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Rudolph Bergh papers, 1853-1907

110 items
Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, certificates and manuscript notes, in Danish, French and German. Correspondents include Herman Lynge, F. Didrichsen, and Franz Leydig. Bergh received an appointment as correspondent member to the French Academy of Sciences in 1895 from M.P.E. Berthelot. Most of the material relates to his study of Nudibranchiata, a sub-order of marine gastropod mollusks.
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Rudolph Bergh papers, 1853-1907 110 items

Rupert Lee Blue letter, Washington, D.C., to Dr. J.G.B. Bulloch, Washington, D.C, 1919, Jan. 10

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
Letter (TLS), with regrets that he will be unable to attend the annual banquet of the Order of Washington.
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Rupert Norton papers, 1909-1912

2 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS to Norton, from Canadian physician Sir James Alexander Grant (1831-1920), thanking him for the kindness shown during a visit to Baltimore, and from Canadian gynecologist John Clarence Webster, agreeing to write a review.
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Rupert Norton papers, 1909-1912 2 items

R. V. Prince letter, New York City, to James Wadsworth, 1882, Jan. 30

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Regarding charges made by Wadsworth against Le Baron Bradford Prince of New Mexico.
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Samuel A. Christie Papers, 1882-1883 and undated.

8 items
Abstract Or Scope
2 letters (ALS) and 5 calling cards, signed. Samuel A. Christie's collection of the autographs of the physicians who attended President James A. Garfield after he was shot, between July 2 and Sept. 2, 1881. These included David H. Agnew, Frank Hastings Hamilton, Joseph K. Barnes, D.W. Bliss and Robert Reyburn. Correspondence from Hamilton and from a S.A. Boynton relate to this collection.
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Samuel A. Christie Papers, 1882-1883 and undated. 8 items

Samuel A. Green letter, Boston, to Henry B. Dawson, 1868, Feb. 18

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Requests information regarding places mentioned in a French diary, My campaigns in America: a journal kept by Count William de Deux-Ponts, 1780-1781, published by Green in 1868.
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Samuel Bard papers, 1789-1811

4 items
Abstract Or Scope
Four documents. Receipt of payment by the estate of Robert C. Livingston to Samuel Bard; license to practice medicine, issued to Dr. Larry G. Hall, November 1811, by the Medical Society of Dutchess County, New York, and signed by Samuel Bard, President; two blank certificates (in Latin) of membership in the New York Medical Society, dated (stamped) 1789, and signed by John Bard (1716-1799), Samuel Bard's father.
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Samuel Bard papers, 1789-1811 4 items

Samuel George Morton letter, Philadelphia, to Prof. Bailey, West Point, 1845, Aug. 26

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Writes on his Synopsis of the organic remains and his Crania Americana.
1 result in this collection

Samuel Good certificate, 1844, Aug. 26

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
Certificate of admittance as Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
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Samuel Good certificate, 1844, Aug. 26 1 items

Samuel Hahnemann letter, Kothen, to Dr. Albert Troppaneger, London, 1828, Aug. 25

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Writes of the fourth edition of his work, Organon der rationellen Heilkunde, and of its eventual translation into English.
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Samuel Hibbert letter, York, to Miss Knight, 1842, Sept. 2

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. A personal letter relating the reasons for his third marriage. Hibbert also mentions mutual acquaintances, his travel plans, and a change of residence.
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Samuel Hibbert letter, York, to Miss Knight, 1842, Sept. 2 1 items

Samuel Jean Pozzi papers, undated [between 1866 and 1918?].

