W. Ayer & Son agency during Lightner's career there. Advertisements predominantly focus on automobiles, railroads, insurance companies and manufacturers of brand name consumer goods. Over 300 companies are represented in the collection, including AT&T, Buick, Cadillac, Campbell's, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Coca-Cola, Dodge, Du Pont, Kodak, Ford, General Electric, General Mills, General Motors, Lincoln-Mercury, Metropolitan Life, Oldsmobile, Packard, Plymouth, Pontiac, RCA, and Studebaker.Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.

Heraldo Muñoz papers, 1963-2013 and undated

12 Linear Feet (18 boxes; 1 oversize folder)
Abstract Or Scope
Chilean politician, diplomat, author, and ambassador to the United Nations. Spanning the period of 1963 to 2018, the Heraldo Muñoz Papers contain materials related to Muñoz's work as a researcher and diplomat, and his role in the Chilean Socialist Party. Primarily consisting of handwritten notes, correspondence, reports, policy documents, printed materials, and electronic files, the collection emphasizes Chilean domestic and international politics from 1970 to 2010 (including the 1973 coup and the Pinochet dictatorship) and the United Nations' (UN) work on sanctions, counter-terrorism, and peacebuilding from 2003 to 2013. Acquired as part of the Human Rights Archive.

J. Walter Thompson Company. Detroit Office. Blaise Newman papers, 1946-2002 and undated

14.0 linear feet Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Founded in 1864, the J. Walter Thompson Company (JWT) is one of the oldest and largest enduring advertising agencies in the United States. It is headquartered in New York. JWT maintained an office in Detroit from 1909-1920 and reopened it in 1944. Blaise Newman was an executive with the JWT Detroit Office, Director of Corporate Communications and Special Projects. Collection includes account files, correspondence, memorabilia, newsletters, print advertisements, research reports, scripts and drafts of speeches and presentations, slides and photographs, videocassettes, and other printed materials. Companies represented include Champion Spark Plug, Ford, Health Alliance Plan, Holley, Red Cross and United Way. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.

Paul Kwilecki photographs and papers, circa 1910s, 1960-2008

42 Linear Feet (56 boxes; 1 oversize folder)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection comprises over 500 black-and-white photographic prints, along with negatives, contact sheets, photographer's notes, journals, writings, speeches, correspondence related to photography, and printed material, totaling over 9000 items. Kwilecki's photographic work documents rural and small-town life in and around Bainbridge, Decatur County, Georgia, an undertaking he began as a self-taught photographer in 1960 and continued until his death in 2009. Subjects include local landscapes, tobacco workers, county fairs, hog slaughtering, cemeteries, churches, courthouses, recreation on the Flint River, local industry, shoppers, downtowns, and house porches and interiors. The themes of race relations and religious life predominate. Many of Kwilecki's subjects come from the African American community in Decatur County. Significant correspondents in the manuscripts series include photographers Alex Harris and David Vestal; the collection includes a small set of Vestal photographs. Acquired as part of the Archive of Documentary Arts at Duke University.
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Sarabande Books records, 1990-2022

123.5 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Sarabande Books is a non-profit literary press publishing poetry and fiction. The Sarabande Books records include materials documenting the founding of the company as well as yearly publishing materials.

Eric M. and Carol L. Meyers papers, 1970-2019

60.0 Linear Feet (53 boxes; 9 oversize folders) 8.2 Gigabytes (1296 files)
Abstract Or Scope
Eric M. and Carol L. Meyers are professors in Duke University's Department of Religion. Throughout their careers, they have conducted archeological digs in relation to their interest in biblical and Judaic studies. The collection contains extensive materials related to several major excavations the pair conducted in Israel from the 1970s to the 1990s. The materials in the collection include binders and notebooks of field notes, charts, maps, and records; notecards; photographs (including slides, prints, and negatives), almost all black-and-white; a few audiovisual items; clippings; some administrative and correspondence files; coins; and drawings of sites and artifacts. There are many electronic files, some of which represent items not present in the collection. Topics include 20th century archaeology and practices; the Sepphoris, Meiron, Khirbet Shema, Nabratein, and Gush Halav excavation sites in Israel, including maps and photographs of the sites; Jewish and Arabic artifacts such as coins and pottery; other ancient artifacts; and religious and biblical studies as they relate to archaeology.
Top 3 results in this collection — view all 299

Frank C. Brown papers, 1899-1943

30 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Frank Clyde Brown (1870-1943) served as Professor of English at Trinity College and Duke University, and as Comptroller and University Marshall of Duke University. He oversaw the initial construction of Duke University's West Campus and the renovation of East Campus. Brown also founded the North Carolina Folklore Society. The Frank C. Brown Papers contain correspondence, logs, diaries, reports, lantern slides, notebooks, clippings, a scrapbook, and other materials. While some papers relate to teaching and English department activities, the bulk of the collection concerns the construction of Duke University, including correspondence with the Horace Trumbauer architectural firm, builder and manufacturer information, construction progress reports, travel diaries of visits to other campuses, and records of James B. Duke's views on architecture and involvement in campus planning. English.

