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Lydia Maria Child letters, 1863-1873

0.1 Linear Feet (2 items)
Abstract Or Scope
Lydia Maria Child was a prominent American abolitionist. The Lydia Maria Child letters consist of two letters written by Child, the first to artist William Tolman Carlton, and the second to a Miss. Howland. The first letter concerns Carlton's well-known painting "Waiting for the Hour," and references the writer and fellow abolitionist John Greenleaf Whittier. The second letter replies to a query about the German writer Bettina Von Arnim.
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Letters Folder 1

Lydia Maria Child letters, 1863-1873 0.1 Linear Feet (2 items)

Susan B. Anthony letters to Minnie C. Rodey, 1905

0.1 Linear Feet (2 items)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection contains two letters Susan B. Anthony wrote on National American Woman Suffrage Association letterhead in February 1905 to Minnie C. Rodey, who was chair of the "Women's Club" in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In the letters, Anthony described informational material she will be sending Rodey, including a history of woman suffrage. In addition, she recommended a process by which the territory would vote on the issue of woman's suffrage before it acquiring statehood, since she considered the legislature and governor more likely to pass it than the general male voters in the state. She added, "... I read yesterday of the number of Indians and Mexicans and negroes that were in the territories. It is amazing that people want to make a state out of a territory composed of a majority of what we should term 'incompetents' Voting should be confined to intelligent beings." She also inquired of mutual friends and recommends her relatives who are visiting Albuquerque.
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Letters Folder 1

Susan B. Anthony letters to Minnie C. Rodey, 1905 0.1 Linear Feet (2 items)

William Henry Burr letters, 1883, 1897

0.1 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Collection comprises two letters by William Henry Burr. Topics in the 1883 letter include a scam involving "that fellow 'Kellogg'" and rumored presidential scandals involving Chester Arthur and James Garfield. The 1897 letter involves Burr's making a copy of a letter by Thomas Paine regarding Paine's service as an editor for the Pennsylvania Magazine.
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Letters Folder 1

William Henry Burr letters, 1883, 1897 0.1 Linear Feet

Lionel Cust letters to Reginald John Smith, 1906

0.1 Linear Feet (2 items)
Abstract Or Scope
Sir Lionel Henry Cust was a British art historian, courtier, and museum director. He was director of the National Portrait Gallery from 1895 to 1909 and co-edited The Burlington Magazine from 1909 to 1919. Collection comprises two autograph letters signed by Cust, dated 1906 November 22 and 1906 November 26, to "Jack," regarding a portrait said to be that of Charlotte Brontë. The November 26 letter also mentions Constantine Gilles Romain Heger. On letterhead of the National Portrait Gallery.
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Letters Folder 1

Lionel Cust letters to Reginald John Smith, 1906 0.1 Linear Feet (2 items)

Sarah Orne Jewett letters, 1877 June 15-circa 1890s

0.1 Linear Feet (2 items)
Abstract Or Scope
The Sarah Orne Jewett letters consist of two pieces of correspondence written by the author to an editor, Mr. Sawyer, and to Lucy Coffin. Sarah Orne Jewett was a well-known 19th century author whose fiction is set in her native rural Maine. In the first letter, Jewett declines to send Mr. Sawyer anything to print in the first issue of his magazine, as she has been ill and busy, and doesn't want to write something in a hurry, although she wishes him well with his new publication. The second is a condolence letter to Lucy Coffin of Newbury, Massachusetts on the loss of her father. The Coffins were a prominent Massachusetts family.
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Letters Folder 1

Sarah Orne Jewett letters, 1877 June 15-circa 1890s 0.1 Linear Feet (2 items)

Vita Sackville-West papers, 1953-1961 and undated

0.1 Linear Feet (7 items)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of five typescript letters, one photocopied Encyclopedia Britannica article regarding Sackville-West's book "Aphara Behn" in the "Representative Women" series, along with a poem. The first letter, one page addressed to Sackville-West, dated 1953 May 22, signed "A. Purvis," discusses the birthplace and date of Aphra Behn. A photocopy of the Encyclopedia Britannica article on Behn is included. A typescript note dated 18 July, 1961, signed V. Sackville-West on Sissinghurst letterhead, was written in response to a letter from Sylvia Haymon about Aphra Behn, and Sackville-West's article on Behn in the Encyclopedia Britannica. Included are copies of three letters, all dated 1961, sent to Sylvia Haymon, two to Sackville-West, and one to Miss J. Parfitt, Acting Editor of the Women's Page of The Times in London. The topics of the undated, one-page "Diary-Poem" have to do with Sackville-West's loss of her given name upon her marriage to Harold Nicolson in 1913, and the loss of Knole, her family's estate in Kent, in 1928 because of patriarchal inheritance laws.
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Letters 0.1 Linear Feet (6 items) Folder 1

