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C.C. Spaulding papers, 1889-1990

25 Linear Feet (18750 items)
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President of North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, 1923-1952. NC Mutual is the oldest currently active African American-owned insurance company in the United States, founded in 1898 and headquartered in Durham, North Carolina. The collection contains photographs, miscellaneous business papers, programs, speeches, clippings related to C. C. Spaulding, black civil rights, and to African American life more generally, in addition to administrative materials and various publications created by and related to North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. These papers document the growth of North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company in the mid-twentieth century, Spaulding's and the company's connection to the community, and their involvement in African American issues (local and beyond) and livelihood. Acquired as part of the John Hope Franklin Research Center for African and African American History and Culture.
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C.C. Spaulding papers, 1889-1990 25 Linear Feet (18750 items)

William Boone Douglass papers, 1809-1948

8.75 Linear Feet
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William Boone Douglass (1864-1947) was a white lawyer, engineer, and surveyor from Corydon (Harrison Co.), Indiana who was known for his survey work in the southwest United States. Collection includes correspondence, genealogical material, maps, photographs, notebooks on the Pueblo Indians, and other papers of Douglass and of various members of the Boone and Douglass families.
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William Boone Douglass papers, 1809-1948 8.75 Linear Feet

Modern Language Association of America American Literature Section papers, 1922-1999

7 Linear Feet 7,586 items
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The Modern Language Association, American Literature Section (ALS) Papers date from 1921 to 1993(bulk 1928-1993).Most of the Section's records consist of correspondence saved by Secretaries or Chairs and mechanically-reproduced reports, minutes, and ballots. These last materials are contained in folders designated "Reports" and dated by year. Additionally, there are folders of material used to compile reports (such as institutional polls and other "raw" information) generated by committees, concerning the American Literature journal and Section organization, and copies of papers to be delivered at Section meetings. Correspondents include Joseph Blotner, Edward Bradley, Edwin Cady, Paul Carter, Alexander Cowie, Richard Beale Davis, Robert Falk, Benjamin Franklin Fisher, William M. Gibson, Allan Halline, Harrison Hayford, Elaine Hedges, J. Herber, High Holman, Jay B. Hubbell, Alexander Kern, Robert Edson Lee, J.A. Leo Lemay, Michael Millgate, William Mulder, Russel B. Nye, R.H. Pearce, Henry Pochmann, Walter B. Rideout, Louis D. Rubin, Robert Spiller, Willard Thorp, Arlin Turner, and James Woodress. Papers of the following individuals (past officers of the ALS), which pertain to the American Literature Group, are included in this collection: Joseph Blotner, John Gerber, Robert Edson Lee, Ernest Marchand, William Mulder, Charles Nilon, Henry Pochmann, Lewis P. Simpson, Robert Spiller, Willard Thorp, Arlin Turner, and Donald Yannella. Also, there are folders pertaining to these publications: Reinterpretation of American Literature,Eight American Authors, and American Literary Scholarship.

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Modern Language Association of America American Literature Section papers, 1922-1999 7 Linear Feet 7,586 items

Coletta Youngers papers, 1977-2004 and undated

21 Linear Feet
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Human rights researcher and policy advocate at the Washington Office on Latin America. The Coletta Youngers Papers span the dates 1977-2004, and consist of reports and scholarly research, clippings, correspondence, and government documents related to socio-political conditions and human rights issues in Perú, gathered by Youngers while living in Peru during the 1980s and researching her 2003 book on political violence in Perú.
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Coletta Youngers papers, 1977-2004 and undated 21 Linear Feet

John Hope Franklin papers, 1891-2010, bulk 1950-2010

306 Linear Feet (244 boxes and 1 oversize film can) 428 Megabytes (Approximately 318 files and associated disk images.)
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John Hope Franklin was an African American historian specializing in Southern and African American history. The papers document his entire career as well as his personal life and political interests: his prolific writings on African American and Southern history; his role as a mentor and colleague, including his time as professor at Duke University; his role in associations such as Phi Beta Kappa, the American Historical Association, the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, and others; his participation in the civil rights movement, including his work with the NAACP Legal and Educational Defense Fund, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, and Justice Thurgood Marshall; and his engagement with numerous civic, community, and educational organizations such as the Board of Foreign Scholarships and Fisk University's Board of Trustees. There is also a significant amount of material from Franklin's work on President Clinton's Advisory Board for the President's Initiative on Race in 1997 and 1998. Items in the collection include files of correspondence in original order; research sources and notes; writings by and about Franklin; materials relating to family history; papers and diaries of other family members, including his father, and wife, Aurelia; printed material; event folders; many informal and publicity photographs; video and sound recordings; and awards and other memorabilia.
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John Hope Franklin papers, 1891-2010, bulk 1950-2010 306 Linear Feet (244 boxes and 1 oversize film can) 428 Megabytes (Approximately 318 files and associated disk images.)