Talmage Farlow Documentary Film collection, 1979-2011

77 Linear Feet circa 8000 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Filmmaker Lorenzo DeStefano directed and produced a documentary on jazz guitarist Talmage Farlow (1921-1998) titled Talmage Farlow (Productions A-Propos, 1981). The collection contains audio, moving image, and paper materials created and compiled by DeStefano during the production and distribution of the documentary and its related audio recordings.

Freewater Productions Films, 1967-2003 and undated

55 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Freewater Films is a student-run programming committee within the Duke University Union (DUU) responsible for both screening and producing films. Film exhibitions have included weekly and summer series, as well as special event screenings featuring particular directors, actors, or genres. As a film production resource, Freewater has provided grants of film stock, equipment, processing, lab work, and technical instruction to members of the Duke community. The collection includes paper records and various film and tape elements produced by Duke students in the making of their original films. Formats include 35mm film, 16mm film, 8mm film, Betacam SP cassettes, audio cassettes, VHS cassettes, DAT tapes, as well as DVDs. The collection also includes some paper documentation associated with particular films, as well as publicity materials and subject files. Film topics include North Carolina environmental issues, poverty in Durham, political rallies, faculty interviews, campus construction, and student performances. Also included are fictional films on psychological, philosophical, or romantic themes, which feature familiar campus locations such as Perkins Library, the Duke Gardens, the Chapel, or the Duke Hospital. The collection also includes compilation tapes of entries from the annual Hal Kammerer Film Competition, as well as film experiments undertaken during Freewater film workshops. The collection is organized chronologically, then alphabetically by film title. In cases where the creators had grouped multiple reels of a particular film into a small box or a can, these groupings were denoted as reel 1-3 of 3, etc. Where available, synposes written on film cans were summarized and included in this finding aid. The majority of these synposes were written by Freewater Productions participant Benjamin Epps.

Facilities Management Department records, 1925-2014

117.5 Linear Feet 6.75 Gigabytes
Abstract Or Scope
The Facilities Management Department (FMD) is responsible for the maintenance, repair and minor alteration of the campus facilities. Collection contains material pertaining to the operations of the FMD including a 1990/1991 annual report, committee minutes, materials related to the restoration of the stained glass windows in the Chapel, and architectural drawings including many from the Trumbauer firm of campus buildings.
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Full Frame Archive collection, 1998-2017

55.5 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
The Full Frame Documentary Film Festival is the largest film festival in the United States entirely devoted to documentary film. Originally the DoubleTake Documentary Film Festival, it is an international event dedicated to the theatrical exhibition of non-fiction cinema, held annually since 1998 in downtown Durham, North Carolina. Typically, more than 100 films are screened, along with discussions, panels, and workshops fostering conversation between filmmakers, film professionals and the public. The Full Frame Archive was created in 2007, as a partnership between Duke University and Full Frame. The Full Frame Archive Film Collection comprises preservation masters of documentary films that won awards at the Full Frame Film Festival between 1998 and 2012. Formats include 35mm film, 16mm film, Digital Betacam cassette, HDCAM cassette, Betacam SP cassette, and DVD. In addition, there is a complete set of festival program books. The films vary widely in topic and style, with a predominant emphasis on human rights issues; all of the films deal with social issues in one way or another. The collection is organized chronologically, by festival year, and acquisitions are ongoing.
Top 3 results in this collection — view all 557

12th and Delaware (2010)

David B. McCall papers, 1939-1999 and undated bulk 1980-1994

21.8 Linear Feet 12,600 Items
Abstract Or Scope
David B. McCall was an advertising executive and humanitarian. He was the originator of the idea for the children's educational television series Schoolhouse Rock. The David B. McCall Papers span the years 1939-1999, with the bulk documenting the years 1980-1994, and are comprised of clippings, correspondence, business reports, photographs, scrapbooks, speeches and writings, videocassettes, audio tapes and phonograph records. In particular, three main areas of McCall's career are represented: as an advertising executive and partner in agencies such as Young & Rubicam, Ogilvy Benson & Mather, McCaffrey & McCall, David J. Mahoney, Inc., the Sawyer Miller Group, and Shepardson Stern and Kaminsky; as a corporate director for the Hunter Fan Company, Save the Children, and two local radio broadcasting corporations, among others; and as a humanitarian involved with organizations such as the Committee for the Support of Roe v. Wade, CARE, and Refugees International. In addition, there is a substantial body of McCall's speeches and writings that reflect both the wide range of his professional and personal interests and commitments as well as his status as a public intellectual in high demand, as well as a number of files containing correspondence, clippings and articles concerning David Ogilvy, McCall's mentor in advertising. Major advertising campaigns represented in this collection include Mercedes Benz of North America, North American Philips, Life magazine, the American Can Company, Lever Brothers Company, and the Zippo Manufacturing Company, along with public relations work for such clients as the National Football League, Puerto Rico Telephone Company (PRTC), and the Regional Bell Operating Companies. Major humanitarian issues documented in the collection include the Unsell protest movement against the war in Vietnam, tobacco advertising aimed at children, land mine removal, refugee welfare, and support of abortion rights. McCall was also involved in political campaigns for a number of notable candidates, such as John Lindsay (New York), Harvey Gannt (North Carolina), George Kevarian (Massachusetts), Ramón Mitra (Philippines) and Mario Vargas Llosa (Peru). While McCall is recognized as the originator of the idea behind the popular children's educational television series Schoolhouse Rock!, the collection contains very little documentation concerning that project apart from a copy of the original soundtrack.

