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J. Walter Thompson Company. Diamond Information Center Vertical File, 1930s-1980s

34.5 Linear Feet About 31,050 Items
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The J. Walter Thompson Company (JWT), founded in 1864, is one of the largest and oldest enduring advertising agencies in the United States. The Diamond Information Center (DIC) operates as the public relations division of the diamond marketing group at J. Walter Thompson on behalf of De Beers Consolidated Mines, Ltd. The Diamond Information Center Vertical File spans the years from the 1930s to the 1980s and is chiefly an informational file of printed materials. The file was originally created when the N.W. Ayers advertising agency handled the De Beers account. The vertical file was transferred to JWT along with the account. JWT currently handles the advertising for De Beers diamonds. The file is organized into numbered, topical sections that cover a broad range of subjects relating to diamonds, the diamond industry, and the fashion design industry. Topics include: famous diamonds; the annual Diamonds International Awards; diamonds, diamond mining and trade in Africa (especially Angola and South Africa), Brazil, India, Russia and the United States; the analysis, classification, grading and cutting of gem-quality and industrial diamonds; public and private collectors, collections and exhibitions of diamonds, gems, precious stones and jewelry, including the crown jewels of European (particularly Great Britain), Russian and Indian monarchies; the history, advertising and marketing of diamonds, gems, precious stones and jewelry; the manufacture and mechanical properties of artificial diamonds and other precious stones; and the history, cultural and social aspects of the clothing and fashion design industry, with folders on individual designers, merchandisers, and fashion shows.

Jewish Orthodox Publication collection, 1914-2004

29 Linear Feet 3,000 Items
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Jewish Orthodoxy, the traditional section of Jewry that maintains a religiously observant way of life based on a divinely ordained Torah and its laws, is composed of many groups that differ by certain customs and ideological trends. This collection documents Jewish Orthodoxy in its various manifestations through ephemeral publications created and distributed by Orthodox Jewish groups in Israel, the United States, and around the world. The materials range in date from 1914-2004, with the bulk of the material published between 1950-1995.
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Morris C. McEldowney Military Service in Korea and Japan photograph album, 1954-1955

0.4 Linear Feet
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A hand-made photograph album by US Army Chaplain Morris C. McEldowney, dated 1954-1955. The album contains 190 photographs laid down on 172 stiff cardboard sheets, 7.5 x 4 inches, plus 6 small Japanese color woodblock views laid down on three more pages. The candid snapshots, with handwritten captions, are primarily of Seoul, Korea, the 8th Army military base, and the surrounding area. It also contains photograhs of Pusa, Korea, Tokyo, and Sendai, Japan.
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101: Flight sequence Box 1

102: John Woods Box 1

J. Walter Thompson Company. London Office. Anthony Rau papers, 1946-1986 and undated

8.0 Linear Feet
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Founded in 1864, the J. Walter Thompson Company (JWT) is one of the oldest and largest enduring advertising agencies in the United States. It is headquartered in New York. The JWT London office first opened in 1899. Anthony Rau was an executive with the London office whose career spanned the 1960s-1980s. Collection includes correspondence, research and status reports, brochures and other printed materials, and other materials that document Rau's work at JWT London in new business acquisition and JWT's charitable efforts. Companies represented include British Petroleum (BP), British Rail, Charities Aid Foundation, Singer, RCA, Tesco and United Biscuits. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.

Consumer Reports. Educational Services Division records, 1936-2001

24.0 Linear Feet
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Consumer Reports is a product testing and consumer advocacy nonprofit organization based in Yonkers, N.Y., founded in 1936. The Educational Services Division was primarily responsible for producing consumer education materials especially for children and young adults. The Educational Services Division records include: Board reports; classroom teaching plans; correspondence and memoranda; governmental and non-governmental agency reports and publications; and other printed materials. The collection also includes materials relating to some of the Division directors (Charlotte Braecher, David Schoenfeld, James Mendenhall) as well as Consumer Union's National Educational Advisory Committee which oversaw the Division's activities. Projects involving a variety of media (print, television, internet) include Best Buy Gifts; the Buy Me That! series; Captive Kids; HBO specials; Penny Power; Selling America's Kids; and Zillions/Zillions TV. Organizations represented in the collection include Channel One; Consumer Education Materials Project; Job Corps; Lincoln High School; and the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.

Margaret Fishback papers, 1863-1978 and undated

52 Linear Feet About 35,700 items
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Margaret Fishback was an advertising copywriter for Macy's, Cecil & Presbrey, Warwick & Legler, Young & Rubicam, Doyle Dane Bernbach, and a number of freelance clients. A poet, columnist, and author of prose work, she contributed frequently to national magazines and published several books. The Margaret Fishback Papers span the years 1863 through 1978 and document Fishback's dual careers in advertising and writing as well as her personal life. The collection includes correspondence, layouts, drafts, galley proofs, radio scripts, working copy of advertising text, poetry, prose, published material, appointment books, scrapbooks, photographs, and other materials. Clients represented in the papers include Borden's, Chef Boy-Ar-Dee, Clairol, General Foods, Gourmet Foods, Gimbels, Macy's, Martex, Moore-McCormack Lines, Norcross, Norsk, Pabst, and Simmons Beautyrest.

John Stevenson papers, 1938-2004

19 Linear Feet
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Publisher and early promoter of direct mail marketing; director of Greystone Press which specialized in subscription encyclopedias and continuity series books. The John Stevenson papers span the years 1947-1983 and include correspondence, advertising designs, direct mail/direct marketing mailings, financial records and other materials that document Stevenson's career with Greystone Press selling encyclopedias, book club subscriptions, literary continuity series and home reference manuals. Some of the materials were co-produced by Fred Breismeister, a former New York Post copywriter. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.
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Bingham Center zine collection, 1992-2024

37 Linear Feet
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This collection consists of zines, primarily authored by women, acquired as donations from multiple collectors or purchased from book stores, zine fairs, and zine distributors. Acquired as part of the Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture.
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Kenneth Roman papers, 1906-2011 and undated

16 Linear Feet 11,000 Items
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Kenneth Roman is a former advertising executive and CEO of Ogilvy & Mather agency, and author of several books. The collection spans the years 1906-2011 and primarily contains materials gathered during Roman's research for a biography of David Ogilvy, The King of Madison Avenue. Includes printed materials, articles, photographs, CDs, VHS videocassettes, audiocassettes of interviews with printed transcriptions, and a collection of writings and speeches by Roman and Ogilvy. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.

Graduate School records, 1924-2014

77 Linear Feet
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The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Duke University was formally established in 1926, although some graduate instruction had been offered previously at Trinity College and Duke University. In 1968 the name was shortened to the Graduate School. Collection includes student records, admission applications, correspondence, dissertation abstracts, brochures, memoranda, newsletters, minutes, financial records, grant records, statistics, and other material generated by the Graduate School. Some individuals featured within the collection include William Glasson, Paul Gross, John McKinney, and Richard Predmore.