2 items
Abstract Or Scope
ANS and a calling card, with mss, unsigned. Regarding social engagements.
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Samuel Kneeland letter, Boston, to Prof. Le Metayer de Guichainville, New York, 1887, Mar. 9

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Thanks Metayer de Guichainville for Persian stamps received, proposes several subjects for articles, and mentions the manuscript of his work of volcanoes and earthquakes. A clipping on Parisian reaction to the Eiffel Tower is attached to the letter.
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Samuel L. Mitchell papers, 1792-1928

15 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Letters to surgeon Valentine Mott, horticulturalist William Robert Prince, to auditor and naturalist William Lee relate to natural history. Papers also include verses from Le Brun dedicated to Mitchill by Francesca Pascalis and a letter to her from her father Felix Pascalis Ouviere. Mitchill also receives a letter of introduction from Roberts Vaux. In 1928 Mary Mayes writes Dr. Braislin regarding the sale of Mitchill papers in her possession.
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Samuel L. Mitchell papers, 1792-1928 15 items

Samuel Meredith papers, 1775-1808

22 items
Abstract Or Scope
Papers include correspondence from John Jones, David Jackson and William Duncan, and statements of account with a dentist, physicians and pharmacists, including Andrew Spence, Philip S. Physick, Benjamin Rush, Nicholas Belleville, John Hart, John Ott and William Evans.
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Samuel Meredith papers, 1775-1808 22 items

Samuel Miller letter, Bridgetown, Barbados, to Dr. Walker, London, 1809, June 10

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Asks to be appointed one of the Inoculators of the London Vaccine Institution and that an occasional supply of vaccine virus be delivered by packet boat to the island.
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Samuel Stringer note, undated.

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ANS. Autograph signature sample.
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Samuel Swift papers, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, 1776-1782

2 items
Abstract Or Scope
Holograph documents, signed. Swift's accounts against Jonathan Hufty (1778) and against Jacob Laughlin (1776-1779). On the reverse of each account, Justice of the Peace William Rush notes Swift's sworn testimony that accounts have not been paid (1782).
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Samuel Swift papers, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, 1776-1782 2 items

Samuel Warren letter, Durham, England, to J.D. Brown, Esq., 1840, July 27

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Declines an invitation and relates personal news.
1 result in this collection

San Jose retail store and window display photographs, 1918-1940s and undated

0.4 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Collection includes black and white photographs of clothing, department, furniture, grocery, hardware, household appliance, music and musical instrument, shoe and other retail store window displays, signs and interior merchandise displays of businesses in the San Jose, California area. Photographs also depict clerks and store employees at work as well as storefront street scenes. Companies represented include Albers, Armour Star, Bauer & Black, Best Foods, Hart Schaffner & Marx, Montgomery Ward, Pacific Gas, Standard Oil (Calol, Pearl Oil, Red Cross gasoline, Zerolene Oil), Sunkist, Vellumoid and Victor records. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.
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San Jose retail store and window display photographs, 1918-1940s and undated 0.4 Linear Feet

S. G. Howe papers, 1851-1872 and undated.

4 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS from Howe and a document, signed, in French from P. Flourens, acknowledging receipt of material sent to the Academie des Sciences.
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S. G. Howe papers, 1851-1872 and undated. 4 items

Silvester Gardiner papers, 1767-1785

3 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS relating to financial matters.
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Sir Andrew Halliday letter, [London], 1827, Aug. 7

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Regarding postage.
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Sir Arthur May photo, [after 1914].

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
Facsimile of a photo of Sir Arthur May in naval uniform.
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Sir Astley Cooper correspondence, 1813-1853 and undated.

38 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS to and from Cooper. Includes two notes from Catherine Cooper, Cooper's daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Balderson and an anonymous recipient, and a note from W. Smith to Ann Cooper, Cooper's wife. Among Cooper's correspondents are well-known English physicians, scientists, and his patients. They include: A. Marcet, H. Halford, C.M. Clarke, J. Ingles, R. Leston, Sir C. Locock, Sir J. McGregor, A. Monro, Dr. Browne of Glasgow, Sir W. Lawrence, Sir C. Aldis, B. Travers, Dr. J.C.W. Lever, W.F. Montgomery, Dr. J. Kidd, Dr. Balderson, Dr. W. Prowl, H.S. Seton, J. Soogood, and B. Whittaker. Letters relate to personal and professional matters. The letters are in English. However, an ALS from Charles de Greti and an ANS from Pierre Moquet are in French. In his letters to Marcet, Cooper expresses strong opinions regarding the political situation in England and on the Continent during the Napoleonic wars. In his letters to Cooper, Kidd discusses the subject of medical reform. Seton's gossipy, personal letters relate to the royal family.
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Sir Astley Cooper correspondence, 1813-1853 and undated. 38 items