12th Connecticut Infantry Regiment, Company D record books, 1861-1864

1 Linear Feet (1 box with 2 volumes inside.)
Abstract Or Scope
The 12th Connecticut Infantry Regiment was a Union Army regiment active between 1861 and 1865 in the American Civil War. This collection consists of two ledgers, a Clothing Book and a volume titled Morning Reports, which record daily activities, particularly attendance and absense for members of the 12th Connecticut Infantry, Company D, as well as their annual allotments of clothing and equipment.
3 results in this collection

12th Connecticut Infantry Regiment, Company D record books, 1861-1864 1 Linear Feet (1 box with 2 volumes inside.)

Consumer Reports. Esther Peterson papers, 1953-1997 and undated

19.0 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Consumer Reports is a product testing and consumer advocacy nonprofit organization based in Yonkers, N.Y., founded in 1936. Esther Peterson (1906-1997) was a leader in consumer, labor and women's movements who served as the first Special Assistant to the President for Consumer Affairs. The Consumer Reports Esther Peterson papers include correspondence, clippings, photographs, texts of articles and speeches, reports, white papers, and other printed materials. The bulk of the collection documents Peterson's work after leaving government in 1981, especially with the International Organization of Consumer's Unions (IOCU) through the 1980s and early 1990s as well as her involvement with consumer and women's movements. Key correspondents include Peter Hansen, Joan Claybrook, Ralph Nader, and Gus Yatron. Institutions represented include Aetna Insurance, American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI), Centre for Our Common Future, Consumer Federation of America, Consumer Insurance Interest Group (CIIG), Consumer Product Safety Commission, Consumers Union, IOCU, Professional Insurance Agents (PIA), the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the United Nations Commission on Transnational Corporations, and the U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs. Topics addressed include: consumer advocacy and protection, environmental regulation, particularly the regulation of pesticides, chemicals, and hazardous substances; insurance and health care, especially women's health and long-term care for the elderly; international development and trade; pharmaceutical exports; and transnational corporations. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.

Consumer Reports. R. David Pittle papers, 1965-2006

8.0 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Consumer Reports is a product testing and consumer advocacy nonprofit organization based in Yonkers, N.Y., founded in 1936 as Consumers Union. R. David Pittle was Technical Director of Consumers Union from 1982-2005. Collection includes articles; clippings; correspondence; press releases; published comments and statements; research reports and data and other printed materials. Institutions represented in the collection include the Consumer Product Safety Commission; National Science Foundation; and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Topics addressed in the collection include automobile standards; automotive aftermarket replacement parts; child automotive car seats and restraints; hair dryers and small appliance safety; and kerosene space heaters. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.
Top 3 results in this collection — view all 356

miriam cooke Papers, 1981-2017

2 Linear Feet
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miriam cooke is a professor in the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at Duke University. The miriam cooke Papers include materials documenting a faculty exchange program between Duke and Cadi Ayaad University in Morocco, as well as other projects related to Islam and the Middle East, such as the Duke Islamic Center (DISC) and a draft of the book Mediterranean Passages: Readings from Dido to Derrida (2008). The papers also include materials about Duke faculty operations, particularly within the Department of Asian and African Languages and Literature (AALL).

South Africa documentary photographs collection, 1940s-circa 2013, bulk bulk 1960-2013

45.0 Linear Feet (49 boxes; approximately 1133 items)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection consists of over 1100 black-and-white and color exhibit prints representing the work of over 50 South African photographers who documented conditions during and after apartheid, from about the 1940s to 2013, with most dating after 1960. Arranged in five series representing projects curated by documentary photographers Alex Harris, Paul Weinberg, and others: Beyond the Barricades, The Cordoned Heart, Then and Now, Underexposed, and The Other Camera. There is also a series of work by Jeeva Rajgopaul. Set in rural and urban South Africa, the images portray political rallies; protests; forced removals; funerals; social gatherings such as dances and concerts; work and domestic life; the life of the elderly, the migrants, and the impoverished; and labor organizing and strikes. There are many portraits of individuals of all races and classes, well-known activists and politicians, as well as countless ordinary South African citizens. Many of the photographers were members of Afrapix, a collective photography agency engaged in documenting the anti-apartheid struggle. There is a small amount of printed material, as well as a selection of digital image files and a digital audio file of an exhibit talk. Acquired as part of the Archive of Documentary Arts at Duke University.