Vita Sackville-West papers, 1953-1961 and undated 0.1 Linear Feet (7 items)

William MacGregor letters, 1899-1918

0.1 Linear Feet (8 items)
Abstract Or Scope
Sir William MacGregor (1846-1919) was governor of Lagos Colony, Nigeria, between 1899-1904. Correspondence sent to Sir William MacGregor primarily during his tenure as governor of Lagos Colony, Nigeria. One letter was written from Lagos in 1918. Topics include the new government when Northern Nigeria became a British protectorate, the West African Frontier Force, water sourcing, the rubber trade, and liquor traffic. All letters are signed and the majority are manuscript, except for two that are typed. Includes one black-and-white 6x10 cm photograph of an Nigerian family outside their hut.
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Letters Folder 1

William MacGregor letters, 1899-1918 0.1 Linear Feet (8 items)

Maria Mitchell letters, circa 1846-1868

0.1 Linear Feet (3 items)
Abstract Or Scope
Maria Mitchell was a pioneering United States astronomer. This collection comprises three social correspondence notes written by Mitchell between approximately 1846-1868.
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Letters Folder 1

Maria Mitchell letters, circa 1846-1868 0.1 Linear Feet (3 items)

Scovill-Beecher Letters, 1816-1864 bulk 1817-1820, bulk bulk

0.2 Linear Feet 29 Items
Abstract Or Scope
William H. Scovill (1796-1854) of Waterbury, Connecticut, businessman and founder of the Scovill Manufacturing Company; and Rebecca Beecher (1800-1876), of Kent, Connecticut. The collection includes twenty-nine letters, chiefly the courting letters of William H. Scovill and Rebecca Beecher during a long period of geographic separation and secret engagement from 1817 to 1820. Materials in the collection range in date from 1816 to 1864.
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William Styron letters, 1948-1960 bulk 1948-1953, bulk bulk

0.1 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Dorothy Parker Maloff was an editor at McGraw-Hill, Whittlesey House, and Atheneum, as well as other publishing houses in New York City. Known to Styron as "Didi" Parker. Collection comprises letters William Styron sent to Parker while he was serving in the Marine Corps and stationed at Camp Lejune in North Carolina. Also includes letters he wrote to her in 1952 from London, Paris, and Rome after he won the Prix de Rome. In addition, there are postcards Styron wrote to her under an assumed name. Styron mainly writes about his love for Parker; other topics include his military activities and training, as well as his novels, other writing, and publications.
3 results in this collection

William Styron letters, 1948-1960 bulk 1948-1953, bulk bulk 0.1 Linear Feet

Thomas Campbell papers, 1825-1998, bulk 1825-1838

0.1 Linear Feet (5 items)
Abstract Or Scope
Thomas Campbell (1777-1844) was an Scottish poet. Collection comprises four letters written by Campbell, and a published article on Campbell and Italian General Guglielmo Pepe.
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Thomas Campbell papers, 1825-1998, bulk 1825-1838 0.1 Linear Feet (5 items)

Moncure Daniel Conway letters and clipping, 1856-1907

0.1 Linear Feet (16 items)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection comprises letters, all but one of which was written by Moncure Daniel Conway, and an undated newspaper clipping outlining his work as an abolitionist. Topics of the letters include: conflict within his congregation, genealogy research, his relocation to England in 1893, arrangements for meetings and his lecture schedule and topics, his request for confirmation regarding the provenance for a manuscript, his writing plans and publications, and payment for his work. In one letter he mentions that he will be passing time with Samuel Clemens.
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Moncure Daniel Conway letters and clipping, 1856-1907 0.1 Linear Feet (16 items)

Photius Fisk letters and obituary, 1886-1890

0.1 Linear Feet (6 items)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection comprises 5 letters (three originals and two copies) Photius Fisk wrote to "Friend Hacker," probably Maine reformer, abolitionist, and journalist Jeremy Hacker, between 1886 and 1889. Topics include health matters, money enclosed, and end-of-life planning. Also includes a copy of Fisk's obituary.
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Photius Fisk letters and obituary, 1886-1890 0.1 Linear Feet (6 items)