Leroy T. Walker Africa News Service Archive, 1952-1998 and undated

606.6 Linear Feet 439,500 Items
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The LeRoy T. Walker Africa News Service Archive is an extensive resource file assembled by ANS over the course of two decades in support of its news gathering efforts about Africa-related issues and U. S. foreign policy towards Africa. The collection spans the years from approximately 1960 to 1995, with the bulk of the materials dating from 1978 through 1994. Newspaper clippings, magazine articles, press releases, newsletters, brochures, and reports comprise the collection. Much of the material is gathered from mainstream media sources and government documentation in the United States, Europe, Africa, and other parts of the world. In addition, the collection includes significant resources from alternative, minority, and special interest presses world-wide that may be difficult to locate elsewhere. The archive contains scarce and difficult-to-locate materials such as numerous publications produced by non-governmental organizations and grass-roots/community groups that are/were involved in efforts related to independence movements, economic development, and human rights issues in Africa.

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Leroy T. Walker Africa News Service Archive, 1952-1998 and undated 606.6 Linear Feet 439,500 Items

Abraham Joshua Heschel papers, 1880, 1919-1998 and undated

162 Linear Feet (319 boxes)
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Abraham Joshua Heschel was an internationally known scholar, author, activist, and theologian. He was born in Warsaw, Poland into a distinguished family of Hasidic rebbes, and studied philosophy in Berlin, Germany. In 1938 he was deported from Frankfurt to Warsaw where he escaped to London just before the Nazi invasion. After a brief time in London he immigrated to the United States, first teaching at the Hebrew Union College and then at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America where he taught as Professor of Ethics and Mysticism until his death in 1972. In addition to his active participation in social justice issues and his interfaith work, Heschel was also a scholar and religious thinker who made significant contributions to Jewish studies. As a philosopher of religion, his goal was to make the spiritual insights of Judaism understandable and over the course of his lifetime influenced generations of Jews and non-Jews. The Abraham Joshua Heschel Papers span the years 1880 to 1998 and document Abraham Joshua Heschel's personal, academic, and public life. Items in this collection include correspondence, writings by and about Heschel, typescripts, clippings, printed material, and a small amount of photographs and artifacts. The materials in the collection provide insight to Heschel's identity as a spiritual leader and how this role was inextricably connected to his personal and professional life. The collection is organized into the following series: Audio, Correspondence, Personal and Family Materials, Public Activity, Restricted, and Writings.
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Abraham Joshua Heschel papers, 1880, 1919-1998 and undated 162 Linear Feet (319 boxes)

Bobbye S. Ortiz papers, 1919-1993 and undated, bulk 1950-1990

30.4 Linear Feet 12,430 Items
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Bobbye Ortiz was a social activist and Marxist feminist. The collection consists chiefly of personal correspondence; extensive subject files on international political and cultural movements; photographs and slides; ephemeral publication material such as grassroots newsletters, pamphlets, broadsides, and clippings; cultural artifacts, including buttons and T-shirts; and over 300 sound recordings of spoken voice and music (see separate catalog record for sound recordings). The collection documents the personal life and career of an international feminist, Marxist activist, and mother, who also served as editor of the magazine Monthly Review and was the founder of the organization WIRE (Women's International Resource Exchange). English.
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Bobbye S. Ortiz papers, 1919-1993 and undated, bulk 1950-1990 30.4 Linear Feet 12,430 Items

James T. Sears papers, 1918-2011 and undated, bulk 1950-2004

138 Linear Feet (317 boxes) 86,700 Items
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Educator, gay rights activist, and author of many works on sexuality, identity, and sex education, and the history of homosexuality and the gay rights movement in the United States. The James T. Sears Papers span the dates 1918-2011, with the bulk of the material covering the period between 1950 and 2004. The papers are arranged into the following series: Audiovisual Material; Other Activities; Personal Papers; Photographic Material; Professional Papers; the largest series, Research and Writings; Jack Nichols Papers; and Oversize Material. The Research and Writings series is divided into subseries for major works by Sears, as well as subseries for other writings and editorial work, research files, and a small set of writings by other individuals. Formats include but are not limited to correspondence, research files, writings, interviews, recordings, serials and newspapers, photographs, and diaries. The collection also houses the personal papers of Hal Call (1917-2000) and Jack Nichols (1938-2005), both early activists for gay rights. Taken as a whole, the collection offers a deep and rich source of information on gay, lesbian, and bisexual culture in the United States, especially in the South, and its representation in literature and in the press, both positive and negative; the history of the gay rights movement in the U.S. and abroad, including the evolution of organizations such as the Mattachine Society and related gay movement publications; sexuality studies in the U.S. and teaching sexuality in primary and secondary classrooms; gays in the military; drag queen, lesbian, and bisexual communities; and many other topics relevant to sexual identity in society.
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James T. Sears papers, 1918-2011 and undated, bulk 1950-2004 138 Linear Feet (317 boxes) 86,700 Items