Rosetta Reitz papers, 1929-2008

41 Linear Feet 30,750 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Rosetta Reitz (1924-2008) was a business owner, stock broker, university lecturer, and writer on issues including food, feminism, women's health, and female jazz and blues musicians. She was also the founder and owner of Rosetta Records, a company most prominent in the 1980s that was dedicated to re-releasing historic recordings by female jazz and blues musicians. The Rosetta Reitz Papers address aspects of the entirety of Reitz's career, with the majority related to Rosetta Records and to Reitz's associated music research since the 1970s. The collection contains company documents, research notes, manuscripts, correspondence, newspaper clippings, photocopies, photographs, a variety of audio and moving image formats, as well as magazines and books.

North Carolina Poverty Project records, 1983-2004 and undated (bulk 1986-1997)

30.1 Linear Feet 71 Megabytes (Files extracted from 40 3.5" floppy disks as both preservation disk images and use copies.) 19,182 Items
Abstract Or Scope

Primarily consists of Executive Board and Sector and Advisory Groups correspondence, memoranda, and meeting records; financial and planning documents, including grant applications; and workshop, seminar, and presentation materials that document the organization's activities to raise awareness of and promote action on the causes of poverty in N.C. Also includes correspondence, memoranda, reports, and other writings by the executive director, J. Gordon Chamberlin; telephone logs and appointment books; various printed material concerning poverty in NC; 11 audio and 15 videocassettes; 134 black-and-white and 10 color prints; 10 color negatives; and 8 data cartridge tapes. (02-234)

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J. Walter Thompson Company. International Offices records, 1929-2015

33.0 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
The J. Walter Thompson Company (JWT), founded in 1864, is one of the oldest and largest enduring advertising agencies in the United States. Beginning with the opening of its London office in 1899, JWT has continually expanded its international activities, and currently operates out of over 200 offices in nearly 100 countries. The International Offices Records cover the years 1929-1998, with the bulk of materials dating from the 1970s-1980s. The collection primarily consists of financial records, correspondence, presentations, campaign drafts, account lists, meeting minutes and printed materials. Also includes slides from several presentations, videocassettes and audiocassettes. Countries and offices most heavily represented in the collection include Argentina (Buenos Aires), Australia (Sydney and Melbourne), Canada (Toronto and Vancouver), Colombia (Bogota), India (Bangalore, Calcutta, Madras, Mumbai, New Delhi), Japan (Tokyo), Mexico (Mexico City), Philippines (Manila), and Puerto Rico (San Juan). Client companies represented include: Air-India, Continental Airlines, Kodak, Ford, Hall's, Harayana Breweries, Kellogg's, Lotto, Nabisco, Nestlé, Oscar Mayer, Pepsi, Pizza Hut, Pond's (Unilever), and Warner-Lambert. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.
Top 3 results in this collection — view all 503

John McCalla family papers, 1754-1917 and undated

9 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
John Moore McCalla was a militia officer and civil servant, of Lexington, Ky., and Washington, D.C. Collection contains correspondence, receipt books, scrapbooks, family cookbook, and other papers, relating to Civil War politics; local Kentucky politics (1820-1870); the Mexican War; presidential politics, especially Polk's election (1844) and the second inauguration of Abraham Lincoln; the American Colonization Society; American Party; and the family's opposition to Henry Clay. Includes a journal of John Moore McCalla, Jr., describing a journey to Liberia in 1860 and his activities in Washington in 1861. Also contains letters from former McCalla slaves in Liberia, and letters of John M. McCalla, Sr.'s father, Dr. Andrew J. McCalla, including several discussing the treatment of the insane and the Eastern Lunatic Asylum in Lexington, Ky. Includes records of James M. Varnum and Joseph M. Varnum's estates, inherited through Helen Varnum Hill McCalla. Also contains family papers including letter books, notes, finances, and miscellany.

Charles S. Sydnor papers, 1729-1978 and undated

14.8 Linear Feet circa 11,159 items
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The Charles S. Sydnor Papers roughly span the period 1729-1978, the bulk dated 1923 to 1954. They include correspondence, research notes, writings, printed materials, and clippings, chiefly relating to Sydnor's teaching career at Duke University, as well as at Harvard and Queen's College, Oxford. The collection also includes information about his involvement with various historical associations and committees, including the American Historical Association, Southern Historical Association, North Carolina Literary and Historical Association, and the Advisory Committee of the Office of the Chief of Military History for the United States Army. There is background information pertaining to his various writings, including The Development of Southern Sectionalism (Volume V of the work A History of the South) (Baton Rouge, La., 1948), Gentleman Freeholders: Political Practices in Washington's Virginia (Chapel Hill, N.C., 1952), A Gentleman of the Old Natchez Region: Benjamin L. C. Wailes (Durham, N.C., 1938), Mississippi History (New York, N.Y., 1930), and Slavery in Mississippi (New York, N.Y., 1933). The papers contain notes and examinations for various history courses taught by Sydnor, student roll books, grade books, and papers. Additionally, there are a few notebooks and papers of Sydnor's while he was a student.