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Sir Charles Lock Eastlake letter, London, to James Carrick Moore, 1859, Feb. 7

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Eastlake thanks Moore for his gift to the National Gallery of a portrait of Edward Jenner.
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Sir Charles Lyell papers, 1841-1859

3 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS includes a letter from Hugh Swinton Legare to Samuel Henry Dickson, introducing Lyell, and a letter relating to paleoanthropology, in which Darwin's work is briefly mentioned.
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Sir Charles Lyell papers, 1841-1859 3 items

Sir Clifton Wintringham letter, [York], 1793, Jan. 23

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Writes regarding the publication of the second volume of his work, Commentaries, with the firm of Cadell and Davies of London.
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Sir D'Arcy Power papers, 1900-1939 and undated.

14 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Power received letters from F.T. Bennett, on the relics of Everard Home; from Harvey Cushing, on the reception of Cushing's biography of William Osler; from George Mckay, inquiring about the Regimen sanitatis salerni; from Humphry Davy Rolleston, on Cushing's last days, as related to Rolleston by F.L. Pleadwell; and from Osler, regarding lectures by Morris Jastrow.
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Sir D'Arcy Power papers, 1900-1939 and undated. 14 items

Sir Erasmus Wilson letters, to Leigh Hunt, 1847

2 items
Abstract Or Scope
2 ALS. Pertains to the exchange of copies of a book by Wilson. Wilson asks for Hunt's marked copy and offers a fresh copy.
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Sir Erasmus Wilson letters, to Leigh Hunt, 1847 2 items

Sir Everard Home document, 1803, June 1.

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
Autograph document, signed. Certifies that Lieutenant Colonel Grace returned from Minorca in ill health and thus incapable of military service.
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Sir Everard Home document, 1803, June 1. 1 items

Sir Francis Milman letter, to Dr. Odier, Geneva, 1777, June 28

1 items
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ALS. Introduces the grandson of Richard Mead and son of Frank Nicholls. Briefly refers to Charles Blagden.
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Sir Geoffrey Jefferson letter, Manchester, 1941, Nov. 19

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Expresses his desire to obtain a copy of a catalogue for his "Cushingiana". Muses upon the fact that people can think of books in the midst of war.
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Sir Geoffrey Jefferson letter, Manchester, 1941, Nov. 19 1 items

Sir Henry Halford papers, 1819-1842 and undated.

8 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Halford gives medical advice, writes a letter of recommendation, issues a bulletin on the condition of King George IV, discusses vaccination of the poor, and agrees to subscribe to some books. Holograph manuscript, in an unknown hand, provides biography.
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Sir Henry Halford papers, 1819-1842 and undated. 8 items

Sir Henry Holland letter, London, to Mr. Lee, 1826, June 27

1 items
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Holograph letter, unsigned. Holland explains the circumstances which lead him to believe that his servant was mistakenly presented with a summons to service in the militia.
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Sir Henry Holland letter, London, to Mr. Lee, 1826, June 27 1 items

Sir Humphry Davy papers, 1817-1829

2 items
Abstract Or Scope
In an ALS to Thomas Poole, Davy inquires after an estate in Nether Stowey he would like to purchase and remarks sadly upon the death of Princess Charlotte. In a holograph note, signed, in French, to the Monsignor de Medici Spada, Davy remarks upon his poor health.
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Sir Humphry Davy papers, 1817-1829 2 items