Mary Peblow letters to Lillian Aubery, 1978-1994

0.5 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Mary Peblow was a white woman who lived in Brooklyn, New York, during the late twentieth century and appears to have spent the majority of her later years in temporary public housing or welfare assistance hotels. This collection consists of Peblow's early 1990s correspondence to her cousin, Lillian Aubery, who also resided in Brooklyn. Peblow's letters document some characteristics of an ongoing mental illness; her distrust and dislike of healthcare systems and nursing homes, different charity organizations, and New York's government assistance programs; and her beliefs that she and her family were victims of Democratic or global conspiracies. Acquired as part of the Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture and the History of Medicine Collection.
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Mary Peblow letters to Lillian Aubery, 1978-1994 0.5 Linear Feet

Turner Family Letters, 1943-1945 and undated

0.2 Linear Feet 40 Items
Abstract Or Scope

Letters from three Turner relatives or friends in the U.S. Army during World War II: Johnnie Rice, Arthur Johnson, and Edward G. Walker ["Garl"?]. The letters were addressed primarily to Mrs. "Mom" Turner, and were sent from Fort Bragg, N.C.; England; and France. There are also a few other letters from relatives and friends, a sympathy card on a family death, and one undated letter from a woman to "Nellie" (probably a letter from Mrs. Turner to her sister). It is not clear if the "sons" are Mrs. Turner's sons-in-law or her close friends. The letter writers request news from home, describe life in camp and on the battlefield, and occasionally refer to conditions in French towns and rural areas.

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Lydia Rabinowitsch-Kempner autograph book and papers, 1879-1885, 1910-1933 and undated

1 Linear Feet 15 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Lydia Rabinowitsch-Kempner (1871-1935) was a German bacteriologist and one of the first women to reach the rank of Professor in Germany. The Lydia Rabinowitsch-Kempner Autograph Book and Papers date from the late nineteenth and early twentieth-century, and contain letters written to Rabinowitsch-Kempner from leading German scientists, as well as a reprint and three photographs. Correspondents include Robert and Hedwig Koch, Paul Ehrlich, Emil Behring, Richard Pfeiffer, and Alexandre Besredka, as well as calling cards with notations from Lord Joseph Lister, Elie (Ilija) Metchnikoff, and Albert Calmette. Many of the letters and calling cards are arranged in a bound scrapbook, and relate to personal as well as professional matters. The collection also contains a series of six letters from Max von Pettenkofer to Paul Lindau, editor of Nord und Süd,. Acquired as part of the History of Medicine Collections at Duke University.
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Lydia Rabinowitsch-Kempner autograph book and papers, 1879-1885, 1910-1933 and undated 1 Linear Feet 15 Items

Michael Faraday letters, 1863 January 30, 1865 April 1

0.1 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists of two letters written by Michael Faraday, English physicist and resident of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, toward the end of his life. One is addressed to the Duchess of Northumberland thanking her for her generosity, and asking if she might send Faraday something in return, apparently a photograph of herself. The other letter is written to F. Gye, also thanking him for a gift, most likely tickets to a Covent Garden show: Frederick Gye was the prominent manager for the Royal Italian Opera productions. Acquired as part of the History of Medicine Collections at Duke University.
3 results in this collection

Michael Faraday letters, 1863 January 30, 1865 April 1 0.1 Linear Feet

Thomas Robert Malthus letter, undated

0.1 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Author of the "Essay on the principle of population" (1798). Collection comprises an undated letter from Malthus to his publisher, William Clowes, regarding a proof correction for an advertisement in one of his publications. In it he also asks if he has misdirected the mailing of his previous corrections, and wonders if they were received in time.
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Thomas Robert Malthus letter, undated 0.1 Linear Feet

Letter, Vienna, anonymous writer to Alexander Marcet, 1804, Jan. 17

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
Holograph, with signature page missing. Writer's references to Waterhouse and Jenner signal his involvement in the promotion of vaccination. Writer also communicates his surprise at Frank's decision to take up a post at the University of Vilna.
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Letter, Vienna, anonymous writer to Alexander Marcet, 1804, Jan. 17 1 items

Levi Bartlett letters, 1786-1802

7 items
Abstract Or Scope
7 letters (ALS). Letter from Bartlett to the engraver Joseph Callender. Letters to Bartlett from his brother, Dr. Josiah Bartlett, and from Drs. Thomas Kittridge and Amos Gale. Letters from J. Bartlett and Gale relate to the cowpox virus and Benjamin Waterhouse's efforts to regulate its use.
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Levi Bartlett letters, 1786-1802 7 items

Levi Wheaton papers, 1819-1851

3 items
Abstract Or Scope
A statement of charges accrued during the last illness of Col. Smith and clippings of obituary notices.
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Levi Wheaton papers, 1819-1851 3 items

Lewis A. Sayre note, undated [between 1850 and 1900].