Michael Malone papers, 1970s-2017

33.5 Linear Feet 1.1 Gigabytes (Includes preservation objects and use copies of born-digital materials)
Abstract Or Scope
Best-selling author and daytime television writer from Durham, N.C. The collection chiefly contains drafts and galleys of Malone's novels and other writings, personal and professional correspondence, and teaching materials. Also included are contracts and royalty statements, book tour materials and other promotional materials, videocassettes, audiocassettes, newspaper reviews and clippings, and digital files. The bulk of materials relate to Malone's career as a novelist and as a writer for the popular soap operas One Life to Live and Another World.
Top 3 results in this collection — view all 410

James T. Sears papers, 1918-2011 and undated, bulk 1950-2004

138 Linear Feet (317 boxes) 86,700 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Educator, gay rights activist, and author of many works on sexuality, identity, and sex education, and the history of homosexuality and the gay rights movement in the United States. The James T. Sears Papers span the dates 1918-2011, with the bulk of the material covering the period between 1950 and 2004. The papers are arranged into the following series: Audiovisual Material; Other Activities; Personal Papers; Photographic Material; Professional Papers; the largest series, Research and Writings; Jack Nichols Papers; and Oversize Material. The Research and Writings series is divided into subseries for major works by Sears, as well as subseries for other writings and editorial work, research files, and a small set of writings by other individuals. Formats include but are not limited to correspondence, research files, writings, interviews, recordings, serials and newspapers, photographs, and diaries. The collection also houses the personal papers of Hal Call (1917-2000) and Jack Nichols (1938-2005), both early activists for gay rights. Taken as a whole, the collection offers a deep and rich source of information on gay, lesbian, and bisexual culture in the United States, especially in the South, and its representation in literature and in the press, both positive and negative; the history of the gay rights movement in the U.S. and abroad, including the evolution of organizations such as the Mattachine Society and related gay movement publications; sexuality studies in the U.S. and teaching sexuality in primary and secondary classrooms; gays in the military; drag queen, lesbian, and bisexual communities; and many other topics relevant to sexual identity in society.

Naegele Outdoor Advertising records, 1978-2002 and undated

90.0 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Outdoor advertising firm founded as Naegele Outdoor Advertising in 1935 in Minneapolis, Minn. Renamed Fairway Outdoor 1991 and currently headquartered in Duncan, S.C. Includes billboard, painted display and poster designs, slides, photographs, printed materials and VHS videocassettes that document billboard locations, work in progress, corporate events, hurricane and storm damage and other aspects of the outdoor advertising industry. Many poster designs depict advertising for local North Carolina businesses. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.

Sarah Hoskins photographs, 2000-2014

3.0 Linear Feet (5 flat boxes) 10.3 Gigabytes (10.3 GB transferred from external hard drive.)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection contain images related to two photography projects by Sarah Hoskins. The Homeplace series contains 250 11x14 inch silver gelatin prints documenting Hoskins' visits and relationships with rural African American communities in Kentucky, originally established by freedmen in the 19th century. Her photographs include community events and activities such as hog butchering, church services, family reunions, and gatherings of charity groups. The Rosenwald Schools series contains approximately 300 color digital images of schools for African Americans built during the first half of the 20th century through the Rosenwald foundation, as well as some portraits of former students in Kentucky, North Carolina and Alabama. The series also includes images of a Rosenwald foundation-funded apartment building in Chicago, Illinois. Acquired by the Archive of Documentary Arts.
Top 3 results in this collection — view all 572

13 Hogs in 3 Hours, 2002 Box 1, Print RL10153-P-0019

After Church, 2010 Box 2, Print RL10153-P-0109

Jesse Pyrant Andrews photographs and oral histories, 1973-2022

15 Linear Feet (19 boxes) 59 Gigabytes (196 audio files)
Abstract Or Scope
Jesse Pyrant Andrews is an American photographer based in rural southern Virginia. Collection comprises 301 black-and-white photographs and 46 oral history interviews by photographer Jesse Pyrant Andrews, documenting rural and small-town life in the Piedmont region of Virginia and North Carolina. Major themes center on the landscapes and people of the region; tobacco cultivation; the lives of farmers, war veterans, small business owners, and laid-off workers; local architecture and historic sites; traditional crafts and music; and new patterns of economics and society in rural Virginia. Andrews's Veterans Project has become a larger focus over the years; it now comprises over 30 portraits and associated audio interviews, chiefly with veterans of the Vietnam and Gulf Wars. Additional projects include materials related to the Carter-Wooding families of southern Virginia; views from an Amtrak train; views of an historic plantation home, Mountainview; and street scenes and portraits taken in New York City, California, and Massachusetts. Acquired as part of the Archive of Documentary Arts at Duke University.
Top 3 results in this collection — view all 313

13-Month Crop: One Year in the Life of a Piedmont Virginia Tobacco Farm, 2000-2001 1.5 Linear Feet