Sir Humphry Davy Rolleston papers, 1882-1943

104 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS from many notable members of the British medical establishment, including William Bateson, John Bland-Sutton, Byrom Bramwell, Yandell Henderson, Thomas Jeeves Horder, Arthur F. Hurst, Robert Hutchison, James Mackenzie, Arthur Salusbury Macnalty, Norman Moore, Berkeley Moynihan, Charles Samuel Myers, George Newman, D'Arcy Power, Charles Scott Sherrington, and Grafton Elliott Smith. Foreign correspondents include Pierre Marie and Karl Sudhoff. Most letters are of a casual social nature, though reference is often made to Rolleston's lectures and publications. A complete list of correspondents is available.
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Sir Humphry Davy Rolleston papers, 1882-1943 104 items

Sir James Jay note, Closter, New Jersey, to Stewart and Jones, New York, 1789, July 29

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ANS. Order for half a hundred of whiting and a quarter of a hundred of yellow oker.
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Sir James Paget papers, 1880-1898

6 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS relating to social engagements and to the anti-vivisection movement. A letter from Victor Horsley refers to Paget's lectures On the cause of the rhythmic motion of the heart.
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Sir James Paget papers, 1880-1898 6 items

Sir John Bland-Sutton papers, [London], 1889-1899

46 items
Abstract Or Scope
Most of the material relates to the leasing of property by Bland-Sutton, in particular correspondence with his solicitor, Edward John Quintas Maggs, regarding a case against Bland-Sutton, brought by a Mrs. Heath, regarding a sublet property. Other material relates to the alteration of his surname from Sutton to Bland-Sutton.
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Sir John Bland-Sutton papers, [London], 1889-1899 46 items

Sir John Lubbock letter, High Elms, Kent, to Sir John Evans, 1871, Apr. 13

1 items
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ALS. Asks for Evans' opinion in an unspecified matter and suggests that he come to the meetings of the Anthropological Institute.
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Sir John Pringle papers, 1768-1777

3 items
Abstract Or Scope
Autograph letter and prescriptions, signed. Pringle writes to the Earl of Buchan regarding Buchan's work on right-handedness.
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Sir John Pringle papers, 1768-1777 3 items

Sir John William Dawson letter, Pictou, Nova Scotia, to W.J. Anderson, 1853, July 24

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Agrees to provide Dr. Torrey with data regarding a collection of plants as well as any sample specimens on condition that he receive due acknowledgement and copies of any work published on the basis of the information provided.
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Sir Joseph Fayrer papers, 1882-1900

5 items
Abstract Or Scope
Includes a letter to Edward John Waring; Morell Mackenzie's letter to Fayrer; and a newspaper clipping of a review of Fayrer's book "Recollections of my life."
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Sir Joseph Fayrer papers, 1882-1900 5 items

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Sir Oliver Lodge letter, Edgbaston, to Lady Mary Murray, 1918, Mar. 6

1 items
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ALS. Informs Lady Murray that at her request he is sending a book to the Hospital at Glasgow.
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Sir Roderick Impey Murchison papers, 1857 and undated.

3 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS dated 1857 on his publishers and his works and two samples of his signature.
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Sir Ronald Ross papers, 1923-1957, [bulk 1930-1932].

49 items
Abstract Or Scope
Papers include letters from Ross and from Maude Alice Henry Lafford, possibly Ross's personal secretary, to R.L. Megroz. These letters relate to Ross's literary work. Papers include the typescript of Ross's "Ring of fire" and "Midsummer madness". There are also letters to Megroz from publishers and from the British Broadcasting Company regarding articles and programs on Ross and his work on malaria. Papers include reprints, photos, a copy of Ordinance no. 22 of 1910 and an obituary of Ross from the British Medical Journal.
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Sir Ronald Ross papers, 1923-1957, [bulk 1930-1932]. 49 items

Sir Victor Horsley letter, [London], 1886, Mar. 16

1 items
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ALS. Informs addressee that lectures he delivered in December will be published in the March or April issue of the British Medical Journal. Apparently, the lectures related to "the pathology of the spinal centres."
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Sir Victor Horsley letter, [London], 1886, Mar. 16 1 items