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ANS. Introduces Dr. Grant, a Canadian surgeon.
1 result in this collection

Lewis Caleb Beck letter, Rensselaer School, Troy, New York, [between 1824 and 1826], Jun. 20

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
Letter (ALS) explaining that he is unable to remain in Troy until July 2nd due to other engagements.
1 result in this collection

Lewis Condict letter, Baltimore, to Tristam Buyes, Washington, 1829, Mar. 6

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. On his way home from the presidential inauguration, Condict remarks critically upon President Andrew Jackson's address and his cabinet.
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Liberia to America poem, 1849

0.1 Linear Feet (1 item)
Abstract Or Scope
Martin Farquhar Tupper was an English writer and poet. Collection comprises Martin Farquhar Tupper's manuscript poem in four verses, "Liberia to America." Signed, with location Albury, England [crossed out], Surrey. Tupper was among the first to support the new country; he exhorts Americans to support their "sable" brothers and to recognize the state officially, "with gracious glance befriend Thine own sons, no longer slaves!" The poem is undated, but probably dates around 1849, with the United States' formal recognition of Liberia.
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Liberia to America poem, 1849 0.1 Linear Feet (1 item)

Poem Folder 1

Library Council records, 1923-1985

1.7 Linear Feet 1,700 Items
Abstract Or Scope
The Library Council is a faculty advisory committee for the Library. Minutes, agendas, membership lists, and related records of the Duke University Library Council with a card index for records from 1940-1979.
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Lillian and Carl Forsgren contest scrapbooks, 1936-1969

1.0 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Lillian and Carl Forsgren were a couple who lived in the Spokane and Seattle, Washington areas during the 20th century. The Lillian and Carl Forsgren contest scrapbooks include letters, contest announcements, entries, award notifications and other printed materials that document the couple's hobby of participating in marketing promotions and contests during the mid-twentieth century. The types of contests range from passive (enter to win) to participatory (requiring submissions of content including slogans, jingles, testimonials and recipes). Contest sponsors include the American Plywood Association, Coca-Cola, Coty, Dr. Pepper, the Ed Sullivan Show, Folger's, Frito-Lay, General Electric, General Mills, Helene Curtis, Kellogg, Kraft, Lever Brothers, Mennen, Pepsi, Purina, Stouffer's, and Westinghouse. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.
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Lillian and Carl Forsgren contest scrapbooks, 1936-1969 1.0 Linear Feet

Lillian Dimmick Scrapbook, 1942-1947

0.2 Linear Feet 1 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Dimmick was a homemaker in Jefferson, Massachusetts. Scrapbook featuring clippings, recipes, check stubs, letters, telegrams, and other material documenting Dimmick's winnings in recipe and music trivia contests.
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Lillian Dimmick Scrapbook, 1942-1947 0.2 Linear Feet 1 Items

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Major General Lloyd Brinkley Ramsey photograph albums of service in South Korea, 1959 July-1960 May

1.5 Linear Feet (3 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
Lloyd Brinkley Ramsey was a U.S. Army three-star general who served in South Korea from 1959-1960 as Senior Military Advisor to the Korean National War College in Seoul, South Korea. The three spiral-bound albums house over 300 black-and-white mounted photographs, chiefly in 4x5 and 8x10 sizes, all with typed captions and commentary. The images document the War College campus, Ramsey's quarters, South Korean and American officers in group portraits and in military meetings, dinners, and parties, as well as official tours and visits, including to the DMZ and a U.S. guided missile base; and visits to Seoul streets and tourist sites, rice fields and markets, and to Tokyo, Japan. Ramsey often appears in event photographs. There are a few snapshots of Ramsey's family. Also includes about 20 close-range photographs documenting the violence and bloodshed at student and civilian street protests in Seoul against President Syngman Rhee, known as the April Revolution of 1960.
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Lloyd Brinkley Ramsey photograph album #1, 1959 July-October Box 1