Bust Magazine records, 1993-2023

32 Linear Feet (25 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
Debbie Stoller, Marcelle Karp, and Laurie Henzel began producing Bust, a third-wave feminist women's magazine, in New York, N.Y., in 1993 as a photocopied zine. It subsequently grew into a women's lifestyle magazine, published quarterly. This collection documents the behind-the-scenes work required to put together Bust. Materials include issue production binders; layouts and copy-editing material; biographies of contributors; article submissions; column material (Girls, Fashions, The Shit, etc.); photographs; advertisement documentation; correspondence (letter and email); press coverage of BUST; promotional material; material related to the publication and promotion of the book The Bust Guide to the New Girl Order; and a variety of graphic items. Acquired as part of the Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture.
Top 3 results in this collection — view all 307

Francis Warrington Dawson family papers, 1386-1963, bulk 1859-1950

30 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Journalist, of Charleston, S.C., and Versailles, France. The collection contains the papers of Francis Warrington Dawson, who was born Austin John Reeks; his wife, Sarah Ida Fowler Morgan Dawson; and their son, Francis Warrington Dawson II, better known as Warrington Dawson. The papers are primarily literary in character but also include many letters. Francis's papers are primarily autobiographical with information about his Civil War service, travels, courtship, and career. Also present are Morgan family papers describing social life in New Orleans and Baton Rouge, La., in the second half of the 19th century, especially during Reconstruction. Warrington Dawson materials document his work with the American Embassy in Paris and describes French life and politics. Also present is material from his work as director of French Research for Colonial Williamsburg, Inc., including copies (made from the originals at Colonial Williamsburg) of original documents pertaining to French participation in the American Revolution. Also included are copies of 18th century maps of North America, Williamsburg, Va., and positions of the French and American armies in New York and Virginia during the Revolutionary War.

Duke University Libraries Collection of Haggadot, 1200-2003, bulk 1900-2003

436 items 436 Items
Abstract Or Scope

The Duke University Libraries Collection of Haggadot consists mainly of Passover Haggadot (singular: Haggadah) from the past 1000 years. The 436 Haggadot in the collection, which are found in the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, the Divinity School Library, Perkins Library, and Lilly Library, span 800 years (1200-2003), represent five continents (excluding only Australia and Antarctica), are written in several different languages (including Russian, Marathi, Italian, Yiddish, Ladino and Arabic), and were created for a variety of specific purposes. A majority of the Haggadot were published in the 20th century. A large number of the Haggadot are illustrated or illuminated while others contain only the text. Although the majority of the Haggadot in the collection were created by printing press, or other printing methods, Duke does own a number of limited edition facsimile editions of handwritten manuscripts. Most, but not all, of the Haggadot found in the Special Collections Library come from the Abram and Frances Pascher Kanof Collection of Jewish Art, Archaeology, and Symbolism. This guide does not include the Duke University Libraries' collection of microfilmed Haggadot. See the last paragraph of the Processing and Searching Note below for further information on searching for Haggadot in the library.

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American Song Sheets collection, circa 1830s-1920s, bulk 1850s-1880s

3 Linear Feet 1982 Items
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In the mid nineteenth century, publishers printed the lyrics to popular songs, without their tunes, on small sheets called song sheets, handbills, or broadsides. These sheets were often illustrated with a woodcut scene or portrait and sold at gathering places where people sang together. Duke's collection of American song sheets includes 1,982 of these ephemeral productions, from "The Star Spangled Banner" to "Pop Goes the Weasel," forming a rich source for research on American society and culture. The American South and the Civil War era are especially well documented, including well over one hundred Confederate broadsides. The collection also includes carrier's addresses, non-musical poetry, and other ephemeral verse. Publishers represented in the collection include: J. Andrews, A. W. Auner, Bell and Company, James D. Gray, Johnson and Company, Charles Magnus, H. de Marsan, T. M. Scroggy, St. Clair Smith, John T. Thorne, H. J. Wehman, J. Wrigley, and others.
Top 3 results in this collection — view all 2017

Index Iconologicus, circa 1970s-1980s

21 Linear Feet 15000 Items
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Original index of iconography in early prints and illustrated books developed by Karla, Langedijk, Dept. of Art, Duke University. Collection is microfilmed.
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Alexander Sprunt and Son records, 1779-1960

6082 items
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Cotton firm from Wilmington, N.C., that for a short period was probably the largest cotton exporting house in the United States. Collection includes account books, ledgers, journals, cashbooks, purchase and sales journals, inventories, other subsidiary books, and some office files and correspondence. Goods were purchased from the Carolinas, Georgia, Texas, and other states and processed in the firm's compress facilities and sold to Great Britain, France, Germany, and elsewhere in Europe.

Minnie Bruce Pratt papers, 1870s-2005, bulk 1975-2005

94 Linear Feet
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Minnie Bruce Pratt was born in Selma, Alabama in 1946 and raised in nearby Centreville. She received a bachelor's degree in English from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa and a doctorate in English Literature from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. An award-winning poet, Pratt has published collections of both poetry and essays. Pratt began teaching and grass roots organizing in North Carolina in the 1970s, and has continued her work as a professor and activist through 2008, the time of this writing. Pratt frequently makes speaking appearances at conferences and universities across the United States. Pratt has two sons, Ransom Weaver and Ben Weaver, from her marriage (1966-1975). As of 2008, Pratt resides with longtime partner, transgender activist and author Leslie Feinberg. The collection dates primarily between 1975 and 2005 and focuses on women's studies, sexual and gender identity, sexuality, and Pratt's fight against racism, sexism, imperialism and other forms of intolerance. A Writing Series comprises drafts, proofs, and galleys related to Pratt's major works through 2003, as well as materials related to shorter pieces by Pratt, reviews, print interviews, materials related to Pratt's editorial work, and personal journals. The series also contains materials pertaining to the outside funding from grants and speaking appearances that Pratt obtained to support herself as a writer. Major works represented are Pratt's poetry and essay collections The Sound of One Fork, We Say We Love Each Other, Crime Against Nature, Rebellion: Essays 1980-1991, S/HE, Walking Back Up Depot Street, and The Dirt She Ate. Other series in the collection are Correspondence; Family, consisting of early correspondence, mementos, photographs, and genealogical information; Activism, files of newspaper clippings, fliers, and correspondence related to Pratt's grass roots organizing; Teaching, Financial, Photographs, Audiovisual Material, Printed Material, and Ephemera. Notable correspondents include Mumia Abu-Jamal, Dorothy Allison, Judith Arcana, Elly Bulkin, Chrystos, Holly Hughes, Audre Lorde, Adrienne Rich, and Mab Segrest.

Margaret "Peg" Johnston papers, 1965-2020 and undated

8.5 Linear Feet
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Abortion rights activist. Director, Southern Tier Women's Services in upstate New York. Former President of the Abortion Conversation Project; founder and past president of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers. Johnson was also one of the founders of the Abortion Care Network and Board President from 2008-10. Collection comprises primarily printed materials that document Johnston's work as an activist at the national level. Includes the abortion provider newsletter Feminist Caucus News (1989-1991), which later became Networks (1992-1998 and undated). In addition, there are copies of Johnston's counseling aids, including the workbooks Abortion: Which Method is Right for Me?; Pregnant? Need Help? Pregnancy Options Workbook; and A Guide to Emotional and Spiritual Resolution After an Abortion. There are order forms, advertising, and occasional publications associated with the workbooks and other items offered for sale; an article pro-choice political activism for the 1996 elections; a few letters, notes, and memos by Johnston, including two undated pages with her notes on the material's historical significance. Also includes a copy of Morgen Goodroe's Abortion Resolution Workbook, greeting cards, Religious Groups for Choice ephemera, and other abortion counseling information.

Jewish Heritage Foundation of North Carolina records, 1750-2014 and undated

34.1 Linear Feet 42.6 Gigabytes
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The Jewish Heritage Foundation of North Carolina records span the years 1750 to 2014 and document the origins and daily operations of the organization, which preserves and presents the history of the Jewish people of North Carolina through public programming, exhibits, and other projects. The collection includes documents and digital material related to the planning, funding, and carrying out of various exhibits, events and projects, especially the multimedia program "Down Home: Jewish Life in North Carolina." Also present are primary and secondary research materials collected by JHFNC historian Leonard Rogoff related to the history and culture of Jews in North Carolina and southern Jewish identity. Types of materials in the collection include financial statements, meeting minutes, correspondence, reports, typescripts, newsletters, marketing materials, photographs, research notes, and audiovisual material. Digital materials include photographs, administrative and promotional materials, and project design materials.

Department of Theater Studies Records, circa 1968-2004

6.5 Linear Feet
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The Department of Theater Studies at Duke University offers courses on the critical evaluation, writing and performance of dramatic works. The department seeks to promote an artistic culture at Duke by bringing professional theatrical performances to campus. The Department of Theater Studies records is composed of administrative materials and records related to both departmental and professional performances staged at Duke.
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Administration, 1993-2002

Broadway Preview Series records, 1986-1993

3.7 Linear Feet (2250 items)
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From 1986-1993, the Broadway Preview Series premiered new works for the American theater at Duke. The first Broadway Preview performance staged in the Reynolds Industries Theater (March 10, 1986) was Emanuel Azenberg's Broadway production of Eugene O'Neill's Long Day's Journey Into Night, starring Jack Lemmon and Kevin Spacey. Some of the other productions previewed at Duke are: Broadway Bound and Laughter on the 23rd Floor by Neil Simon; A Month of Sundays with Jason Robards; A Walk in the Woods with Sam Waterston; Metamorphosis with Mikhail Baryshnikov; The Circle with Rex Harrison; Artist Descending a Staircase by Tom Stoppard; and Lucifer's Child with Julie Harris. The work of the Broadway Preview Series is continued today by Theater Previews at Duke. Collection contains programs, clippings, photographs, some autograph notes, and other materials pertaining to productions. Also includes scripts. The material ranges in date from 1986-1993.
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University Archives poster collection, 1935-2007, undated