Lloyd Brinkley Ramsey photograph album #2, 1959 October-1960 February Box 2

Lloyd Brinkley Ramsey photograph album #3, March-May 1960 Box 3

Virginia Passmore Beaujean Scrapbook, 1938-1942

1.24 Linear Feet 1 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Virginia Passmore Beaujean, a native of Nottingham, Pennsylvania, was a 1942 graduate of the Woman's College at Duke University. She was a member of the Kappa Sigma sorority, the Freshman "Y" Council, the Sophomore "Y" Council, the Woman's Glee Club, and was named to the Dean's List her Freshman and Sophomore years. The scrapbook contains clippings, programs, catalogs, and other ephemera. Also present are artifacts and other assorted memorabilia. Due to its brittle condition the scrapbook has been disassembled with each page housed in a separate folder.
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Virginia Parrott collection, 1958-1962

0.5 Linear Feet about 400 Items
Abstract Or Scope
Virginia Parrot was a 1962 graduate of the Woman's College and a member of Debate Council and the PreMed Society. Collection contains a disassembled scrapbook and assorted loose memorabilia reflecting student life at the Woman's College in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
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Margaret Bennett Photograph Album, circa 1926-1930

0.2 Linear Feet 1 box (containing 1 album and 1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope
Margaret Bennett was a 1930 graduate of the Woman's College of Duke University and involved with numerous student groups and organizations including the Student Government Council. Album contains photographic prints of portraits and campus scenes of student life in the late 1920s.
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Margaret Bennett Photograph Album, circa 1926-1930 0.2 Linear Feet 1 box (containing 1 album and 1 folder)

Louis Agassiz letters, 1836-1861

2 items
Abstract Or Scope
2 letters (ALS). The first, in German, to fellow zoologist Dr. Kaup of Darmstadt. The second, in French, to W. G. Abel, a musician who applied for a position at Agassiz's school for girls.
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Louis Agassiz letters, 1836-1861 2 items

Louisa Wright needlework sample book, 1888

0.8 Linear Feet (1 item)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection comprises a volume entitled "Needlework," containing 16 pages of illustrations for sewing and darning patterns and techniques, accompanied by 22 finished samples. The title page indicates the work was done by Louisa Wright during a "Second Year" at an unnamed institute or training facility. There are illustrations for hemming and seaming, stitching, sewing on a tape, gathering, setting-in, making a buttonhole, herring-boning, darning a thin place, tacking, making a gusset, making a calico patch, darning a hole, whipping, using a print patch, crosscut darning, Swiss darning and grafting, and stocking-web darning. The volume has a sewn cover in khaki cloth featuring two pink ribbon closures with bows, buttons, and thread button-loops. The title "Needlework" is emboidered in pink thread.
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Louisa Wright needlework sample book, 1888 0.8 Linear Feet (1 item)

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Louis Ginsberg papers, 1958-1968

15 items
Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence concerning Louis Ginsberg's bookplate collection, 1958-1968.
1 result in this collection

Louis Ginsberg papers, 1958-1968 15 items

Louis Nicolas Vauquelin letter, Paris, to M. Frochot, 1805, Sept. 25 or 26

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Recommends a M. Gallet for a position of copy clerk.
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Louis Pasteur papers, 1877-1889 and undated.

5 items
Abstract Or Scope
Papers include a letter requesting the transfer of a relative; a note on his work on rabies; autograph manuscript notes on a text by Edou. Dumas, which refer to incorrect calculations in Lavoisier's work; and six pages of holograph manuscript notes, corrected by Pasteur, on the proceedings of the Academy of Medicine, Paris, March 19, 1878, which relate to his work on anthrax.
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Louis Pasteur papers, 1877-1889 and undated. 5 items

L. Ranvier letter, Paris, to the President of the British Medical Association, 1873, July 11

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Informs the President that he must decline the invitation of the British Medical Association because of other engagements.
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Lucretia Mott papers, 1848-1887 and undated

0.1 Linear Feet (12 items)
Abstract Or Scope
Lucretia Mott was a Quaker teacher of Philadelphia, Pa.; a Hicksite; an abolitionist; and a promoter of women's rights, temperance, and peace. Collection includes a quote accompanied by Mott's autograph, along with three letters, including one regarding arranging a meeting, one regarding the death of Margaret Pryor, and one written by Mott to Thomas M'Clintock regarding the death of her brother and with news of other mutual acquaintances. There are also five items from an 1879 autograph book, including albumen photographs of Mott and an unidentified man, a copy of the same quote and signature of Mott, an address for a letter, and a newspaper obituary for John G. Saxe. Includes a 5.5"x7.75" albumen studio portrait of Mott that has some hand-tinting, taken by F. Gutekunst in Philadelphia in 1861, along with an undated carte de visite of Mott, also taken by Gutekunst. There is an additional undated carte de visite of Mott, by Broadbent and Phillips of Philadelphia.
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Lucretia Mott papers, 1848-1887 and undated 0.1 Linear Feet (12 items)