44 Linear Feet
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The University Archives Poster Collection was compiled by University Archives staff from a variety of sources. The collection consists of approximately 1,600 posters, event calendars, programs and flyers publicizing various campus events, including movies, lectures, musical and theatrical performances, art exhibitions, and festivals. Dates of the posters range from 1935 to the present, but a majority of the posters range from 1970-1989.
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H. Keith H. Brodie, President, records, 1963 - 1994

178.5 Linear Feet 120,000 Items
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H. Keith H. Brodie came to Duke in 1974 as professor and chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and director of Psychiatric Services at Duke University Medical Center. Dr. Brodie served as Duke's Chancellor from 1982 to 1985 and as Duke's President from 1985 to 1993. Collection includes university administrative records, personal papers, manuscripts, photographs, printed matter, memorabilia, and other material created or received by Dr. Brodie during his tenure as President, 1985-1993. Included are materials generated by the inauguration of Dr. Brodie as president of Duke University, Dr. Leslie Banner's working files for speeches and other presentations given by President Brodie, and subject files containing correspondence, memoranda, speeches, reports, and other materials. Subjects include admissions, the Academic Council, alumni, committees and campaigns, athletics, The Duke Endowment, various university departments, the Medical Center, and Student Affairs. English.

H. Gregg Lewis papers, 1939-1990

28.5 Linear Feet (19 boxes.)
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H. Gregg Lewis (1914-1992) was a professor emeritus of economics at Duke University and the University of Chicago. This collection documents his professional life through his research, writings, and teaching. It forms part of the Economists' Papers Archive.
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Irene Peslikis papers, 1957-2002 and undated

27 Linear Feet
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Feminist artist, activist, and educator Irene Peslikis (1943-2002) was born in New York, New York, and raised in different locations in Queens, New York. She was instrumental in a number of influential feminist and feminist art groups, including the New York Feminist Art Institute, the journal Women & Art (co-founded with Pat Mainardi), and the group Redstockings. The Irene Peslikis Papers span the years 1957-2002 and document Peslikis's life as a feminist artist, activist, and educator. The collection is organized into nine series: Feminist Activism, Correspondence, Writings, Personal Files, Subject Files, Education, Art, Printed Material, and Audiovisual Material. Materials in this collection include correspondence, essays, personal journals, exhibit files, artwork in a number of media, personal files, her student files, teaching files, clippings, photographs, journals, pamphlets, and audiocassettes. Frequent and/or notable correspondents include her immediate family: her mother, father, and brother, Michael; and friends Ursula Karau, Alix Kates Shulman, Rosalyn Baxandall, Robin Morgan, Carol Hanisch, Lucinda (Cindy) Cisler, Lucia Vernarelli, Pat Mainardi, Judy Chicago, and Shulamith (Shulie) Firestone.

Clear Pictures Film Footage collection, 1991-1996

50 Linear Feet 150 Items
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The collection consists of film footage (sync reels, workprint reels, stock footage, research tapes, etc.) created in the making of the film Clear Pictures, a documentary on Reynolds Price by Charles Guggenheim. Interviews of friends and colleagues were recorded, as well as of Price himself, documenting his range of activity and long literary career. A few paper files and electronic data are also included. See the Reynolds Price Papers also in this repository. The addition (2 items; dated January 23, 1990) contains two 3/4" U-matic videocassette tapes.

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Alexander Weinmann papers, 1614-1986

14 Linear Feet 7,000 Items
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The collection reflects Weinmann's extensive research in the history of Viennese music publishing and is a resource for study of publishing firms in Vienna as well as documenting Weinmann's bibliographical research. The Music Series includes title pages and parts of arrangements, focusing on Viennese publishers and composers, including Georg Druschetzky, Joseph Haydn, Johann Baptist Vanhal, Johann Josef Rösler, and Ferdinand Kauer, as well as Johann Sebastian Bach. Included in the Writings and Speeches Series are manuscript drafts of works related to Weinmann's bibliographies (published in the Beiträge zur Geschichte des Alt-Weiner Musikverlages) as well as bio-bibliographical and historical works. The series also documents Weinmann's study of 19th century Viennese publishing firms including Artaria and Company, Giovanni Cappi, Leopold Kozeluch, Franz Anton Hoffmeister, Carlo and Pietro Mechetti, Tranquillo Mollo, Ignaz Sauer, Johann Traeg, and Thaddäus Weigl. Series includes research by Weinmann's brother, Ignaz Weinmann, on Franz Schubert.

Lawrence Klein papers, 1950-2016

52.5 Linear Feet (35 boxes.) 3 Megabytes (One set.)
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Lawrence Klein (1920-2013) was a Nobel Prize winner and the Benjamin Franklin Professor of Economics and Finance, Emeritus at the University of Pennsylvania. This collection primarily documents his professional life through his correspondence, writings, research, and professional and faculty activities. It forms parts of the Economists' Papers Archive.

Seymour Mauskopf papers, 1930-1993

10 Linear Feet 4408 Items
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Duke University Professor of History. Materials and recordings used in preparation for Mauskopf's book, The Elusive Science, and other research on the history of parapsychology and psychical research. Also includes articles by Mauskopf and other historians, scientists, and psychologists.