Ludwig Choulant note, 1832, Jan. 29

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
Note (ANS). Bears an order for a book. Reverse bears an ink drawing.
1 result in this collection

Ludwig Choulant note, 1832, Jan. 29 1 items

Ludwig Fraenkel letter, Breslau, 1924, Jan. 26

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
TLS. Informs addressee of the program for an upcoming meeting.
1 result in this collection

Ludwig Wilhelm Gilbert letter, Halle, 1809, Feb. 22

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. A plea, on behalf of his mother and other pensioners, for the back payment of their pensions.
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Luther Ticknor papers, Salisbury, Conn., 1821-1847

13 items
Abstract Or Scope
Holograph documents, signed. Accounts of expenses incurred by the town of Salisbury and by various inhabitants against Dr. Luther Ticknor. Papers also include Adam Reid's Discourse delivered at the funeral of Luther Ticknor.
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Luther Ticknor papers, Salisbury, Conn., 1821-1847 13 items

Lyman Family Memoir, [circa 1901]-

0.5 Linear Feet 1 Items
Abstract Or Scope

Seven-page handwritten memoir of family events and personalities, especially David Newton Lyman, including a discussion of the organization of the Litchfield County Antislavery Society in 1837.

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Lyman Family Memoir, [circa 1901]- 0.5 Linear Feet 1 Items

Lyman Spalding papers, 1799-1820

34 items
Abstract Or Scope
34 ALS, including 2 photostats. Most are addressed to Spalding. Correspondents include: Ezekiel Porter, Arthur Livermore, S.L. Mitchill, Nicholas Rousselet, B. Waterhouse, S. Ricketson, W.H. Woodward, Clement Storer, G. Richards, W.D. Peck, N. Potter, Ebenezer Lerned, J.C. Warren, C. Wistar, J. Langdon, J.A. Smith, G.C. Shattuck, H.U. Onderdonk, J.L.E.W. Shecut, J. De La Motta, William Eustis Langdon, and S.N. Trevett. Matters discussed include: the cause and prevention of yellow fever and the promotion of the Pharmacopoeia. Reference is also made to medical periodicals, e. g. The New England journal of medicine, The medical repository, and the Medical and philosophical journal and review. Letters from U. Parsons, Sir Robert Perceval and M. Rouviere offer a view of European medicine, referring to J. Abernethy, Sir E. Home, Sir C. Bell, Sir W. Lawrence, W.T. Brande and J.P. Frank, and of the influence of books by Americans such as J. Gorham, P. Cleaveland and B. Rush.
1 result in this collection

Lyman Spalding papers, 1799-1820 34 items

Macedonia Cooperative Community flyers for toy wooden blocks, 1950 and undated

0.6 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Founded in 1937 in Clarkesville (Habersham Co.), Ga. by Morris Randolph Mitchell; took name from nearby Baptist Church; comprised of families and individuals who worked collectively on the dairy, agricultural, forestry, and woodworking projects which provided the economic underpinnings of the community; originally an economic cooperative, Macedonia later passed through two distinct phases before its demise in 1958; at end of WWII an infusion of former civilian public service men, including conscientious objectors who had served prison sentences, joined the cooperative bringing an emphasis on pacifism; last stages of cooperative lasted from 1953-1957 when members of group explored the possibility of merging with the religious community known as the Society of Brothers (Bruderhof); in 1958 Macedonia ceased to be a separate community and property was sold at public auction on June 27, 1958. Collection comprises 4 flyers regarding the various wooden block sets made by the community for children.
1 result in this collection

Macedonia Cooperative Community flyers for toy wooden blocks, 1950 and undated 0.6 Linear Feet

Malachi Treat letter, Albany, to Andrew Craigie, Philadelphia, 1780, Aug. 22

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Treat requests medical supplies and reports of Indian atrocities on the frontier.
1 result in this collection

Malcolm Storer note, Boston, to Dr. Norton, 1909, June 17

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ANS. Thanks Norton for his gift of the medal of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland.
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